Growth Mindset

Penis Growth Story:
My wife and I have been ordering condoms on amazon for several years now and for a while we used these ones called Lelo Hex. Back then, they fit me decently; they definitely weren't snug and I wasn't unrolling the whole thing on my shaft. Since I started the PE thing we had been using a different condom but then recently we ran out of those and I found an old box of the Lelo Hex. We used one last night and the thing was way tighter and I am now unrolling the whole thing onto the shaft. Moreover, with this condom in the past, after we had both finished it would also come off me and stay in her. Not so this time. This time it was stuck on me and i had to work to peel it off.

I had recently been having some doubts about whether or not I had really grown. I thought Maybe I was measuring poorly when I first started and really nothing had changed. But this experience last night was a great empirical proof of these methods. My dick is bigger.

New Training Block:
I drove back home over the weekend and yesterday had my first day back at work since this whole coronavirus thing started. My wife is also working from home until she gets the results of her covid test back(she had to take a test after our trip before returning to work). Due to the lack of privacy I've just been sneaking in little mini routines when I can.

Yesterday (6/1) I measured myself after the 2 week break to see where I was at and what I had lost over the break.

EL: 6-7/8"
MSEG: >4-5/8"

So my BPFSL remained unchanged (probably because of the Testicle Stretch I did during the break). EL dropped a quarter of an inch but also my EQ wasn't very high so maybe it only dropped 1/8" or not at all. Girth was the same.

6/1/20 Morning Quick Hitter:
-Bundled BTC stretch
4x2min (2xR, 2xL)
-Erect Stretch 1x1min

Evening Lazy Session:
~30min of Supine Bed BTC stretches

6/2/20 Morning Expressive Session:
-Bundled Stretch
2x2min straight up
-Total Package Stretch 1x3min
-Low Shaft Expressive Stretch 2x2min
-BTC Stretches 2x1min in each direction
-Wrap Up for SRT healing

Notes: My BPFSL jumped to 8-1/8" after this quick session. I'm considering this the start of a new 3 month block of training and the goal is to get the BPFSL to >8-1/2" and EL of 7-1/2". My plan is to start out at low intensity with the newbie routine and erect stretches as the main portion of the length routine and really track BPFSL to see if this intensity will continue to give me gains.

I’m sure the enforced decon break will allow you to realise some solid gains when you’re back into the swing of things! It’s great that you’re BPFSL was maintained. It’s surely a sign of good things to come in terms of bpel gains!
It is a very intense stretch. Do you think that routine alone would give erect length gains?

That’s what I’m thinking. I’m gonna write a routine that is based on this theory. I think I will do the testing myself so I can get a good idea of how intense this may be. If anyone wants to join me, please do as I believe that this will be a very good all around exercise for a very simple routine.
That’s what I’m thinking. I’m gonna write a routine that is based on this theory. I think I will do the testing myself so I can get a good idea of how intense this may be. If anyone wants to join me, please do as I believe that this will be a very good all around exercise for a very simple routine.
I'd love to see the routine when you get it written. You think it's going to be a bit different than the way it's described in the video tutorial on this site? A good minimalist routine would be amazing.
I'd love to see the routine when you get it written. You think it's going to be a bit different than the way it's described in the video tutorial on this site? A good minimalist routine would be amazing.

I’ll have to really think about it I may modify the actual exercise a bit to be more conducive to what I want to accomplish which is a single routine for both length and girth.
Yesterday afternoon I was able to get in a couple quick sessions and finish out the rest of the newbie routine. In the evening, after the wife fell asleep I got a 30 minute or so long erect stretch oriented freestyle session in bed. Finished with the testicle massage and stretch. Just getting in what I can, when I can.

6/3/20 Morning Erect Session:
I woke up early this morning with a strong erection. The wife was sleeping in so I just laid in bed and did a bunch of:
-erect stretches

-size blasters

-newbie stretches

Note: No timers or nothing. Just stretched and focused on quality stretches. With the wife laying there it was great motivation for good training and helped me stay more erect without adult entertainment.

