Exclusive 5x5x3 MityVac/SSJ girth workout ? MONSTER GIRTH!

Each pumps have their positives and negatives. Better than other? No. It should be said as "more preferred than the other". Otherwise, the market wouldn't be flooded with the pump.

Bathmate has portability, usability, and compatibility. It is designed for both air and water with advanced and simplified pump system. The negative side is the lack of pressure gauge and for good reasons as the gauge cannot be added on due to the relief valve design. Modding at your own risk of warranty.

The MityVac is designed same purpse as the Bath Mate, however the support is the entire brotherhood. The negative side is the lack of reservoir for the water trap. The most upbeat side is the cylinder for the higher pressure design using a thick wall for safety, accommodates all size penises, as well as the portability and compaction of the design most don't considered. On cylinder size does not fit all. Most designing manufacturers do not guarantee the parts, as well as the instructions on how to use it. Compared to most pump set, it use a better quality pump, and trigger set.

Mind you that I'm only a volunteer here. I'm one of the brothers that uses parts and pay in full prices, with a little discount that's being offer to all the brothers. I'm here merely as the voice of reason, with knowledge to share, and to guide the brothers to the better days. I don't promote, but simply indicate the products of choice with the full support of the brotherhood that is using them. I simply point out what is available, and best to be supported by the brothers. I've gone through too many pumps, but the pumps are mainly user error due to the lack of instruction and supports.
A massive basket of great advice!

Also With all the equipment you can do the entire SRT routine
3 time is good. 4 is better. 6 times a week with a day rest is best. But everyone is truly different. Some response better with a 3 on 1 off. Some response with 4 on, 2 off. Mine is going into a spurt growth with 5 on, 1 off. Your body also grows according to the intensity for each routine set. This includes any pre pump and post pump routines as well.

If you're asking me and I have no logs to look at the trends, all I can do is toss a coin up and answer your questions based on a 50/50 chance. This is why logs are important. I shared my log templates with the brothers I work together with and they saw growth. Some saw within the first week, some saw a few weeks out, but growth nevertheless.

This is why routine and progress logs are critical.
3 time is good. 4 is better. 6 times a week with a day rest is best. But everyone is truly different. Some response better with a 3 on 1 off. Some response with 4 on, 2 off. Mine is going into a spurt growth with 5 on, 1 off. Your body also grows according to the intensity for each routine set. This includes any pre pump and post pump routines as well.

If you're asking me and I have no logs to look at the trends, all I can do is toss a coin up and answer your questions based on a 50/50 chance. This is why logs are important. I shared my log templates with the brothers I work together with and they saw growth. Some saw within the first week, some saw a few weeks out, but growth nevertheless.

This is why routine and progress logs are critical.
"No logs to look at the trends", what do you mean, can you let me know? I do not understand.
Look at brother Haursen's log. You started one, but no base stats and current growth stats, including routines. Mine looks like these.

I see,
This is well-organized.
I am not working like this. My routine is very simple.

From 15 Mars to 15 April, I am doing 3 times a week Girth Routine 5x5x3. That's it.
I believe organizing it like this and seeing no results, will make my psychology worst.
Also you say "You started one, but no base stats and current growth stats, including routines" .... Where :P I do not even know when i did that.
You logs and report in scattered across the posts. I try to memorize as many of the communicative brothers that I can. Some got my attention and I created track logs for my own data analysis. This is why the brothers here encourage personal logs, logs, and logs.
Mars 15 to April 15 → 180 mins SSJ. 180 mins Pump. 400 mins Stretching Bundled Stretches.
April 16 to May 5 → 90 mins SSJ. 90 mins Pump. 150 mins Stretching Bundled Stretches.
These are my stats. Is there anything else you need from me?
Make sure to put this in the routine and progress session. Everything is in a nicely nest package. You'll be surprised how easy it is to detect a trend right away.

If you have your starting penile measurements, it will be great to see. Flaccid and erected info if possible.

