DutchAthletic’s ascension path to 10” BPEL

Sorry I missed this thread these past few days guys.

@DLD As far as specifications required for the therapy, the US Pro 2000 Second Edition is the most reliable device in the market as far as cost and quality. You will find other similar devices with similar specifications but Made in India or China which are known to be inaccurate in power output.

@DutchAthletic92 first of all, the anxiety you got from US is normal. I got it too. It seems like it goes away after some time, or it depends on the temperature. My conclusion of the phenomenon is the heated blood going into the bloodstream. Our blood stays steady at a very specific range of temperature. A tiny fraction higher and the brain will detect some problem. The brain in its own mechanism of defense will trigger an anxiety that makes you breath more and more frequently, cooling down the system. Nothing is wrong, everything is fine, it is only a brain reaction.

Second, in order to improve results you need to work on strain, not on creep, and for that you need a fishing scale in your setup.

Third, try to somehow reduce the size of your sleeve, is covering too much of your penis that you could be heating up with US too. Remember the septum runs all the way to the head and this therapy works specifically on the septum.

As I am preparing for my Second period of US, I am putting together a real nice setup that will allow me to monitor and gauge absolutely everything I need. I will take pics then and post the whole apparatus.

Hey thanks for responding @Jackxxx

I thought it was my own fault that I got triggered by the ultrasound device with anxiety/panic.

But you have explained everything in a very logical way. That clears up alot of my questions.

In fact now I think about it, I used to get this feeling too when I was trying to heat up my shaft while hanging with an infrared lamp. The heat got to my head and I started to feel dizzy, and it felt like a heat stroke or something lol.

It was the heat that got to me. And one needs to be careful when applying heat with extreme hot summer temperatures. I am looking for an airconditioning apparatus to cool down the environment.

But what struck me was the measurement of my temperature sensor. It gave me a measurement of 35.8 degrees Celsius? I don’t know if the temperature of the environment has some influence on it?

But I figured that if one has a body temperature if 37 C and the heating range is 40-42 C then that’s a temperature difference of 3-5 degrees.

In order to not overheat my shaft I was staying in that range and I added that range to my own shaft temperature which was 35.8 degrees Celsius.

So for my the objective was to stay within a range of 39-42 degrees Celsius.

Did I do this wrong or should I try to get to a temperature of 40-42 degrees Celsius regardless of my own body temperature ? Or in this case: dick shaft temperature ?

I find it difficult to get an accurate reading and maybe i’m using the wrong thermometer device. It’s a cheap device which is used in aquariums/fish tanks.

Maybe I should put two of those between my dick shaft and body, like one temperature sensor for the lower shaft region and one temperature sensor for the upper shaft region ?

I totally forgot to add the fishing scale to my SiliStretcher lol.

I take BPFSL measurements standing straight up and pushing a wooden ruler in my fat pad and measure along the dorsal side of the shaft. The side which you can directly see when you look down.

I will try to reduce length the sleeve but I had blister problems in the past with that method. Because the pulling force isn’t distributed along the upper shaft and the glans. With a short sleeve that will only cover the glans and a little bit of shaft you’ll get those blisters.

But I am working my way up to heavier weights, starting out at 0.5 kg. It’s the first time I am hanging in a year or so. I have to recondition the glans again.
@DutchAthletic92 Hey my friend, first of all, no, do not worry about working your way up to heavier weights. Just like in bodybuilding, is about quality, not quantity. In this case, you only increase weight if the current load does not yield the expected strain. That is all. For some people just 1kg will be enough, while others might need 3kg, but that has to be diagnosed and determined by monitoring tension at all given times through a scale.

In regards to temperature, forget about your body temperature. That will have nothing to do. All you need to worry about is to make sure the septum reaches 40-42 degrees celsius. Perhaps in this case your thermometer is not too accurate for this. Even a regular cheap thermometer form cvs that you buy to put in your mouth or armpit will work fine. The only problem with that one is that it goes off on itself once it measures temperatures but at least you get a reading.

Which bring me to the next topic about temperature. Do not worry, a US device will not give you a heat stroke. Feeling dizzy or getting that anxiety feeling is nowhere near a heat stroke. All it is your brain detecting a random unexpected change in blood temp and triggering a slight response like sayin "wtf is gong on here"

It is a phenomenon similar to motion sickness. Do you know what is motion sickness? It is a response created from your brain. It is not a physical disorder, is created by the brain. When you are in a vessel swinging sideways all the time, the horizontal plain is changing. Is not steady. But if you are inside this vessel, all your optical sensors detect is no motion. Your eyes see everything fine. However, the secondary balance sensors inside your middle ear detect motion and movement. At this point, you have contradictory data coming from 2 different sensors to the brain. One sensor the optical detects everything steady and balanced, but the other sensor the middle ear detects motion and imbalance. At that point the brain creates a disease in order to force you to rest in the hope that the sensors will reset and recalibrate. The Brain doesnt know that you were inside a boat.

About your brain. I went through a similar issue many years ago. In my case, unrelated to drugs or any external stimulants. I still to this day dont have a clear interpretation of what caused this in me. The closest that I have come to it is "leaky gut" in the process I discovered that the high consumption of gluten in my diet had caused catastrophic effects and particles were leaking into my bloodstream causing some bizarre side effects. Added to this, I discoverer that I was severely depleted of essential nutrients. I was an average Joe with the average American diet which took a toll on me.

I basically developed horrible catastrophic panic/anxiety attacks. So bad that I almost was ending up seizing sometimes. Is like if my brain was short-circuiting. Went to the ER some 5-6 times in a span of 2 months, they sent me home each time with anxiety anti depressant pills which I never took, I dumped them down the crapper. I refused to believe that our health is some sort of "wheel of fortune" and depending on where it stops, you develop something because "thats how life is". I refused that. I know this has to have a cause and a solution.

The solution in this case, or better said the CURE, the word that big pharma hates and is banned, is through essential nutrients. The reason why you are still dealing with this is because your brain doesn't have enough nutrients to finally find its own balance and recover itself. You must pump your body with essential nutrients on a daily basis plus a healthy clean diet and you WILL HEAL. That is how I did myself. Now I am 200% better than before thanks to all the things that I learn and changed my life forever.

The only macronutrient that you need for your brain is animal fat. Make sure you consume every day animal fat. Cook with organic real butter or lard, eat plenty of eggs with the yolk, the closest to raw the better. Most of your brain tissue is made of cholesterol and fat. A diet depleted of this simply will not give your brain enough raw materials to rebuild itself. But besides this, you need a mix of essential micronutrients. Specific ones? doesnt work that way. As Naturopathic Doctors will say, you must put in your body all 90 essential nutrients every day because all of them work synergistically. You cant just buy this for this, and that for that. You need to eat healthy and clean and supplement yourself every day with high quality essential nutrients.

Your perfectly fine psychologically, be careful with doctors because they might prescribe you drugs that dont cure or heal anything. They only mask symptoms and actually create a bigger problem, not to mention they poison your body with toxic chemicals.
@DutchAthletic92 Hey my friend, first of all, no, do not worry about working your way up to heavier weights. Just like in bodybuilding, is about quality, not quantity. In this case, you only increase weight if the current load does not yield the expected strain. That is all. For some people just 1kg will be enough, while others might need 3kg, but that has to be diagnosed and determined by monitoring tension at all given times through a scale.

