case study extremely big problem. HELP SOMEBODY PLEASE....

somehow ive ended here after battling this injury for al most 6 months. im in my 40's . i had jelqed off and on and pumped for a month or 2. nothing serious. felt better, and hung better it seemed. no real serious gains expected. just wanted better bloodflow and quality.

one day, i jelqed a bit harder than i had been, but no pain, and jsut for a minute. next day i pumped and accidentally went more than i wanted. no pain. immediately released and red along the base of the shaft. within the day it was gone. several days later i woke up with a shrunken unit and slight numbess on the shaft. had all hard flaccid symptoms.

was scared, so continued making my self have sex,. after a month or so, it seemed it was subsiding. i still woke up in the morning with a chub. but everything shrank to nothing during the day.then it started seeming like if we had sex more than once a week, it would traumatize everything and destroy my libido and size again.

very sensitive glans with burning /cooling feeling. shrunk all day. no erections. no night erections. then it would come back a week later with her, and we'd have sex again. eventually i figured out we had to quit for awhile. 6 months later, here i am. we just went a month of nothing. i still walk around all day shrunk to nothing. we had sex 2 days ago and it was great, but now it seems to be overly sensitive again. only time i hang normally , is if i lay down in bed awhile. but soon after i get up, its all gone again.

sensitivity/nerve damage, seems likely, but not sure. nothing feels like me down there unless im hard. it doesnt seem like i did anything too hard/painful to cause this, but i obviously did. not sure if this will heal ever, but i cant take any more panic attacks and anxiety. its hard to make it to bedtime every day. its the only relief i get.

it feels like i have half what i did on a normal day now, with no arousal. ive also noticed a constant pressure moreso while shrunken, in my rectum /perenium area,that tightens when i flex my penis. i get decent morning/night erections sometimes, and sometimes not as much. but im sure my anxiety day to day is effecting that . i cannot masturbate to get hard since the 2nd month of this, due to it irritating the nerves it seems on the head. actual sex doesnt irritate it as much, but it still does.

i always have the numbness/sensitivity issue to some degree, but its super bad when its shriveled up and burns. im just not sure the nerves will heal, and i dont know what to do now. im mentally exhausted and depressed. i can barely force myself to work or do anything that involves moving. it lets me know every step of every day what ive lost.
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yes, there are contradictions. i understand its confusing. im still trying to put the puzzle together myself. i just kinda put something together this morning thinking back. im not sure what got damaged, but about a month after i initially started having problems(and hard flaccid), HF went away, and things seemed to be a little better. i kept having sex, which was probably the worst idea,but i was freaking out a bit.

so i took a cialis to make sure things went well. they did. very well. i was really hard. then over the next 3 days everything crashed and shrunk. tender/sensitive glans, no libido. etc. since that happened, it seems if i start to feel better and do anything, it sets me back to that day. ive since about a month ago, tried to take notes of everything to notice any patterns. what ive found, is that once i do start getting on the path to recovering and feeling ok, and aroused again, i start having better night erections. they end up hurting something , and im back to square one for about a week. which is where i am right now.

about 5 -6 days ago i had several rock hard erections all night that woke me up. 2 nights in a row. now everything is way sensitive, and hurts . its like something is trying to heal, but my nightly erection starts it all over again. im just now starting to feel a little better today from that. but im worried its just gonna keep going and going as it has. the shrinkage seems to be my bodys way of saying, dont touch it. im hurting. and it defintely feels hurt when it does this. back to more waiting it seems.
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yes, there are contradictions. i understand its confusing. im still trying to put the puzzle together myself. i just kinda put something together this morning thinking back. im not sure what got damaged, but about a month after i initially started having problems(and hard flaccid), HF went away, and things seemed to be a little better. i kept having sex, which was probably the worst idea,but i was freaking out a bit. so i took a cialis to make sure things went well. they did. very well. i was really hard. then over the next 3 days everything crashed and shrunk. tender/sensitive glans, no libido. etc. since that happened, it seems if i start to feel better and do anything, it sets me back to that day. ive since about a month ago, tried to take notes of everything to notice any patterns. what ive found, is that once i do start getting on the path to recovering and feeling ok, and aroused again, i start having better night erections. they end up hurting something , and im back to square one for about a week. which is where i am right now. about 5 -6 days ago i hard several rock hard erections all night that woke me up. 2 nights in a row. now everything is way sensitive, and hurts . its like something is trying to heal, but my nightly erection starts it all over again. im just now starting to feel a little better today from that. but im worried its just gonna keep going and going as it has. the shrinkage seems to be my bodys way of saying, dont touch it. im hurting. and it defintely feels hurt when it does this. back to more waiting it seems.
Nobody here can help you with unexplained tenderness of your shaft. We do not know the source of the issue, and even if we did, we most probably would not have the competency to provide you with real solutions. As I've stated in my previous post, this matter needs to be diagnosed and treated by a medical professional, not by some guys on a PE site.

