Does anyone else have the problem of retracting testicles?

This is something that is turning into a bit of an obsession and phobia.
It's giving me a complex that is turning me off sex altogether.

I've heard that it happens to some men, how common is it?

Is there anyone here who has any advice about this thing?
I just never seen anyone post about this topic so I'm wondering if it is quite rare.

I wish I could just accept it, but I just can't help feeling squeamish about my own balls.
It doesn't happen that often, and when it does it's usually in cold weather, or funnily enough right after it's been raining(strange I know, but it just seems that way).

Even though it doesn't happen that often, it's the feeling that it's going to happen sometimes, usually just before I ejaculate. It's enough to put me off completely.

It's only hapened about once or twice with my left testicle,.but the right testicle has retracted quite often.
For what it's worth, I had an operation when I was 10 or 11 to descend my testicle as it hadn't dropped.

I can't explain exactly why it's become such a huge problem with me. I guess that it's such an uncomfortable feeling that it's just become a phobia with me.
As soon as I feel the testicle slip up into my body I have a big compulsion to stop everthing and urgently try to push it back down with my hand.

I know that retracting testicles probably don't bother many people, and I suppose I may look a bit of an idiot asking about this.
But the truth is that I need to ask somebody.

Something like this may well sound very trivial to most, but to me this retracting testicle business is becoming such a major problem as it is directly interfering with sex,...and that can't be right.
I'm so angry with myself to let this become a bit of a phobia.

Does anyone else here know where I'm coming from? (at least to some extent)
And can anybody here offer me any advice at all?

I really am wondering why I don't see other people don't post about retracting testicles, and maybe It may be quite rare.
If it does turn out that I aren't that normal in that area, at least I know that I need to get it seen to medically.

If anyone can offer advice, or a solution hopefully, I will be very grateful for your feedback.

(Hope I posted in the right forum)
Yeah definitely read Supra's thread called "Testicle health and building low hanging bull balls" or something like that. It has all the ball enlargement/health info you might ever want. You should definitely get the ROP and maybe some leather ball stretchers if you want.
hey don't want you to feel alone here. I never have both do it but if I get real cold 1 will usually go hide. some of this may be due to the fact naturally I don't have alot of ball hang. The ROP has helped that some here. also while Penis Enlargement-ing you may try to add some arginine to your vitamins list. add blood flow and should incourage hang (because of blood flow) from what I understand.
Yeah, I've got the problem, too. They retract pretty close up when it's cold, or I'm nervous. They actually go inside a little bit when I get very sexually excited. It doesn't bother me at that particular moment since I'm concentrating on different things, but I would prefer that they hang down a little more when they're fully retracted. I'm going to do the leather collar and ball weight thing to see if I can fix that.
Click on "Free your mind in my Signature" and that take you to my forum were all the testicle stuff is
Thanks for the replies, it's a relief to know that others get this testicle problem.
I suppose many have the retracting testicle thing, but not that many are as bothered about it as I.
I've seen some adult entertainment scenes where the guy's balls are really high, and I wonder if they have actually gone up into his body, and I'm thinking to myself that I would have to just stop if I were him.

Thanks for the link to where your testicle info is Supra, I will have a read of it.
I will take some arginnine as Loco suggested too. Anyone have an idea of how much?..Would 5 grams be about right?
Supra, the only links I can find in your signature are US Marines stuff. I can't see "free your mind" anywhere...Have you changed your signature?
Mercury said:
I will take some arginnine as Loco suggested too. Anyone have an idea of how much?..Would 5 grams be about right?

Yeah 5 grams should be good.
You should remember that it is NATURAL for the testes to retract, especially just prior to ejaculation. This is NOT a problem: it is healthy physiognomy. The operation you had a as child must have traumatized you, but it is a normal physical reaction.

Don't worry. Stretch the sac! Supra is a genius on the subject: read everything the dude has written!

davidwh said:
You should remember that it is NATURAL for the testes to retract, especially just prior to ejaculation. This is NOT a problem: it is healthy physiognomy. The operation you had a as child must have traumatized you, but it is a normal physical reaction.