In regards to temperature, forget about your body temperature. That will have nothing to do. All you need to worry about is to make sure the septum reaches 40-42 degrees celsius. Perhaps in this case your thermometer is not too accurate for this. Even a regular cheap thermometer form cvs that you buy to put in your mouth or armpit will work fine. The only problem with that one is that it goes off on itself once it measures temperatures but at least you get a reading.

Which bring me to the next topic about temperature. Do not worry, a US device will not give you a heat stroke. Feeling dizzy or getting that anxiety feeling is nowhere near a heat stroke. All it is your brain detecting a random unexpected change in blood temp and triggering a slight response like sayin "wtf is gong on here"

It is a phenomenon similar to motion sickness. Do you know what is motion sickness? It is a response created from your brain. It is not a physical disorder, is created by the brain. When you are in a vessel swinging sideways all the time, the horizontal plain is changing. Is not steady. But if you are inside this vessel, all your optical sensors detect is no motion. Your eyes see everything fine. However, the secondary balance sensors inside your middle ear detect motion and movement. At this point, you have contradictory data coming from 2 different sensors to the brain. One sensor the optical detects everything steady and balanced, but the other sensor the middle ear detects motion and imbalance. At that point the brain creates a disease in order to force you to rest in the hope that the sensors will reset and recalibrate. The Brain doesnt know that you were inside a boat.

About your brain. I went through a similar issue many years ago. In my case, unrelated to drugs or any external stimulants. I still to this day dont have a clear interpretation of what caused this in me. The closest that I have come to it is "leaky gut" in the process I discovered that the high consumption of gluten in my diet had caused catastrophic effects and particles were leaking into my bloodstream causing some bizarre side effects. Added to this, I discoverer that I was severely depleted of essential nutrients. I was an average Joe with the average American diet which took a toll on me.

I basically developed horrible catastrophic panic/anxiety attacks. So bad that I almost was ending up seizing sometimes. Is like if my brain was short-circuiting. Went to the ER some 5-6 times in a span of 2 months, they sent me home each time with anxiety anti depressant pills which I never took, I dumped them down the crapper. I refused to believe that our health is some sort of "wheel of fortune" and depending on where it stops, you develop something because "thats how life is". I refused that. I know this has to have a cause and a solution.

The solution in this case, or better said the CURE, the word that big pharma hates and is banned, is through essential nutrients. The reason why you are still dealing with this is because your brain doesn't have enough nutrients to finally find its own balance and recover itself. You must pump your body with essential nutrients on a daily basis plus a healthy clean diet and you WILL HEAL. That is how I did myself. Now I am 200% better than before thanks to all the things that I learn and changed my life forever.

The only macronutrient that you need for your brain is animal fat. Make sure you consume every day animal fat. Cook with organic real butter or lard, eat plenty of eggs with the yolk, the closest to raw the better. Most of your brain tissue is made of cholesterol and fat. A diet depleted of this simply will not give your brain enough raw materials to rebuild itself. But besides this, you need a mix of essential micronutrients. Specific ones? doesnt work that way. As Naturopathic Doctors will say, you must put in your body all 90 essential nutrients every day because all of them work synergistically. You cant just buy this for this, and that for that. You need to eat healthy and clean and supplement yourself every day with high quality essential nutrients.

Your perfectly fine psychologically, be careful with doctors because they might prescribe you drugs that dont cure or heal anything. They only mask symptoms and actually create a bigger problem, not to mention they poison your body with toxic chemicals.

Hey @Jackxxx

Thank you for your recommendations. It is really helpful and encouraging for me.

You are definitely right about the doctors prescribing anti anxiety drugs... Those are some of the worst “medicines” to come off of.. Benzodiazepines are the fucking worst.... The withdrawal symptoms are even worse than Heroin! And deadly when you don’t use the taper off method.

I got warned left and right by friends and acquaintances that I should never take those prescription drugs. The doctors are poisonous.

Those drugs will fuck you up even more. I got a prescription for some Xanax (Alprozalam) but I refused to use them. I didn’t pick it up from the drug store.

I went to hell and back, didn’t sleep for 3 weeks and was a complete trainwreck. I was exhausted and I felt horrible. And it makes me mad that a doctor will just give you some Xanax garbage to poison you even more. It’s outrageous !

So I sucked it up and endured the whole anxiety trip until it weared off slowly. It’s better to handle this stuff naturally.

I have read the horror stories of people who got hooked on prescription drugs while being recovering addicts. And it’s crazy.

I have read about the 90 essential minerals and vitamins. And you mentioned some time ago that there was only one supplement that was worth it to buy it ? That contained all 90 essential elements for your body? Do you remember the brand of that supplement ?

I am looking to restore my neurochemical balance. My neurotransmitters must be rebalanced.
Hey @Jackxxx

Thank you for your recommendations. It is really helpful and encouraging for me.

You are definitely right about the doctors prescribing anti anxiety drugs... Those are some of the worst “medicines” to come off of.. Benzodiazepines are the fucking worst.... The withdrawal symptoms are even worse than Heroin! And deadly when you don’t use the taper off method.

I got warned left and right by friends and acquaintances that I should never take those prescription drugs. The doctors are poisonous.

Those drugs will fuck you up even more. I got a prescription for some Xanax (Alprozalam) but I refused to use them. I didn’t pick it up from the drug store.

I went to hell and back, didn’t sleep for 3 weeks and was a complete trainwreck. I was exhausted and I felt horrible. And it makes me mad that a doctor will just give you some Xanax garbage to poison you even more. It’s outrageous !

So I sucked it up and endured the whole anxiety trip until it weared off slowly. It’s better to handle this stuff naturally.

I have read the horror stories of people who got hooked on prescription drugs while being recovering addicts. And it’s crazy.

I have read about the 90 essential minerals and vitamins. And you mentioned some time ago that there was only one supplement that was worth it to buy it ? That contained all 90 essential elements for your body? Do you remember the brand of that supplement ?

I am looking to restore my neurochemical balance. My neurotransmitters must be rebalanced.

My symptoms were so weird, that for example every night, as I was in the process of falling asleep, you know that transition that usually you dont feel from an awaken/cosncious state until you fall asleep into subconsciousness, I know dont what a hell was going on with me, but right at that stage of transition I was stopping breathing and jumping back awake trying to catch my breath. It was some weird psychiatric phenomenon. Every night it took me a few tries to finally be able to fall asleep after tasing through that stage. At least I was able to sleep well. I also was at that period of time extremely vulnerable and sensitive to absolutely anything that could have some stimulatory effect on my brain. I would get a panic/anxiety attack from a cup of coffee. Even trying ginseng one time in an attempt to relax myself, it made me paranoid with anxiety/panic symptoms. I was a mess. But eventually I found my balance once I started modifying my diet.

As far as the supplements, absolutely, I take them religiously every single day of my life.

- The multi vitamin/mineral is called Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.5 made by the company Youngevity. You will find it cheaper on ebay.

- On top of that I take an extra multi mineral supplement called Concentrace. You will find it on ebay too. Is liquid in colloidal state from natural sources, it contains ALL the minerals the human body needs in trace amounts. I put 5 drops in every single cup of water I drink every day. I drink close to a gallon of water a day. But water without minerals is useless.

- Besides that I add essential phatty acids, omegas and others that I buy from swansonvitamins.

- I also supplement with extra Vitamin C since the human body needs at least some 3-4 grams a day for proper immune system function. Not the 99mg of synthetic garbage that the FDA recommends.
Sorry I missed this thread these past few days guys.