So far, based on what you have told me, I offered you some solutions which can potentially help. You might want to take my advice and see if it works for you. Everything is outlined above.

There is no sense in complaining about this anymore. Go to a clinic and have it looked at. Once you know what the source of the problem is, only then can you fix it.
sorry for the hard to read text. im having a really bad time . this week was rough due to working outside doing very physical things. Penis stayed dormant everyday until i layed down at night. And lots of times, its so cold, if it touches my leg, my leg absolutely feels frozen.

So, yesterday, i caved and took a small dose(25mg) viagara. not to have sex , just to see if it would release some blood to it while i worked or something. it did that. but after about an hour, it gave me a full on boner. which looked normal and all. But today, im paying for it again.

My glans is lightly burning again from that, and super sensitive, shrunken and lifeless. this is basically the effect of having sex lately as well. So, its not the sex thats making it irritated as much as the erection itself. Which explains why last week was so bad after i had 2 nights of hard nocturnal erections. i havent had those since either, since they crashed my system again. I know nobody here has an answer, but im still over a month out to the doctor, and im just lost here, and needed to vent. This is the most horrible thing in the world to live with....
sorry for the hard to read text. im having a really bad time . this week was rough due to working outside doing very physical things. Penis stayed dormant everyday until i layed down at night. And lots of times, its so cold, if it touches my leg, my leg absolutely feels frozen.

So, yesterday, i caved and took a small dose(25mg) viagara. not to have sex , just to see if it would release some blood to it while i worked or something. it did that. but after about an hour, it gave me a full on boner. which looked normal and all. But today, im paying for it again.

My glans is lightly burning again from that, and super sensitive, shrunken and lifeless. this is basically the effect of having sex lately as well. So, its not the sex thats making it irritated as much as the erection itself. Which explains why last week was so bad after i had 2 nights of hard nocturnal erections. i havent had those since either, since they crashed my system again. I know nobody here has an answer, but im still over a month out to the doctor, and im just lost here, and needed to vent. This is the most horrible thing in the world to live with....

A lot of this could be from stress through the suffering you're going through. I highly recommend you do deep tissue massage using heat if possible. You may be having severe fatigue which may take a couple of days to resolve itself. But until that time I think you should be doing deep tissue massage using heat especially the MOSRED
A lot of this could be from stress through the suffering you're going through. I highly recommend you do deep tissue massage using heat if possible. You may be having severe fatigue which may take a couple of days to resolve itself. But until that time I think you should be doing deep tissue massage using heat especially the MOSRED
id be thrilled with a couple days. this part of it is going on 3 or 4 months now. it just never seems to heal before it gets aggravated again or something. its so confusing
Stick with it and have confidence that this will disappear very soon
well. as much as this sucks to say. i think everything that was gonna happen or heal probably already has. at this point, i think ive just been trying to be optimistic, but i guess i need to realize i just cant feel as much as i want to think i can in my glans. And that is what is giving me all these shrinkage feelings,burning, etc. the only time i get any relief is lying down.
After 7 months of this, i cant imagine anything ever really getting better than it has so far. which is minimal. No more sex life for me. and ,all over a silly thing i would have gave up on pretty soon anyway....i worked so hard in life to achieve what ive done, and its all been thrown away on nonsense.
well. as much as this sucks to say. i think everything that was gonna happen or heal probably already has. at this point, i think ive just been trying to be optimistic, but i guess i need to realize i just cant feel as much as i want to think i can in my glans. And that is what is giving me all these shrinkage feelings,burning, etc. the only time i get any relief is lying down.
After 7 months of this, i cant imagine anything ever really getting better than it has so far. which is minimal. No more sex life for me. and ,all over a sili thing i would have gave up on pretty soon anyway....i worked so hard in life to achieve what ive done, and its all been thrown away on nonsense.
What type of nonsense are you talking about
What type of nonsense are you talking about
i dont know man. everything in my pants just feels like a foreign object now. no matter what i try, it just doesnt change. its hard to even be aroused anymore when all i feel is distant burning and coldness.
i dont know man. everything in my pants just feels like a foreign object now. no matter what i try, it just doesnt change. its hard to even be aroused anymore when all i feel is distant burning and coldness.
I think you're obsessing over this too much. Give yourself self. A slight break. To reorganize your mind
intensity of what? im just trying to erase everything ive done totally. i now walk around with the smallest oversensitive penis ive ever seen in my life.
intensity of what? im just trying to erase everything ive done totally. i now walk around with the smallest oversensitive penis ive ever seen in my life.
Intensity of your work will reflect on every position on your penis. You need to have that confidence to go forward or you will fail.
I just cant give up, although this is slowly killing me day by day. I wasnt even getting any relief at night anymore so i started doing pelvic stretches again, and within a couple days, i can feel things moving internally while doing so. the next couple nights, i got more erections than normal, and even felt more aroused than i had been. This morning i lightly stroked it in the shower since i havent really touched it in awhile just to see what it would do as a test.

