Exclusive 5x5x3 MityVac/SSJ girth workout ? MONSTER GIRTH!

Camping can be the death of issue and smooth muscle
I agree! Many men come here and ask for guidence after they got injured after clamping.
That is the oposite of what we want. Your penis should work better after you stop penis enlargement.
Better to follow proven methods like the SRT 5x5x3.
I agree! Many men come here and ask for guidence after they got injured after clamping.
That is the oposite of what we want. Your penis should work better after you stop penis enlargement.
Better to follow proven methods like the SRT 5x5x3.
Best method possible
Hello again,
I was clamping for 6 months and I stopped clamping when I saw no results at all. I might have damaged my penis I really do not know this, and I do not also know if the damage I did to my penis is reversible.
I know, I am a very negative person with very low self-esteem, but I tried to get myself together and said: Let's do this, I can do this.
Although I have health problems, and It's difficult for me to get even a simple erection (just imagine how hard for me, it is to maintain it), Ι tried my best. I started doing LM in the morning 20 mins, followed by 6 hours of phallosan at red intensity and girth routine at night.
My first girth routine gave me 0.7' inches which showed me the penis I have always wanted wich gave me more room to try. I did this for 3 days in a row and I got so much fatigue that I was feeling intense pain for 24 hours so I decided to stop for 2 days. I continued again until week stopped.
did 5/7 LM and 4/7 Girth Routine with 5/7 Phallosan.

I started week 2 and I decided to go for 6/7 LM x 2 (No phallosan) and Girth routine.
So, I did LM at morning, and at night LM + Girth routine.
Monday was okay, got 0.7' inches again at girth but suddenly, after Tuesday, I have NO expansion at all or I can say I have 0.15' inches only after my girth routine session.
What am I doing wrong? Is it that I stopped phallosan which gave me better results?
Bear in mind I was using phallosan because I cant use Bandage because of my fat that pushes the stomach and my penis suffocates with bandage.
I can mention that sometimes (like today) I use MOSRED but I am getting dissapointed again.
A few keypoints here are:: I enter bathmate with 70% erection and I might lose the erection while I get in but I push HARD to very high HG until i feel this uncomfortableness. Bear in mind that I did this many times and got 0.7' inches expansion.
Am I not using power at SSJ?
Can someone help me please? It took me so much psychological effort to follow you guys and I dont want to stop I want to find a solution.
Thanks in advance.
Sorry for my confusing message i am getting emotional when i fail.
I think you need to consider viagra as a way to get effortless erections, it helped me big time. I also think you should do the 5x5x3 with your pump and ssj. There is no better way to gain girth. Perhaps you should concentrate on girth first and after you made the gains you want switch to length. I think you should use all tools you have including phallosan. Do not get bummed out as sometimes it takes a while to master your work ✨
Low self esteem is normal in life. I got into that funk at time. But, the critical point is to set up a goal, a single goal first, and aim to complete it. Don't stop until you accomplish that one goal first. Jumping all over the place won't help.

Clamping alone won't help you gain. You discovered it. Going way too hard too fast, and doing too much won't help either. As DLD said, pick one first and tackle it head on. Which goal do you want to aim for first?

If you want to aim for one goal, you can also perform the other goal slowly. No need to go as hard as the main goal. Secondary goal as a side benefit is as good as the primary, but at a slower easier level. Let us know.
A few days ago I tried viagra after @huge-girth told me that. The thing is that it's the same for me. I think it's my psychology that kills me and won't obey my will with simple logic.
I will try again with the viagra, taking it 30 mins before girth routine. Maybe the problem is there, with the erection.
So...it's impossible to combine length and girth together ? I did it at first.
If I do each other day the routine will it give me better results? Anyone have tried both?
A few days ago I tried viagra after @huge-girth told me that. The thing is that it's the same for me. I think it's my psychology that kills me and won't obey my will with simple logic.
I will try again with the viagra, taking it 30 mins before girth routine. Maybe the problem is there, with the erection.
So...it's impossible to combine length and girth together ? I did it at first.
If I do each other day the routine will it give me better results? Anyone have tried both?