Around the base
Around the mid shaft
Around the corona

From base to tip, bone pressed
Glans length from corona to tip (need measuring tape)

These info may seem trivial, but when you detect tissues growing in part of the penis but not the rest, you refocus the routines based on the needs. Growths come in different directions. You have to know where the growth is every 90 days. Measuring it weekly and monthly may encourage you along the journey, but the fun starts when you see a massive jump.
Make sure to put this in the routine and progress session. Everything is in a nicely nest package. You'll be surprised how easy it is to detect a trend right away.

If you have your starting penile measurements, it will be great to see. Flaccid and erected info if possible.

Around the base
Around the mid shaft
Around the corona

From base to tip, bone pressed
Glans length from corona to tip (need measuring tape)

These info may seem trivial, but when you detect tissues growing in part of the penis but not the rest, you refocus the routines based on the needs. Growths come in different directions. You have to know where the growth is every 90 days. Measuring it weekly and monthly may encourage you along the journey, but the fun starts when you see a massive jump.
I want to find a way to maximize results.
3 time is good. 4 is better. 6 times a week with a day rest is best. But everyone is truly different. Some response better with a 3 on 1 off. Some response with 4 on, 2 off. Mine is going into a spurt growth with 5 on, 1 off. Your body also grows according to the intensity for each routine set. This includes any pre pump and post pump routines as well.

If you're asking me and I have no logs to look at the trends, all I can do is toss a coin up and answer your questions based on a 50/50 chance. This is why logs are important. I shared my log templates with the brothers I work together with and they saw growth. Some saw within the first week, some saw a few weeks out, but growth nevertheless.

This is why routine and progress logs are critical.
Agree 💯
OK now the 1 million dollar question. Mityvac or barhmate and why !
MityVac with a big water trap.
You can monitor the vaccum pressure live. You can go up and down in vaccum pressure if you want to. This will promote faster growth.

You do not have to deal with the rubber creases/the gator.
More comfort and better ability to modify the expansion with diffrent width of the cylinder. Bathmate haven't that many diffrent sizes. I have 4 Bathmate pump so I believe I'm the right person to answer this question.

I tried Bathmate reasently and it felt less comfortable then MityVac. Also it felt so unsafe because I had no idea what vaccum pressure I was at. When I have been using MityVac for a while I do not want to go back to Bathmate.
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MityVac with a big water trap.
You can monitor the vaccum pressure live. You can go up and down in vaccum pressure if you want to. This will promote faster growth.

You do not have to deal with the rubber creases/the gator.
More comfort and better ability to modify the expansion with diffrent width of the cylinder. Bathmate haven't that many diffrent sizes. I have 4 Bathmate pump so I believe I'm the right person to answer this question.

I tried Bathmate reasently and it felt less comfortable then MityVac. Also it felt so unsafe because I had no idea what vaccum pressure I was at. When I have been using MityVac for a while I do not want to go back to Bathmate.
Going vacuum pressure up and down promotes faster growth ? Not just up? Is this some kind of different way of pumping ? Care to explain ?
Going vacuum pressure up and down promotes faster growth ? Not just up? Is this some kind of different way of pumping ? Care to explain ?
I mostly go up first immediately to 10 in.Hg, then I stay there for some time, but during ~ 2 minutes during a set I go up to ~12 in.Hg, and then down to 10 in.Hg again.

I believe this method will tug at the tunica albigunea more, and loosen it up more, and make the permanent growth happen faster. Just a theory. I did something similarly with Bathmate. The last 2 minutes I always increased the vaccum pressure, so at the last minute (of 5) I was at the highest vaccum pressure.

I even went up to 15 in.Hg but that I do not recommend, because the penis feels very worn out afterwards. On the brink of feeling injured.
This is to much, it's to much risk with going this high.

This have at least been working for me.
Switching between a narrow and a wider cylinder during a session I believe is also beneficial.
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I mostly go up first immediately to 10 in.Hg, then I stay there for some time, but during ~ 2 minutes during a set I go up to ~12 in.Hg, and then down to 10 in.Hg again.
@kriskros, don't be crazy and go straight up to 10inHg. Remember that brother SIM has been pumping for a long time now. He is more conditioned that you are. For my Bathmate, I can go straight to 10inHg without any issue. But if you're using a MityVac, be very careful. 10inHg for the Bathmate does not mean 10inHg for the MityVac. The straight cylinder, including the sizing of the cylinder, is different when it comes to exerting different pressure loads. Not all cylinders have the same pressure influences. You go straight to the upper pressure zone because you think you can handle it, you'll get blisters, blood spots, or worst, internal injuries when yo past the pressure limit your penis is conditioned for.