It felt amazing( 10 -15 seconds max), but still a bit more sensitive than it used to be. but afterwards, the rest of the day, im drawn up again, and the glans feels very irritated again,slight burn. It feels like its still in there wanting to come back to normal, but i cant ever touch it or it irritates the nerves in the glans in a couple spots. i dont know whether to wrap it up and protect it, or to rub it more to try to subside the irritation. It makes me want to crawl in a hole and die all day long.
I just cant give up, although this is slowly killing me day by day. I wasnt even getting any relief at night anymore so i started doing pelvic stretches again, and within a couple days, i can feel things moving internally while doing so. the next couple nights, i got more erections than normal, and even felt more aroused than i had been. This morning i lightly stroked it in the shower since i havent really touched it in awhile just to see what it would do as a test.

It felt amazing( 10 -15 seconds max), but still a bit more sensitive than it used to be. but afterwards, the rest of the day, im drawn up again, and the glans feels very irritated again,slight burn. It feels like its still in there wanting to come back to normal, but i cant ever touch it or it irritates the nerves in the glans in a couple spots. i dont know whether to wrap it up and protect it, or to rub it more to try to subside the irritation. It makes me want to crawl in a hole and die all day long.
Are you using hydrocortisone?
well. im not sure ive made much progress, but it "seems" a very small improvement. nothing in the daytime has gotten better though. if i could get past this sensitive tip with burning feeling that comes on all day when im moving , id be so much closer to feeling normal.

at this point, thats all i can hope for. 7 months in now, and im just not sure if or when it will ever heal. i know ive heard of it taking a long time for nerves to heal,but trying to stay calm and hopeful is really, really hard to do with no possible outlook.Been taking B12 for awhile now, but im sure some of the feeling is gone forever. But if it could stop burning , i could deal with that. going to ramp my exercising back up and try not to be depressed as much. but this is such a terrible terrible life.

masturbation is of no use anymore . it just irritates too much right now. i will say, the tip overall feels better now than it did a couple months ago, but that isnt saying much. at least it isnt cold as ice anymore and freezing my leg. and at certain parts of the day, it sort of relaxes and isnt shrunken to death. but for the most part, it stays terribly retracted,and zero libido or penis excitement unless its after ive gone to bed. Erections at night are hit and miss anymore. and most nights are very weak. sigh....keep going and trying is all i can do.
Perhaps a doctor is in order as there might be an underlying issue
3 weeks away yet. dying here as the days pass. 3 days after jelqing and pumping is what started this. woke up shrunken and very regretful i was that stupid ever since.
id like to, but my entire life is crap now. 7 months with pretty steady decline is hard to feel good about every day. i got a ton of work to do, and its just killing me feeling this all day.
well. im not sure ive made much progress, but it "seems" a very small improvement. nothing in the daytime has gotten better though. if i could get past this sensitive tip with burning feeling that comes on all day when im moving , id be so much closer to feeling normal.

at this point, thats all i can hope for. 7 months in now, and im just not sure if or when it will ever heal. i know ive heard of it taking a long time for nerves to heal,but trying to stay calm and hopeful is really, really hard to do with no possible outlook.Been taking B12 for awhile now, but im sure some of the feeling is gone forever. But if it could stop burning , i could deal with that. going to ramp my exercising back up and try not to be depressed as much. but this is such a terrible terrible life.

masturbation is of no use anymore . it just irritates too much right now. i will say, the tip overall feels better now than it did a couple months ago, but that isnt saying much. at least it isnt cold as ice anymore and freezing my leg. and at certain parts of the day, it sort of relaxes and isnt shrunken to death. but for the most part, it stays terribly retracted,and zero libido or penis excitement unless its after ive gone to bed. Erections at night are hit and miss anymore. and most nights are very weak. sigh....keep going and trying is all i can do.