Most brothers here find it much easier to just focus on.one thing at a time and it's either length or girth. I think in your case, the fatigue is too much for your penis to handle. If I were in your shoes, I will sort one goal out first before focusing on the other.

It's either you focus on length and arrive at your length goal before switching your focus to girth work, or you focus on girth only and arrive at your girth goal before switching focus to length.

Training length and girth on same day can be too draining and mentally exhausting for many.
It's not mentally exhausting for me. I have decided to do it. It is that it seems that my body cannot keep up with this. Is there a way to keep up?
Yes. There is a way to keep up. Your body must learn to keep up first by doing one piece meal at a time. What is more important? Length or girth? If you must do one, length first at 95%, a light to moderate SRT at 5% for girth. The 5% is to promote solidification on what you gain on girth during length works. Once you achieve lengthwise, refocus on girth at 95% witt 5% on length. Let your body keep up first before you can go 50/50 on the fatigue loading. I have to yield at time to all length rather than including girth work. Fatigue can murder you when you venture too much too fast.
I don't know @kris Kros, I think you need to see a doctor, just for sanity. I'm not sure why you are frustrated if this is PE for life? Clamping might not be your thing but I do some ULI's and it feels great depending on my routine. When you post I am not sure how long you have been doing this but it sounds like not that long. There should be no frustration in PE. One thing I think you should consider is using a cock ring, you might just be the few men that have leakage, and that's ok, there are solutions for that, we just need to know more information before we can help. You might need to consider starting a separate thread on this?
I am seeing a doctor for sanity. I have high level of anxiety and I am on medication with setraline. That's because I have very low self esteem. I am in love with a woman we're his ex had double my penis and this has built so hard in my soul and damages me each day making feel less of a man. Someone who's big its hard to understand me.
Seeing me trying things but don't workout makes the situation works. Why would I have leakage ? Am I that damned for God's sake ?
Yes. There is a way to keep up. Your body must learn to keep up first by doing one piece meal at a time. What is more important? Length or girth? If you must do one, length first at 95%, a light to moderate SRT at 5% for girth. The 5% is to promote solidification on what you gain on girth during length works. Once you achieve lengthwise, refocus on girth at 95% witt 5% on length. Let your body keep up first before you can go 50/50 on the fatigue loading. I have to yield at time to all length rather than including girth work. Fatigue can murder you when you venture too much too fast.
Both are important for me. If I had to chose one I would chose girth. That means that I abandon my LM routine until I get to the my point ? Even if I do LM at morning just once?
Can't I take any substance that will give me this boost and take fatigue away easily
Both are important for me. If I had to chose one I would chose girth. That means that I abandon my LM routine until I get to the my point ? Even if I do LM at morning just once?
Can't I take any substance that will give me this boost and take fatigue away easily
This may be spliced and nested under psychology instead of here moderators.

First thing first. Take it from me who have been with ladies who got pounded by beef sticks three times my old size. Yes, it may feel discouraging at first, but, the most important thing is to talk to your love first. If she's with you for the long haul, she will be satisfied as you progress on your PE journey. If she is not satisfied and will search elsewhere, time to cut off the relationship, focus on your improvement before you starts a new relationship. My wife, back then, would question why she couldn't achieve climaxes like she desired to because she was not getting her lady part filled to the max. I started my PE for that purpose. Communication with her telling her that I was improving to make her fulfilled gained her supports on all fronts.

Same as now. She didn't get what she had in the past as we both aged. That placed me ina funk, or a slight depression. Now, I couldn't fill and stretched her out like I could back then. My PE resumes to provide that for her. She gives me full supports and prAises me along the way for every little gain she felt. It's pure communication. It's for my self building both in added confidence and vigor while she gains the benefits. If your relationship cannot build that kind of commitment, communication, and support, you are in a toxic relationship. If you cannot express that to her, indicating that this PE venture is for both you and her, while being negative all the time, you are creating a toxic relationship for the both of you.

