Are there any Vegans or Vegetarians here?

Now the example you gave about greed, I really do not think it was a good one. This is copied from wikipedia and it is the complete definition of the word "greed":

Greed (Latin, avaritia), also known as avarice, cupidity, or covetousness, is the inordinate desire to possess wealth, goods, or objects of abstract value with the intention to keep it for one's self, far beyond the dictates of basic survival and comfort. It is applied to a markedly high desire for and pursuit of wealth, status, and power. (it is only a part of the info- the rest you can find and read following this link- Greed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

Now, as you can see yourself- greed is a pursuit of wealth, status and power. I believe the reasoning behind this man's actions was none of these (if the example you gave is inspired from real life)! I believe he wanted to help other people to fight cancer and therefore helping all of humanity walking along together to a better future. NOW, let me give you a 100% true story example- one of the reasons why I came to hate people in the first place (I had a strange childhood (I can NOT call it rough or hard, because there are people out there who literally have/had NOTHING, I would not be even close if I say it was hard!!!!!!!!!) that lead me to have a certain amount of hate to all of our kind. Girls especially- which is why I believe I SOMETIMES enjoy watching "rape roleplay" adult entertainment, but this gets a bit off topic) and this quality of ours even more!

- A bulgarian herb healer (we have special people here in Bulgaria (I am a bulgarian) that can cure illnesses with herbs and plants, they use NO pills and have NOTHING to do with medicine as people from other countries know it. The reason for us to have such people is that our country is REALLY RICH on herbs! Especially in the mountains where the climate is nearly perfect for optimal herb-plant growth) spent all his life searching for cure for cancer. He is in his 70-ties now and still counting. Ever since "cancer" became so epidemic- he started looking for a way to create an "antidote" for this "poison". It is before 4 years that he officially found the cure for cancer (and there are documented cases where he has cured several people). He wanted to put it on the market, so EVERYONE could have access to it and save probably millions of lives all over the world. BUT what ACTUALLY happened is that the Pharmacy mafia companies refused to put this product on the market. For this to have been done- the man wanted a million levs (which is about 650 000$) in exchange (because he spent ALL his life and work on finding the cure to save people's lives and this he believed was not because he wanted to gain wealth (fuck it- ONLY 650 000$ and the world would have known cure to cancer!!!!!! This money is NOTHING!!!!! (can not stress enough)) and he believed he deserved to be honored and rewarded for all the hard work he did over the years!), but the Pharmacy companies refused to buy this product (for 2 main reasons- 1- The industry makes A LOT of money selling pills that expand (not cure!!!) people's lives (ones that suffer cancer), this would be economically bad for them, why should they care about people's lives all over the world- what actually matters is that they need to make more money! AND 2- because they wanted the formula to be given to them for FREE (for the ridiculous price of 1000 leva, which is around 650$) and no more!). This man has documented his clients and they were recalled in the show and it was proven they suffered cancer and after his treatment (whatever it was) they no longer suffered it! This is ABSOLUTELY 100% inspired from real life and I can tell this to you for sure!!!! So is greed actually good?

"i am ok with a bear eating a human. it is a very unfortunate sad event when that happens and it would be even more so for me if it was a relative. but that is what animals like bears do. it needs to survive and that in end is all that matters for animals and humans. If you get eaten by a bear zam, very sad loss for [words=]MOS[/words] and the people you know, but since you were in a situation that a bear could eat you i would not consider that bear bad. i would think either you are unlucky or stupid or both of those things lol. please dont get eaten by a bear zam. but if you do i will eat that bear in your honor. even if you'd rather me not lol. the video of me eating the bear will be added to [words=]MOS[/words] as well to commemorate and forever remember you."- This REALLY put a smile on my face! Feels really good seeing someone saying such nice things about me, warms my hear, thank you VERY much for this my brother! :). Well it seems that we have come to an agreement here- when an animal kills another animal- emotions follow. Just the way I would be angry (sad!!!) if a bear ate someone close to me- the same way a mother bear would be angry (sad!!!) if I ate her child. My point on this was to just show you that animals- just like us- can suffer a loss of someone close to them and just the same way we, people consider killing animals is normal, then thinking animals killing people should be considered normal as well. That is- if I had someone close to me eaten by a bear I might be in my right to be all angry, because this "cycle" of killing is something I do not approve.

