Did I hurt myself?

Hi guys I'm new to this forum but have been researching/performing Penis Enlargement for a few years now. I was doing some Manual stretches while taking a showr the other day doing 4 way stretches 20sec hold each 2 set per side. Well te next day I felt a sight pain in my groin area particularly on the left side underneath my ball sack it helps if massage it a little bit but I'm just wondering if I may have hurt my self by pulling a little to hard to one side. It has been 5 days since then and I still have slight pain in that area. Any suggestions on what I should do? I have no physical signs of damage I to the penis an my erections seem to be fine as well.


you should go see a doc it sounds like you might have pulled a hernia after 5 days thats too long for that kind of pain in the scrotum area
while waiting keep it warm with heat pad till you see doc
This is more than likely simple soreness from being a newbie. The pain or soreness can manifest itself in many places but the scrotum and base of the penis, where the ligaments reside, are usually the places felt most. I see you are going to the doctor, keep the appointment and get checked over just in case but I guaranty you it is normal discomfort from starting out.
doublelongdaddy;526021 said:
This is more than likely simple soreness from being a newbie. The pain or soreness can manifest itself in many places but the scrotum and base of the penis, where the ligaments reside, are usually the places felt most. I see you are going to the doctor, keep the appointment and get checked over just in case but I guaranty you it is normal discomfort from starting out.

riding my bike years ago i managed to pull a hernia in the same area next to scrotum worked it out with heat and rest from the bike found out my seat was ill equipted for my butt replaced with a gel seat
hadnt had a bike pull like that since still watchful of it as it hurt like a mother @#$%^& 2 weeks was doubled over in bed
Thanks for the advice guys and the support hopefully everything is alright. I just remembered that I was actually at the gym the day before I started feeling this pain which I may have actually gotten a hernia if I do in fact have it... I went really heavy on power shrugs which may be the cause if I really have a hernia.
I've had a hernia. Feel the sore point and see if anything's poking through. I had a progressive one for years before I noticed it and it never hurt because your guts don't have any nerves in them. The only way I could tell was by feeling. This was 15 or so years ago.
Oddly enough I did not consider a hernia and even stranger, I think I have has one for about 6 months...I too am going to the doctor.
With any type of weight lifting always wear those constricted shorts underneath your clothes or a jock strap. I wear those Under Armor constricted shorts underneath my clothes every time I workout and I've been bodybuilding / strength training over 10 years. I bought mine from Sports Authority.

Yall shouldn't be going heavy anyway you should be going to a safe 85% anything more you are stressing too much focus on proper form gains with come, and does anyone warm up before working out?

Try warming up 2 sets with 50% of your one rep max for 10 to 12
then 65% of your one rep max for 6 reps.

Warming up is very important
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I have been working out for 8 years of my life probably at least 3-4 times a week. I always warm up and stretch before I lift and never usually go past my limits. I am genetically blessed when it comes to building muscle and do not go for numbers in the gym. But since my girl friend and I broke up recently I have been raging a little more at the gym and pushing limits... Guess I deserve this

any kind of work outs and ill quote my doc
that pushes the body in any degree you can still run risk of Herniated ruptures
take percautions listen to your body