case study extremely big problem. HELP SOMEBODY PLEASE....

somehow ive ended here after battling this injury for al most 6 months. im in my 40's . i had jelqed off and on and pumped for a month or 2. nothing serious. felt better, and hung better it seemed. no real serious gains expected. just wanted better bloodflow and quality.

one day, i jelqed a bit harder than i had been, but no pain, and jsut for a minute. next day i pumped and accidentally went more than i wanted. no pain. immediately released and red along the base of the shaft. within the day it was gone. several days later i woke up with a shrunken unit and slight numbess on the shaft. had all hard flaccid symptoms.

was scared, so continued making my self have sex,. after a month or so, it seemed it was subsiding. i still woke up in the morning with a chub. but everything shrank to nothing during the day.then it started seeming like if we had sex more than once a week, it would traumatize everything and destroy my libido and size again.

very sensitive glans with burning /cooling feeling. shrunk all day. no erections. no night erections. then it would come back a week later with her, and we'd have sex again. eventually i figured out we had to quit for awhile. 6 months later, here i am. we just went a month of nothing. i still walk around all day shrunk to nothing. we had sex 2 days ago and it was great, but now it seems to be overly sensitive again. only time i hang normally , is if i lay down in bed awhile. but soon after i get up, its all gone again.

sensitivity/nerve damage, seems likely, but not sure. nothing feels like me down there unless im hard. it doesnt seem like i did anything too hard/painful to cause this, but i obviously did. not sure if this will heal ever, but i cant take any more panic attacks and anxiety. its hard to make it to bedtime every day. its the only relief i get.

it feels like i have half what i did on a normal day now, with no arousal. ive also noticed a constant pressure moreso while shrunken, in my rectum /perenium area,that tightens when i flex my penis. i get decent morning/night erections sometimes, and sometimes not as much. but im sure my anxiety day to day is effecting that . i cannot masturbate to get hard since the 2nd month of this, due to it irritating the nerves it seems on the head. actual sex doesnt irritate it as much, but it still does.

i always have the numbness/sensitivity issue to some degree, but its super bad when its shriveled up and burns. im just not sure the nerves will heal, and i dont know what to do now. im mentally exhausted and depressed. i can barely force myself to work or do anything that involves moving. it lets me know every step of every day what ive lost.
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Let me lend some advice here, @notmeanymore. This man just my suggestion here. But this is what I would do:
1.). Stay positive. No matter what. Hard to do at times, I surely know.
2.) Three times a day, use heat. For at least 10-15 minutes. I use an electric heating pad on a medium to high heat. Wrap your dick and just relax. Or get yourself the MossRed. Whatever works.
3.) Take a break. At least 4 weeks. Just rest and get plenty of sleep, fluids and hydration, quality vitamins and mineral supplements. Along with clean diet.
4.) I would suggest Cialis. 10mg daily. You can use 5-10mg daily forever. This is just my opinion as it’s worked for me as I was using Viagra and although it worked, just wasn’t the best for me. The Cialis keeps me ready to go for “anything” at all times. Especially PE.
5.) Utilize an organic blend of the following if you can get them. All are on Amazon, just ensure they are organic and solvent free:
A.) Coconut oil
B.) Rose Hip Oil
C.) Black Seed Oil
D.) Pumpkin Seed oil
Combine all of these 1-1 ratio. Mix and apply liberally on entire penis twice a day.
Many, many benefits for healing and others with all of these wonderful oils. Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, good fats and acids, moisturizing etc.
6.) Week 5, see how you feel and the cock is doing. If ok, get back into the game and go low and slow.

Best I can advise. Good luck my brother.
well..ive been taking a break all winter. lol,and my diet is pretty clean as it can get. ive been gluten free for 2 years because i have to be medically.i have also been heating. within the last 2 weeks, im finally not as ultra sensitive as i was, so at least i can walk around without constant prickling and tingling.although i can still feel it lightly at times.

but overall condition of penis is crap and lifeless, unless its 5 am. i have no libido. im not sure where it went, or what caused it. but its hard to even think sexually, when my length and girth is totally choked off all day.and for the longest time, was basically numb by the end of the day. i have cialis. i just havent been convinced its what i need to take to help anything. i mean, its not going to heal anything, so i just dont understand where thats going to take me from here.
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ok... so enlighten me cause im not seeing it. i get how viagra will make it "work" . but how can it fix anything? as in when im not taking it, how is that going to help anything?
@DLD meant to say, based on my assumption of his thinking process, that it assists or "cure" the needs to get immediate erection. As mentioned, it doesn't cure anything but it does help by pushing the nitric oxide level needed by the body. Notice that our brother is telling you to take 10mg from the 5mg concentration. As you can see, the requirement is getting higher, and will continue to rise the more you're dependent on the drug. There's no magical cure pill, but there are tons of remedies.