Now, can you do LM in the morning and pumping at night? Definitely! But your fatigue may be too much. Do measure your body capacity to cope with the stress loading before you injure yourself. Listen to what your body is telling you every step of the way. Stress responses are indicators of where you are before the injuring point, or breaking point. Unfortunately, there is no miracle drugs out there. Otherwise, we brothers will be having 8in long x 7in thick penises everywhere.

Let's create a specific post for yourself as part of your journey, so we can chime in the progression and achievement in the making.
It's not mentally exhausting for me. I have decided to do it. It is that it seems that my body cannot keep up with this. Is there a way to keep up?
If you focus on either length or girth only you will be able to do it more efficiently.
If LengthMaster 3 are mastered, you can get both a lot of length and thickness with it as well.

What I did was to go all in on length for 1 year. That transformed my penis to big. But I could not have done it, if I did both girth and length at the same time. These are of course only based on my experience.
I am seeing a doctor for sanity. I have high level of anxiety and I am on medication with setraline. That's because I have very low self esteem. I am in love with a woman we're his ex had double my penis and this has built so hard in my soul and damages me each day making feel less of a man. Someone who's big its hard to understand me.
Seeing me trying things but don't workout makes the situation works. Why would I have leakage ? Am I that damned for God's sake ?
Don't compare yourself to others. You can only be you, and you are enough for every person you meet. Remember I started at 5 Inch bpel. I never felt small until one woman commented on my size. Woman can say dumb shit sometimes, they don't always consider how hurtful it is.

The thread are derailed now.

We need to continue this discussion somewhere else. If the next post is not in line with the topic (first post). I will remove the post.
If you focus on either length or girth only you will be able to do it more efficiently.
If LengthMaster 3 are mastered, you can get both a lot of length and thickness with it as well.

What I did was to go all in on length for 1 year. That transformed my penis to big. But I could not have done it, if I did both girth and length at the same time. These are of course only based on my experience.
I want to know if doing LM in the morning (just this. No bandage after only MOSRED) can give me an inch after 6 months. Also I need to know if doing LM in the morning will bring fatigue to my night girth routine. I am asking because I do not have as mentioned above the experience. Thanks. Please delete my post afterwards since it's not the same with the topic.
I want to know if doing LM in the morning (just this. No bandage after only MOSRED) can give me an inch after 6 months. Also I need to know if doing LM in the morning will bring fatigue to my night girth routine. I am asking because I do not have as mentioned above the experience. Thanks. Please delete my post afterwards since it's not the same with the topic.
I recommend you to always keep your penis elongated when you are awake.

Fatigue is not standardised, it's dependent on so many factors so it's impossible to answer. If you do bundled stretches before girth session, your tissuewill6be looser and can expand more.
I want to know if doing LM in the morning (just this. No bandage after only MOSRED) can give me an inch after 6 months. Also I need to know if doing LM in the morning will bring fatigue to my night girth routine. I am asking because I do not have as mentioned above the experience. Thanks. Please delete my post afterwards since it's not the same with the topic.
With the right length master routine.You can definitely make that goal happen.But it's gonna take consistency and determination
Pardon me if my question is really.......shitty but I would like to ask.
I just read that visualizing (not fantasizing) creates more wires in the brain that help achieve your end goal. So the question is, visualizing the penis you want to have during the workout, can help? Sorry for this Matrix question!
Pardon me if my question is really.......shitty but I would like to ask.
I just read that visualizing (not fantasizing) creates more wires in the brain that help achieve your end goal. So the question is, visualizing the penis you want to have during the workout, can help? Sorry for this Matrix question!

For some that come here, are very sceptical that it will work. By the other hand others come here and just believe it all fully. When I got here I didn't even question if this was real or not...I just believed it would happen. I probably thought, is this really possible, I didn't had any ideas about it.