I believe this method will tug at the tunica albigunea more, and loosen it up more, and make the permanent growth happen faster. Just a theory. I did something similarly with Bathmate. The last 2 minutes I always increased the vaccum pressure, so at the last minute (of 5) I was at the highest vaccum pressure.
Your right brother, it was a theory. Now, it's proven. The tunica albigunea's collagen bond breaks within a second when you reach and exceed the sacrificial collagen bond at 120 kJmol, or roughly estimated to 8.85in-lb. So, pumping from 5inHg to 10inHg, you're breaking your collagen bonds like crazy. Hitting 10 and 12inHg, you're breaking your collagen bonds at a "black magic" level. So brother SIM, you are no longer using a theory. You are using a proven fact 😉

I even went up to 15 in.Hg but that I do not recommend, because the penis feels very worn out afterwards. On the brink of feeling injured.
This is to much, it's to much risk with going this high.
Between 10inHg and 15inHg, this is for the true pumping and Length Master veterans. You are going into pure black magic growth zone. The dangers lay await for you everywhere, but if you want to growth like a bamboo, this is the black magic zone.

This have at least been working for me.
Switching between a narrow and a wider cylinder during a session I believe is also beneficial.
This is the only way to go. Sacrifice a few hangouts with friends. Get a few cylinders of all sizes, from small, medium, to large to work in stages. This is how you promote proper isolationary growth.
@kriskros, don't be crazy and go straight up to 10inHg.
Very good you point this out. Don't do what I do. I believe when I tried to pull off my penis for 1 year, conditioned my tissue to handle extreme vaccum pressure.

Your right brother, it was a theory. Now, it's proven. The tunica albigunea's collagen bond breaks within a second when you reach and exceed the sacrificial collagen bond at 120 kJmol, or roughly estimated to 8.85in-lb. So, pumping from 5inHg to 10inHg, you're breaking your collagen bonds like crazy. Hitting 10 and 12inHg, you're breaking your collagen bonds at a "black magic" level. So brother SIM, you are no longer using a theory. You are using a proven fact 😉
Sounds very amazing when getting confirmation on this.

Between 10inHg and 15inHg, this is for the true pumping and Length Master veterans. You are going into pure black magic growth zone. The dangers lay await for you everywhere, but if you want to growth like a bamboo, this is the black magic zone.
Yes it's important to be careful and go up in intensity incrementally.

This is the only way to go. Sacrifice a few hangouts with friends. Get a few cylinders of all sizes, from small, medium, to large to work in stages. This is how you promote proper isolationary growth.
Multiple cylinders have been a game changer
MityVac with a big water trap.
You can monitor the vaccum pressure live. You can go up and down in vaccum pressure if you want to. This will promote faster growth.

You do not have to deal with the rubber creases/the gator.
More comfort and better ability to modify the expansion with diffrent width of the cylinder. Bathmate haven't that many diffrent sizes. I have 4 Bathmate pump so I believe I'm the right person to answer this question.

I tried Bathmate reasently and it felt less comfortable then MityVac. Also it felt so unsafe because I had no idea what vaccum pressure I was at. When I have been using MityVac for a while I do not want to go back to Bathmate.
The best of the best
Based on your experience @DLD do you know if I stop doing girth exercises for 1 week due to personal problems, how much I will be left behind in my Journey?how much time will it take to catch up to the lost days?
Is upward or downward jelqs discontinued? Has everything been replaces by 5x5x3? (I am talking about girth routines).
Shouldn't we do other techniques too because our penis might build tolerance against those tactics?
Is upward or downward jelqs discontinued? Has everything been replaces by 5x5x3? (I am talking about girth routines).
The jelq will never be discontinued. Jelq is a fluid displacement method for PE. What does that means? SSJ is to hold the blood in place, to be squeeze, compressed, and provide expansion. Jelq is to move the blood and plasma guild buildup in the skin to move into the lymph drainage line or out of the tissues and black into the blood vessels.