@DLD As far as specifications required for the therapy, the US Pro 2000 Second Edition is the most reliable device in the market as far as cost and quality. You will find other similar devices with similar specifications but Made in India or China which are known to be inaccurate in power output.

@DutchAthletic92 first of all, the anxiety you got from US is normal. I got it too. It seems like it goes away after some time, or it depends on the temperature. My conclusion of the phenomenon is the heated blood going into the bloodstream. Our blood stays steady at a very specific range of temperature. A tiny fraction higher and the brain will detect some problem. The brain in its own mechanism of defense will trigger an anxiety that makes you breath more and more frequently, cooling down the system. Nothing is wrong, everything is fine, it is only a brain reaction.

Second, in order to improve results you need to work on strain, not on creep, and for that you need a fishing scale in your setup.

Third, try to somehow reduce the size of your sleeve, is covering too much of your penis that you could be heating up with US too. Remember the septum runs all the way to the head and this therapy works specifically on the septum.

As I am preparing for my Second period of US, I am putting together a real nice setup that will allow me to monitor and gauge absolutely everything I need. I will take pics then and post the whole apparatus.



I don't see much margin of profit re-selling US transducers. If you could build one yourself under the same specifications for a fraction of the cost, then yes. But for that we are talking about advanced electronic engineering.

Perhaps there would be an opportunity in creating a US package. Somehow come up with a bench with sitting, frame, harnesses, pulley, cables, tray, scale, and everything needed in one box ready to use plug and play to cook your dick. Just sit down, connect everything, start adding weight next to you and guide the transducers.

That is pretty much the only grey area in this new trend at this point. Eventually it will get standardized but in the meantime the most ingenious could find a space to fill up this gap in which so many people are asking the "how to" do it.
I don't see much margin of profit re-selling US transducers. If you could build one yourself under the same specifications for a fraction of the cost, then yes. But for that we are talking about advanced electronic engineering.

Perhaps there would be an opportunity in creating a US package. Somehow come up with a bench with sitting, frame, harnesses, pulley, cables, tray, scale, and everything needed in one box ready to use plug and play to cook your dick. Just sit down, connect everything, start adding weight next to you and guide the transducers.

That is pretty much the only grey area in this new trend at this point. Eventually it will get standardized but in the meantime the most ingenious could find a space to fill up this gap in which so many people are asking the "how to" do it.

Thanks. what is the brand you are using and can you shoot a picture of it?
Bro will u be making any vids on how u use it?I dont plan to use it for now but would love to see how u experts do things.

There is no really a need to do a video of usage as it is exactly the same way is used for therapy on arms, legs, back, and you can watch it on youtube.

I will be posting pics and perhaps video of my own cable/pulley system though, and of course an explanation on how to apply the whole setup.

I am very hesitant to post explicit videos of my dick as there are many guys in just to get pictures of other guys dicks. I've had those asking me for full body pics "for motivation". Motivation my ass.

As far as how the US is applied on a body surface, you can youtube it. Same principle, same application, same warnings.
There is no really a need to do a video of usage as it is exactly the same way is used for therapy on arms, legs, back, and you can watch it on youtube.

I will be posting pics and perhaps video of my own cable/pulley system though, and of course an explanation on how to apply the whole setup.

I am very hesitant to post explicit videos of my dick as there are many guys in just to get pictures of other guys dicks. I've had those asking me for full body pics "for motivation". Motivation my ass.

As far as how the US is applied on a body surface, you can youtube it. Same principle, same application, same warnings.

I understand!There was this "18" year old boy who had a "girlfriend" that keept pm’ing me on Discord asking for pics 24/7 for a month.
FleshLight Training is probably the best way to edge and last as long as you want. If feels so much like the real thing that it makes it a very good way to practice.
There are so many models. Is there a big difference or one you can recommend me Regarding edging and stamina training?
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There are so many models. Is there a big difference or one you can recommend me Regarding edging and stamina training?

It's the Stamina Training Unit, STU for short that's used to edging and training. So have a look at that model.
Basically many of the models can be utilized in training, the difference is how the inside of the sleeve is as in how vivid sensations it provides.
It's the Stamina Training Unit, STU for short that's used to edging and training. So have a look at that model.
Basically many of the models can be utilized in training, the difference is how the inside of the sleeve is as in how vivid sensations it provides.
Thanks,.. The more vivid it feels would be a challenge in training stamina ?
Saturday April 10th

So life got in the way and I am drifting back to PE.

Started again with the kegel routine and I am concentrating on length only. Ultrasound hanging for BPFSL gains.

Reverse kegel holds 60s (BC-muscle) throughout the day in order to relax pelvic floor muscles

Fast kegel clamps 4*10 (PC-muscle)

Long slow kegel squeezes 4*10s (PC-muscle)

Mini kegels 4*10 (IC-muscle)

Testicle health massage 20 minutes

@Jackxxx @DLD
I am sharing some set ups and ideas to easily make a pulley system for ultrasound SiliStretcher2 hanging

I am sitting right next to my wardrobe on a chair and in this set up I can control the weights easily. Fast to attach. Easy to use.

I am also constructing something to keep the transducers spaced out and fixed on some piece of wood or metal so I can operate two transducers simultaneously with only one hand.

View attachment 1828835
1.945 kg set up

View attachment 1828836
1.60g set up

View attachment 1828837
0.860 kg set up

View attachment 1828838
1.220 kg set up

The only thing that bothers me is that those weight plates aren’t exactly the same amount of weight. There’s differences in weight those plates.
This is awesome! Are you going to add to the pulley system? I really love fulcrum and simple machine stretching it makes it so much more powerful and effective. If I was still active I would have a room dedicated to simple machines and pulleys for PE
This is awesome! Are you going to add to the pulley system? I really love fulcrum and simple machine stretching it makes it so much more powerful and effective. If I was still active I would have a room dedicated to simple machines and pulleys for PE

Yes this will be my main set up. I can do all kinds of stretches and fulcrums and hanging setups.

Easy to switch up my routine. And this is only in my small bedroom. I got enough space to comfortably sit around in my chair and stretch my dick.

The pulley system is very handy. Along with the weightscale attached to the SiliStretcher you can measure exactly how much tension you’re using.
Monday April 12th

Reverse kegel holds 60s (BC-muscle) throughout the day

Fast kegel clamps 4*10 (PC-muscle)

Long slow kegel squeezes 4*10s (PC-muscle)

Mini kegels 4*10 (IC-muscle)

Testicle health massage 26 minutes
First, thank you for not incorporating your dick in the pictures LOL. It is awkward when people ask about something totally unrelated to show size or measurement and they throw their dick in there.

That looks like a decent setup. The important thing is that is functional. That is all that matters. Also, great idea about the device for the 2 transducers at the same time, there are other guys at a different forum developing multiple transducer application with one hand devices.

As I am preparing to start my second US period, I will post detailed pictures of my setup before I start. This time I have been preparing a decent setup since the first one was extremely rudimentary.
Sunday April 25th

So I just did my first round of ultrasound hanging with 2 transducers. It is very convenient when you get the hang of it. It is way easier to stay between the target temperature range of 40-43 degrees Celsius.

Pre-BPFSL: 188 mm
Post-BPFSL: 194 mm
Strain: 3.09 %

I measured standing up with pelvis correctly aligned and not tilted forward or backwards because that will give you incorrect measurements... Make sure your eyes are looking directly down on the ruler in a straight line.

