You lean back in the armchair and I push my way between your knees. I place my lips on the end of your cock and kiss it. On my knees before you I lift your cock to reveal your balls. (Hopefully thry are shaved, but that's another thing.) I lick your sack and balls within, then begin to lick all the way up to the very tip of your cock. Many times in quick succession, like licking an ice cream cone. Then I take you inside my mouth and barely close my lips around your shaft. With my head I begin a circular motion. Your cock will slide to different places in my mouth as I continue the circle motion. I make circles clockwise and counterclockwise,your cock slipping and sliding this way and that. I spend some time doing this, marvelling as your cock grows more and more rigid. Your balls are being drawn up tightly to the base of your cock. I don't want you to cum yet, so as your begin to try to force your cock deeper down my throat I cease movement. My mouth is still encasing the couple of inches near the tip. My breath is hot as I breath out, cooling as I breath in.
As I wait the several seconds this takes I feel between my own naked legs. I find the reason for the yearning feeling in my crotch. My clit is pert and erect too. It's begging for me to touch, to caress it. It's tempting for me to play with myself. It's another temptation also to return to your rod and make you cum. I can taste your precum and a part of me says to go ahead and do it. Make you come right now. I know you'll enjoy it and I know I'll enjoy it. Especially the clean up as I lick away your cum from your shaft. But no, this is a special time. I'll do more.
I slide my tongue lovingly over the head of your cock until it is well moistened. Then I slide your hot rod through my wet closed lips. With my hands on your shaft I stroke you. I slowly twist my head from side to side making sure my moist lips stay in contact with your coronal ridge. While doing this I continue to stroke the length of your shaft. My tongue flicks the underside of your cock. I taste more precum as it oozes from the slitted end. Your cock is very hard and erect. Your ballas are sucked way high high. And you are moaning, groaning, and trying to push your way deeper into my mouth. I know you want me to envelope your cock with my mouth. I remove your cock from my mouth and sit back on my heels for a moment.
I keep my hand sliding slowly up and down the magnificent length of your love spear as I watch the way you thrust your hips up, loking for more. I enjoy seeing you this way. So horny. Wanting me so bad. With one hand for you I use the other to take a few strokes up and down my pussy lips. I am wet and ready to be fucked. I yearn to feel your hardon inside me. But I must not succumb to such urges. Not yet!
I rock forward and my lips meet and close over your cock head. I slide down until I feel you contact the back of my throat. My gag reflex wants to kick in, but I swallow and control it. With my tongue pressing firmly on the underside of your red hot [words=!!!]poker[/words] I slowly slide my lips up until only the tip of your cock is within my mouth. Once again I engulf you deep into my throat. And once again slowly withdraw to the tip. My tongue does several swirls, lingering on the underside of the ridge. I suck hard and am rewarded with a quantity of thin salty precum.
Keeping my lips closed around your pole I bob my head up and down rapidly a half dozen times. You moan out load again. I feel for your balls and with some difficulty prise them away from their nestled hiding spot. Grabbing a wide elastic from the table I stretch it over your hard cock down to the base. Then I carefully slip each of your jewels through the elastic. (a rubber band like those used to hold fresh broccoli stems in the grocer's produce department) I ease it down into place close to your loins. Your balls and cock are held captive, sticking out in front of you. Oh it's so fucking sexy for me. My finger tips trace lightly over the tightly stretched skin encasing your balls.
Turning my head sideways I place my lips on the side of your erection and slide sideways back and forth. My tongue licks at the veined length. Once again I engulf you deeply and suck hard as I pull back to the tip. I repeat the plunge and suck motion several times, then stop as you begin a deep moan. I think you're getting ready to cum. I quickly check my cunt with my fingers. I've been seeping wetness out between my pussy lips. Pressing my palm over my snatch I spread my wetness and press down on my clit. Oh what a feeling!
You are begging for me to finish you off. I reapply my mouth to the enjoyable task. Bobbing my head several times in rapid succession, then going down on you as hard as I can causes your cock to being pulsating. A thick rich shot of creamy cum splashes into my throat. Pulse after pulse, wave after wave of warm cum fills my mouth. I cannot suppress a smile and cum dribbles from the corners of my mouth. It runs down the length in trails like candle wax. Swallowing your load I return to licking away all traces of cum.