Noon Session:
-Bundled Stretch
4x1min upward angles
-Total Package Stretch 3x1min
-Total Package Rotary Stretch 50 cranks
-BTC Stretch 6x1min all 3 positions
-Wrap Up

Notes: Pre-BPFSL 8-1/8" Post BPFSL 8-3/8". I hadn't seen anyone mention total package rotary cranks on here and I'm sure I'm not the first to do them but the total package rotary cranks were very intense. I thought of them in the moment and they were an effective expressive stretch.
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Yesterday afternoon I was able to get in a couple quick sessions and finish out the rest of the newbie routine. In the evening, after the wife fell asleep I got a 30 minute or so long erect stretch oriented freestyle session in bed. Finished with the testicle massage and stretch. Just getting in what I can, when I can.

6/3/20 Morning Erect Session:
I woke up early this morning with a strong erection. The wife was sleeping in so I just laid in bed and did a bunch of:
-erect stretches

-size blasters

-newbie stretches

Note: No timers or nothing. Just stretched and focused on quality stretches. With the wife laying there it was great motivation for good training and helped me stay more erect without adult entertainment.

Noon Session:
-Bundled Stretch
4x1min upward angles
-Total Package Stretch 3x1min
-Total Package Rotary Stretch 50 cranks
-BTC Stretch 6x1min all 3 positions
-Wrap Up

Notes: Pre-BPFSL 8-1/8" Post BPFSL 8-3/8". I hadn't seen anyone mention total package rotary cranks on here and I'm sure I'm not the first to do them but the total package rotary cranks were very intense. I thought of them in the moment and they were an effective expressive stretch.

I like that you’re not timing things, I got in the habit of not timing sessions and my routines went so much better when I wasn’t so obsessed with the time. I was able to focus on the actual technique instead of looking at the clock.

I’m a big fan of full package stretching and pumping so I think rotary stretches of the whole package will be very effective in an expressive way and in a normalgaining way.
I have a really difficult time with full package stretching. I cannot grip my whole package around and when I squeeze too hard it hurts my balls.
It takes some practice. But what I do is get one good grip and pull gently to get everything extended then with the other hand I grab further in toward the base(further from the balls) and stretch from here. It's less pressure on the balls this way. Low Shaft grip expressive stretch works great as well.
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6/3/20 Afternoon Quick Hitter:
-Bundled Stretch 3x90sec upward angles
-Total Package Stretch 1x3min, 1x90sec
-Total Package Cranks 50 reps
-BTC 3x2min all angles

Notes: Got 8-3/8" (+1/4") BPFSL from this quick routine. I'm really getting the feel for the expressive stretches and I think I'm going to be grabbing some gains from them in the near future.
The wife had to stay home from work again so today I've just been sneaking stuff in here and there during bathroom breaks. My suspensory ligs are sore from all the BTC stretching I've been doing. I'll try to get testicle health massage and stretch and some other stuff after bedtime.

-Bundled Stretch ~6sets total
-Total Package Stretch and Crank 5min 50 cranks
-Low Shaft Grip Expressive Stretches 6min total
-BTC Stretches 3x1min

-Side Stretches 4sets

Notes: I've been really enjoying the expressive stretches. It feels good to do them and it's exciting to see how much extra length there is to be had. I've been experimenting with pulling in different angles and planes with them and noting the sensations you get with different angles. Today I started using a sort of Mandingo style grip with the low shaft stretch and was getting very good stretches; Including what seemed like a direct stretch of the suspensatory ligs in one straight out angle

@DLD how much expressive stretching is too much? I like the idea of focusing some days(weeks?) heavily on expressive stretching And occasionally making it the main emphasis of the program. It seems like a way you can keep training while letting the tunica or ligs decondition/recover. It also seems like a good spot to grab quick gains. What are your thoughts on higher volume expressive stretching?
The wife had to stay home from work again so today I've just been sneaking stuff in here and there during bathroom breaks. My suspensory ligs are sore from all the BTC stretching I've been doing. I'll try to get testicle health massage and stretch and some other stuff after bedtime.