There was no if for me. With penis enlargement you can not have low expectations, or have any kind of doubt in your mind that it will work...you will find a way. This is the mindset you need. Some days I even use the pain in my life to make it happen.

You can visualize your inner penis being stretch. That is why we say pull out your inner penis, it's a mental hack if you will. Imagine also that your penile tissue being expanded and stretched out can help in girth work.

It's hard to lay it all out, but what you think about yourself will change your reality.
It's not a Matrix question. It's indeed reality. I use mental reinforcement by visually engaging, or you can say imaging, how my woman will feel as I fill her up and stimulate her inside. This not only stimulates me, but rewires me as you put it. It pulls my brain away from the needs for any external adult entertainment. Now, just a light thought of making her drip, my penis does a flag pole salute. Mind you, I'm no longer a spring chicken.
It's not a Matrix question. It's indeed reality. I use mental reinforcement by visually engaging, or you can say imaging, how my woman will feel as I fill her up and stimulate her inside. This not only stimulates me, but rewires me as you put it. It pulls my brain away from the needs for any external adult entertainment. Now, just a light thought of making her drip, my penis does a flag pole salute. Mind you, I'm no longer a spring chicken.
Very important concept of motivation.

The real world is what matters.
Getting away from the cheap visual stimulation in our phone is the way to go.
Pardon me if my question is really.......shitty but I would like to ask.
I just read that visualizing (not fantasizing) creates more wires in the brain that help achieve your end goal. So the question is, visualizing the penis you want to have during the workout, can help? Sorry for this Matrix question!
It depends on you! Regardless you will grow but you have to ask yourself what motivates you.
Are you person A? Dreaming big and no matter the outcome you will love yourself through the process if you do or do not get that goal you are happy no matter what. Then I say fantasy is good for you. You see a mountain and are not afraid, you are motivated no matter what.
Are you person B? Get easily discouraged when expectations are not met. In that case, it is best to "trust the process" and celebrate small wins. Don't go to hard on Big dreams because you know yourself, you won't continue to climb the mountain if you think its too high or hard. In that case you take it step by step.

Both get you to the top but Person A will not make it in Person B shoes and vice a versa

Who are you?
I would like to share my experience and ask a few questions based on my experience.
When I do 5x5x3 I have an expansion like everyone does. For example I will get an expansion of 0.35'
Say I am doing the girth routine at 21.00
I have found that until next day morning there is a 0.15' expansion left and is still there and I am wondering if this is the moment someone has to do the next 5x5x3....when the expansion has not left the body yet. So could you let me know your opinion on this?
Also one last question. I am doing girth routine each other day but sometimes because of work or because of no erection I might do my girth routine after 2 days resulting in 3 times a week pe instead of 4. Is this a bug problem ?
I would like to share my experience and ask a few questions based on my experience.
When I do 5x5x3 I have an expansion like everyone does. For example I will get an expansion of 0.35'
Say I am doing the girth routine at 21.00
I have found that until next day morning there is a 0.15' expansion left and is still there and I am wondering if this is the moment someone has to do the next 5x5x3....when the expansion has not left the body yet. So could you let me know your opinion on this?
Also one last question. I am doing girth routine each other day but sometimes because of work or because of no erection I might do my girth routine after 2 days resulting in 3 times a week pe instead of 4. Is this a bug problem ?
That is just how progress should go. Over time your temporary growth will become permanent. Just be consistent and always push forward with more intensity
I would like to share my experience and ask a few questions based on my experience.
When I do 5x5x3 I have an expansion like everyone does. For example I will get an expansion of 0.35'
Say I am doing the girth routine at 21.00
I have found that until next day morning there is a 0.15' expansion left and is still there and I am wondering if this is the moment someone has to do the next 5x5x3....when the expansion has not left the body yet. So could you let me know your opinion on this?
Also one last question. I am doing girth routine each other day but sometimes because of work or because of no erection I might do my girth routine after 2 days resulting in 3 times a week pe instead of 4. Is this a bug problem ?
If you have that kind of expansion throughout the night, and when it's not fluid expansion but true expansion, that is a blessing! Continuation on the same expansion will cement the gain. Once again, make sure to always know what fluid vs true expansion is.
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If you have that kind of expansion throughout the night, and when it's not fluid expansion but true expansion, that is a blessing! Continuation on the same expansion will cement the gain. Once again, make sure to always know what fluid vs true expansion is.
You mean do 5x5x3 while expansion exists ?
You mean do 5x5x3 while expansion exists ?
Yes. Expansion throughout the night does exist. I tried it many times, but it's a dangerous territory to go into for girth expansion. I'm currently working with a retired engineer to come up with a programmable low pressure system for girth, similar to an apnea machine. This is his side project for fun, focusing on girth growth.