Jelqing downward from the base of the penis to your glans, you are pushing the fluid and make them collect into the lymph drainage line. You are also force the blood down to the glans by compressing the blood volume in the blood vessels to a terminal point of the penis, making the penis balloons up even more. Think of it as a directional SSJ.

By jelqing upwards from the glans to the base of your penis, you are force the blood flow out of your penis, including any build up fluid in the penis. Remember the angion methods we discussed earlier? This is practically mirror the Angion method at a low pace.

Shouldn't we do other techniques too because our penis might build tolerance against those tactics?
No. Normal jelqing is too low if an external pressure on the penis for the tissues to build resistance to unless you are choking the life out of it. Jelqing should be a moderate pace of lightly two to three fingers grips. If you feel like you are choking it similar to hard masturbation grips, that's not the normal jelqing. That's directional SSJ.
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The jelq will never be discontinued. Jelq is a fluid displacement method for PE. What does that means? SSJ is to hold the blood in place, to be squeeze, compressed, and provide expansion. Jelq is to move the blood and plasma guild buildup in the skin to move into the lymph drainage line or out of the tissues and black into the blood vessels.

Jelqing downward from the base of the penis to your glans, you are pushing the fluid and make them collect into the lymph drainage line. You are also force the blood down to the glans by compressing the blood volume in the blood vessels to a terminal point of the penis, making the penis balloons up even more. Think of it as a directional SSJ.

By jelqing upwards from the glans to the base of your penis, you are force the blood flow out of your penis, including any build up fluid in the penis. Remember the angion methods we discussed earlier? This is practically mirror the Angion method at a low pace.

No. Normal jelqing is too low if an external pressure on the penis for the tissues to build resistance to unless you are choking the life out of it. Jelqing should be a moderate pace of lightly two to three fingers grips. If you feel like you are choking it similar to hard masturbation grips, that's not the normal jelqing. That's directional SSJ.
Brother please if possible remember when you are talking to me that I am a newbie? I hardly understand the meaning behind all these?
Let me say the question in another way. When 5x5x3, should we do jelqing too or NOT? If YES then it will bring more growth or NO? I need static answers!
Brother please if possible remember when you are talking to me that I am a newbie? I hardly understand the meaning behind all these?
Let me say the question in another way. When 5x5x3, should we do jelqing too or NOT? If YES then it will bring more growth or NO? I need static answers!

There is a brother who got to 7 inches in girth. He started around 4.5 inches in girth. He only did jelqing and pumping. I believe jelqing and pumping when combined can still bring permanent gains just like it did for acromegaly.
There is a brother who got to 7 inches in girth. He started around 4.5 inches in girth. He only did jelqing and pumping. I believe jelqing and pumping when combined can still bring permanent gains just like it did for acromegaly.
Where is that guy? Do we know time frame? Only jelqing? When you say Jelqing you mean SSJ or the classic form of Jelqing?
Where is that guy? Do we know time frame? Only jelqing? When you say Jelqing you mean SSJ or the classic form of Jelqing?

His wife begged him to leave MOS because his penis became too thick for her. He was only 6.5 inches on length. He did the 5x5x3 but was doing the normal jelq in place of the SSJ.
Brother please if possible remember when you are talking to me that I am a newbie? I hardly understand the meaning behind all these?
Let me say the question in another way. When 5x5x3, should we do jelqing too or NOT? If YES then it will bring more growth or NO? I need static answers!
As brother huge girth said, 5x5x3 is indeed jelqing + pumping. If you are talking about normal jelqing, or directional jelqing by squeezing from the base and pull the blood to the glans, that is normal jelqing, or directional jelqing you can use it in place of SSJ, or with SSJ. It helps to boost blood flow while getting good expansion. SSJ is to focus mainly on expansion, and lots of it. Those with ED tends to do normal/directional jelqing over SSJ to get more blood into the penis, while still getting growth.
I have a question that I need answer from someone who has experience on PE with proven results.
If you do ONLY SSJ - just that, let's say, 10 mins a day, will you gain girth?
I have a question that I need answer from someone who has experience on PE with proven results.
If you do ONLY SSJ - just that, let's say, 10 mins a day, will you gain girth?