"doesn't that sentence sum itself up pretty easily? this scenario wont ever happen but here it is to get a point across. if a person were in a situation where they were told to pick either saving the life of an animal or human...and this animal and human are both awesome good quality beings...and that person chose to save the life of the animal i would be perfectly fine with that person being removed from the planet. if a person is that type of person and has that type of personality the earth would be better off without them i believe. I love and like my cat where more then you or anyone on [words=]MOS[/words]. my cat brings me so much joy and love. but i would choose to save your life over the life of my cat. if a person would do otherwise i would think they are sick and unbelievably stupid." I see your point clearly and I consider this normal, but it did not actually give an absolute logical-based proof on why the animal's life is worth less.

"now we need a person who believes plants have as much value as you and Lightning do animals so they can use the same points you do for animals but for plants. that would be FUUUUUN and entertaining to read lol." HAHAHAHHAHAHAHH!!!!!! LIGHTNING got lost though, this was a discussion between the two of you originally, I came in and he suddenly disappeared rofl!

"again don't get eaten by a Bulgarian bear (the worst kind of bear!!! wait...are there bears in bulgaria? and are the worse then all other bears? i am assuming you are an expert on bulgarian bears) but if you do I won't think that bear is a bad bear " AHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAH!!!!! I am NOT an expert on bears, bear are my favorite animals though... rofl!

"i thought you were ignoring me!!! ya have we shared all our points? i hope so hahaha " NOOOO!!!!!!!! rofl!

I think we are having a really good discussion and I can tell you that I can NOT classify any of the things you wrote above as UNTRUE (EXCEPT FOR THE GREED THING!!!!!). :)
WOW! Just take a look at that page and you can see it is ALL covered of our writings! Good job so far, I think we are really having a good discussion! :)
Zambrodom3;619935 said:
Now the example you gave about greed, I really do not think it was a good one. This is copied from wikipedia and it is the complete definition of the word "greed":

Greed (Latin, avaritia), also known as avarice, cupidity, or covetousness, is the inordinate desire to possess wealth, goods, or objects of abstract value with the intention to keep it for one's self, far beyond the dictates of basic survival and comfort. It is applied to a markedly high desire for and pursuit of wealth, status, and power. (it is only a part of the info- the rest you can find and read following this link- Greed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

Now, as you can see yourself- greed is a pursuit of wealth, status and power. I believe the reasoning behind this man's actions was none of these (if the example you gave is inspired from real life)! I believe he wanted to help other people to fight cancer and therefore helping all of humanity walking along together to a better future. NOW, let me give you a 100% true story example- one of the reasons why I came to hate people in the first place (I had a strange childhood (I can NOT call it rough or hard, because there are people out there who literally have/had NOTHING, I would not be even close if I say it was hard!!!!!!!!!) that lead me to have a certain amount of hate to all of our kind. Girls especially- which is why I believe I SOMETIMES enjoy watching "rape roleplay" adult entertainment, but this gets a bit off topic) and this quality of ours even more!

i don't believe greed falls into this narrow definition. when i think of greed it can be so much more then just the pursuit of wealth, power, and status. what do you think that doctors family thought of his endeavors? sure he came up with something that would benefit many and they know that is a great thing but they didn't have a present husband/father and what if his test didnt work out? he used all his time for his own goals, neglected his family and it failed. whether it succeeded or failed his family was knowingly left on the back burner so he could work towards his goal. that, i believe, is an act of greediness/selfishness.

Zambrodom3;619935 said:
- A bulgarian herb healer (we have special people here in Bulgaria (I am a bulgarian) that can cure illnesses with herbs and plants, they use NO pills and have NOTHING to do with medicine as people from other countries know it. The reason for us to have such people is that our country is REALLY RICH on herbs! Especially in the mountains where the climate is nearly perfect for optimal herb-plant growth) spent all his life searching for cure for cancer. He is in his 70-ties now and still counting. Ever since "cancer" became so epidemic- he started looking for a way to create an "antidote" for this "poison". It is before 4 years that he officially found the cure for cancer (and there are documented cases where he has cured several people). He wanted to put it on the market, so EVERYONE could have access to it and save probably millions of lives all over the world. BUT what ACTUALLY happened is that the Pharmacy mafia companies refused to put this product on the market. For this to have been done- the man wanted a million levs (which is about 650 000$) in exchange (because he spent ALL his life and work on finding the cure to save people's lives and this he believed was not because he wanted to gain wealth (fuck it- ONLY 650 000$ and the world would have known cure to cancer!!!!!! This money is NOTHING!!!!! (can not stress enough)) and he believed he deserved to be honored and rewarded for all the hard work he did over the years!), but the Pharmacy companies refused to buy this product (for 2 main reasons- 1- The industry makes A LOT of money selling pills that expand (not cure!!!) people's lives (ones that suffer cancer), this would be economically bad for them, why should they care about people's lives all over the world- what actually matters is that they need to make more money! AND 2- because they wanted the formula to be given to them for FREE (for the ridiculous price of 1000 leva, which is around 650$) and no more!). This man has documented his clients and they were recalled in the show and it was proven they suffered cancer and after his treatment (whatever it was) they no longer suffered it! This is ABSOLUTELY 100% inspired from real life and I can tell this to you for sure!!!! So is greed actually good?