Night time length expansion is safer as you only need a very loose Duro Sleeves and a gentle wrap around the base of the glans to keep the penis elongated. I also cheat by having my butt cheeks hold onto my elongated penis throughout the night. Wife always makes fun of me for suddenly missing a penis when she wants to grab it and plays with it in the middle of the night.
Yes. Expansion throughout the night does exist. I tried it many times, but it's a dangerous territory to go into for girth expansion. I'm currently working with a retired engineer to come up with a programmable low pressure system for girth, similar to an apnea machine. This is his side project for fun, focusing on girth growth.

Night time length expansion is safer as you only need a very loose Duro Sleeves and a gentle wrap around the base of the glans to keep the penis elongated. I also cheat by having my butt cheeks hold onto my elongated penis throughout the night. Wife always makes fun of me for suddenly missing a penis when she wants to grab it and plays with it in the middle of the night.
Just finished 5x5x2. It was a great battle to achieve 10 erections in total.
4 for each ssj and 2 for each pump
I can't believe I actually made it, LOL.
Wore the cockring. After 10 mins, I removed it and massaged the penis. Immediately the expansion 50% left at that time. Used MOSRED as you wanted to help it but I think it is better to NOT remove it?
Anyway, in 3 hours I will still have the cockring and I will do 1 SSJ and 1 PUMP as you stated before and I will go for 5x5x2 2morrow morning having the expanded penis (a very low expansion but still expansion).
Nice! Now, make sure to compare note from this with prior erection ability. Do the same comparison every week and look at the trend of your ability to command erection at will. Some week may have decreases due to fatigues, but most weeks, you'll see an EQ and erection count on demands. This is where you want to progress.

No need to remove the cock ring while doing red light therapy. It helps even more during the post-pumping session erection.

It's better to have some expansion than no expansion. Remember that PE is progressive work and not stagnant work. You need to keep at it no matter how little the effort is.
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Nice! Now, make sure to compare note from this with prior erection ability. Do the same comparison every week and look at the trend of your ability to command erection at will. Some week may have decreases due to fatigues, but most weeks, you'll see an EQ and erection count on demands. This is where you want to progress.

No need to remove the cock ring while doing red light therapy. It helps even more during the post-pumping session erection.

It's better to have some expansion than no expansion. Remember that PE is progressive work and not stagnant work. You need to keep at it no matter how little the effort is.