I've read and reread the entire thread multiple times, allowing things to sink in. I'm assuming the two visits to the urologist(s) came back as negative on issues. Also rest time/down time with supplement to assist, including MOS Red for 5mm tissue recovery also being used. The discussions also focused on possible nerve damage(s) as well. So, allow me to provide some insights I've gone through in the past with myself and those I've consulted with.

First, the irritation of the glans, especially near tip of the glans surrounding the urethra, or even inside the urethra itself.
  • Irritation around the tip (not the urethra) and around near the corona (the glans's rim), commonly due to tissue fissures, or micro cracks. The tissue fissures can take between 3 days (commonly for cell regeneration to kick in) to 2 weeks (for a semi-full heal). The younger you are, the faster you heal, commonly with 10 days. Old folks with lower healing factors can take up to 4 weeks. I know it sucks just to treat tissue tears.
  • Glans's deep tissue tears can also damage shallow nerve endings. The nerve endings can be as shallow as 2mm, and in a bundle, the nerve pains can be extreme. But there are different types of pains. You described it as burning pain. I'll go over it later as the glans is unique. Very unique. Nerve repair can be as fast a 4 days, and it can be as long a year, based on the severity of the nerve damage(s), and how much damage(s) were introduced in form of chemicals.
Damage of the urethra, and battling for 6+ months. I'm speculating you are reaching your ongoing 9 months battle now? If you still have that odd ball burning sensation, sense where the burn truly is. Phantom pains can be internal that travels externally, or external damages causing internal pains.
  • If the pain is truly internal, you may have urethra damage. The internal pain cause under skin irritation. Since my wife is nurse, she dealt with those who have catheters. Phantom pains from the damage urethra lining create irritation along the entire penis shaft, as if ants tends to nibble beneath the skin.
  • There may be skin damage, or scarring damage, that opens up during pumping session, causing odd itchiness sensation. This is where you observe where the irritation is truly occuring. A scope may be needed to inspect internally.
Glans damage from expansion. This is the highest suspicious culprit. Do you know that your glans actually have tastebud like neuron receptors? So, using pumps with water containing high minerals and sterilizing agents like chlorine, your irritation can be a monster lurking beneath the water. Rather than using water, use air only at a lower pressure. @squirt_inducer_man and I modded our Bathmate, and mine has a gauge. Make a medical journal so you can record the pressure level, air vs water, and time, and see if the irritation comes on less, more, or none.

DLD indicated to use cortisone. Try that to see if the anti-itch and anti-inflammation can be surpressed. However, as I indicated earlier, if you have fissures and sensitive glans, it can cause more irritation than not. Antibacterial ointment (bacitricin) with zinc can assist in healing. Vit E and castor oil also assist with healing externally.

For me, when it comes to penile damage, I drink high level of vitamins, such as B12 (which you did), collagen (standard protein mix), Vit D, and iodine (most lack to boost immune system and cellular repair functions).

If you have internal scarring tissue, sensitive glans tissue not easily pliable for expansion, heat compress for 10 minutes before any PE may be part of your routine. During my starting days in the past, this was one of the must do on my list as my glans tend to have micro cracks easily if I don't expand using air pump only. Now, the Bathmate helps with tissue expansion (no need for bath soak). Just warm up the glans tissues in a small pool of slightly warmer water. When using the Bathmate to prevent air bubble, fill it to the rim, submerge the penis, create a nice seal, and then pump once to create light suction. No air bubble. If there's a small air bubble, sit down, pump while the bleeder is pointing up. Air bubble will be explunged.

