WeII-known mennber
Do you believe in me?
Do you believe in me?
Thank for your words
I really don't have good news in my life, all I have is my existence, my life,so many other things that a man could desire are just humane things..Of course my brother, are you doing good today? You said you’re happy, what’s the good news?
Thank you man I appreciate it.
Feeling a bit pissed right now bought s a pair of pants somebody stole them took em fuck I hate when that happens..maybe this weekend going to have to buy two more pairs shoes n some other things I need, hope i find those pants cause if someone " took" them well...
Besides I'm money short right now n not fair n not ok if someone is taking my stuff
We live in a world ran by Satan and there are plenty of his minions out there to steal from you, to lie to you, to confuse you and anything else that takes away from your joy. Pray for the people that stole your pants, perhaps they needed them more than you.
Yep that's true, I'll get two more pairs later I'm sure about that ?.
Like Lacoste too LOL
Tuesday january 19th
I still suffer from anxiety and panic disorder. I am a long recovering drug & alcohol addict and I had some problems last week. My mental health isn’t fully recovered and my neurochemistry still has some imbalances. I am taking supplements to restore dopamine, serotonin and GABA neurotransmitters.
It’s been a long time since using for the last time but I still deal with the after effects. I have broken nights and I don’t sleep well. Also have some PTSD symptoms so i’ve been going through a rough patch.
That makes it hard to stay consistent with my routine unfortunately. I am waiting for better times to come LOL.
I am looking for a thermometer which can be used for the ultrasound hanging routine. I’ve got both Ultrasound devices already at home.
I’ve seen great progress in BPFSL from other board members here. But the big problem is closing the gap between BPFSL —> BPEL !
First I have to get to 10 inches BPFSL and afterwards I have to close the gap by increasing the internal smooth muscle and growing it to accommodate 10 solid rock hard inches in BPEL.
The real bottleneck will be closing that gap.... Getting the length isn’t a problem anymore LOL.
Reverse kegel throughout the day
Fast kegel clamps 3*30 (PC-muscle)
Long slow kegel squeezes 3*30s (PC-muscle)
Mini kegels 3*30 (IC-muscle)
Reverse kegel holds 2*60s (BC-muscle)
Testicle health massage 20 minutes
The routine is looking good! I feel you my brother and what you’re going through, I also have serious mental issues. But I have many ways to help if you are interested. You don’t have to settle for feeling this way there are ways to take your life back and be in control. I never thought I could do it until I started practicing DBT. This really changed my life and I was able to get over my disorders being depression, anxiety and agoraphobia. I’m not perfect I still struggle but I’m getting better every day. If you’re interested in DBT let me know and I’ll get you some information
Friday february 6th
Holy shit I didn’t post for one month.
I was lazy and didn’t do anything!
Time to get back into training
Reverse kegel holds 60s sets throughout the day every 30 minutes. I still feel that my PC muscle is very tight and it gets tight with everything I do. Standing, sitting, walking etc.... I need to do reverse kegels on a frequent basis to really push it out and forcing it to relax.
When I masturbated a few weeks ago I already felt the relieve of pushing out the PC muscles by doing a reverse kegel so you can last much longer.
Of course it’s still not strong enough but my dick gets extremely hard while I am stimulating it and I do the reverse kegel.
So the key is to really be able to do consistently reverse kegels while fucking a woman super hard so you can pound away for hours and you don’t ejaculate.
Erection hardness: IC + PC muscles
Fast kegel clamps 3*10
Long slow kegel squeezes 3*10
Mini kegels 3*10
Reverse kegel holds 3*60s
Hello everyone. I want to explain about panic attacks, fear and disturbances. I had three weeks ago this problem with me. I was feeling a heartbeat and shortness of breath. I used to go to the hospital every day, the doctor says, you have no problem. The doctor told me you should do comprehensive blood and vitamins tests. I did these blood tests and discovered that the levels of vitamin D in the ground are very low, and the salt in the blood is very high. Psychological, mental and physical disorders. You can do tests to discover who you suffer or the disease problem you have
YasBro did you gain 2 inches in 3 months?!!!!
Wow ? that's impressive share your routine man wow
I deleted itDo you have a log here on your routine?
what is DBT ? Looks interesting maybe it can help
I deleted it
it is the most incredible program to practice. It brought such peace to my life and gave me all of my energy back.
Thank you for the recommendation ??
I will bring this up when I have my appointment with my psychiatrist
First of all thank God that you are free of those panic attacks. I know my prayers work when I hear these things! Onto your testicles, I’m sorry this happened and I probably would’ve tried the same thing but your penis is very resilient and time will correct these issues. You’ve learned your lesson and once you have healed up you can get back to work and make growth happen.
Thursday February 25th
I don’t feel very well after this ultrasound session.
It triggered a silent anxiety attack and it got worse because I was scared that I might have done irreversible damage to my testicles by putting ultrasound heat near them....
My thoughts spiraled out of control and I feel this buzzing energy/current going through my body, from my legs to my feet and I feel it in my testicle sack.
I did everything according to protocol and I didn’t put the transducer on my testicle sack.
I only heated the base of my shaft and along the shaft and the glans septum connection...
I don’t know what’s happening but I hope this will wear off soon.
I hope I didn’t fried my testicles.
Your a pioneer here on MOS, and looking forward to reading about your success with this
I’m very interested in finding a ultrasound machine that we can buy wholesale and sell here at a less expensive price. I’m sending off a message to lightning to see where we can go with this. It would carry the matters of size label too!
If you guys can give me a few links to the best ultrasound units I can start working on getting a much better deal in pricing. Please leave links below. I also want @Jackxxx to see
,@ Dutchathletic92 the mind can use many means to get you in a bad trip and find ways to give you a hard time..but you won't solve this yourself,get support imho