-Bundled Stretch ~6sets total
-Total Package Stretch and Crank 5min 50 cranks
-Low Shaft Grip Expressive Stretches 6min total
-BTC Stretches 3x1min

-Side Stretches 4sets

Notes: I've been really enjoying the expressive stretches. It feels good to do them and it's exciting to see how much extra length there is to be had. I've been experimenting with pulling in different angles and planes with them and noting the sensations you get with different angles. Today I started using a sort of Mandingo style grip with the low shaft stretch and was getting very good stretches; Including what seemed like a direct stretch of the suspensatory ligs in one straight out angle

@DLD how much expressive stretching is too much? I like the idea of focusing some days(weeks?) heavily on expressive stretching And occasionally making it the main emphasis of the program. It seems like a way you can keep training while letting the tunica or ligs decondition/recover. It also seems like a good spot to grab quick gains. What are your thoughts on higher volume expressive stretching?

With stretching there is no limit. You can stretch 24 hours a day seven days a week if you can stay awake that long. There is limitations in gurth you need decent EQ to make things happen. But with length you can take it to the next level and not worry.
Stealth PE Progress:
Unfortunately the worst possible PE scenario has befallen me; my wife has been stuck working at home waiting for a Covid test to come back from the lab so she can return to work. Nonetheless, I've been sneaking in a ton of quick 10 second stretches throughout the day and have actually been able to wake up early and get some longer workouts in. The wife just ran to the grocery store so I was able to measure and see where I'm at after this change of routine. I can't recall the exact routines I've done the past few days but I've been evenly splitting time between:

-Bundled Stretch
-Low Shaft Expressive Stretch
-Total Package Stretch and Crank
-BTC Stretch
-Erect Stretch
-Size Blaster

I've just been doing 10 minutes running time of each one and not caring about specific timed stretches but rather the quality of the stretch. Trying to get as much quality work in as possible during the 10 minutes, then switching(for shorter workouts I'll do 5 minutes of each). It seems to be working well and I'm not overtraining

Today, I started measuring standing up (as opposed to seated)again. I feel like it's more consistent with placement of the the ruler and thus more repeatable.

BPFSL: 7-7/8"
BPEL: 7-1/8"

My Flacid hang seems to be longer and heavier, I started noticing it a few days ago after I started doing more expressive stretching.

6/7/20 Morning Routine:
  1. Bundled Stretch 10min
  2. Expressive Stretch 10min
    1. Low Shaft Grip Stretch
    2. Total Package Stretch and Crank
  3. Erect Stretches/Girth 10min
    1. Erect Stretch
    2. Size Blaster
    3. SSJ
  4. BTC Stretches 10min

Notes: Post Erect Stretch BPEL 7-1/4". This afternoon I also did a 5 min version of the same routine while the wife got groceries. I feel much more relaxed about this whole process now that I'm past the anxiety filled beginner stage when you aren't sure if this is going to work and if you are hurting yourself.
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6/8/20 Morning Length Routine:
-Bundled Stretch
10min downward directions
-Expressive Stretches 10min (2/3 Lo-Shaft, 1/3 Whole Package)
-BTC Stretches 10min
-Bundled BTC 5min

Notes: Short, efficient routine. I will try to sneak in another workout or 2 later in the day
6/8/20: First HANGING session:
I didn't wake up today with the intention of trying hanging. I was looking through my workout equipment odds and ends and found a small strap that randomly made me think of hanging. Then I thought, I wonder if I could make this work. So I went for it and did a few sets of hanging.
-Hang 5lbs 5min
-Hang 5lbs 5min (experimented with rotating it and doing bundled hanging)
-Hang 10lbs 5min
-Hang 10lbs 5min