in that example greed isn't good. people would argue though how can that man not share the cure for cancer b/c the pharm companies dont want to pay him more. some would agree with the man some wouldnt. i would. but some would think he is greedy. but as i believe my example shows, greed can bring about something great. he was greedy reaching for his goals and his family suffered but it ended up benefiting much more. so even though he might save millions his family ended and his family though he was greedy/selfish.

and you can't say you have a true story and not link me info to it.

Zambrodom3;619935 said:
"doesn't that sentence sum itself up pretty easily? this scenario wont ever happen but here it is to get a point across. if a person were in a situation where they were told to pick either saving the life of an animal or human...and this animal and human are both awesome good quality beings...and that person chose to save the life of the animal i would be perfectly fine with that person being removed from the planet. if a person is that type of person and has that type of personality the earth would be better off without them i believe. I love and like my cat where more then you or anyone on [words=]MOS[/words]. my cat brings me so much joy and love. but i would choose to save your life over the life of my cat. if a person would do otherwise i would think they are sick and unbelievably stupid." I see your point clearly and I consider this normal, but it did not actually give an absolute logical-based proof on why the animal's life is worth less.

i've never said the life of an animal is worth less. i have said the opposite somewhere in our conversation. i think an animals life holds just as much value to this planet as a humans life. just b/c i will eat an animal does not mean it has less value. it could be argument for an animals greater value b/c it can help to breed more life by keeping me healthy. that wouldnt be a strong argument point if someone tried using it.

Zambrodom3;619935 said:
"now we need a person who believes plants have as much value as you and Lightning do animals so they can use the same points you do for animals but for plants. that would be FUUUUUN and entertaining to read lol." HAHAHAHHAHAHAHH!!!!!! LIGHTNING got lost though, this was a discussion between the two of you originally, I came in and he suddenly disappeared rofl!

he did leave. guess he has been busy working with pop ups. but i still want that plant person to come say what you're saying to me and say it to you about plants.

Zambrodom3;619935 said:
"again don't get eaten by a Bulgarian bear (the worst kind of bear!!! wait...are there bears in bulgaria? and are the worse then all other bears? i am assuming you are an expert on bulgarian bears) but if you do I won't think that bear is a bad bear " AHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAH!!!!! I am NOT an expert on bears, bear are my favorite animals though... rofl!

so are there bears in bulgaria?

Zambrodom3;619935 said:
I think we are having a really good discussion and I can tell you that I can NOT classify any of the things you wrote above as UNTRUE (EXCEPT FOR THE GREED THING!!!!!). :)

i believe greed is much more expansive of a topic then that narrow/closed wikipedia definition.
oh and Zam...want to stop our long post on this subject lol??? i fully respect your beliefs as I am sure your know and i know you respect mine. we could do this forever lol.

i also think we have both gotten our points and beliefs across pretty well.
Zambrodom3;620002 said:

and also damn!!!!! i can't read or understand any of that

is that homless man over the fire the guy? or is that guy selling garbage can fire pits??? lol jk. but since i cant understand or read any of it i am just using my imagination lol
youknowme123321;620013 said:
oh and Zam...want to stop our long post on this subject lol??? i fully respect your beliefs as I am sure your know and i know you respect mine. we could do this forever lol.

i also think we have both gotten our points and beliefs across pretty well.

youknowme- as much I do not like to admit it- I am not a vegan, nor a vegetarian. What I wrote, write and preach seems not to be what I do. I have been thinking of becoming a vegetaarian, but THINKING is not acting. There is nothing to give up since it was not a "trying to convince" discussion, but I admit my defeat. The things I wrote- I do think them, but it is pretty insolent of me to continue writing things I am obviously not doing.

