growing the penis

In some respects, yes; depending on how over weight he may be and whether he is experiencing any hormonal issues. Exercise, is both phyiscally and biochemically important with respects to health and development. With a greater amount of adipose tissue he may experience a greater affinity for estrogen related issues side effects - hindering penis growth and development. This may or may not be limited specifically to normal development but again it has quite an impact homonally.
Good post 88. I would like to add that your friend, being overweight, presents quite the opportunity to makes gains faster than most could. You see, loosing weight effects the fat pad that surrounds the base of the penis. When we loose the fat pad we can gain inches in length by doing nothing more than dieting. With that said, his luck is two fold as he can also do the exercises to enlarge the penis during his weight loss. In a year, with the right routines he could gain inches!