I sat on my chair with my dick over my right leg. I alternate every session between putting it over my left and right leg. So day 1 will be over my right leg. Day 2 will be over my left leg. And so on.
And the pulley system is at the same height as my dick. So everything is correctly aligned.

I contemplating on the frequency. Should I do 1 day on/ 2 days off ? Or 1 day on/ 3 days off ?

My greed tells me I should do this every fucking day because it’s awesome to do this LOL. I want to get to 10 inches BPFSL as soon as possible.

One day on and 2 days off would be like 3 times per week.

This time I used 1 plate of 500 grams. I had the MOS weightscale attached. I have to optimize the sillisleeve length so that the tunica shaft is freely exposed but I don’t want to compromise for suction force. Or getting blisters because all the pulling forces are now only exerting on the glans and not along the uppershaft + glans.

So I am starting out slow and I have to get used and comfortable to this new way of PE.

I am thinking of doing 5 minutes light jelqing after the routine to promote bloodflow and to stretch the shaft lightly.

I don’t know if I that would be beneficial as i’m only concentrated on length this year and next year.

But light jelqing wouldn’t hurt I guess on low erection levels.

Please correct me if i’m wrong or did something wrong or maybe I missed something?

I’m gonna do this until I get diminishing BPFSL returns.

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@DutchAthletic92 Excellent work my friend! That is the way. You got an excellent Strain from that workout and that is the most important thing. Results. Measurable, tangible, trackable.

You dont even need to work about a deviation of 1-2 millimeters, because in the long term, a pattern will be created. And down the road in 4-6 weeks, if your Pre BPFSL is 204mm and your post BPFSL is 210mm, you know with 100% certainty that is not deviation. It is strain curve that creates growth. And that is what we've been charting with the data provided from multiple users.

As far as incorporating jelqing, I wouldn't do it right after the US session. Less is more. You might put too much stress in the septum. If you do US in the morning, I would do the jelq in the evening or vice versa.

In terms of cycles, the conventional approach is 3 days on, 2 days off. That seems tp allow for the best results as it was experimented by Kyrpa, Tutt, Manko and others. I did 3 on 2 off too and my results from my first period were amazing.

In regards to period length, yes you could do it until gains diminish. However, we have agreed that is better to keep it within therapeutic ranges. Instead of depleting gains, keep it down to 6 weeks. Then take a proper break of 8 weeks, and go at it again for 6 more weeks.
Nothing with starting out slow and easy. You never want to rush something as important as this. Take your time and work your way up. You may want to look at the hanging routines an SRT. There are two routines there and both are progressive in the way of weight and timing. I think this is one of the best ways to hang.

Jelqing is really outdated. I advise you to go for the SSJ, much more expansive. But in my opinion you should stick to length first and then go for girth later.
Nothing with starting out slow and easy. You never want to rush something as important as this. Take your time and work your way up. You may want to look at the hanging routines an SRT. There are two routines there and both are progressive in the way of weight and timing. I think this is one of the best ways to hang.

Jelqing is really outdated. I advise you to go for the SSJ, much more expansive. But in my opinion you should stick to length first and then go for girth later.

SSJ is actually a true girth exercise since it takes out of the equation the forward stretching of the tunica that occurs with the conventional jelq. The SSJ forces the tunica to expand sideways.
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@DutchAthletic92 I forgot to add, you reached the optimal strain percentage. It is not recommended to pass 3-3.2% since you are risking inflammation and fatigue of the tissues and that is counterproductive. Whatever is the weight increment you did, repeat it again, and adjust only as you see a decrease in strain.

For your Monday workout, if you retain 1mm from Sunday workout, is a gain. 1 millimeter a day, as small as this sounds, is a huge gain. 1 millimeter in 10 days is 1 centimeter. In 20 days is 20 centimeters. In 24 days, less than a month, is 24 centimeters, and 24.5 centimeters is 1 inch. So NEVER be discouraged about the gains, also NEVER fall in the emotional temptation of going for more. Set yourself goals at 4 weeks, 6 weeks.

As long as you succeed in maintaining the strain under the therapeutic temperature and you are able to retain at least 1 millimeter per day of working out, you are successfully applying the science in every single sense of the word, and the results will blow you away. Picture yourself reaching the middle of this summer with one full new inch of BPFSL. I know, it is not BPEL, but you are getting rid of the dead end, limiting factor, the septum.

I am working with other members in a sinister procedure to increase BPEL after successfully creating a gap with the Septum ?
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@DutchAthletic92 I forgot to add, you reached the optimal strain percentage. It is not recommended to pass 3-3.2% since you are risking inflammation and fatigue of the tissues and that is counterproductive. Whatever is the weight increment you did, repeat it again, and adjust only as you see a decrease in strain.

For your Monday workout, if you retain 1mm from Sunday workout, is a gain. 1 millimeter a day, as small as this sounds, is a huge gain. 1 millimeter in 10 days is 1 centimeter. In 20 days is 20 centimeters. In 24 days, less than a month, is 24 centimeters, and 24.5 centimeters is 1 inch. So NEVER be discouraged about the gains, also NEVER fall in the emotional temptation of going for more. Set yourself goals at 4 weeks, 6 weeks.

As long as you succeed in maintaining the strain under the therapeutic temperature and you are able to retain at least 1 millimeter per day of working out, you are successfully applying the science in every single sense of the word, and the results will blow you away. Picture yourself reaching the middle of this summer with one full new inch of BPFSL. I know, it is not BPEL, but you are getting rid of the dead end, limiting factor, the septum.

I am working with other members in a sinister procedure to increase BPEL after successfully creating a gap with the Septum ?

Thank you for the recommendations. It is amazing that I can reach optimal strain % with only 500 grams of weight. Less is truly more.

I will drop the jelqing after ultrasound hanging therapy. It seems counterproductive as you said because a lot is going on inside the septum/shaft.

I will save the girth exercises like Slow Squash Jelqing and others for the girth phase. And closing the BPEL gap.

Gaining BPFSL is top priority now.

The heating range was mostly kept between 40-42 degrees Celsius. And I watched carefully when it went up to 42-42.5 degrees Celsius because I didn’t want to cross that limit of 43 degrees. With two transducers you have a lot of power in your hands to really cook your dick LOL.

Unfortunately I don’t have the chance to do my monday work out due to other life duties. But it will be good to give myself a rest day. Better to have a restday than overworking yourself.

So I will officially start on tuesday. I do it early in the morning at 06:00 AM before all other daily tasks.

The workout from sunday was a test round. And it went very well. I am still thinking of constructing something to keep the two transducers in one hand with a fixed length. How far away from eachother should those transducers be ? Like 5 cm ?

SSJ is actually a true girth exercise since it takes out of the equation the forward stretching of the tunica that occurs with the conventional jelq. The SSJ forces the tunica to expand sideways.

it is also incredible with spot training along the shaft. Areas can easily be isolated and hit with 100% of the intensity. Men with uneven girth can effectively change this using the SlowSquashJelq in an isolated way
Thank you for the recommendations. It is amazing that I can reach optimal strain % with only 500 grams of weight. Less is truly more.

I will drop the jelqing after ultrasound hanging therapy. It seems counterproductive as you said because a lot is going on inside the septum/shaft.

I will save the girth exercises like Slow Squash Jelqing and others for the girth phase. And closing the BPEL gap.

