Just like everyone, I've been searching around for the info when I purchased my
BathMate Hydro Extreme 7. I've obtained pressurized testing info from both the net and a few of the engineering friends. However, do take this with a grain of salt as this an an average value across 10 tests per person, including myself.
At full pressure where the baffles gaiter (the crinkle looking plastic sleeeve at the bottom) is 100% compressed, it's at 16.3 mmHg.
At 80% compressed, it's around 13mmHg
At 70% compressed, it's around 12mmHg
At 50% compressed, 8mmHg
Taking into consideration to prevent fluid buildup or even blisters from forming (my mistake in getting it to 90% compression for too long), stay around 60% to 70% compression. The best feeling is when you have some stimulation to get more blood to max out the pumping sessions. Trust me, you will feel the burn. There's that eagerness that you want to pump even more, but resist that urge.