The only thing I can talk to you about is that greed has a definition and you can not change it. We all define things and categorize them as "good", "bad", "right" and "wrong". When i said I thought greed was bad- this narrow (as you call it) definition was exactly what I meant.

I do not think he was greedy at all as he found something that's worth billions and wanted to give it to the world for less than a million. I agree he could have given it away for free, but that would be pretty unfair to his work and disrespectful to his hard work.

So, as I told you that this narrow definition of the word "greed" is what I consider actualyl wrong and evil, I think we can both say that we share the same view- we respect animals, see their lifes as important as ours and we are thankful for being fed with their meat.

Yes, there are bears is Bulgaria (and I am unsure on this as it might have been my brain playing with me imagining things, because it was a moment of shock, but me and a guy I know were on a holiday in a villa on the mountains here in Bulgaria. We went into the woods so we could climb to the top, but all of a sudden he screamed- "A BEAR! RUN!" , I was like "What, where did you see it?" and he said "Take a look between the two trees over there, that's its head, just RUN!" I took a 2 second look into that and I it looked a bit like a bear, so I started running down to the villa as well. I don't know whether it was our brains playing with us (everyone refused to believe us as well), but 3-4 days after that (when we had already left)- a bear has come down right in front of the villa) but they are found in the mountain areas- far away from the big cities. :)
youknowme123321;620013 said:
oh and Zam...want to stop our long post on this subject lol??? i fully respect your beliefs as I am sure your know and i know you respect mine. we could do this forever lol.

i also think we have both gotten our points and beliefs across pretty well.

youknowme123321;620014 said:
and also damn!!!!! i can't read or understand any of that

is that homless man over the fire the guy? or is that guy selling garbage can fire pits??? lol jk. but since i cant understand or read any of it i am just using my imagination lol

HAHAHAHA.... come on man, not funny! rofl!!!! Well we- bulgarians are very poor, old people dress like that (because they grew up in society of socialism and communism and their beliefs are a bit different than ours, so is their taste). Come on man, don't be rude. rofl! I think it was good as well (not the best, but still....) :)
Zambrodom3;620070 said:
HAHAHAHA.... come on man, not funny! rofl!!!! Well we- bulgarians are very poor, old people dress like that (because they grew up in society of socialism and communism and their beliefs are a bit different than ours, so is their taste). Come on man, don't be rude. rofl! I think it was good as well (not the best, but still....) :)

i just ordered my garbage can fire pit :). ill be warm this winter ;)
And here I am a few years later, vegan myself!

I just wanted to come back to this thread and give veganism a bit of a push, it is NOT as bad and restrictive as people think it is. Vegans CAN get enough protein from foods and the vegan diet is in no way inferior to a meat eating diet! Thanks to LIGHTNING as he was one of the people to actually light my bulb on this topic!
Zambrodom3;718163 said:
And here I am a few years later, vegan myself!

I just wanted to come back to this thread and give veganism a bit of a push, it is NOT as bad and restrictive as people think it is. Vegans CAN get enough protein from foods and the vegan diet is in no way inferior to a meat eating diet! Thanks to LIGHTNING as he was one of the people to actually light my bulb on this topic!

Awesome and glad you're better informed now than the misinformed people that think they know about veganism.
You can do veganism if you're a giraffe or another animal with the right organs to digest and absorb the huge amounts of plants needed. And most animals have very simple brains fishies for example don't feel pain. I lel when veguis try to compare humans to animals. Sometimes animals have homosexualities does that mean nature intended us to be homos? Analogous when stilly always says "well if a woman can do it why shoudnt i?"
It is just this kind of misinformation that I was in before! But the internet is broad and information is everywhere, there is always time for people to get informed and educated! :)
Zambrodom3;718200 said:
It is just this kind of misinformation that I was in before! But the internet is broad and information is everywhere, there is always time for people to get informed and educated! :)

It is also very important to cross reference and search out if the sources are really good sources or some kind of spam. This screwed up thing about the internet is you will get whatever answer you want if you look hard enough. Stick with reliable sources.
This is it DLD, it is hard differentiating the info sources!

By the way, haven't been around for quite some time, myself, anyone back? Redzulu, Supra etc.?
Yeah if you look at herbivore animals they spend pretty much all day eating because there's just not enough nutrients in plants:(. Ilel veguis so scared that eating animal products is harmful but their diet turns them into scrawny betas.