Gaining BPFSL is top priority now.

The heating range was mostly kept between 40-42 degrees Celsius. And I watched carefully when it went up to 42-42.5 degrees Celsius because I didn’t want to cross that limit of 43 degrees. With two transducers you have a lot of power in your hands to really cook your dick LOL.

Unfortunately I don’t have the chance to do my monday work out due to other life duties. But it will be good to give myself a rest day. Better to have a restday than overworking yourself.

So I will officially start on tuesday. I do it early in the morning at 06:00 AM before all other daily tasks.

The workout from sunday was a test round. And it went very well. I am still thinking of constructing something to keep the two transducers in one hand with a fixed length. How far away from eachother should those transducers be ? Like 5 cm ?


@DutchAthletic92 How far? as much as possible. Therefore your length will dictate the distance. As long as both are separate enough from each other bu covering both halfs of your length, thats all you need.

I HIGHLY advise you to measure yourself today as part of that sunday experiment. Just out of curiosity measure your BPFSL today to see how much you retained form yesterday.

As you can see, as the literature states, less is more. All along, before we had this novel technology, NEVER made sense to me the increasingly high loads of weight. As always stated throughout the years, those Asian people who hang rocks from their dicks, pull cars, trucks, even airplanes, If applying more and more force for hanging or stretching was correct, they should have half a meter penises. It turns out, not a single one has a big dick. Some might say "well, we dont know that" The answer to that is, I can guarantee you any men in this planet that has a giant phallus will be know. Wether he wants it or not, a woman will speak, or a man, or himself. I bet most men will want to show what they have, and proudly. Well, with those Asians is not the case. Why? Because the approach was wrong all along. There is no science to back it up. Quite the opposite, there is plenty of science to the approach we are taking now.

If you read Tutt's research, he is currently experimenting with sophisticated radio frequency generators to induce heat in an even more precise exact manner. In his lab research while under every single proper piece of equipment, he concluded that there is no need for most to use no more than 2.5kg of weight. In your case, you are getting perfect strain from only 0.5kg which us phenomenal, and leave you plenty of room for the future. With these low weights, you will not suffer from blisters or any conditions caused by unproven brute force.

Many, including me, gained in the past by using sheer brute force. And while initially many tissues will give away growth, it is at the same time creating toughening of the tissues. In this case our enemy number one, the septum. It seems as if the septum is the single structure in our penises that really exist to stop the pull, the tug. And the more you pull it, the tougher it gets. Until now. ?
@DutchAthletic92 How far? as much as possible. Therefore your length will dictate the distance. As long as both are separate enough from each other bu covering both halfs of your length, thats all you need.

I HIGHLY advise you to measure yourself today as part of that sunday experiment. Just out of curiosity measure your BPFSL today to see how much you retained form yesterday.

As you can see, as the literature states, less is more. All along, before we had this novel technology, NEVER made sense to me the increasingly high loads of weight. As always stated throughout the years, those Asian people who hang rocks from their dicks, pull cars, trucks, even airplanes, If applying more and more force for hanging or stretching was correct, they should have half a meter penises. It turns out, not a single one has a big dick. Some might say "well, we dont know that" The answer to that is, I can guarantee you any men in this planet that has a giant phallus will be know. Wether he wants it or not, a woman will speak, or a man, or himself. I bet most men will want to show what they have, and proudly. Well, with those Asians is not the case. Why? Because the approach was wrong all along. There is no science to back it up. Quite the opposite, there is plenty of science to the approach we are taking now.

If you read Tutt's research, he is currently experimenting with sophisticated radio frequency generators to induce heat in an even more precise exact manner. In his lab research while under every single proper piece of equipment, he concluded that there is no need for most to use no more than 2.5kg of weight. In your case, you are getting perfect strain from only 0.5kg which us phenomenal, and leave you plenty of room for the future. With these low weights, you will not suffer from blisters or any conditions caused by unproven brute force.

Many, including me, gained in the past by using sheer brute force. And while initially many tissues will give away growth, it is at the same time creating toughening of the tissues. In this case our enemy number one, the septum. It seems as if the septum is the single structure in our penises that really exist to stop the pull, the tug. And the more you pull it, the tougher it gets. Until now. ?

It’s unbelievable and incredible at the same time that I learned all the science stuff in school. LOL and now I am literally applying that theory in the real world. Who would have guessed ? For enlarging our dicks.

Not for constructing new machines or materials but to get a giant phallus. It’s awesome man.

My septum is very very tough under cold circumstances. But under therapeutic heat it is very stretchy. I think that’s because I quit all PE exercises for more than a year. I had a really long deconditioning break.

I am glad it only takes me 0.5 kg to get the desired strain. The waiting has paid off.

It’s currently 07:00 AM and I just measured. My pre-BPFSL is 192 mm. So that’s a bit more than sunday.

I will start my ultrasound therapy now.
It’s unbelievable and incredible at the same time that I learned all the science stuff in school. LOL and now I am literally applying that theory in the real world. Who would have guessed ? For enlarging our dicks.

Not for constructing new machines or materials but to get a giant phallus. It’s awesome man.

My septum is very very tough under cold circumstances. But under therapeutic heat it is very stretchy. I think that’s because I quit all PE exercises for more than a year. I had a really long deconditioning break.

I am glad it only takes me 0.5 kg to get the desired strain. The waiting has paid off.

It’s currently 07:00 AM and I just measured. My pre-BPFSL is 192 mm. So that’s a bit more than sunday.

I will start my ultrasound therapy now.

That is excellent. You retained 4mm since yesterday. I experienced a similar result. Now, you wont see the same retention every day. Do not get discouraged. Some days you wont see difference. At that point adjust tension little by little and asses results. As I mention before, if you write down all your measurements, Pre BPFSL and Post BPFSL for each day you workout, a pattern and a curve will appear. And at the end of 6 weeks you will have the amazing end result. So do your thing each day, concentrate, do not fall for emotions, keep it down to literature. Focus and concentrate in the end of the Period in which you will have achieved the desired target.
Tuesday April 27th

it’s 08:30 AM and I just finished my ultrasound therapy.

This time I put my shaft over my left leg and it felt different. It’s like you have a preference for left side or right side. And my shaft is most comfortable and stretchier when it’s put over my right leg.

I also had trouble with the temperature sensor. It took 10 minutes to reach at least 40 degrees Celsius. And I stayed 10 minutes between 40-41degrees Celsius. But I felt I was cooking my dick already and sometimes I had sharp stinging pain from the heat. So I was afraid I’d exceed the therapeutic temperature range. I always break contact with shaft surface when that happens and wait a bit to heat it up again.

The sensor was still adjusting to my body temperature. And it didn’t gave proper temperature until after 10 mins. But when I put my dick over my right leg it will reach target temperature very fast. Within a few minutes.

My left side isn’t prefered at all. Lol. I also had problems with stretching that left side in the past. It’s hard to describe but stretching over my left leg is like my dick doesn’t want to be elongated. It’s like it’s protesting. But I gave the shaft good heating.

Pre-BPFSL: 192 mm
Post-BPFSL: 195 mm
weight: 500 gram
Strain: 1.53 %

So the strain is a bit less than sunday. I don’t know why. Maybe I heated up too much when I couldn’t get accurate temperature measurements during the first 10 mins of ultrasound heating.

I also don’t know when to measure the post-BPFSL. Do you do that immediately after the ultrasound therapy or is it also ok to do the measurement after you have cleaned up and stored everything away? Like after 10 minutes or so.