Just somethings to consider.
I'm not sure if this helps you or others. Whenever I feel a slight injury I hit it with the RED + NIR pad aggressively. I have to agree with others here, nothing over a few weeks is normal and you have to get 2 doctor opinions at that point.
id like to, but my entire life is crap now. 7 months with pretty steady decline is hard to feel good about every day. i got a ton of work to do, and its just killing me feeling this all day.
You need to take a break and calm your mind. Sometimes over obsessing can be the worst enemy
thanks oldand livley. i do feel something urethra like at times when i kegel. its not really a pain, but isnt right either. the burning is at a low right now and liveable, but still very there at times. this wouldnt be quite so bad, if i had ANY libido and my penis wouldnt be shrunk to zilch all day
DMSO. Dimethyl Sulfoxide. Pharma grade at least 99% pure. Use an organic cotton ball for application. Start with a dilution rate of 50/50 with distilled water. Apply, liberally, to entire penis including glans. PLEASE understand, you MUST have a clean and dry penis free from ANY soaps, lotions etc. Nothing. DMSO will drive ANYTHING into the skin and epidermis. Allow DMSO to dry at least 20 minutes before putting on undies. Especially polyester blends. This must be followed. Understand that this is JUST MY opinion and not any medical advice. Just something that might help to heal and bring the Johnson back
thanks oldand livley. i do feel something urethra like at times when i kegel. its not really a pain, but isnt right either. the burning is at a low right now and liveable, but still very there at times. this wouldnt be quite so bad, if i had ANY libido and my penis wouldnt be shrunk to zilch all day
Have you try to drink herbal tea mixes to ease the acid level in the urine? That may also help as well. Good amount of fluid, with herbal mix such as christantinem, hibiscus, ginger with the combo into jasmine/oolong/green/black tea and honey/agave if you like to sweeten up a bit. Helps me with the burning sensation when I go to hard with stretching and pumping for 5 to 6 days straight. The urethra feels like it's burning a bit about half inch inside, just right near the frenulum where the glans's base starts. Really irritating feeling at time. This herbal mix throughout the day helps to suppress to a zero feeling after a few weeks. I also make soups loaded with ginger, cumin, onion, and garlic for dinners when I can to substitute for the herbal tea type mix. Good for your body before bedtime to promote healing while resting.
thanks oldand livley. i do feel something urethra like at times when i kegel. its not really a pain, but isnt right either. the burning is at a low right now and liveable, but still very there at times. this wouldnt be quite so bad, if i had ANY libido and my penis wouldnt be shrunk to zilch all day
Have you considered viagra? It really helped me
i have took a viagra here and there just to test, and yes it does swell things back up. and last time gave me a full boner for no reason 30 minutes in. but that doesnt really fix anything.. lol
i have not tried any teas yet. As of the last 3 days, the constant prickling/burning spot that always bothers me has subsided a lot. i can actually work all day, and i almost have to pay attention to it now to know its there, instead of before where it let me know CONSTANTLY 24/7. so thats a plus, but im still no where near right. i just feel tightness when i kegel internally in the penis usually. and nothing ever changes all day long size wise, and no sexual interest from it whatsoever yet.

one other thing ive forgotten to mention. that slight burning spot has for months been constantly "sticky" for lack of better word. i catch it constantly sticking to my leg and it drives me nuts. but its only that spot that burns. and when examined by hand it feels no different than any other part of it. but with the less burning ive had this week, has also came less stickiness. its really weird and makes no sense. but some better is better and ill take any relief at this point.
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Ah! I'll break it down.

The itchy burning sensation is definitely internal and even external rip/tear/fissure. Internally, urethra burns and irritates. Nerves near the broken urethra can misfire because of the salt and acidic environment. Ever have a gall stone passes through and rip everything? It feels like ants marching a death march while shooting their acid stingers all over the place. Once again, allow healing time and promote internal pH balance.

Sticky on the outside is skin abrasions. Uuggg..hate it chaffing, light abrasions, or even sweating that causes skin balding causes that stickiness. I use climber's chalk (magnesium carbonate and not talcum or baby powder) helps with that stickiness until your skin heals. This is where daily washing, chalking, and healing as daily rigorous hygiene practices. It happens to females more often than males, especially around the butt crack, bralines, under breasts, and boob pit. Love those titties, but girls hate the sticky pains.
so ,sounds like youve had similar symptoms before. did it shut down your libido, and make you feel like you junk wasnt really there anymore lol? the shrinkage and uslessness is harder on me than anything. im trying like crazy to let this heal, its just terribly hard to take in. and it feels like a never ending battle with no end.
so ,sounds like youve had similar symptoms before. did it shut down your libido, and make you feel like you junk wasnt really there anymore lol? the shrinkage and uslessness is harder on me than anything. im trying like crazy to let this heal, its just terribly hard to take in. and it feels like a never ending battle with no end.
For me, yep. When your penis feels like ants in your pants, it was hard to concentrate to get your little guy to become a flag pole. The stickiness binding to your legs too. Uuggg. Walking around with it during humid summer days makes your little guy retracted inside your body. Mine looked like a little mushroom sticking out of my crotch when that happened. Your mind will make you preserve the penis when things like that happens. Survival instinct hardwired into your brain.
yeah... ive not been dealing with that part so well. ive never been stuck in this shrunken state for so long in my life. it makes it hard to think it will ever feel normal again. i dont really remember what thats like at this point.
I really think viagra will help you. It helped me big time. I was suffering from the same symptoms but almost immediately viagra cured that.
ok... so enlighten me cause im not seeing it. i get how viagra will make it "work" . but how can it fix anything? as in when im not taking it, how is that going to help anything?
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    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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