The only cure is the hard road ahead. We all mentioned:
  • Rest, rest, rest, and rest. Even if it takes more time, rest. When we get injured or suffered roadblocks, we rest. Sufficient amount of rest to reset everything.
  • Good dietary consumption, not fad diets. Supplements will boost the internal healing.
  • Reestablish good mindset. Everyone understands the hardships we all go through during tough times, especially during self-finding to get out of our funks (depressions or lack of self-esteem). We all gone through it. Even the toughest of the tough guys. They're not but babies in tough guy's clothing (cwl)
  • Be positive and humble even in the worst of time. This is a proven fact that positive thinking, believing that you will get things as you pursue them will reinforce the gains. Be of religious or simple self faith in postivity, your mind will lead you to gains as you pursue the gains. I believe there are tons of empirical evidence videos to prove our points. Being negative will indeed cause you spiral, and it affects those around you as well.
As a brotherhood, we're here for you. But let's put the posting in the support/psychology section. This is the "get my cock to be a python" section.
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well..ive been taking a break all winter. lol,and my diet is pretty clean as it can get. ive been gluten free for 2 years because i have to be medically.i have also been heating. within the last 2 weeks, im finally not as ultra sensitive as i was, so at least i can walk around without constant prickling and tingling.although i can still feel it lightly at times.

but overall condition of penis is crap and lifeless, unless its 5 am. i have no libido. im not sure where it went, or what caused it. but its hard to even think sexually, when my length and girth is totally choked off all day.and for the longest time, was basically numb by the end of the day. i have cialis. i just havent been convinced its what i need to take to help anything. i mean, its not going to heal anything, so i just dont understand where thats going to take me from here.
Oooo..I have suggestion on this. You've seen the urologists. Both times, they said nothing was wrong, am I correct? My final suggestion is to see a third urologist for a second opinion, describing the same thing, but make sure to also add the usages of Cialis (higher concentration) and Viagra. Do make sure to notify the urologist the response time and total time of response for erection, if any.

If the third urologist is not giving you the answer that you need, see a pathologist. They will perform a full neurological stimulus on you to detect possible nerve degenerative issues. Some have nerve degenerative issue around the mobile limbs, such as fingers to arms, legs and toes. Some have facial to muscle nerve denerative issues due to strokes and trauma. This will sound odd, but there are medical stimulus devices out there to supplement for the lack of motor response, including penis. There are two from Japan and five from Europe. Chinese have their knockoffs.
im seeing one in 2 weeksor so . im pretty sure at least some nerve/nerves have been somewhat damaged, but at the same time, i can still feel everything during sex just fine. and within the last week, things feel the most normal theyve felt in 6 months. although still not back to normal yet. its just when limp when i get the tingling/burning crap. But, that has gotten quite a bit better in the last week thank God. erections are just really weird now. night erections can either be pretty hard and decent, or they feel restricted sometimes, or i just have my old normal plump limpness,and then back to shrunken nothing when i get up.

sex only seems to be ok, if i get hard naturally without trying (in the morning mostly). if im not hard already and try to manually do it, it will happen, but it doesnt have any volume to it like it did, and has been known to have slight pain. and i feel weired sensation in the urethra, and tightness deep in my rectum/perenium area like something is cutting off all my blood. there was a time a couple months ago, that if i had really hard night erections, the whole next day it would burn and hurt. it feels like it doesnt want to be stretched out at all sometimes.
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@squirt_inducer_man can we splice part of this discussion to the appropriate forum section? I think it's quite relevant for other brothers, but at the same time, I believe this is not the right section for it.

im seeing one in 2 weeksor so . im pretty sure at least some nerve/nerves have been somewhat damaged, but at the same time, i can still feel everything during sex just fine. fine enough that is. its just when limp when i get the tingling/burning crap. usually. erections are just really weird now. night erections can either be pretty hard and decent, or they feel restricted sometimes. sex only seems to be ok, if i get hard naturally without trying (in the morning mostly). if im not hard already and try to manually do it, it will happen, but it doesnt have any volume to it like it did, and has been known to have slight pain. and i feel weired sensation in the urethra, and tightness deep in my rectum/perenium area like there was a time a couple months ago, that if i had really hard night erections, the whole next day it would burn and hurt. it feels like it doesnt want to be stretched out at all sometimes.

BINGO! That's the info we're looking for. Pathologist and a very old timer urologist will address this very quickly. Two things:

Nerve damage, or partial nerve bundling under tight muscles from traumas. This happened quite a bit for those who like to use massive toys or suffered sphincter traumas in the past. Extremists, male gymnists, and idiots damaged their sphincters all the time. Those who also overworked on the kegel exercises or shoved too much toys or damaged by natural limbs also suffer severe nerve bundle near the prostate and anal. This results in the misfiring of the nerves from the anal to the urethra at times, as well as those odd sudden extreme erection without any prior warning. I suffered once from an injury going down the mountain side on my mountain bike, and accidentally jammed my ass down on bare metal frame. Well, let's just say I couldn't sit, piss, or shit with any comfort for months. Ants in the pants was one of them. Burning feeling was the other. A sudden erection out of nowhere was the most embarrassing one when lining up at the checkout line in my light sweat pants, while commando mode. Ladies loved the sight, but the feeling was not mutual.

