GF Problem need help please

A couple weeks ago my gf broke up with me because i was a jack ass to her sometimes but get this we still hung out the day after as just "friends". Well in the past 2 weeks I was doing so good and i even went on my own to an anger managment class and i was even opening up more to her saying that she looks beautiful and pretty and i thought i was doinbg so good and i thought she was happy but yesterday me n her gf got into an arugment and my gf was like i cant do this anymore i want a break for good this time. she said that she needs time to think of what she wants and she wants to figure out who she is. We kept talking and i asked her why she wanted a break from me i thought i was doing good and she said that she still cared about me alot and loved me but just as good friends and the only time she thought she loved me was when we had sex. Im so confused wut shud i do? someone please help me
She is working on and probably has found someone else and she is stringing you along until she is confident in the other relationships. You are out bro. Do yourself a favor and dump her ass yourself and go find you a decent chick. A word of advice: Every time you go through one of these relationship issues you will learn a little more about how to treat females. I have learned that I am in control and I am the arrogant and slightly dangerous guy that the chicks want and chase after. Don't be the chaser. Be chased. To do this you need to develop a "don't give a shit" attitude that says, "I don't need you but I am fun to be with." Dig?rofl
Easier said than done, but he's right.

Taking a "break" - for good?? Thats' just female-talk for breaking UP. And women always have options because men are offering her sex everywhere she goes (this goes doubly if she's attractive). The only thing that stops her is her devotion to you. Now that that is gone, its' over. It's never easy when you love a woman, but you're on thin ice here. If you want to save your self-respect, make the tough but necessary decision to let her go.
Dashdeming said:
She is working on and probably has found someone else and she is stringing you along until she is confident in the other relationships. You are out bro. Do yourself a favor and dump her ass yourself and go find you a decent chick. A word of advice: Every time you go through one of these relationship issues you will learn a little more about how to treat females. I have learned that I am in control and I am the arrogant and slightly dangerous guy that the chicks want and chase after. Don't be the chaser. Be chased. To do this you need to develop a "don't give a shit" attitude that says, "I don't need you but I am fun to be with." Dig?rofl

A word from the wise. Props to you man rofl
you guys may be right but wut if ur wrong because i know there isnt anyone else shes seeing i know for a fact but dont ask me how. Shes not the sluty type and today she came up to me and we were talking and she said she wants to hang out tomarrow. But im thinking of not goin and making her think wtf, im not gana fallow nything she says im gana make the rules because im not gana b the chaser like u said but i know for a fact that she doesnt do nything and she wudnt sleep with nyone else i know she still has feelings for me just by the way she talks to me and kinda flirts. I know it sounds bad when i say she just wants time appart and she needs to figure out sum things but if u knew wut was going on u wud totally understand. But this is wut im thinking giving it sum time and goin on dates with other grls or w.e and im sure she will come back.. i just need to give it time. Expecially everyone at school is like wtf i cant bvelive that happend i know u guys will go back out n crap like that.
O yeah when i say break for good im just talking about not talking to each otehr for a few weeks or a month or w.e because shes really emotional right now and she wants to take it slow so she can calm down and talk to me and when i say she doesnt know wut she wants she said that she wants to be with me but at the same time she wants the freedom of hanging out with her friends without me beinbg jelouse or w,e
And lets say you give her time to think!You date a few people and she does to!You even find out she has had sex with a couple of guys during your few weeks/months apart!So when she figures out that she really wants to be with you(that there are no greener pastures to be found), will you take her back and not be effected when you discover that she had a few flings with different guys?

I love it when women say they need to have some they can have more different life's expericences or that they just want to hang with there friends more........all this really that they want to taste different cock.........and to do this they need to be free!

I hope it all works out for you............but I wouldn't play the game!!If she's not 100% into you......then to me that's game over!!!
yeah i know but shes not a nympho i know wut ur saying and without u guys knowing wut type of person she is u wudnt understand. Everyone thinks that Everybody in this world has to cheat on each other well im one of thopse ppl who dont and i know that she doesnt either and if i knew she did cheat on me i wud have nuthin else to do than to move on but im very positive that she isnt but idk theres always diferent possibilities.
Dude. To me it sounds like she is using you for her own personal needs. You can do better. So go out and show her you don't need her. Maybe then she'll realize something important.
quote: Don't be the chaser. Be chased. To do this you need to develop a "don't give a shit" attitude that says, "I don't need you but I am fun to be with."

But how do you do that??? I keep getting similar problems. I find some girl who I just really really like, and love spending time with her, and being with her is so much better than not. I find it damn near impossible to just not care and remain emotionally detached. Then of course the girl gets tired of me and fucks off...