Notes: Wow this was way more intense than I thought it would be. I checked my post BPFSL after and was 8"(+.25")exactly. Interestingly, I sat down and measured it and it was 8-1/2", a new PR from that position of measurement. Hanging is powerful.
6/9/20 Morning Session:
-Erect Stretch/SIze Blaster
-Bundled Stretch 5min
-Low Shaft Expressive Stretch 5min
-Straight Out Newbie Stretch 5min
-Wrap Up

Notes: woke up with strong morning erection so started with some erect work. Once that went away I just did a quick SRT routine that took 15 minutes total. Everything seems to be progressing nicely. Looking long.
6/9/20 Afternoon Testicle Massage and Stretch:
I decided after the mornings work that I needed to have the rest of the day for recovery and maybe more. I think the hanging was quite intense yesterday. Got the testicle routine in and I will reevaluate in the morning, might take a day or 2 mostly off.

@DLD I was thinking about the testicle massage minimalist program we were discussing the other day. I was thinking that erect stretch/size blasters might be a good maintenance exercise. Seems like maximum bang for your buck in terms of what it's hitting. Have you thought more at all about that routine? Also, I'm starting to wonder if I should take a decon break. My BPFSL has gone up almost 2" in the past 4 months of pretty intense training. It seems like the law of diminishing returns is bound to kick in any second. What's your take on the idea of Decon breaks?
What an excellent few days you have gotten in! Very impressive even during the times you could only get a session in here and there. As far as a deconditioning it does it work rather well for people to come to a plateau. Taking off 5 to 7 days to just reset settings and come at them from a different trajectory makes a big difference!
6/11/20: Morning Length Routine:
-Bundled Stretch
10min straight out and to the sides
-Low Shaft Expressive Stretch 10min
-Hanging 5lb 1x20min standing up

Notes: I need to get a heating pad. I've been doing my routines in my bedroom in the morning and it's really cold in here. It's definitely slowing my progress.
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6/11/20: Morning Length Routine:
-Bundled Stretch
10min straight out and to the sides
-Low Shaft Expressive Stretch 10min
-Hanging 5lb 1x20min standing up

Notes: I need to get a heating pad. I've been doing my routines in my bedroom in the morning and it's really cold in here. It's definitely slowing my progress.

I just found this one on Amazon for $35 that I will probably order when I have to go back to the office so I can get a stretch in mid day in my car. Seems like the best one because it's more for wrapping around areas instead of a massive square pad. Hope this helps.
I just found this one on Amazon for $35 that I will probably order when I have to go back to the office so I can get a stretch in mid day in my car. Seems like the best one because it's more for wrapping around areas instead of a massive square pad. Hope this helps.
Thanks for this idea. That thing looks really cool???
Using a heating pad was one of the best tricks I had on healing! It’s not only heals but it’s one heck of a good warm-up. I used it at all times that I was not doing PE. It would keep me in a stretchable state at all times. I think this did have a lot to do with my growth and how fast I grew.
6/15/20 Light Intensity/Decon Routines:
I had a busy weekend and didn't have time to get on here. I hope everyone is doing well.

Since I last posted and considered DLDs advice regarding a Decon break I have been doing a light routine consisting of ~5 min bundled stretches, a few minutes expressive stretches, stretches here and there throughout the day, a few minutes of erect stretches and the testicle massage and stretch.

When I have time I've been getting in my usual medium intensity girth routine of erect stretches, size blasters, and lots of SSJs. I checked my NBPEL today(first time in a long time) and it was 7" measured standing up. I don't have much of a fat pad. Girth also seems to be growing (slowly). Just gonna keep taking it easy till my penis tells me it's ready for the push to 8".
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6/15/20 Light Intensity/Decon Routines:
I had a busy weekend and didn't have time to get on here. I hope everyone is doing well.

Since I last posted and considered DLDs advice regarding a Decon break I have been doing a light routine consisting of ~5 min bundled stretches, a few minutes expressive stretches, stretches here and there throughout the day, a few minutes of erect stretches and the testicle massage and stretch.