Do not worry about the strain percentage variation, because you are gaining. And as you master your technique more and more, each workout gets more efficient and will yield better strain. Also, remember you are still using the 0.5kg. That is very little. Eventually if your Strain stall, you should increase tension by 100-200 grams at a time. This is when monitoring strain with a scale becomes very useful.

BPFSL you measure immediately as soon as you finish. You do your US, then you do the 10 minutes cool down stretched under the same tension, after those 10 minutes remove everything, clean your dick quickly and measure Post BPFSL. Then you can pick up, clean more, jerk off whatever the fuck you want. lol
Do not worry about the strain percentage variation, because you are gaining. And as you master your technique more and more, each workout gets more efficient and will yield better strain. Also, remember you are still using the 0.5kg. That is very little. Eventually if your Strain stall, you should increase tension by 100-200 grams at a time. This is when monitoring strain with a scale becomes very useful.

BPFSL you measure immediately as soon as you finish. You do your US, then you do the 10 minutes cool down stretched under the same tension, after those 10 minutes remove everything, clean your dick quickly and measure Post BPFSL. Then you can pick up, clean more, jerk off whatever the fuck you want. LOL

This is a very important point for everyone to understand. We should always be checking our bone-pressed, flaccid stretch to be sure you are seeing growth. This is the biggest indicator of growth and if you’re not seeing elongation be on your norm it means what you are doing is unfruitful. This is an awesome thing because it allows you to change things on the fly.
Wednesday April 28th

ultrasound hanging routine time: 06:45 AM

Pre-BPFSL: 196 mm
Post-BPFSL: 198 mm
Weight: 500 gram
Strain: 1.01 %

This time I had the same troubles as yesterday regarding heating up to target temperature of at least 40 degrees Celsius. I couldn’t get above 41 degrees.

I use a small thermometer sensor and I think I need to use two small sensors in order to measure it more accurately. It’s placed under the middle of the shaft and I want to put one more sensor for lower shaft and uppershaft region.

I cut off a piece of the blue sillisleeve that i’m using. I think it was too much because in the 10 mins relaxation phase my Silistretcher vaccuum cup slipped off and the weights felt down on the ground LOL.

You can really see when there’s not enough time spend in the optimal temperature range of 40-43 degrees Celsius. I think you need to be atleast for 10 minutes above 42 degrees.

I can feel it by the flexibility and post-BPFSL. The strain was not much and I bet it would be higher if I didn’t had the warming up problems.

I think there’s something wrong with how I measure the temperature or when I am warming up it doesn’t give accurate temperature measurements.

Or do the transducers need warming up time ?my settings ate always put them in “high”. For quicker warming up.

The warming up to target temperature of 40 degrees takes me 10-12 minutes. I don’t know if this is good or bad. I think bad because you need as much heat as quickly as possible to do the 20 mins shaft heating.

Also my post-BPFSL shrunk to 194 mm... I just measured at 3:48 PM in the afternoon.

I think this is due to my problem with low testosterone levels (200-300 ng/dL) and I am working on this issue but when I masturbated a couple of times in a row. As I did yesterday. I become completely exhausted and don’t have any motivation to do anything. Also got low dopamine levels as testosterone and dopamine are tightly connected. My memory is also affected.

I am gonna go on Nofap / semen retention to see if this will help. I don’t think I should be beating my dick so much. It’s not healthy. I need all strength and motivation to continue this ultrasound program.

I am not even interested in talking to women or dating women. I have to step up my game

Is it bad to get erections during the ultrasound therapy ? I’d argue you need a complete flaccid shaft for optimal heating ?

Dont worry about your strain, because you are gaining.

Remember your Pre BPFSL on day 1 was 188, today it was 196. You are almost 1 full centimeter up in just 3-4 days. No other routine will give you that gain. No other. Period.

As I said before, do not use emotion. Approach this from a scientific stand point. Your testosterone levels have absolutely nothing to do with this. And quite frankly, you wouldn't be whacking off twice a day if your test levels were a problem. You are just making guesses according to how you feel, but everything is perfectly fine. Is like when you have a bad headache and you go to google, you'll start reading, reading and reading to the point that one of the possibilities is brain cancer and you start believing it and convincing yourself and freaking out, when all it was is a fucking simple common headache.

To answer your question about erections during US, yes it is bad. Not because of hazard reasons, but because you are working strictly your septum. Nothing more. People sometimes get confused. You are targeting the limiting factor, the septum. And in order to single it out, your penis has to be completely flaccid. If its not, other structures such as tunica start taking some of the tension stress, and UltraSound for tunica has not been proven, researched yet.
Dont worry about your strain, because you are gaining.

Remember your Pre BPFSL on day 1 was 188, today it was 196. You are almost 1 full centimeter up in just 3-4 days. No other routine will give you that gain. No other. Period.

As I said before, do not use emotion. Approach this from a scientific stand point. Your testosterone levels have absolutely nothing to do with this. And quite frankly, you wouldn't be whacking off twice a day if your test levels were a problem. You are just making guesses according to how you feel, but everything is perfectly fine. Is like when you have a bad headache and you go to google, you'll start reading, reading and reading to the point that one of the possibilities is brain cancer and you start believing it and convincing yourself and freaking out, when all it was is a fucking simple common headache.

To answer your question about erections during US, yes it is bad. Not because of hazard reasons, but because you are working strictly your septum. Nothing more. People sometimes get confused. You are targeting the limiting factor, the septum. And in order to single it out, your penis has to be completely flaccid. If its not, other structures such as tunica start taking some of the tension stress, and UltraSound for tunica has not been proven, researched yet.

great response!!!❤️
Dont worry about your strain, because you are gaining.

Remember your Pre BPFSL on day 1 was 188, today it was 196. You are almost 1 full centimeter up in just 3-4 days. No other routine will give you that gain. No other. Period.

As I said before, do not use emotion. Approach this from a scientific stand point. Your testosterone levels have absolutely nothing to do with this. And quite frankly, you wouldn't be whacking off twice a day if your test levels were a problem. You are just making guesses according to how you feel, but everything is perfectly fine. Is like when you have a bad headache and you go to google, you'll start reading, reading and reading to the point that one of the possibilities is brain cancer and you start believing it and convincing yourself and freaking out, when all it was is a fucking simple common headache.

To answer your question about erections during US, yes it is bad. Not because of hazard reasons, but because you are working strictly your septum. Nothing more. People sometimes get confused. You are targeting the limiting factor, the septum. And in order to single it out, your penis has to be completely flaccid. If its not, other structures such as tunica start taking some of the tension stress, and UltraSound for tunica has not been proven, researched yet.

You are right. I must look at the data. And how little the strain might be. I am still gaining. Even if it’s one millimeter per session.

So the flaccid penis is a must. Isn’t the tunica also a limiting factor or is it only the septum? The tunica is the expansion sheet that determines girth right ? Which envelops the corpus cavernosum erectile chambers. And it connects in the glans with the septum which is located in the middle of the shaft above the corpus spongiosum.

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Also I don’t understand how one can have a BPFSL of 20 cm while BPEL is 18 cm... Like the BPEL should grow along with BPFSL right? Or can you grow BPFSL to 30-35 cm without any increasements of BPEL ?

If I continue on this path I might be a solid 254 mm BPFSL (10 inches) at the end of this year. But why does BPEL not grow simultaneously with BPFSL.