YUp it is totally normal - ask your doctor if you dont believe us. Balls retract in cold or in stress, and after workouts. They also enter you before ejaculation.
It's okay levista, I never said I didn't believe anybody lol.

davidwh....No I'm not traumatized by my childhod operation at all. I just mentioned it because it might mean something.

I know testicles are supposed to retract due to enviroment or stress. And I know they raise high when near orgasm.
The thing I was was concerned about was my testicle raising so high that it pops into my body.. That's what I find to be a problem with me.

When it "pops" into my body on the odd occasion, it just produces a sensation in me that's very hard to explain. It just stops me stone cold dead and I panic a bit with a reflex action that makes me suddenly try to push down on the side of my abdomen to readjust it.
If it happens during sex I have somehow managed to explain it away saying that I had a sudden attack of cramp.

It's just one of those things. With me, if my testicle goes up into my body it's like the most uncomfortable feeling ever.

Anyway, I bought some 500mg capsules of l-arginine, and I have decided that maybe I just need to stretch my balls down a bit for a couple of minutes a day.

So, to anyone who stretches their ballsack, does this limit the amount the testicles are able to rise up over time.
I notice that Supra has got them hanging low, does this mean that your testicles don't even get close to "popping" into your body?
It would be cheaper to buy arginine powder instead of capsules. You can get a pound of it (453 grams) for like $22 at which is like 4 cents per gram or something like that.
I would do if I could 9cyclops.
But I'm from Britain, and we aren't able to get some of the supplements that americans can get hold of. So for now I'll have to make do with the capsules from Holland and Barrett.

I wouldn't mind trying some of that Nox2 that many Penis Enlargementers are raving about, but I don't think there's anywhere in the UK where I can get that either.
Mercury;59836 said:
Supra, the only links I can find in your signature are US Marines stuff. I can't see "free your mind" anywhere...Have you changed your signature?

Bump. I can't sleep because my left ball is half retracted. Please kill me. I will give you so many internets if you fix my balls. Please fix my balls.
Brizz;407326 said:
Bump. I can't sleep because my left ball is half retracted. Please kill me. I will give you so many internets if you fix my balls. Please fix my balls.

Relax man you'v ecome to the right place. Something that will help with loosening your testicles IS the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. Put in some time reading the site, it will put you at ease. Painful as it is to realise you have just discovered Heaven, you luckily have PLENTY of time to catch up- if you get too lazy and never move forward though then the only person you have to blame from this point forward is nobody but your parents! jk its you. What are you waiting for ????
My right testy does this a lot. I pulls up almost inside me and it's harder than fuck to get it back out. The left one never goes any were though?
The left testicle is the one that gives me problems. It goes inside from time to time, and I once was scared that it wouldn't get out at all after a full day's absence. It was scary nightmare material when I first noticed it.
I have this exact problem. If it goes inside me i have to push it out instantly. When having sex or something, i never do it under a bed sheet or anything and i always get a bit cold so they retract due to temperature. If a girl licks my balls at this stage my left one just pops right inside me and i hate it so so much. I freak out when it happens. I near enough throw the girl off me and get the ball back down. However, pumping my balls and massaging is helping them hang lower. I pump with my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] at LOW intensity. It feels good and they get bigger and hang a lower after pumping.
I have the same issue on the right side. It's difficult to find any solutions. Most say that it's harmless so don't worry about it. The thing that bothers me about this, other than the look of it when it slips up there, is certain sexual positions. When she's on top and I'm fully inside, that hip rocking motion that they seem to like forces it to pop inside followed by pressure on it from their weight. If I don't fix it, it'll pop out forcefully also. Very uncomfortable and natural reaction forces me to "jump" even if I know it's about to happen. And then they wonder what happened.

I looked on a couple ball stretching sites and even bought a leather 1" stretcher. The hardest part is getting it on without pinching. It probably takes me a full 5 minutes due to one ball hanging right and the other being so high. I have trouble using with any regularity because it hurts after a bit also. I've considered trying one of the weights also but not sure if it would be any easier. If one of y'all try it, let me know.