Pathologist and urologist may flag you for examination near pubic region, especially around the sphincter. Be ready for finger probing sessions. SMH.
See a doctor and ask them if they have dealt a lot with bicyclists. I have heard that bicyclists are one of the main groups of people that have issues down there. You need to get to the bottom of this, no pun intended.
hmm...but i havent done anything whatsoever in or around my sphincter nor do i have any feeling issues back there. and id take a spontaneous erection any day of the week if i could get it. i havent had one since about 2 months after this started. all of my feeling issues were/are in the glans area, which have shown some improvement over 7 months.
If the nerve endings are not affected between the sphincters (there are multiple for the pubic region to deal with bladder and anal), and mainly at the glans, and the ants in the pants feeling only at the half portions of the penile shaft (glans to half of the penis shaft), nerve damage is one, and severe urethra damage is the other as both were pointed out. Scarring, thinning, and redamage of the nerves and urethra is also like suspected. X-ray won't show anything. Advanced sonogram/ultrasound will to see what damage lies below, but for nerves, that will be tricky. I'll leave that to the medical professionals.
and even then, i dont know of anything they can even do. i just sure dont see how i accomplished this accidentally in a few seconds, but somehow i did. i figure time is the only answer and thats just hard to swallow
and even then, i dont know of anything they can even do. i just sure dont see how i accomplished this accidentally in a few seconds, but somehow i did. i figure time is the only answer and thats just hard to swallow
Time will always be your best adversary
so, just so i dont forget, i thought of something else today. ive always had precum leaking out when ever i tried to manually get hard, or when ive thought sexual things and got mildly aroused. i get zero precum now ever. which doesnt sounds good really.

i took a small dose of cialis yesterday. never did really notice anything. but it was only 2.5 mg. but that i used that dose before this all happened a couple weeks, and it was phenomenal. but i hadnt destroyed myself yet either. i took one more this evening to see if theres even any effect after 2 days. the first time i took 5mg, it jsut seemed way way too intense.

although my feeling may not be perfect, i feel things a better now than i did 6-7 months ago, and i was able to have sex all the time with quite strong erections and great size. this is why the nerve thing is confusing to me to be causing me to have crap erections now after all this time. it has just very slowly progressed worse and worse over this time. walking around all day with absolutely zero arousal or a single twitch in the pants is unreal and depressing. but then to turn around, and wake up with a boner at 5 am makes it even more confusing.

i seem to physically feel things in the morning better and pretty well. sometimes by bedtime, i just feel numb.
How old are you again N -early or late 40's, how often do you work out, how long were you doing PE before this happened, what are your stats? I ask because it is important, did this happen all at the same time your body is changing as a man in general? We just need all the info you can give us, thank you for providing the zero precum. See below for things that I think are amazing for cum.

For pre-cum do what some call the cum cocktail. It gets you all sorts of pre cum.

Start with 1 & 2 (3 if needed, if you think you don't taste that great) then add 4 & 5 a few weeks and weeks after and see what combination works for you.

(1) Zinc, 50mg Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 50mg (with food) (some here say take 20-30MG)
(2) Lecithin, 1200mg Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 1200mg (with food)
(3) Bromelain, 500mg, Taken 1 time daily =500mg (This really does make your cum taste good, wifey approved and verified, she is shocked that I don’t taste like anything or that it is no longer salty. (with or without food) (not a substitute for eating junk or not working out- only after you are on your A-game but nothing else works)

(4) L-Arginine, 1000mg Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 1000mg (no food)
(5) Pygeum & Saw Palmetto, 160/50 mg Strength, Taken 2 times daily = 200mg (I could not take Pygeum in large doses, my stomach would hurt, so I am doing the mix of these with food) (some vets say this does not work for them, others love it- you must test on your self)
late 40's. i workout as oftenas i can. couple times a week at least. and i run now . i also do very strenuous work every day. 150 lbs. did this off and on for a couple months. seemed to help erections i thought. until i accidentally overpressured pump for a few seconds. 16-18 to best of my memory. zero pain though. was fine for a few days, then woke up feeling shrunken, and slight numbness,and now 8 months of pure hell and regret with no end in sight.

i dont really need anything to make my cum to taste good. lol. its just the fact that i dont even seem to have any ,which seems to have left the building with my libido with all this.
@squirt_inducer_man can we splice part of this discussion to the appropriate forum section? I think it's quite relevant for other brothers, but at the same time, I believe this is not the right section for it.
That is not possible with the current software.
You can create a new thread in the appropriate forum, and then quote parts of this discussion/thread there.

But once a thread are detailed, it's will stick forever.
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Líbido, as we discussed, is definitely fallen into two categories now. Hormones, which you've checked for the level earlier, and psychological reactions.

We've established that your psychological level is scattered as cross the floor in a very low level. Let's focus on that aspect for now. Not sure how many of us are specialized in that field, but our past experiences may assist you on recovering.