If I want to get to 10 inches BPEL, does that mean I have to work my way up to 1 foot of BPFSL? 300mm ?

That’s kinda hard to believe that BPEL won’t follow BPFSL.

What was that method you are working on with other guys on how to increase BPEL after you get to your BPFSL target size ?

Your goal is 1 foot, so you might have to work up to 350mm BPFSL?
Thursday April 29th

Pre-BPFSL: 198 mm
Post-BPFSL: 199 mm
Weight: 500 gram
Strain: 0.50%

I figured out my temperature problems. The sensor is a small rod with a length of 2 cm. And diameter of 2-3 mm. And when you put the sensor in the direction of the shaft so parallel to the shaft between leg and shaft. You don’t get accurate measurements.

So I rotated the sensor 90 degrees so it’s put overcross the shaft between leg and shaft and now I get good measurements. I reached 40 degrees Celsius within 3 minutes.

This time I could easily stay above 41 degrees and the last 5-10 minutes easily above 42 so I had to pay attention not to cross 43 degrees.

I thought I would get more strain because I was staying in higher temperature range 41.5-42.5 degrees. But I think you need to increase the weights a bit.

But for now, I will use 500 grams of weight until I get no strain anymore. And then increase it by 100 gram increments. Less is more.

I cannot wait until get to 10 inches BPFSL (254 mm). That will be a very big psychological resistance level. Even breaking out of 200 mm (8 inches) would be magical.

I made this from an empty kitchen paper roll.

I cut off a bit at the top to get it to exactly measure 254 mm. The magickal 10 inches.

This is standing on my desk and I go to sleep with it.
I am always watching this roll and imagining my goals.

It’s pure motivation and to see where i’m at right now.

This roll will guide me through the proces. Step by step. Small steps become big achievements.

I cannot wait to break through 200 mm BPFSL. But patience is key and I’m 2 days off. I will continue on sunday morning.

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You are right. I must look at the data. And how little the strain might be. I am still gaining. Even if it’s one millimeter per session.

So the flaccid penis is a must. Isn’t the tunica also a limiting factor or is it only the septum? The tunica is the expansion sheet that determines girth right ? Which envelops the corpus cavernosum erectile chambers. And it connects in the glans with the septum which is located in the middle of the shaft above the corpus spongiosum.

View attachment 1828988

View attachment 1828989

Also I don’t understand how one can have a BPFSL of 20 cm while BPEL is 18 cm... Like the BPEL should grow along with BPFSL right? Or can you grow BPFSL to 30-35 cm without any increasements of BPEL ?

If I continue on this path I might be a solid 254 mm BPFSL (10 inches) at the end of this year. But why does BPEL not grow simultaneously with BPFSL.

If I want to get to 10 inches BPEL, does that mean I have to work my way up to 1 foot of BPFSL? 300mm ?

That’s kinda hard to believe that BPEL won’t follow BPFSL.

What was that method you are working on with other guys on how to increase BPEL after you get to your BPFSL target size ?

Your goal is 1 foot, so you might have to work up to 350mm BPFSL?

- First, one thing that will help you understand things better, is to know that The Septum is part of the Tunica. The Septum is just the junction of the tunica that surrounds each chamber of the corpus cavernosum. Therefore, that junction, the septum, is like if you had a double layer tunica. Therefore if you pull it, which side will be more elastic and easier to expand. The single layer tunica or the double layer tunica? The single one will be easier.

- Now, the tunica determines the girth? Not completely. Girth and BPEL is mostly determined by your corpus cavernosum. You can have a giant tunica and a giant septum, but if you have small CC's, your BPEL and your girth will be small. In this scenario, only your BPFSL will be large. However, once your CC's grow, your gap between BPFSL and BPEL close. And the more your CC's grow, the more the gap close, to the point that if you continue to grow your CC's, they will find the dead end called septum. At that point, your penis has nowhere else to grow but sideways, and there is your girth. Because remember, on there sides you have the tunica, but in the center you have a double layer tunica (Septum).

- And this leads to your next question. How can you have 20cm of BPFSL while having 18cm of BPEL. Again, go back to the picture in your mind of this double layer tunica junction in the center of your penis running all along form the base to the top. Imagine you detach your penis from your body, and it has a valve at the base. You start pumping air through that valve. Slowly. You will see it inflate. It will keep growing, expanding, the CC's and tunica will fill up with air and you stop there. And you measure. 18cm. Why is that? because even though the septum can be stretched longer than that, that air pressure is not enough to express the full elasticity of that septum. Remember once again, that septum is a double layer tunica so it has its own resistance. If you wanted to fully express its length, you would need a higher internal pressure. In our case, blood. And even so, with that higher pressure the tendency will be for the tunica to slowly give up sideways (girth) rather than longways (length) because of the same tension of the septum.

And this is the big question. Does the BPEL ever give up by itself? We dont know that yet. Some guys have seen BPEL grow by itself after BPFSL with Ultrasound, other have seen nothing. However, nobody as far as I know has dedicated enough time to grow septum and septum alone to see what happens. I am committed to do that. I do not agree with "guess" or "belief", but my gut feeling based on the behavior of different tissues, is that at some point the other tissues should give up for BPEL. perhaps might be that some guys need a small gap for that, while others might need a bigger gap.

- Yes at that pace you can reach 10 inches by the end of the year, but remember tissues dont work that way. As an example, a bodybuilder can gain up to 20 pounds of muscle weight during his first year. At that pace, in 10 years he could gain 200 pounds of muscle. We know, that doesn't exist. Weight increase slow down due to different genetic mechanics. In this case is similar. You will start seeing a normal decrease in strain, as you increase tension, and that is why we have decided to limit the Periods to 6 weeks, take 8 weeks off and resume. And what you are doing about less tension is great. It will get the most out of your tissues.
Thursday April 29th

Pre-BPFSL: 198 mm
Post-BPFSL: 199 mm
Weight: 500 gram
Strain: 0.50%

I figured out my temperature problems. The sensor is a small rod with a length of 2 cm. And diameter of 2-3 mm. And when you put the sensor in the direction of the shaft so parallel to the shaft between leg and shaft. You don’t get accurate measurements.

So I rotated the sensor 90 degrees so it’s put overcross the shaft between leg and shaft and now I get good measurements. I reached 40 degrees Celsius within 3 minutes.

This time I could easily stay above 41 degrees and the last 5-10 minutes easily above 42 so I had to pay attention not to cross 43 degrees.

I thought I would get more strain because I was staying in higher temperature range 41.5-42.5 degrees. But I think you need to increase the weights a bit.

But for now, I will use 500 grams of weight until I get no strain anymore. And then increase it by 100 gram increments. Less is more.

I cannot wait until get to 10 inches BPFSL (254 mm). That will be a very big psychological resistance level. Even breaking out of 200 mm (8 inches) would be magical.


It would be extremely useful for you to monitor strain with a scale. At this point, even though we call it strain percentage, once you start adding tension, you will be working on creep in reality, not on strain. Creep is also productive, but strain is considered to be superior.
I made this from an empty kitchen paper roll.

I cut off a bit at the top to get it to exactly measure 254 mm. The magickal 10 inches.

This is standing on my desk and I go to sleep with it.
I am always watching this roll and imagining my goals.

It’s pure motivation and to see where i’m at right now.

This roll will guide me through the proces. Step by step. Small steps become big achievements.