Why would someone go vegui if not for some disease that forces them? Its not healthy, doesn't help less animals die xD, there's litcherilly no benefit unless you wanna say GMO but isn't everything GMO and to get non GMO food costs billions? You just beta its time to admit. Just folding over to whatever health mythos trend they have going
templnite;718369 said:
Yeah if you look at herbivore animals they spend pretty much all day eating because there's just not enough nutrients in plants:(. Ilel veguis so scared that eating animal products is harmful but their diet turns them into scrawny betas.

Why would someone go vegui if not for some disease that forces them? Its not healthy, doesn't help less animals die xD, there's litcherilly no benefit unless you wanna say GMO but isn't everything GMO and to get non GMO food costs billions? You just beta its time to admit. Just folding over to whatever health mythos trend they have going

pretty much, GMO will still fuck you up but perhaps there are few sources out there where it's actually organic.
Zambrodom3;718163 said:
And here I am a few years later, vegan myself!

I just wanted to come back to this thread and give veganism a bit of a push, it is NOT as bad and restrictive as people think it is. Vegans CAN get enough protein from foods and the vegan diet is in no way inferior to a meat eating diet! Thanks to LIGHTNING as he was one of the people to actually light my bulb on this topic!

High-protein isn't even that good of an idea for your health, what you need is high-quality-protein :)!
templnite;718369 said:
Yeah if you look at herbivore animals they spend pretty much all day eating because there's just not enough nutrients in plants

I don't know if it is plain lack of intellegence or just ignorance that makes you think this way... I will not comment on your misinformation and lack of information on the subject (or probably any subject out there as people who express opinion with close to no viable information on the matter tend to do so regularly, as it is their personallity). I will not lecture you (even though you should have someone do it for you, you know, to just get you out from the very bottom of the intellectual latter), but I will merely mention the existance of micronutrients, which are by far most concentrated in plants. When it comes to macronutrients, just because you do not know (and are not educated enough on this matter) how to properly structure a vegan diet to hit all of the requirements your body has (nutrition-wise) is not a reason for you to express such misleading posts (to the others)

templnite;718369 said:
:(. Ilel veguis so scared that eating animal products is harmful but their diet turns them into scrawny betas.

As i can see your lack of intelligence (plain stupidity) shines at its brightest in this line... What vegans are actually doing is take action towards improvement! There are many different opinions, but I am broad mindned enough to admit that the vegan way of thinking might be wrong (unlike yourself), even though I do not think so... Now I bet we all enjoy eating the typical delicious foods with meat, cheese, eggs, dairy... in the name of a cause that is being considered "great", sacrifices are being made and it is worth respecting the fact that one is actually able to put his ideals higher than his simple taste. Unlike yourself, vegans are people who try to follow the right way (or at least what they believe to be so) even though sacrifices are to be made, vegans put ideals over the simple comfort zone you like to stay in and consider yourself an "alpha".

Now, again, you refer to vegans as scrawny- Unlike the other statements of yours (where I clearly dominate you with shear logic), I am going to go on and actually pay attention to the likes of your intelligence level and actually have a conversation with you (WORTH to notice!!!), asking you for a PROOF of vegans being "scrawny".
Mentioning "alphas" and "betas" is once more out of context (clearly) as (let me inform you as I see that you are once again misinformed), being what you refer to as "alpha" and "beta" is not a matter of looks, it is a matter of character and personality! I bet you mister (with the inferiority complex you have as you would go to a level where you would go on and speak about how you are in any way superior without even knowing anything about the movement or the person in general) consider yourself much more "alpha" every time you drive your car to the supermarket and buy meat products without even having to hunt the animals down with your BARE hands (no guns, BARE hands). I am simply remarking upon the paradox of one considering himself more "alpha" than people who have the courage and guts to sacrifice something they "taste" for something they "believe" having in mind that this exact same person does not have the courage/guts or simply the intelligence to do so AND he can actually NOT be able to support his vain statements with facts, making them invalid (therefore an argument is NON-existant)!

templnite;718369 said:
Why would someone go vegui if not for some disease that forces them? Its not healthy, doesn't help less animals die xD, there's litcherilly no benefit unless you wanna say GMO but isn't everything GMO and to get non GMO food costs billions? You just beta its time to admit. Just folding over to whatever health mythos trend they have going

I don't know if it is plain stupidity (as I can NOT only judge by the message you are trying to bring, but by the way you deliver it- grammatically and lexically disastrous!), but again, I will bother myself with the likes of you and go on to have a coversation, where I invite you to an official "debate" where you actually PROVE or at least give us something to back up your own words. Vegans do not do what they do, because of their own health (even though a plant based diet can be JUST as healthy as a non-plant based diet), they do it in the name of something they consider "GREAT" and of great improtance to mankind itself!