For one thing, I can say that I have experienced a partial negative side like yours in the past, either be being compared as too small to make the ladies satisfied or just bad relationships in general. However, I decided to set positive objectives/milestones along the way. This is crucial to get out of that dark time. The "how" will fall squarely on you as it does take mental reinforcement on your side. The "what must" can be given by everyone here.
That is not possible with the current software.
You can create a new thread in the appropriate forum, and then quote parts of this discussion/thread there.

But once a thread are detailed, it's will stick forever.
And we never delete a thread so be sure what you're posting is what you wanna post
man i wanna get off this ride forever. today has been weird. this is my 3rd day taking cialis. havent had a single different feeling throughout that day or night yet that i can tell. today ive been having one of my days where it just feels tight in my inner perenium/ butthole when i flex and a weird feeling(not exactly a pain), like a shooting pressure sensation right up my urethra when i flex or kegel. all day im shrunk again and dont seem to feel much. but at one point, it seemed everything let loose and my junk relaxed and swelled up and was actually like i had a normal penis again that had some volume. for that 20 minutes or so, i never felt those pain/blood flowing sensations deep inside my rectum. and of course, then everything went back to crap again for the rest of the day, and i feel all restricted again. ugh
Yep. Perfect sign of peroneal nerve pinch/damage. Comparable to sciatica. Suggestions from me, take a break. No more kegel. No more pelvic exercises.

If you want to, light to moderate pumping only. Less than 7 inHg for vac pressure. Light to moderate stretches only. Nothing more than the sensation of glans pressure at 7 inHg vac pressure. You will still get the elongation you need, light girth growth. However, keep it simple and easy until things clear up. Be positive with your mind set.

By the way, no more drugs. Let your body reboot.
believe me, ive been taking a break. i just tried some cialis to see if i could get some blood flowing. thats all. just feels like something is bound up deep inside. and after all that today, and on other days when it happens, it always seems to make me wanna pee, and it will internally burn. i havent kegeled since about august or september. until i realized that was the exact opposite of what i need. im only talking about kegeling in the since of what happenes every day when i pee, and other times when i do it subconsiously throughout the day.

the pelvic excercises seemed to help in the last couple months at times. i wouldnt get a nocturnal erection hardly at all, and then id stretch pelvic floor, and that night they would come back. i could also feel the most awesome feeling of what feels like blood returning to my groin during some stretches. i dont quite get that intense of an effect anymore though it seems.

EDIT...yup, just peed. and that burned inside quite decent again.
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well. i thought i was on a good path last week but i ruined it. i happened to rub it a bit one morning , and it felt better than i have in months. that used to set me off and irritation and retraction followed. all day was fine and the next morning i did it again. erections were stronger than in the past and felt better than ever. i did this for 4 days just testing my reaction. nothing. everything was going good, and i felt more plump all day and better than i had ever felt in many many months. i was even aroused sometimes and feeling was best it has been . so the nxt morning we had sex and it was better than it had ever been in forever. i did start to notice a slight itchy irritation in the glans towards the end. . .well. over the next 2 days, everything has been backtracking and all the old symptoms came back.

now it just feels like nothing is there again all day most of the time. feeling in glans is all weird again. off and on weird urethra feeling when flexing again, and jsut basically feels like i dont have a penis again. this is so depressing and dumb. its like if i wait long enough, i start to feel like doing something. but i cant, or it starts all over again and i cant feel much.

only thing promising, is it doesnt seem to have crashed me near as hard as it used to, and the irritation is not near as bad as in the past . my sensitive spot is rarely bothering me at all, until i just did that. and it already feels like its trying to go towards feeling better, but i dont know. its so confusing and weird, and very hard to understand.
Looks like you've discovered the region and symptom of effects. You literally pointed out the areas of causes and the causiality from the forward movement. I'll provide my insights again and you can follow up with second and third opinions. Do post your issue in the medical forums as well.
  1. After taking a break from sex and PE, there's a decrease on symptoms. However, after the neurological pathways healed/regenerated to some degrees, the sexual activities triggered/flared or even torn the neurological pathway (regenerative nerve or nerves). We've discussed about the supplement from Haursen post here ( for supplements to boost neurological/nerve regenerative assistance. Before taking any supplements, do go through your medical journals/results to see if you have any adverse/allergic reaction.
  2. When your nerves sent signals to the rest of your penile body, as the nerve pathway(s) expanded, stretched, and tugged, possible tears or even kink caused misfires along the perineal nerve pathways. But, misfiring of nerves tends to be more painful if there's a full tear of the nerve pathway. Possibly a scarring perhalfs. Only ultrasound or more detailed CAT scan can effectively search for the clues.
  3. I don't think it's the blood vessels. If you don't see varicose veins or swelling of blood vessels, then there's no issues with blood vessels and capilaries.
  4. Irritation of the urethra without visual confirm using a ureterscope will not provide concrete evidence of a damaged or scarred urethra. However, kinked and misfiring of the perineal nerves can indeed cause that ants in the pants tingling to bitting sensation, either be inside or along the penis.
If you boiled everything down from prior posts discussions and your medical results, there are only three areas to cover:
Nerve damage
Urethra damage
Scarring tissues
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yeah. its just hit me really hard to feel like this again after everything felt so much more right last week. i felt good enough i was thinking about canceling my appointment. im still not in as bad of shape as i was, but the tip has become a bit more sensitive again, but not as severe as before. so im not touching it again for awhile. im not touching PE ever again, and havent since this happened. had i never ran across it, id be perfectly fine right now . all its done is take my life, and i just want it back.