Let me update you on this.
40 mins after using MOSRED (dont forget I used MOSRED 10 mins after the cockring from Girth Routine - with cockring on) my penis became as It should be in the morning. Retraced all back and the expansion that's there is the real real super real expansion like 0.12' expansion. This image I am taking is the image I should have after 12 hours.
When i was removing the cockring every 30 mins, my penis was "big" and expanded - yes with fluid retention but expanded.
I am so confused. I think I have lost my way on this.
Let me update you on this.
40 mins after using MOSRED (dont forget I used MOSRED 10 mins after the cockring from Girth Routine - with cockring on) my penis became as It should be in the morning. Retraced all back and the expansion that's there is the real real super real expansion like 0.12' expansion. This image I am taking is the image I should have after 12 hours.
When i was removing the cockring every 30 mins, my penis was "big" and expanded - yes with fluid retention but expanded.
I am so confused. I think I have lost my way on this.
Even if the penis is retracted in the morning, but there's an expansion, that's fine. Your body will retract and conserves as much as it can during the night while performing repairs. The common expansion is the tip of the glans to around 2.5 below the glans, which is about 1in below the base of the glans (corona). Very normal. Most retraction is in the shaft. This is why I tell people to measure the corona of the glans to truly know where you are in the growth. You can measure the shaft all you want, but the growth in the shaft comprise of too many tissues to truly know where you are in the entire PE journey. The glans has minimal tissues to grow unlike the penile shaft. It it expands and grow, you know the rest are growing.

If you remove the cock ring and there is fluid buildup, just do reverse SSJ or squeeze the fluid out using the OK grip for the base of the glans and palms choking for the entire shaft. Fluid leaves the penis very quickly. You can see the immediate gain after the fluid is removed. This is why SSJ and reverse SSJ is important.
Even if the penis is retracted in the morning, but there's an expansion, that's fine. Your body will retract and conserves as much as it can during the night while performing repairs. The common expansion is the tip of the glans to around 2.5 below the glans, which is about 1in below the base of the glans (corona). Very normal. Most retraction is in the shaft. This is why I tell people to measure the corona of the glans to truly know where you are in the growth. You can measure the shaft all you want, but the growth in the shaft comprise of too many tissues to truly know where you are in the entire PE journey. The glans has minimal tissues to grow unlike the penile shaft. It it expands and grow, you know the rest are growing.

If you remove the cock ring and there is fluid buildup, just do reverse SSJ or squeeze the fluid out using the OK grip for the base of the glans and palms choking for the entire shaft. Fluid leaves the penis very quickly. You can see the immediate gain after the fluid is removed. This is why SSJ and reverse SSJ is important.
I do not know what a reverse SSJ is but I want to ask if I can use this reverse SSJ right after my girth routine.
Also by the way @oldandlively do you believe this specific vaccuum they are promoting for ED with constriction rings can be used for an erection on demand? I do not think I can have erections like you on demand .... your "mental" powers are psychic like...I have never heard a guy to command his penis to erection just because he wants to..
I do not know what a reverse SSJ is but I want to ask if I can use this reverse SSJ right after my girth routine.

SSJ is an OK grip at the base of the glans and at the base of penile shaft. You squeeze and bend the penis together to create a larger volume expansion in the middle. You can also do an OK grip only at the base to max out both the glands and the penile shaft. Reverse OK grip for jelqing is an OK grips at the base of the glans, squeeze tight for one of the OK grips, and slide slowly down to the base. This is to force all blood and fluid out of the penile body.
Also by the way @oldandlively do you believe this specific vaccuum they are promoting for ED with constriction rings can be used for an erection on demand? I do not think I can have erections like you on demand .... your "mental" powers are psychic like...I have never heard a guy to command his penis to erection just because he wants to..
As for the constriction rings, you can use anything from a rubber/silicone/cloth tourniquet strap to a cock ring. However, a ring can be dangerous if you don't have way to remove it. MOS cock ring with the two handles on both side is a great device. It's both constrictive (smaller size) and restrictive (larger size). You want immediate blood in the penis using the cock ring, slide your penis in the pump and pump up to 5inHg, and attempt the erection. Blood will be trapped in the penis with ease.