I am going to end answering to this clown fiesta post of yours by saying that it is just people such as YOURSELF who make me as arrogant as I am! It is just people such as yourself that make me realize how intellectually superior I am and how I can clearly intellectually dominate you and go on and destroy you on every level like you are nothing more than a simple toy in my hands! Having this said- I consider people such as yourself, my B...eta (I could have ended the word differently after the dots, and I would have done RIGHTLY so!!)
Last edited:
Zambrodom3;718418 said:
I don't know if it is plain lack of intellegence or just ignorance that makes you think this way... I will not comment on your misinformation and lack of information on the subject (or probably any subject out there as people who express opinion with close to no viable information on the matter tend to do so regularly, as it is their personallity). I will not lecture you (even though you should have someone do it for you, you know, to just get you out from the very bottom of the intellectual latter), but I will merely mention the existance of micronutrients, which are by far most concentrated in plants. When it comes to macronutrients, just because you do not know (and are not educated enough on this matter) how to properly structure a vegan diet to hit all of the requirements your body has (nutrition-wise) is not a reason for you to express such misleading posts (to the others)

As i can see your lack of intelligence (plain stupidity) shines at its brightest in this line... What vegans are actually doing is take action towards improvement! There are many different opinions, but I am broad mindned enough to admit that the vegan way of thinking might be wrong (unlike yourself), even though I do not think so... Now I bet we all enjoy eating the typical delicious foods with meat, cheese, eggs, dairy... in the name of a cause that is being considered "great", sacrifices are being made and it is worth respecting the fact that one is actually able to put his ideals higher than his simple taste. Unlike yourself, vegans are people who try to follow the right way (or at least what they believe to be so) even though sacrifices are to be made, vegans put ideals over the simple comfort zone you like to stay in and consider yourself an "alpha".

Now, again, you refer to vegans as scrawny- Unlike the other statements of yours (where I clearly dominate you with shear logic), I am going to go on and actually pay attention to the likes of your intelligence level and actually have a conversation with you (WORTH to notice!!!), asking you for a PROOF of vegans being "scrawny".
Mentioning "alphas" and "betas" is once more out of context (clearly) as (let me inform you as I see that you are once again misinformed), being what you refer to as "alpha" and "beta" is not a matter of looks, it is a matter of character and personality! I bet you mister (with the inferiority complex you have as you would go to a level where you would go on and speak about how you are in any way superior without even knowing anything about the movement or the person in general) consider yourself much more "alpha" every time you drive your car to the supermarket and buy meat products without even having to hunt the animals down with your BARE hands (no guns, BARE hands). I am simply remarking upon the paradox of one considering himself more "alpha" than people who have the courage and guts to sacrifice something they "taste" for something they "believe" having in mind that this exact same person does not have the courage/guts or simply the intelligence to do so AND he can actually NOT be able to support his vain statements with facts, making them invalid (therefore an argument is NON-existant)!

I don't know if it is plain stupidity (as I can NOT only judge by the message you are trying to bring, but by the way you deliver it- grammatically and lexically disastrous!), but again, I will bother myself with the likes of you and go on to have a coversation, where I invite you to an official "debate" where you actually PROVE or at least give us something to back up your own words. Vegans do not do what they do, because of their own health (even though a plant based diet can be JUST as healthy as a non-plant based diet), they do it in the name of something they consider "GREAT" and of great improtance to mankind itself!

I am going to end answering to this clown fiesta post of yours by saying that it is just people such as YOURSELF who make me as arrogant as I am! It is just people such as yourself that make me realize how intellectually superior I am and how I can clearly intellectually dominate you and go on and destroy you on every level like you are nothing more than a simple toy in my hands! Having this said- I consider people such as yourself, my B...eta (I could have ended the word differently after the dots, and I would have done RIGHTLY so!!)

Yeah pretty much proves the point how veguis are so cucked and delusional and insecure because not getting enough nutrient despite plugging evey mouth they have full of tofu. Like I said why would someone go vegui if not to flawnt their "superior intellignce " and "dominate" the the idiot meaties. Because they are just trendy faggels who only want people acknowledge them for being humane or being healthier or smarter than the rest of us. A special snowflake.

