Welcome back brother. I noticed quite a bit of brothers in the Euro areas are doing PE more intensily than the rest of the world. Something must be going on over there.
Now, let's focus on your glans and the penile shaft. Since you indicated part of the penile shaft is not to you liking, I can say the top half of your penile shaft to the tip of your glans is the main focus of your PE. Surgery is something you want to stay far away from. Once a nerve branch is accidentally snipped or frayed, or even a blood vessel damaged, it's very hard to regain back what you lost.
As borther
@SLO indicated, the
MityVac or something robust like it should be used. For a pump, warm water system with a gauge and safety system built in is the key to go. Warm water helps to expand the tissues more effectively, and the water helps to equalize the pressure more stably than just air.
To ensure both the base of the penis to the tip of the glans becomes uniform, grab a
cylinder size that matches your base first. This allows the pressure to inflate/expand the rest of the penis equally. Then get one more
cylinder that is 0.5 to 1.5cm larger than your current erected penis base size. You want to progressive expand and not overly expand, causing the entire penis to inflate unequally.
5x5x3 is the base routine you want to start with. Modify the routine as you see your new growth and girth. Don't depend so much on the pump that you're losing the benefit of using the positive pressure expansion through the Slow Squash Jelq (SSQ), which also expands your glans into a mushroom that is larger than your shaft.