Yep. It does. When you enter ketosis your body switches from utilizing the glucose hormone for energy and instead produces its own hormone called keytone. There are a lot of hormonal shifts that take place. Since your macros are 40% protein, 60% fat, you consume so much chloresteral and other hormone precursors that your test levels, adrenal levels, androgen levels (basically all the sex hormones rise). The downside is that your growth hormone levels can decrease (this may be the opposite at a certain age because ketosis has shown to reduce the aging process).
I use ketosis to maintain my carb sensitivity when I deload in my lifting routine. I also use it as a dietary "reset" if I have any digestive problems. Then I re-introduce carbs to eliminate which fuck my digestion and which enhance it. Because I've done this a few times I now have very constant stool.
I did ketosis a few times with my ex and every time we did it, both our sex drives increased, especially hers. It was basically the only time she had as powerful a sex drive as me and she was able to stay wet for a much longer time. And yes, every time I ate eggs, I got an erection very soon after I started digesting them.