i hope i didnt cause my self that much more problems by having sex again. its just so confusing to know what im feeling and when to try to test anything or what. nothing ever has felt as good yet as last week, so , i was hoping that was the ending in sight. sigh.

but before i did this, and even mostly now, the tingling is gone. burning gone.sticky spot is gone. feeling was better than anytime previous. and flaccid size has mostly returned. its just now that after i irritated it again, i dont really feel like its there a lot of the time. and the tip is sensitve/irritated. and right at tip of urethra is sticky/sensitive.
Sorry to hear that PE is a potential issue to the sex life. Most PE journeyists tend to jump into the mode of "quick gain with minimal efforts" by doing some strange things. Clamping is one of them that the brotherhood here warned not to venture into. Clamping is practically killing nerves and blood vessels by strangling/kinking it. However, safe clamping can be achieve using modified cushions to prevent nerve and blood vessel impairment. I have clamps too, but they are modded with soft rubbers to mimick medical grade devices. It's essential silicone rubber type cockrings with greater clamping tensions, which is not highly adviced. For me, I doubled and tripled my penis shaft with cut out of silicone penis sleeves for skin, nerve, and blood vessel protection, follows by penis ring or modded clamp while monitoring the progressive sessions like a hawk.

Damages due to PE is a short term as the penile structures recover quickly. When the brothers go too hard and too fast without safety in mind, damages can be permanent. This is why I always place safety as the forefront of all the suggestions I provided and asked others to correct my errors. Safety will slow down progressive gains, but the gains are solid without the higher levels of dangers.

As for the urethra feeling sticky, sensitive, and irritated, the sensitivity is common during healing process. Nerve misfiring and stesses to the glans tend to create that sensitivity too. During PE, either be stretching, hanging, tractioning, or pumping, when stresses placed on the 1/3 portion of the penile shaft near the glans, the glans and urethra tend to be more sensitive.

In addition, if there's irritation to the urethra, blood vessels, or the entire glans itself due to micro fissures from PE, the body will induce healing factors, including plasma, to heal the body. The irritation is your body telling you the body defensive mechanisms are in play through the process of inflammation. To calm it down, antihystamines or herbal drinks containing natural antihystamine compounds will help greatly. I drink herbal soups and tea at night to provide both nourishment and water for my body while soothing the penile body naturally when possible. As other brothers would use bacitracin and hydrocortisone ointments to help them along the way when there isn't enough time to pamper.
yeah. its saying, stop doing that. lol. i know ive already healed a lot. i just pray one day i can really really heal and forget all this happened. im just never ever comfortable in the pants ever now, and that effects my entire day ,every day. last week screwed with me, cause i came as close as ive ever been to feeling like a normal man again.

ive been having nightly erections that have been fuller and more normal feeling than they were a couple months ago. i even had them the last 2 nights after all this has went on. its just after i get up everything goes to crap mostly
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well. doctor today. went about like i figured. just not much there you can really do they say. sent me to pelvic floor therapy, which i'll try, but dont have very high hopes of helping. put me on cialis, which ill also try a bit more justto see if i can get relief. im pretty much done from here on out. i just cant have sex anymore. it causes too much pain and problems. but its also the only time i feel good.

im still not back to feeling anything right all day from my previous spell a week and a half ago when i thought things were starting to subside and i had sex. i just dont think my nerves can handle anything in the glans, even though it feels good at the time. i still cant understand how my penis feels like nothing is there in my pants and shrunk, but yet i can feel it pretty well if i rub it with my hand. is what it is i guess. i read this stupid crap and thought it would be cool to see if it helped anything. i had a really nice penis. i really didnt know what i had. now all i have is a useless nub and major stress all day every day. and ive distanced myself from the entire world forever cause i dont feel like i belong anymore, and i never will. it really sucks to have erections every night /morning, but not be able to touch it ever, or suffer for weeks after.

my only real goal now is to hopefully get back any feeling like i had a couple weeks ago and just keep it that way and not touch it. i cant work like this. i cant do anything. cant play with my kids very long. my mind is destroyed as is my body. i hope anybody reading this just quits now or doesnt even start. there is no hell on earth worse than what ive did to myself. there is no gain out there worth risking this and your life. unless some more time can salvage this somehow, ive already ruined mine. i still cant believe its real. all in a moment, gone. there was no pain, no bruises, no anything. i wasnt even that alarmed at first when i woke up feeling weird. it just doesnt seem real. but i cant wake up...
One of the brothers brought up a good cocktail for erection dysfunction. Talk to the urologist about TRIMIX. It dawned on me when the brother brought it up. It's a 3-in-1 cocktail designed to cover all aspects of ED not responding or not responding well to Cialis/Viagra.