I can't speak for all since everyone is unique. But SSJ alone for 10 minutes will not get the gains. Most that gone through PE for along while and use SSJ, they simply maintain or cement the gains. Those who just started, yes, there will be some noticeable gain if SSJ is done daily, I mean daily, for a literal year. SSJ mimicks Bathmate's external vacuum pressure to expand internal tissues.

For me, personally, SSJ alone doesn't expand my tissues without the pump. It does maintain what I've created as gains throughout the week on days that I don't feel like doing my 1+ hour routine. Just like the past 4 days, I got sick from bad weather changes and I wanted all my energy focused on healing. Light and moderate 15 minutes SSJ was to prevent my gains from being reclaimed by regression during my too long of a break.
I can't speak for all since everyone is unique. But SSJ alone for 10 minutes will not get the gains. Most that gone through PE for along while and use SSJ, they simply maintain or cement the gains. Those who just started, yes, there will be some noticeable gain if SSJ is done daily, I mean daily, for a literal year. SSJ mimicks Bathmate's external vacuum pressure to expand internal tissues.

For me, personally, SSJ alone doesn't expand my tissues without the pump. It does maintain what I've created as gains throughout the week on days that I don't feel like doing my 1+ hour routine. Just like the past 4 days, I got sick from bad weather changes and I wanted all my energy focused on healing. Light and moderate 15 minutes SSJ was to prevent my gains from being reclaimed by regression during my too long of a break.
The pump with the ssj is the trick. Alone they are minimal but together they kick ass
What I mean is : 5x5x5 > 5x5x3 in terms of results after 6 months? For example say my body was about to make 0.5' with 5x5x3. If I was about to do 5x5x5 I would have taken still 0.5' or more?
What I mean is : 5x5x5 > 5x5x3 in terms of results after 6 months? For example say my body was about to make 0.5' with 5x5x3. If I was about to do 5x5x5 I would have taken still 0.5' or more?
5x5x5 can be better than 5x5x3, or 5x5x3 can be better than 5x5x5.

For some, 3x3x5 can be better than 5x5x3.
For others, 3x3x10 can be better than 5x5x3

Not everyone is the same. You have to find that sweet spot by experimenting. When your tissues developed over time because you performed PE in the past, or went a bit too crazy for too long doing some other routines, resulting in your tissues over adapting, you have to develop your routines from scratch and search for those new routines that will work best for you. The 5x5x3 is a newbie routine, to start you off. Once you reach intermediate level or advance level 9 months later, it's no longer a newbie. New routines must be incorporated to work around your adapted tissues. This is why some of the brothers are working harder than before to make their new routines work.

We warn the brothers to go easy at first, easing into the routines, and allow the body to growth at the low intensity first. We hold off on high intensity to prevent the body from adapting. Once the body reach an adaptive state at low intensities, we kick it up using high intensity.
(post based on past posts in this thread, about someone getting to 7 Inch EG).

Do your own journey and do not compare yourself to others. And don't put otheres on a pedistal. They are just a man like you. If you want fast and even growth I recommend pumping with water with MityVac Hydro-Vac Penis Pump.

And remember this. Not everyone wants to get to 7 Inch girth. But it's highly possible with adding intensity progressively and using water (even + faster growth) as your medium for creating vaccum pressure.

I'm edging on that number now (7). But I don't want to go there.
(post based on past posts in this thread, about someone getting to 7 Inch EG).

Do your own journey and do not compare yourself to others. And don't put otheres on a pedistal. They are just a man like you. If you want fast and even growth I recommend pumping with water with MityVac Hydro-Vac Penis Pump.

And remember this. Not everyone wants to get to 7 Inch girth. But it's highly possible with adding intensity progressively and using water (even + faster growth) as your medium for creating vaccum pressure.

I'm edging on that number now (7). But I don't want to go there.
What do you want to get to? I guess you are going to 7 to cement what size? I’ve always heard for length you want to try and get a 1/4 inch past where you want to be but what about girth? Is it 1/4 inch or more?
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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