RED, I was wondering what all those strange noises and hammering sounds were that were coming from your net connection!! LOL
lol , I think mal is talking about that alternative cheap bastards captains wrench I made, its on page 4 of the captains wrench thread in the hang section am sure, has pix also.

It worked alright for me, but did hurt if tooo much weight was on as it slipped, it isnt the best there is, just a quick and very cheap hanger to get some sessions in .... for students and guys with there ass hanging out there pants like me, tramps really could make this!!!
alright here it is copyed and pasted.

have released the pictures of my simple homemade hanger.
Its based on the captains is that except can be made quicker by cheap skates like me the poor mans captains wrench I suppose.

Anyway my diagrams AINT NO WAY GREAT....well their pix.

I used a Milk chocolate tub as the penis.

The pix should give you all an idea onto how this is made.

Simply you need these things to make it

#1: A strong wash cloth - a thickish one that will stand weight.
#2: String, like that from shoe laces.

Thats all you need to make this simple hanger.

This is how to make it.

#1: get ya sexy washcloth and fold it in half.
This should now be big enough to go around your penis - if not get a bigger cloth.

#2: Get a knife, scissors and at the top of the cloth near the edge but NOT right at the edge...leave a 1/2 inch.....jab a hole in it....make this hole so its center wise along the line.
Do the same thing....two more holes 3/4 of an inch to the right and left of the center hole.

This is for our will go in and out of these holes....making sure the pressure from the hang doesnt rip the cloth and also so the weight is evenly balanced out.

#3: Get the string and push thru'' the center hole.
Than down thru the left hole, come up thru'' the right hole and than back down the left hole.
Finally come up again thru'' the center hole.
Do this at least this many times....but you can do it quite a few times if the string is any longer.

#4: Tie a double knot at the center hole.
Pull the string and monitor the cloth at the holes.
The force should pull all looks okay...continue.

#5: simply get 5lbs of weight to start with or whatever ya hang, I have gone upto 15lbs with this thing and no probz....dunno any weight over that.
Tie the string thru'' the holes of the weights and knot...simple as.

#6: Now to fasten it to the penis.
Make sure ya flaccid.
Get the cloth so the knotted center is on top of the penis just under the head.
Wrap the cloth around the should now have the holes at the top of the penis not far away from the head with the ends of the cloth under the penis.

#7: Get a medium sized clamp.
Clamp off say 2 inches away from the base....just make it so its not quite mid-shaft....this is to ensure safety.
Clamp as tight as you can, circulation will be alright as the cloth will minimize some of the torniquet effect from the clamp - like a barrier.

Now your ready to hang.
20 minutes is usually the norm'' for a session.

I like this hanger alot.
My pictures in the Zipped attatcHydromaxent should help you more.


any questions than fire away.


The link to the actual thread where its copyed from

The pictures of the thing in action