However, allow time to let the body reset. It may a few weeks, few months, a year. The body rebounces. For me, I talk to a specialist with ED disorder. The ones in China and Japan is using the ultra sound method to do check for conditions not seen by X-ray. Some went to CAT/MRI method as special study cases. Doctors don't have all the answers in their arsenal, nor the scientific areas discovered in full on the whim of fate.

Be positive and allow both the mind and body to reset and heal first. The more you dig yourself into the pit of woes and dispairs, your body will shut down faster to kick into preservation modes rather than healing.
One of the brothers brought up a good cocktail for erection dysfunction. Talk to the urologist about TRIMIX. It dawned on me when the brother brought it up. It's a 3-in-1 cocktail designed to cover all aspects of ED not responding or not responding well to Cialis/Viagra.

However, allow time to let the body reset. It may a few weeks, few months, a year. The body rebounces. For me, I talk to a specialist with ED disorder. The ones in China and Japan is using the ultra sound method to do check for conditions not seen by X-ray. Some went to CAT/MRI method as special study cases. Doctors don't have all the answers in their arsenal, nor the scientific areas discovered in full on the whim of fate.

Be positive and allow both the mind and body to reset and heal first. The more you dig yourself into the pit of woes and dispairs, your body will shut down faster to kick into preservation modes rather than healing.
yeah. where im at now is weird. and very depressing. i have erections every night. and mostly in the morning some. im also pretty girthy and plump in the morning as i always have been. but that spot on my glans on left side is slightly flared up again, and i feel it all day after i get up off and on. and my feeling is kinda numbed at the glans all day when in clothes. it also usually drains my fullness i used to have during the day. and the more the day wears on, the number i get sometimes. so that eats on my brain all day and sucks really bad.

but i still get erections when i engage with the wife. i just cant do anything or it messes everything in the glans up all over again it seems. i was feeling stuff a lot better a couple weeks ago until i had sex. within 2-3 days after, it all went out the window. my only angle now i guess, is ill just take some cialis to see if blood will flow better , and see if some miracle (god) will heal up my sensitivity some over the next few months and have zero touching whatsoever. that seems to be whats really killing me. i just dont understand why it didnt bother me to touch it for the first couple months into this. about the time i thought i was getting better back in sept/oct, it just started irritating me something fierce, and ive been trying to come out of that ever since.

one thing i just thought of. about 6 am this morning, i was half asleep , and i had about 3 or 4 "impulses" shoot through my glans. like something firing. it was a good feeling. not sure exactly what it means, but i remember a few of these over the last couple months. hoping it was somehting helpful, but not sure.
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pelvic floor therapy
I think you need a 2, 3, and 4th opinion on this, let them do all the tests and you can piece this back together from many angles. Regarding EQ, was it PE or did you have a natural drop in EQ because of your age, I think that needs to be tested as well. I know how it feels to be concerned and then have your mind go down a rabbit hole, I just had my first type of strain a couple of months ago and it freaked me out. The best thing to do now is to heal mentally and physically. I'm not sure if you have gone cold turkey on PE but if you haven't I would do just water pump with gauge 2-3 times a week for 3-5 minutes at 5 Hg, for atleast 4-5 months. Take a real good decon but with some water pumping with EQ and red light to heal.

Try being a multi-orgasmic man although this must be hard at first, gradually try, don't give up. Again, the vitamins to increase CUM load will make you feel better in general.

Also, I know how it feels to go into the doctors office, feeling and knowing they can't help. Don't give into that mindset, go in everytime with a positive view they will find something. They will recommend something, that this is a process and trust the process. And just like PE, when one says something, get a 2 and 3rd opinion on it. You might be just around the corner of discovering how to be the lion you are!
there is no pe. i dont do any of it. its what has killed me to start with. i dont know what making my cumload better will do, cause i cant do that either. if i even jack off for 10 seconds, it shuts my whole penis down and i just want to die for the next 2 weeks. all i can do to stay going is wear very tight underwear so nothing moves at all, and work till im about dead. anything else just kills me.
Again, prayers from all of us. Please report back.

I'm sure you have seen this video but for others that read this. There are some good things, even if someone had a pelvic issue from a foot imbalance, I know that is just one person, however, it shows how to heal it is from multiple angles diet, fitness, health, mental, and therapy.
(Hink maybe not for all so just take it for what it is, you won't agree with everything he says, and you shouldn't)
Also, in general, I have changed my sitting routine at work to 50% stand 50% sit. We don't know if you are a bike rider for instance, you need to stop if you are and do other cardio.
i did get hard flaccid within the first week. id actually love to have it back. my penis was firm , but didnt bother me like this. and if i used it, it didnt bother me either. but that seemed to resolve itself within the month. i thought i was getting better, then after all that went away, it all went the other way and shrunk and irritates me all day.
Looks like we're seeing the trend where retreating flaccid state causes a sporatic nerve pathway misfires. Definitely similar to sciatica cases but for penile body. This is suggestion is not PE but penile therapy. Since we know that shrunken state condense the nerves into a bundling state of close proximal nerve endings, where a hard flaccid state allows the nerve endings to be properly space with no ill-effects or relief of irritation, how about using a loose to compressive wrapping/penis sleeve to maintain the penile shaft in its elongated state? Make sure the wrapping/penis sleeve does not constrict any blood flow.