When I have time I've been getting in my usual medium intensity girth routine of erect stretches, size blasters, and lots of SSJs. I checked my NBPEL today(first time in a long time) and it was 7" measured standing up. I don't have much of a fat pad. Girth also seems to be growing (slowly). Just gonna keep taking it easy till my penis tells me it's ready for the push to 8".

Thank you for taking my advice and I know this is going to greatly help you. I like that you’re doing things to keep your mind in the game while you’re taking a break. When you come back full force we should expect a jumpstart in gaining.
6/16/20: Morning Maintenance Session:
-Bundled Stretch
5min (straight out)
-Low Shaft Expressive Stretch 5min
-Erect Strectn/Size Blaster 15min

Midday Routine:
-Bundled Stretch
5min (straight up to the sides)
-Erect Stretch/ Size Blaster/SSJ 15min

Afternoon Routine:
-Bundled Stretch
-Erect Stretch 10min
-Testicle Health Massage and Stretch

Notes: BPEL was 7-1/4" at the end of the day, measured standing straight up. Girth is coming along as well. I'm wondering if I can continue to gain in EL while deconditioning other stuff. My BPEL is almost 1" off from my BPFSL so I suppose it's possible? I guess we will find out
6/16/20: Morning Maintenance Session:
-Bundled Stretch
5min (straight out)
-Low Shaft Expressive Stretch 5min
-Erect Strectn/Size Blaster 15min

Midday Routine:
-Bundled Stretch
5min (straight up to the sides)
-Erect Stretch/ Size Blaster/SSJ 15min

Afternoon Routine:
-Bundled Stretch
-Erect Stretch 10min
-Testicle Health Massage and Stretch

Notes: BPEL was 7-1/4" at the end of the day, measured standing straight up. Girth is coming along as well. I'm wondering if I can continue to gain in EL while deconditioning other stuff. My BPEL is almost 1" off from my BPFSL so I suppose it's possible? I guess we will find out

The difference is dealt with by doing erect stretches. I suggest that you do them three times a week for about 10 minutes. This will close that gap and cement the new size.
6/17/20 Morning Maintenance:
-Bundled Stretch
-Total Package Stretch and Crank 5min
-BTC Stretch 5min

6/17/20 Evening Girth Session:
-Bundled Stretch
-Erect Stretch 10min
-SSJ/Size Blaster Couplet 20min
-Testicle Massage and Stretch
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6/18/20 Morning Mixed Session:
I woke up with a strong erection so did some erect work first.
-Erect Stretch 10min

-Erect Low Shaft Expressive Stretch 5min
-SSJ/Size Blasters 10min
-Hanging 5lbs x 10min, 10lbs x10min

-Erect Stretch 5min

Notes: I was feeling like trying out hanging again so I grabbed a couple of sets and did them standing up. Intense ligament stretch with the 10lb standing up.
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6/18/20 Afternoon Session:
-Bundled Stretch
-Low Shaft Grip Expressive Stretch 5min
-Size Blaster/SSJ couplet 5min

-Testicle Health Massage and Stretch
6/19/20 Morning Session:
-Bundled Stretch 5min
-Low Shaft Grip Expressive Stretch 5min
-Erect Stretch/Size Blaster 5min

6/19/20 Afternoon Session:
-Bundled Stretch
-JELQ 200 reps
-Testicle Health Massage and Stretch

Notes: I'm going into the big city and having a date night at a hotel with the wife so today's routine was mostly about getting the dick primed and ready for that. Pretty chill day.

Before my JELQs in the afternoon routine, I measured my erect length the way I used to, sitting down, and was well over 7.5" which really surprised me. I stood up and measured and was at 7-1/4". With both I was meticulous about placement of ruler, etc. It's interesting that The hip angle or something changes things by >1/4". Getting girthier. Looking the biggest it's ever been.
6/18/20 Morning Mixed Session:
I woke up with a strong erection so did some erect work first.
-Erect Stretch 10min

-Erect Low Shaft Expressive Stretch 5min
-SSJ/Size Blasters 10min
-Hanging 5lbs x 10min, 10lbs x10min

-Erect Stretch 5min

Notes: I was feeling like trying out hanging again so I grabbed a couple of sets and did them standing up. Intense ligament stretch with the 10lb standing up.

