A-Spot Spammer
Active member
Penis Growth Story:
My wife and I have been ordering condoms on amazon for several years now and for a while we used these ones called Lelo Hex. Back then, they fit me decently; they definitely weren't snug and I wasn't unrolling the whole thing on my shaft. Since I started the PE thing we had been using a different condom but then recently we ran out of those and I found an old box of the Lelo Hex. We used one last night and the thing was way tighter and I am now unrolling the whole thing onto the shaft. Moreover, with this condom in the past, after we had both finished it would also come off me and stay in her. Not so this time. This time it was stuck on me and i had to work to peel it off.
I had recently been having some doubts about whether or not I had really grown. I thought Maybe I was measuring poorly when I first started and really nothing had changed. But this experience last night was a great empirical proof of these methods. My dick is bigger.
New Training Block:
I drove back home over the weekend and yesterday had my first day back at work since this whole coronavirus thing started. My wife is also working from home until she gets the results of her covid test back(she had to take a test after our trip before returning to work). Due to the lack of privacy I've just been sneaking in little mini routines when I can.
Yesterday (6/1) I measured myself after the 2 week break to see where I was at and what I had lost over the break.
EL: 6-7/8"
MSEG: >4-5/8"
So my BPFSL remained unchanged (probably because of the Testicle Stretch I did during the break). EL dropped a quarter of an inch but also my EQ wasn't very high so maybe it only dropped 1/8" or not at all. Girth was the same.
6/1/20 Morning Quick Hitter:
-Bundled BTC stretch 4x2min (2xR, 2xL)
-Erect Stretch 1x1min
Evening Lazy Session:
~30min of Supine Bed BTC stretches
6/2/20 Morning Expressive Session:
-Bundled Stretch 2x2min straight up
-Total Package Stretch 1x3min
-Low Shaft Expressive Stretch 2x2min
-BTC Stretches 2x1min in each direction
-Wrap Up for SRT healing
Notes: My BPFSL jumped to 8-1/8" after this quick session. I'm considering this the start of a new 3 month block of training and the goal is to get the BPFSL to >8-1/2" and EL of 7-1/2". My plan is to start out at low intensity with the newbie routine and erect stretches as the main portion of the length routine and really track BPFSL to see if this intensity will continue to give me gains.
I’m sure the enforced decon break will allow you to realise some solid gains when you’re back into the swing of things! It’s great that you’re BPFSL was maintained. It’s surely a sign of good things to come in terms of bpel gains!