Sorry I missed this thread these past few days guys.
@DLD As far as specifications required for the therapy, the US Pro 2000 Second Edition is the most reliable device in the market as far as cost and quality. You will find other similar devices with similar specifications but Made in India or China which are known to be inaccurate in power output.
@DutchAthletic92 first of all, the anxiety you got from US is normal. I got it too. It seems like it goes away after some time, or it depends on the temperature. My conclusion of the phenomenon is the heated blood going into the bloodstream. Our blood stays steady at a very specific range of temperature. A tiny fraction higher and the brain will detect some problem. The brain in its own mechanism of defense will trigger an anxiety that makes you breath more and more frequently, cooling down the system. Nothing is wrong, everything is fine, it is only a brain reaction.
Second, in order to improve results you need to work on strain, not on creep, and for that you need a fishing scale in your setup.
Third, try to somehow reduce the size of your sleeve, is covering too much of your penis that you could be heating up with US too. Remember the septum runs all the way to the head and this therapy works specifically on the septum.
As I am preparing for my Second period of US, I am putting together a real nice setup that will allow me to monitor and gauge absolutely everything I need. I will take pics then and post the whole apparatus.
Hey thanks for responding @Jackxxx
I thought it was my own fault that I got triggered by the ultrasound device with anxiety/panic.
But you have explained everything in a very logical way. That clears up alot of my questions.
In fact now I think about it, I used to get this feeling too when I was trying to heat up my shaft while hanging with an infrared lamp. The heat got to my head and I started to feel dizzy, and it felt like a heat stroke or something lol.
It was the heat that got to me. And one needs to be careful when applying heat with extreme hot summer temperatures. I am looking for an airconditioning apparatus to cool down the environment.
But what struck me was the measurement of my temperature sensor. It gave me a measurement of 35.8 degrees Celsius? I don’t know if the temperature of the environment has some influence on it?
But I figured that if one has a body temperature if 37 C and the heating range is 40-42 C then that’s a temperature difference of 3-5 degrees.
In order to not overheat my shaft I was staying in that range and I added that range to my own shaft temperature which was 35.8 degrees Celsius.
So for my the objective was to stay within a range of 39-42 degrees Celsius.
Did I do this wrong or should I try to get to a temperature of 40-42 degrees Celsius regardless of my own body temperature ? Or in this case: dick shaft temperature ?
I find it difficult to get an accurate reading and maybe i’m using the wrong thermometer device. It’s a cheap device which is used in aquariums/fish tanks.
Maybe I should put two of those between my dick shaft and body, like one temperature sensor for the lower shaft region and one temperature sensor for the upper shaft region ?
I totally forgot to add the fishing scale to my SiliStretcher lol.
I take BPFSL measurements standing straight up and pushing a wooden ruler in my fat pad and measure along the dorsal side of the shaft. The side which you can directly see when you look down.
I will try to reduce length the sleeve but I had blister problems in the past with that method. Because the pulling force isn’t distributed along the upper shaft and the glans. With a short sleeve that will only cover the glans and a little bit of shaft you’ll get those blisters.
But I am working my way up to heavier weights, starting out at 0.5 kg. It’s the first time I am hanging in a year or so. I have to recondition the glans again.