I cannot wait to break through 200 mm BPFSL. But patience is key and I’m 2 days off. I will continue on sunday morning.

View attachment 1828990

That is great. It really makes a difference. The brain has tremendous power. If you never watched the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know", it will literally blow your mind.

I am concentrated the same way. I am at 24cm, 1.4cm away from the 10 inches. That is my short term goal once I start my next period, and of course after that get as much as I can from it to get closer and closer to the 30.48 cm (one foot)
That is great. It really makes a difference. The brain has tremendous power. If you never watched the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know", it will literally blow your mind.

I am concentrated the same way. I am at 24cm, 1.4cm away from the 10 inches. That is my short term goal once I start my next period, and of course after that get as much as I can from it to get closer and closer to the 30.48 cm (one foot)

That was a very good film to watch! It really shows you just how powerful our minds really are
It would be extremely useful for you to monitor strain with a scale. At this point, even though we call it strain percentage, once you start adding tension, you will be working on creep in reality, not on strain. Creep is also productive, but strain is considered to be superior.

Yes you are right. I was a bit confused with the terminology and definitions. And the translation to my own language.

I monitor strain with the MOS weightscale attached to the SilliStretcher. It displays the exact amount of grams (500) every session. So that’s good.

Shouldn’t we rename strain percentage into creep percentage ? Because when we are doing ultrasound hanging you get movement in the septum as in it’s elongating a little bit every session. And you calculate that elongation after every ultrasound session.

And strain stays the same because you aren’t adding weights to it. At least in my case, my strain stays the same because I only use 500 grams of weight.
In my case I am already working on creep with a constant amount of weight throughout the session.
- First, one thing that will help you understand things better, is to know that The Septum is part of the Tunica. The Septum is just the junction of the tunica that surrounds each chamber of the corpus cavernosum. Therefore, that junction, the septum, is like if you had a double layer tunica. Therefore if you pull it, which side will be more elastic and easier to expand. The single layer tunica or the double layer tunica? The single one will be easier.

- Now, the tunica determines the girth? Not completely. Girth and BPEL is mostly determined by your corpus cavernosum. You can have a giant tunica and a giant septum, but if you have small CC's, your BPEL and your girth will be small. In this scenario, only your BPFSL will be large. However, once your CC's grow, your gap between BPFSL and BPEL close. And the more your CC's grow, the more the gap close, to the point that if you continue to grow your CC's, they will find the dead end called septum. At that point, your penis has nowhere else to grow but sideways, and there is your girth. Because remember, on there sides you have the tunica, but in the center you have a double layer tunica (Septum).

- And this leads to your next question. How can you have 20cm of BPFSL while having 18cm of BPEL. Again, go back to the picture in your mind of this double layer tunica junction in the center of your penis running all along form the base to the top. Imagine you detach your penis from your body, and it has a valve at the base. You start pumping air through that valve. Slowly. You will see it inflate. It will keep growing, expanding, the CC's and tunica will fill up with air and you stop there. And you measure. 18cm. Why is that? because even though the septum can be stretched longer than that, that air pressure is not enough to express the full elasticity of that septum. Remember once again, that septum is a double layer tunica so it has its own resistance. If you wanted to fully express its length, you would need a higher internal pressure. In our case, blood. And even so, with that higher pressure the tendency will be for the tunica to slowly give up sideways (girth) rather than longways (length) because of the same tension of the septum.

And this is the big question. Does the BPEL ever give up by itself? We dont know that yet. Some guys have seen BPEL grow by itself after BPFSL with Ultrasound, other have seen nothing. However, nobody as far as I know has dedicated enough time to grow septum and septum alone to see what happens. I am committed to do that. I do not agree with "guess" or "belief", but my gut feeling based on the behavior of different tissues, is that at some point the other tissues should give up for BPEL. perhaps might be that some guys need a small gap for that, while others might need a bigger gap.

- Yes at that pace you can reach 10 inches by the end of the year, but remember tissues dont work that way. As an example, a bodybuilder can gain up to 20 pounds of muscle weight during his first year. At that pace, in 10 years he could gain 200 pounds of muscle. We know, that doesn't exist. Weight increase slow down due to different genetic mechanics. In this case is similar. You will start seeing a normal decrease in strain, as you increase tension, and that is why we have decided to limit the Periods to 6 weeks, take 8 weeks off and resume. And what you are doing about less tension is great. It will get the most out of your tissues.

Thanks for the clear explanation. So our tissues don’t behave linearly. Just like our muscles. It will become harder and harder to gain more BPFSL in the future which means increasing weights till 2.5 kg.

You mentioned someone has found out in a lab that we shouldn’t go higher than 2.5 kg. So if we don’t reach our goals of BPFSL with 2.5 kg. What happens next ? A very long decondition period of 6 months to 1 year ?

I am also curious to find out if my BPEL will follow my BPFSL if I go longer than 10 inches. I want to try it out LOL. Maybe I can reach 30.48 cm. That’s a great life goal. And for the sake of this community and science to really go beyond everything that has been tested out to this day.

We’re at the frontier of PE science and experimentation. It would be an honor to grow my dick to 1 foot length.

I am also dedicated to try that out. It would take a couple of years I think. With proper reconditioning.

You mentioned we need internal pressure of blood to grow the CC’s and it will have the tendency to grow more in girth because of the resistance of the septum itself.

Do you practice any kegels ? And would that be beneficial for increasing blood pressure? Or are we talking about controlled priapism with chemical PE setups in order to grow the CC’s

I read that with extreme strong pelvic floor muscles you can get extremely hard erections which you maintain throughout a fucking session. I heard those pornstar guys all practice kegels to ensure maximum pelvic floor muscle strength?

I am planning to do small hand towel lifts with my dick. Just like a regular weight training session but for aimed at dick erection strength / pelvic floor muscle strength . And work your way up until you can lift several pounds/kilo’s with your shaft lol.
Progressive overload is key here. With small increments.

You’ll get a bulging veiny extremely hard erection which women love so much. Hardness of your erection is also very important.
I see these guys on adult entertainment sets with a soft 10 inch dick trying to fuck a girl but the dick collapses and it looks painful like it’s gonna break or something lol.

So we would need to work heavily on girth after the ultrasound therapy sessions.

Slow Squash Jelqs with bathmates / pumping etc. A solid girth routine is needed to close that BPEL - BPFSL gap.

Also this ultrasound device could be perfect for warming up the shaft before doing girth work ? Like 10 minutes proper deep warming up and then doing the girth exercises.
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Yes you are right. I was a bit confused with the terminology and definitions. And the translation to my own language.

I monitor strain with the MOS weightscale attached to the SiliStretcher. It displays the exact amount of grams (500) every session. So that’s good.

Shouldn’t we rename strain percentage into creep percentage ? Because when we are doing ultrasound hanging you get movement in the septum as in it’s elongating a little bit every session. And you calculate that elongation after every ultrasound session.

And strain stays the same because you aren’t adding weights to it. At least in my case, my strain stays the same because I only use 500 grams of weight.
In my case I am already working on creep with a constant amount of weight throughout the session.

Yes in your case you could call it creep percentage, but the therapy is designed for strain. That is why hanging is not the ideal setup.I personally strictly replicated what it has been proven to work successfully. I dont like to add my own spices and seasonings to the recipe without any scientific or research foundation. True trial and error leads to proven techniques, but that also equals extra time, and time is the most expensive commodity of the universe.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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