Lifting my head from your crotch at long last I smile broadly. You lay there, eyes closed, a picture of naked contentment. I rise from my kneeling position and stretch the kinks out of my long legs, my back and my arms. You open your eyes and sweep from head to toe drinking in my naked form. Drawing my shoulders back I accentuate my breasts. I place my right foot on the chair's arm and lean forward as I finger my clit. I slip a finger inside, swirl it. Pulling it out I offer it to you to savor. You suck it clean with a smile.
As I wait the several seconds this takes I feel between my own naked legs. I find the reason for the yearning feeling in my crotch. My clit is pert and erect too. It's begging for me to touch, to caress it. It's tempting for me to play with myself. It's another temptation also to return to your rod and make you cum. I can taste your precum and a part of me says to go ahead and do it. Make you come right now. I know you'll enjoy it and I know I'll enjoy it. Especially the clean up as I lick away your cum from your shaft. But no, this is a special time. I'll do more.
I slide my tongue lovingly over the head of your cock until it is well moistened. Then I slide your hot rod through my wet closed lips. With my hands on your shaft I stroke you. I slowly twist my head from side to side making sure my moist lips stay in contact with your coronal ridge. While doing this I continue to stroke the length of your shaft. My tongue flicks the underside of your cock. I taste more precum as it oozes from the slitted end. Your cock is very hard and erect. Your ballas are sucked way high high. And you are moaning, groaning, and trying to push your way deeper into my mouth. I know you want me to envelope your cock with my mouth. I remove your cock from my mouth and sit back on my heels for a moment.
I keep my hand sliding slowly up and down the magnificent length of your love spear as I watch the way you thrust your hips up, loking for more. I enjoy seeing you this way. So horny. Wanting me so bad. With one hand for you I use the other to take a few strokes up and down my pussy lips. I am wet and ready to be fucked. I yearn to feel your hardon inside me. But I must not succumb to such urges. Not yet!
I rock forward and my lips meet and close over your cock head. I slide down until I feel you contact the back of my throat. My gag reflex wants to kick in, but I swallow and control it. With my tongue pressing firmly on the underside of your red hot [words=!!!]poker[/words] I slowly slide my lips up until only the tip of your cock is within my mouth. Once again I engulf you deep into my throat. And once again slowly withdraw to the tip. My tongue does several swirls, lingering on the underside of the ridge. I suck hard and am rewarded with a quantity of thin salty precum.
Keeping my lips closed around your pole I bob my head up and down rapidly a half dozen times. You moan out load again. I feel for your balls and with some difficulty prise them away from their nestled hiding spot. Grabbing a wide elastic from the table I stretch it over your hard cock down to the base. Then I carefully slip each of your jewels through the elastic. (a rubber band like those used to hold fresh broccoli stems in the grocer's produce department) I ease it down into place close to your loins. Your balls and cock are held captive, sticking out in front of you. Oh it's so fucking sexy for me. My finger tips trace lightly over the tightly stretched skin encasing your balls.
Turning my head sideways I place my lips on the side of your erection and slide sideways back and forth. My tongue licks at the veined length. Once again I engulf you deeply and suck hard as I pull back to the tip. I repeat the plunge and suck motion several times, then stop as you begin a deep moan. I think you're getting ready to cum. I quickly check my cunt with my fingers. I've been seeping wetness out between my pussy lips. Pressing my palm over my snatch I spread my wetness and press down on my clit. Oh what a feeling!
You are begging for me to finish you off. I reapply my mouth to the enjoyable task. Bobbing my head several times in rapid succession, then going down on you as hard as I can causes your cock to being pulsating. A thick rich shot of creamy cum splashes into my throat. Pulse after pulse, wave after wave of warm cum fills my mouth. I cannot suppress a smile and cum dribbles from the corners of my mouth. It runs down the length in trails like candle wax. Swallowing your load I return to licking away all traces of cum.
Lifting my head from your crotch at long last I smile broadly. You lay there, eyes closed, a picture of naked contentment. I rise from my kneeling position and stretch the kinks out of my long legs, my back and my arms. You open your eyes and sweep from head to toe drinking in my naked form. Drawing my shoulders back I accentuate my breasts. I place my right foot on the chair's arm and lean forward as I finger my clit. I slip a finger inside, swirl it. Pulling it out I offer it to you to savor. You suck it clean with a smile.