The suggestion to this approach is to address:
  1. Elongation to prevent nerve ending bundling, where misfire of signals cause the "ants in the pants" irritation.
  2. Elongation enforce the penile body to receive blood flow for healing in a force semi-ridge state, similar to during PE where wrapping after stetching and pumping to trigger the body to repair responses, rather than allowing the body to retract the penile shaft through preservation mode.
  3. Warming of penile shaft to ensure effective blood flow, while aeration (cooling) to encourage blood to flow in a cycle of warming-cooling. The crotch and armpits tend to be the warmest spots, but only the armpits get aeration through movement of the arms. Not so much for the crotch in clothing. However, keeping it both warm and aerated will promote faster healing than just hot, humid, and stagnant. I believe you're isolating the penis to prevent shifting to minimize irritation. You can do the same during its elongated state by having the penis positioned sideway, straight down, or inbetween the butt cheeks in a commando mode.
This is just my advise from reading your reports so far. Doctors in this field also do reporting analysis, but they also depend on your report summaries and discoveries from discussing with others.
yes. currently, wearing boxer briefs over my boxers to prevent it from rubbing the glans. which is driving me nuts to the extreme. i also get a weird coolness at the spot in the glans thats irritating me. its so unsettling to be like this all day. laying in bed is so welcome every night. its the only time i can pretend im ok for a bit
How about using a silicone glans cap? In the past, those who had irritation of the glans due to injuries or from a foreskin procedure used condoms, which gave birth to medical-grade type silicone glans caps. Something like this:

I'm thinking in a pathological diagnosis based on what youv'e reported so far:
  1. Redness at the base from jelqing that goes away in a day or two, which is an indicator of stressed or burst minor capillaries near the base.
  2. The redness also an indicator that the vigorous jelqing/pumping activity lightly injured the dorsal nerve, either be the large or small branched nerve. In this case, I suspect the large main dorsal nerve (which sits at the top of the penis shaft) since it leads directly to the glans.
  3. During sexual activities, the light injury became moderate. Since you're still feeling sensations along the base and along the shaft but partial numbness only at the glans, the dorsal nerve is still in great shape. However, that numbness at the glans can also mean there's a secondary injury of the dorsal nerve near the glans itself, possibly due to impacts during sexual activities.
The elongation state of the penis may be the best course of action. Similar to a broken limb or a penile fracture, immobilizing in a straight and elongated state is the best course of action to promote proper healing. Ever heard of a penile cast? I knew a few who used them due to sexual activities gone wild. Nerve damage was one of them. Be of sexual activities or PE, isolation of the penile shaft is one method to heal. Using Cialis to promote blood flow and erection may not be a wise choice by the doctor since your body tends to adapt and/or become chemically dependent. Short-term is fine. Long-term for a daily basis of more than 6 months is not advised.

If you don't like the idea of a cast or wrap, a thick penis sleeve is definitely your best bet (SiliSleev5 - Silicone Anti-Turtling Penis Sleeves). Same with the penis cap (SiliCap Original Blue Silicone Penis Cap). I wore both during my daytime healing for my PE days off. Why do I wear the cap? Because the uncircumcised penis has the glans protruding by around 30% to 60% during the elongation process, similar to during the erectile state. Irritating, but a necessity.
yeah. i wasnt planning on using it long term. jsut a few weeks to see if anything helps. i dont feel half bad if i keep this one spot isolated from rubbing . its just a horrible roller coaster ride. sometimes i feel like things are feeling somewhat normal again. then others, i feel the itching and the retraction, and i just seem to lose all sensation that its even there. its hard to keep going , but im trying my best. i can keep it secure enough to mostly not bother me, and a sleeve may help yet also. i just dont know if this spot will ever heal back to normal. and if i dont feel normal, i dont seem to ever be able to get interested or aroused anymore. ive learned that rubbing it doesnt work at all. and then thinking about never being able to have my wife again works on my brain even more. ugh
It will heal. Just allow a bit of time for the body to reset while you do your best to keep promoting healing. Never sit idle and think the body will simply create miracles. It takes your parts in the healing efforts with active promotions for healing.
i really really hope youre right. im so far out there now, i realy dont know how to get back. i cant really even remember how i should normally feel now. i only know this aint it. its so hard to focus on anything but this. im so screwed up mentally now from this, i dont really know what to even try now or do other than excercise. which is hard to do feeling like this sometimes
We all face hardship in certain forms throughout life, and we repeat the same lines, be of relationships, physical ailments, mental/emotional issues, financial crisis, or whatever may be. It truly boils down to how strong your mentality is to break through it with a driven determination to shrug off the negatives, look forward toward the positives, and find answers among those with whom you can confide in. The statement sounds cliche, but I stated it because I've gone through it all, and then some. As brothers in PE and beyond, we're here to listen, and we're here to provide sensible advices. Chin up, look forward, and confide in your loving wife to support you while the brothers search for methods to heal you.
im in. trying to get there. i will say the first few months were the darkest thing ive ever been through. somehow i made it this far. it still aint much fun, but im trying. i wish id left well enough alone. but cant do anything about that now.
There is nothing unhealthy about using it. I used viagra for years with no issues
Hi @notmeanymore

Thank you for confiding with us here on the forums. I am sorry about your current injury.