Yeah I've read all the stuff like double your dating and this whole cocky funny thing where it tells you to be aloof and cool to keep women attracted to you. But how do you stop yourself from developing feelings for the girl? And moreover, if you don't develop feelings for her and become emotionally attached whats the point of getting a girlfriend in the first place?
wantsmore9, move on dude, if you're having problems now in your relationship why do you think they'll get better if you get married somewhen down the line?

rudegod, I can emotionally like/love a girl and not be ATTACHED to them. Maybe that's just because I like freedom and doing my own thing, and I respect my partners' decisions that they have a life outside of ours and they have work to do, etc. I don't see how people are so clingy in relationships. I mean, sheesh, don't you HAVE A LIFE?! I like hanging out with girls and all, but only for a few hours a week, I can't stand hanging around/talking with someone for too long.

I think that lifestyle of "hey I have many other things to do besides hang with you all the time" is very attractive to both men and women. I personally hate it when a girl keeps calling me, wanting to hang out, etc., even if she is really hot. So I think it works both ways.

When I'm with my special girl during whenever, I really enjoy my moment with her, but when we both go home, I have many other things I have to do, and really focus on them rather than the girl.

If you have a problem with too much time on your hands, guess what you can be doing instead of thinking of her? YOU CAN BE Penis Enlargement'ING! omfg, more Penis Enlargement time! Yes! Also, you can work out, learn a programming language, work, volunteer, study, whatever the hell you want. Learn to enjoy your freedom man, or else you'll never enjoy LIFE.
Sure I have a life. There's loads I have going on. Working at a University at the moment doing research. Have to do studying. Am learning web design and C#. Play guitar. Work out. Play badminton. Watch films. Read. Go out with friends and get drunk :)

Doesn't stop you from really falling for someone though. If its just a hot girl you're only really with for sex, its easy enough. But when you meet someone who you have so much in common with, similar interests, likes/dislikes etc it gets harder.

I guess its cos I very rarely meet a woman I genuinely like. I've been out with girls who I was attracted to but didnt really enjoy their company, was pretty bored with them. And of course, they were always chasing me because basically I didn't give a shit. But then, when I meet a girl who I actually enjoy spending time with, the shoe's on the other foot. Seems like a catch 22 y'know?
Rude_God said:
Sure I have a life. There's loads I have going on. Working at a University at the moment doing research. Have to do studying. Am learning web design and C#. Play guitar. Work out. Play badminton. Watch films. Read. Go out with friends and get drunk :)

Doesn't stop you from really falling for someone though. If its just a hot girl you're only really with for sex, its easy enough. But when you meet someone who you have so much in common with, similar interests, likes/dislikes etc it gets harder.

I guess its cos I very rarely meet a woman I genuinely like. I've been out with girls who I was attracted to but didnt really enjoy their company, was pretty bored with them. And of course, they were always chasing me because basically I didn't give a shit. But then, when I meet a girl who I actually enjoy spending time with, the shoe's on the other foot. Seems like a catch 22 y'know?

Ya I feel you on the whole attitude issue. There are SO many hot women here that are good prospects but their personalities just don't jive with me at all(most of these girls are sorority types). The girl I am talking with right now is average looking but has an amazing personality that just fits really good with mine, we get along great. I haven't met a HOT girl yet with a great personality, most seem to be too materialistic and pretentious.
we all have to realise girls have it easy in the pulling department they could go out every night and get a shag if they wanted. we do all the work chatting them up buying them drinks and then getting nothing at the end of the night fuck them let them do the work. dont go running after them play hard to get. they like that.
Hey im back.. Well alot of bad news.. We did break up and now she has a friend that she is seeing. The day after we broke up we were doing good as friend just like i wanted but now she hates my guts and wont talk to me because she thinks we broke her friends car window and there is no way for me to prove it to her that i didnt do it and she wont believe me so what should i do? I dont really want to be with her either righjt now I would rather try and build up our friendship but now i cant get anywhere near me because she wants nothing to do with me? Hydromaxm any suggestions? Should i give her alot of time by her self and not talk to her or what?
WantsMore9 said:
Hey im back.. Well alot of bad news.. We did break up and now she has a friend that she is seeing. The day after we broke up we were doing good as friend just like i wanted but now she hates my guts and wont talk to me because she thinks we broke her friends car window and there is no way for me to prove it to her that i didnt do it and she wont believe me so what should i do? I dont really want to be with her either righjt now I would rather try and build up our friendship but now i cant get anywhere near me because she wants nothing to do with me? Hydromaxm any suggestions? Should i give her alot of time by her self and not talk to her or what?