As for the erection on demand, yes, I can do it. I do it all the time. The moment my wife wants the flag pole as she touches my crotch, all I do is visualize my penis inside her dripping pussy and it goes up. This is through months and years of training my mind through PE. The older you get, the harder it is. But, staying away from adult entertainment helps, and having an active imagination boosts the visualization process even more. Never take the easy way out.
SSJ is an OK grip at the base of the glans and at the base of penile shaft. You squeeze and bend the penis together to create a larger volume expansion in the middle. You can also do an OK grip only at the base to max out both the glands and the penile shaft. Reverse OK grip for jelqing is an OK grips at the base of the glans, squeeze tight for one of the OK grips, and slide slowly down to the base. This is to force all blood and fluid out of the penile body.

As for the constriction rings, you can use anything from a rubber/silicone/cloth tourniquet strap to a cock ring. However, a ring can be dangerous if you don't have way to remove it. MOS cock ring with the two handles on both side is a great device. It's both constrictive (smaller size) and restrictive (larger size). You want immediate blood in the penis using the cock ring, slide your penis in the pump and pump up to 5inHg, and attempt the erection. Blood will be trapped in the penis with ease.

As for the erection on demand, yes, I can do it. I do it all the time. The moment my wife wants the flag pole as she touches my crotch, all I do is visualize my penis inside her dripping pussy and it goes up. This is through months and years of training my mind through PE. The older you get, the harder it is. But, staying away from adult entertainment helps, and having an active imagination boosts the visualization process even more. Never take the easy way out.
2day I tried to do the same...no adult entertainment just visualized my penis but....it was such a battle.
I do not know if I must force myself to learn to have erections or take this cockring you say and use it with mityvac to get erections for my routines. Really. Advise?
2day I tried to do the same...no ���� just visualized my penis but....it was such a battle.
I do not know if I must force myself to learn to have erections or take this cockring you say and use it with mityvac to get erections for my routines. Really. Advise?
Use a cock ring that is around 60% of the pre-pumping girth size. You may need 70% to 80% if it gets uncomfortable. Add a bit of vaseline or lubrication for emergency removal purposes if you have a round cock ring without removal handles. Keep the ring flushed to the bottom of the base as much as you can. Slowly pump up to 3inHg and attempt an erection through light kegel (1 second to 3 seconds bursts). Add more pressure if needed until you get a nice volume of erectile blood in the penis. Reduce and remove pressure from the pump. This is commonly used in clinical training for pump users.
Ok 2 and a half hours passed, did my 5x5x1 as an "addon" to my previous 5x5x2 to observe how things are going.
To be honest, my penis was feeling somehow "in pain" somehow "tired" but I managed to do it easier than before.
I will have cockring for 2 hours more and I will observe next morning.
"in pain" as in fatigues or tiredness is good. Pains as in irritation and sharp pain somewhere is bad. Rest and back down at this point.
Its as fatigue and now the million dollar question!!!
Today I did 5x5x2, used cockring for 2 and a half hours then 5x5x1 and cockring for 2 hours.
Is it better than 5x5x3 and cockring 1 hour?
I know its a ridiculus question but did that had a meaning or not?
A million dollar answer:
5x5x2 with 2 hours.

5x5x1 with 2 hours is too few sets of external and internal pressure expansion.

5x5x3 with 1 hour is better than the 5x5x1 with 2 hours.

However, 5x5x2 with 2 hours will yield similar result, but that extra set of 5x5x1 does make the expansion goes one step further.

If time is a constrain, 5x5x2 with 2 hours. If time is not a constrain, 5x5x3 with 2 hours. If you have time to spare, 5x5x2 morning and night, with as many hours of post pump cock ring as possible.
A million dollar answer:
5x5x2 with 2 hours.

5x5x1 with 2 hours is too few sets of external and internal pressure expansion.

5x5x3 with 1 hour is better than the 5x5x1 with 2 hours.

However, 5x5x2 with 2 hours will yield similar result, but that extra set of 5x5x1 does make the expansion goes one step further.