The good news is that injuries allow us to pause and reflect on what we can learn and how we can grow from the experience.

I briefly glance at your injury report and I can offer suggestions which may help based on my research and experience.

As with anything that I mention, you will need to remember what works for one may not work for you.

I encourage for you to do your own research and to stay curious.

Here are my suggestions feel free to do your own research on what works for you and your situation.

  1. I use DMSO combined with aloe vera to help heal any PE injuries. The research on DMSO is quite astonishing and by putting the cream on your glands and on your penis may actually help heal the injuries that have occurred. You can find the DMSO aloe vera combination on Amazon. You could use DMSO in liquid form although I highly recommend diluting it with distilled water because if you use DMSO straight it can cause a burning sensation. Whatever form you choose please make sure to wash your hands very well after applying topically. You can take DMSO internally in liquid form and I would recommend taking it with either grapefruit juice or a citrus juice to cover the taste. The organic forms of the juices is optimal.
  2. If you are experiencing nerve damage Leviathan supplements as a supplement called fortitude which helps repair nerve damage which may be something to look into.
  3. Another topical ointment that you can place on your penis is organic castor oil and/or organic black seed oil. The research on Castor oil and black seed oil is also astonishing.
And obstacles make you stronger and this is opportunity for you to grow through this process.

If you need specific help with choosing the DMSO or the supplements that mentioned, let me know... I'm happy to help and I'm not an affiliate of those products.

If you are a reader, I can suggest books about DMSO as well.

Addendum: Oh...For glans sensitivity, there is a glans cover you can purchase called Manhood which mimics foreskin covering.
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Hi @notmeanymore

Thank you for confiding with us here on the forums. I am sorry about your current injury.

The good news is that injuries allow us to pause and reflect on what we can learn and how we can grow from the experience.

I briefly glance at your injury report and I can offer suggestions which may help based on my research and experience.

As with anything that I mention, you will need to remember what works for one may not work for you.

I encourage for you to do your own research and to stay curious.

Here are my suggestions feel free to do your own research on what works for you and your situation.

  1. I use DMSO combined with aloe vera to help heal any PE injuries. The research on DMSO is quite astonishing and by putting the cream on your glands and on your penis may actually help heal the injuries that have occurred. You can find the DMSO aloe vera combination on Amazon. You could use DMSO in liquid form although I highly recommend diluting it with distilled water because if you use DMSO straight it can cause a burning sensation. Whatever form you choose please make sure to wash your hands very well after applying topically. You can take DMSO internally in liquid form and I would recommend taking it with either grapefruit juice or a citrus juice to cover the taste. The organic forms of the juices is optimal.
  2. If you are experiencing nerve damage Leviathan supplements as a supplement called fortitude which helps repair nerve damage which may be something to look into.
  3. Another topical ointment that you can place on your penis is organic castor oil and/or organic black seed oil. The research on Castor oil and black seed oil is also astonishing.
And obstacles make you stronger and this is opportunity for you to grow through this process.

If you need specific help with choosing the DMSO or the supplements that mentioned, let me know... I'm happy to help and I'm not an affiliate of those products.

If you are a reader, I can suggest books about DMSO as well.

Addendum: Oh...For glans sensitivity, there is a glans cover you can purchase called Manhood which mimics foreskin covering.
i have some dmso and aloe vera on the way. now that i pretty much know what im feeling and not, i have to make an effort to get this feeling back as right as i can. the only time it feels right is when its aroused. while not aroused, i have the itchy/sensitive spot, . i also am going to try this red light and see if anything comes of that. today was rough. unless im laying in bed or at night, it just feels like my entire unit is cut off from the world. i cant even think straight...every day... blew my kids 4 wheeler up today because i didnt check something simple i know to do. all because this thing draws up and feels weird all day. feels great when erect though. so disturbing. i got so stressed working on it, and feeling it, i start getting the urethra pains again and burning.
i have some dmso and aloe vera on the way. now that i pretty much know what im feeling and not, i have to make an effort to get this feeling back as right as i can. the only time it feels right is when its aroused. while not aroused, i have the itchy/sensitive spot, . i also am going to try this red light and see if anything comes of that. today was rough. unless im laying in bed or at night, it just feels like my entire unit is cut off from the world. i cant even think straight...every day... blew my kids 4 wheeler up today because i didnt check something simple i know to do. all because this thing draws up and feels weird all day. feels great when erect though. so disturbing. i got so stressed working on it, and feeling it, i start getting the urethra pains again and burning.
Don't forget hydrocortisone
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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