A couple weeks ago my gf broke up with me because i was a jack ass to her sometimes but get this we still hung out the day after as just "friends". Well in the past 2 weeks I was doing so good and i even went on my own to an anger managment class and i was even opening up more to her saying that she looks beautiful and pretty and i thought i was doinbg so good and i thought she was happy but yesterday me n her gf got into an arugment and my gf was like i cant do this anymore i want a break for good this time. she said that she needs time to think of what she wants and she wants to figure out who she is. We kept talking and i asked her why she wanted a break from me i thought i was doing good and she said that she still cared about me alot and loved me but just as good friends and the only time she thought she loved me was when we had sex. Im so confused wut shud i do? someone please help me