If time is a constrain, 5x5x2 with 2 hours. If time is not a constrain, 5x5x3 with 2 hours. If you have time to spare, 5x5x2 morning and night, with as many hours of post pump cock ring as possible.
OK I understand.
The reason I am doing 5x5x2 and not 5x5x3 is just the erection problem. Now that I will try mityvac with a ring for erections let's hope this change and I can so 5x5x3 with many hours cockring
Also @DLD do you mind telling me if MOSRED is better applied after a girth session because of Collagen production? Or should the collagen "be there" earlier?
Also @DLD do you mind telling me if MOSRED is better applied after a girth session because of Collagen production? Or should the collagen "be there" earlier?
Before and after. Start as a warmup and after for healing
I would like to ask a question, and please let me know if you know @DLD or @oldandlively
Why Mityvac is better pump than other pumps?
Why Bathmate is a better pump than other pumps?
How's Mityvac better from a medical-grade pump?

Also, from our conversations I have understood that having expanded penis for a long period of time is better than nothing. If i see my penis big, It helps me have better erections (cause it is psychologigal). How can someone have expanded penis all the time? He can "pump" 2-3 times a day and 1 out of 3 do the 5x5x3 program?
Each pumps have their positives and negatives. Better than other? No. It should be said as "more preferred than the other". Otherwise, the market wouldn't be flooded with the pump.

Bathmate has portability, usability, and compatibility. It is designed for both air and water with advanced and simplified pump system. The negative side is the lack of pressure gauge and for good reasons as the gauge cannot be added on due to the relief valve design. Modding at your own risk of warranty.

The MityVac is designed same purpse as the Bath Mate, however the support is the entire brotherhood. The negative side is the lack of reservoir for the water trap. The most upbeat side is the cylinder for the higher pressure design using a thick wall for safety, accommodates all size penises, as well as the portability and compaction of the design most don't considered. On cylinder size does not fit all. Most designing manufacturers do not guarantee the parts, as well as the instructions on how to use it. Compared to most pump set, it use a better quality pump, and trigger set.

Mind you that I'm only a volunteer here. I'm one of the brothers that uses parts and pay in full prices, with a little discount that's being offer to all the brothers. I'm here merely as the voice of reason, with knowledge to share, and to guide the brothers to the better days. I don't promote, but simply indicate the products of choice with the full support of the brotherhood that is using them. I simply point out what is available, and best to be supported by the brothers. I've gone through too many pumps, but the pumps are mainly user error due to the lack of instruction and supports.
C'mon, I am not that lowly person to think like that! I have already bought all MOS products. I am here to educate my self! We said I have ED not to be that lowly!!! C'mon!!
Can you tell me how can I have increased penis size for prolonged time even though its not permanent? I have found that if i see my penis enlarged from SSJ+PUMP it makes me happy. So... any solution on this? I am not hulk like DLD to do 3 x 5x5x3
Let's do this. Let's create your own routine and progress thread and let us know what you've done so we can track your progression. It's hard to go through all the posts you've done scattered all over. I'm an analytical mind person. I need all the info in one basket or at least access to them as needed in a location where I can see trends. We'll come up with solutions.
Let's do this. Let's create your own routine and progress thread and let us know what you've done so we can track your progression. It's hard to go through all the posts you've done scattered all over. I'm an analytical mind person. I need all the info in one basket or at least access to them as needed in a location where I can see trends. We'll come up with solutions.
I have length master and bathmate and MOSRED. I have silisleeves and phallosan forte + extension which I hate it more than myself.
I just took my blood tests. The reason I have severe ED is the very high Prolactin levels which are high because of anti depressed and because of severe anxiety. Also my morning cortisol levels are elevated because of oxidative stress and chronic stress. No wonder I have ED problems LOL.

I want to know if ......if just pumping...... each day 10 mins SEPERATELY from 5x5x3 which i do each other day can help. Tell me what you want to know from me.
Last edited:
Stop..stop. this is great info. Do us a favor and recompile all this info into the routine and progress personal thread. This info will be scattered too far apart. Put the personal tracking thread here:

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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
      P (Guest) pedguin: ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master...