I like the idea of growing in different exercises to keep the penis guessing. Doing the same thing every day can become mundane, Keeping things fresh and fun makes all the difference in the world.
6/21/20 Morning Maintenance Routine:
-Bundled Stretch
-Low Shaft Grip Expressive Stretch 5min
-BTC Stretch 5min
-Erect Stretch 5min
-SSJ/Size Blasters 5min

Notes: took yesterday completely off. The wife is home from work today so I'm not sure how much more training I'll get in
6/22/20 Morning Length Routine:
-Erect Stretch
-Bundled Stretches 6min
-Expressive Stretches 8min (1/2 total package, 1/2 lo-shaft grip)
-Bundled Fulcrum Hanging 5lbs 10min
-Fulcrum Hanging 10lbs 15min

Notes: Today I tried out fulcrum hanging and bundled fulcrum
. Hanging is nice because it doesn't require as much exertion or grips. I figured that with today's session(trying out the fulcrums, bundled, and longer set at 15lbs) I would get pretty big temporary expansion but it was modest at best.

For the past few weeks My BPFSL standing up seems to be stuck. My preworkout BPFSL is usually between 7-7/8" and 8". Post session gain is sometimes only up to 8" and maybe a bit more. I feel like I'm plateauing but maybe it's just because I haven't been doing 3 sessions per day and kind of am admittedly in a low intensity phase. What do you think @DLD? Should I still be gaining in length after ratcheting back intensity or should I be content with maintaining? I'm feeling like maybe I have reached the end of the newbie gains time and it might be slower going from here. Not sure.
6/22/20 Afternoon Girth Session:
-Bundled Stretch
-Lo Shaft Expressive Stretch 8min
-Newbie Stretches 8min
-Girth Routine 30min (alternating JELQS and SSJs when I felt like it)
- Downward Newbie Stretch (6min)
-Cockring 8min

Notes: It was a good routine but I'm feeling discouraged about length stagnation. I may switch to a Girth only routine for a while because it's starting to feel like I'm banging my head on the wall. It wouldn't be a bad thing anyways. Girth seems to be growing consistently anyways so I might as well ride that momentum. I'd take any advice if anyone's encountered these seeming plateaus. To be sure I should go back through my log and see how long I've be stuck at this BPFSL
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6/22/20 Afternoon Girth Session:
-Bundled Stretch
-Lo Shaft Expressive Stretch 8min
-Newbie Stretches 8min
-Girth Routine 30min (alternating JELQS and SSJs when I felt like it)
- Downward Newbie Stretch (6min)
-Cockring 8min

Notes: It was a good routine but I'm feeling discouraged about length stagnation. I may switch to a Girth only routine for a while because it's starting to feel like I'm banging my head on the while. It wouldn't be a bad thing anyways. Girth seems to be growing consistently anyways so I might as well ride that momentum. I'd take any advice if anyone's encountered these seeming plateaus. To be sure I should go back through my log and see how long I've be stuck at this BPFSL

May be a good idea to take one over the other for a while and see if that works out. For a lot of men doing Length or girth at separate times is best for them. What I mean is they will go for length first make their gains and then they come back and tackle girth or vice versa. This is helpful for the people that have a problem focusing. This allows you to put everything you have into the part you want to take on first
6/23/20 REST DAY

6/24/20 Morning Girth/Erect Session:
-Bundled Stretch
-Erect Bundles 5min
-SSJ/Size Blaster 10min

Afternoon: Testicle Massage and Stretch

6/25/20 Morning Erect/Girth Session
-Bundled Stretch
-Erect Stretch 10min

-SSJ/Size Blaster 13min

Notes: Erect Stretches felt really stretchy today. Not sure what that could mean.
So good to see you getting in those erect stretches! This is the fastest way to cement your gains!
6/26/20 Rest Day