Dude, if she won't believe you didn't break a car window, I'm sorry to say this, but FUCK HER. There's plenty other chicks out there, you don't need that shit. Besides, the mere fact that she's seeing some other dude should tell you something. You need to let her go. Like so many others were saying, act like you don't give a shit, and let her beg to spend time with you. I've been told that begging for a girl's time is so unattractive. You know you got it made when a girl bothers you, cause they have the hole, they know they are in control.

Do you really want to be friends with someone that thinks you vandalized an automobile? Dude, you said she wants nothing to do with you..fine, let her come groveling back.
Well here is the thing.. she doesnt think that I did it she thinks that one of my friends did it and since they did it and he was my friend i was part of it to i guess. But she did say she didnt think i did it so idk
Hey mofo's guess wut!!! dude she just came up to me in the hall way and said i still want to b friends then we were talking and she said when ever i touch her arms or where ever like a hug she still feels the love but with the other guy she doesnt n stuff like so im guessing she misses me but idk. But shit i dont want to go back out with her just yet and she doesnt either so were gana build up our frienship 1st because i wana make she this is right and i dont wana rush into anyhting. hell yeah im happy
Gawd, just dont put a gun in your mouth over this chick...jeez. Sounds like youre both VERY young....I'm guessing still in school. You'll look back on this whole situation years from now and probably think to yourself "what the hell was I so torn up over HER for anyway?". I've been there, done that. You'll grow and mature more some day. That pussy can do funny things to you though, and make you 'think' you know what youre feeling, and doing, and you love her and all that stuff. Usually, it's a passing phase. Especially when youre in one of these types of emotionally straining relationships where it's on again, off again....she changed her mind because the other guy found someone else again...things. Yea, we dont know THIS GIRL....but chances are we're right because we're older, and have been there too. Just some words of advice. There are a TON of women out there....ONE girl will not kill you, or ruin your life. She shouldnt anyway.
Hey u guys were absolutly correct ive forgot about her and ive been talkin to alot of other grls and i plan on keepn it up. O yeah i found this older grl to im talkin to and idk seems like were hitn it of pretty good so far so im excited. But with that other grl im still planing on being friends but as of right now i cud care less if i got back with her honestly im not even thinking about it but i still want us to b friends. thanks for ur guys help tho
Props to you wantsmore9! I got back with my g/f after she left me for someone else. I did it for our son though. I honestly can say that I fuckin regret the hell out of that decision.

Women are like buses, just wait and another one will be along shortly.
Hydromaxmm guess what im back with more problems...... Well me n the older chick didnt work out I and me n my ex had gotten back together... and its been like 5 months now idk??? Well we broke up again but not cuz of fighting but cuz she has been having alot of depression problems with her family and she has no friends either cuz they all kinda stabed her in the back and she wanted to break up and plus now she is moving to indiana with her one best friend that she has known since she was a kid and they have always been able to get along... I just think it sucks becasue we both still have feelings for each other n stuff like that and she doesnt want a bf at all and she says that she dopesnt think that we wud work out either she said. I just wish there was a way i cud help her out with her depression but she doesnt want any she wants to do it on her own.... I guess I shud just not talk to her n let her come to me if she wants to talk huh?? idk wut other suggestions are there?
WantsMore9 said:
A couple weeks ago my gf broke up with me because i was a jack ass to her sometimes but get this we still hung out the day after as just "friends". Well in the past 2 weeks I was doing so good and i even went on my own to an anger managment class and i was even opening up more to her saying that she looks beautiful and pretty and i thought i was doinbg so good and i thought she was happy but yesterday me n her gf got into an arugment and my gf was like i cant do this anymore i want a break for good this time. she said that she needs time to think of what she wants and she wants to figure out who she is. We kept talking and i asked her why she wanted a break from me i thought i was doing good and she said that she still cared about me alot and loved me but just as good friends and the only time she thought she loved me was when we had sex. Im so confused wut shud i do? someone please help me

Hey bro if you don't like a chick or what she is doing. tell her and break it off nice. if you be a dick i promis you she will tell all of that shit to a future boyfriend and or husband and if you should ever meet he will pound you. i've seen it. we need to treat all people with respect there is no good reason to be mean to other people.

I totaly give you props for going to the anger manegment. you are taking a very important first step that will improve the quality of your life as well as future relationships.

yah that was along time ago..... but now we just recently broke up again because she has been going through all these problems and she says she doesnt think that we will work out and that were "not compatable". Then she say she wants time appart so we can forget about each other and not have those feelings for one another. I think this is all bs. Then lastnight I went on her myspace and I noticed that she was talking to that guy again, i was so pissed. Even though the kid has a gf and i know nothing would probably happen btween them i was still mad, is that wrong of me? The way they were talking seemed like they were flirting but anyways i just called her like an hour ago and told her im done with her and ever being in her life i dont want anything to do with her and I dont want to be her friend. ??? any advice for me?
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