6/27/20 Morning Girth Session

-Bundled Stretch
-Erect Stretch 10min
-SSJ/Size Blaster 10min

6/28/20 Rest Day

6/29/20 Morning Girth Session:

-Bundled Stretch
-Erect Stretches 15min
-SSJ/Size Blasters 20min

Notes: I've Been doing a Decon break from the old length routine. Today is the end of week 1.
6/26/20 Rest Day

6/27/20 Morning Girth Session

-Bundled Stretch
-Erect Stretch 10min
-SSJ/Size Blaster 10min

6/28/20 Rest Day

6/29/20 Morning Girth Session:

-Bundled Stretch
-Erect Stretches 15min
-SSJ/Size Blasters 20min

Notes: I've Been doing a Decon break from the old length routine. Today is the end of week 1.

How long will the break be?
How long will the break be?
I'm not sure how long I'm gonna take a break from The length routine. I'm not really looking at it as a break though, I'm just shifting emphasis from length to girth. I may finish out July with a girth focus then measure and switch back to length for a bit. It's been fun switching gears and a bit more girth would be great.

7/1/20 Morning Girth Routine:
-Bundled Stretch
-SSJ 15min

Notes: snuck this routine early in the morning and it's all I got in today aside from some sex with the wife. Found another position that she's loving lately.
I'm not sure how long I'm gonna take a break from The length routine. I'm not really looking at it as a break though, I'm just shifting emphasis from length to girth. I may finish out July with a girth focus then measure and switch back to length for a bit. It's been fun switching gears and a bit more girth would be great.

7/1/20 Morning Girth Routine:
-Bundled Stretch
-SSJ 15min

Notes: snuck this routine early in the morning and it's all I got in today aside from some sex with the wife. Found another position that she's loving lately.
Hi bro

Please you can explain to me how to do the bundled stretch because I don't know if I'm doing the right exercise or someone else I don't speak English and I use an internet translator that's why I would have trouble understand the exercises
If there is a photo will also be better
thank you in advance
Hi bro

Please you can explain to me how to do the bundled stretch because I don't know if I'm doing the right exercise or someone else I don't speak English and I use an internet translator that's why I would have trouble understand the exercises
If there is a photo will also be better
thank you in advance

Twist your penis so it looks like a corkscrew
View attachment 1827611
And then stretch it in different directions: up, down, left, right, etc.

Here is a link to DLD Bundled Blasters to give you a better picture: DLD Bundled Blasters
I'm not sure how long I'm gonna take a break from The length routine. I'm not really looking at it as a break though, I'm just shifting emphasis from length to girth. I may finish out July with a girth focus then measure and switch back to length for a bit. It's been fun switching gears and a bit more girth would be great.

7/1/20 Morning Girth Routine:
-Bundled Stretch
-SSJ 15min

Notes: snuck this routine early in the morning and it's all I got in today aside from some sex with the wife. Found another position that she's loving lately.

It’s all good when you can concentrate on one thing at a time. It’s becoming more and more popular that men are going for what they want most first. This type of focus is awesome when you’re only thinking about girth as you can put everything into it and dedicate the length time to girth.
Twist your penis so it looks like a corkscrew
View attachment 1827611
And then stretch it in different directions: up, down, left, right, etc.

Here is a link to DLD Bundled Blasters to give you a better picture: DLD Bundled Blasters
Thank you very very much my brother
You made me discover something really interesting with this link
Whenever I find it hard to understand the exercises but then I think there is everything we are looking for
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  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    Hi. Good to be here.
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, good to see you here. Join us into the forum.
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    Which forum? How do I get there?
  • Quote
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    McDong is our newest member. Welcome!
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    gabrieljones is our newest member. Welcome!
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    tbean750 is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    Guest pedguin has joined the room.
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    silverberg is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    thescholarjt is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    mos is our newest member. Welcome!
      MoS Notifier MoS Notifier: mos is our newest member. Welcome!