Then you want me to hun down an animal with bare hand that just proof of your retarded idea of power/control. The perfect war is the one you didn't have to fight in order to win. Just like I didn't have to link all my reputable sources because I have trumped you from the start (you start off dissmisive but in the end you need my blessing either way) . You see If it weren't for me then noone would care about your chic lifestyle and you wouldn't have anyone to flex on. You are here for our amusement because we can tell you take this silly thing (you) way too seriously.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>.
Not knowing something is not embarrasing, but not knowing and still expressing opinion however is! This is what I can say about your lack of info on the matter of nutrition..

No, vegans don't want to be aknowledged, the above has nothing in common with veganism, it was just me destroying you 1v1, not so much about veganism. I did not refer to meat eaters (in general) as less inteligent, I refered to YOU as such (and you are just one in a billion).

The idea of that power/control was mentioned by yourself up in your post, you can go and check it out. I simply played along this clown fiesta post of yours.

The rest of this post is empty words with no actual meaning to the discussion of veganism...
Zambrodom3;718425 said:
Not knowing something is not embarrasing, but not knowing and still expressing opinion however is! This is what I can say about your lack of info on the matter of nutrition..

No, vegans don't want to be aknowledged, the above has nothing in common with veganism, it was just me destroying you 1v1, not so much about veganism. I did not refer to meat eaters (in general) as less inteligent, I refered to YOU as such (and you are just one in a billion).

The idea of that power/control was mentioned by yourself up in your post, you can go and check it out. I simply played along this clown fiesta post of yours.

The rest of this post is empty words with no actual meaning to the discussion of veganism...

Pm DLD if templnite is giving you issues or even a moderator. He's already been causing trouble before I don't know why he insists on doing it again.
NOOOO!!!! What trouble are you talking about??? I am degrading him on every intellectual level in existance. If anyone, it is me who is doing the r*ping! rofl
Zambrodom3;718439 said:
NOOOO!!!! What trouble are you talking about??? I am degrading him on every intellectual level in existance. If anyone, it is me who is doing the r*ping! rofl

A lot of flks will challenge you not for sport but in hopes to knock you someway because they are envious. Even if they don't cause you bodily harm they're happy with degrading you too because this makes their reality a little easier to cope with, when they see others as miserable as them.

Why does misery love company? Because poor souls like theirs drive everyone away with their filthy chakra. That's why they appeal to animals, animals dont posses the discernment to know whose a jerk, they are just mindless beasts, the only ones that could stand one so proud. Another lonely animal

You can be a snob all you want to a doggy but try it with your girlfriend and there's no more need for a romantic steak and wine dinner. Try it with momma and you won't need to enjoy her hearty meatloaf or other savory things mommas make. Try it like you have and look ,you have no one in life if that can be called one. Why just be vegui? May as well cut out your tongue to further blanden the taste depression and gouge out your eyes because you cant see anything except yourself anyway

Try it at a penis board and show everyone your true intention is to humiliate, and degrade the brothers and they too will put you in the ignore box. Because you're just like that dirty slut who ice picked yo ass, except now you wanna wrap someone else around your scrawny little vegui finger which doesnt have a nail because it fell of from all the bacteria .

Noones afraid of you boy, you're just a descendant of me, when there was shit wars. All yal my kids
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When I am away Temp likes to play....Watch yourself Temp, you like it here too much to mess that up
templnite;718444 said:
A lot of flks will challenge you not for sport but in hopes to knock you someway because they are envious. Even if they don't cause you bodily harm they're happy with degrading you too because this makes their reality a little easier to cope with, when they see others as miserable as them.

Thank you, I needed this to realize that it was stupid enough of me to even challenge you to a debate. I should have recognized you into these lines, which I failed to do.

templnite;718444 said:
Why does misery love company? Because poor souls like theirs drive everyone away with their filthy chakra. That's why they appeal to animals

If you appeal to animals I see no reason why all the hate towards them...

templnite;718444 said:
, animals dont posses the discernment to know whose a jerk, they are just mindless beasts, the only ones that could stand one so proud. Another lonely animal

Maybe it is just this line that is the source of your stupidity, maybe if you had known differently, maybe you might have been a decent intelligent man. Such a pity...

templnite;718444 said:
You can be a snob all you want to a doggy but try it with your girlfriend and there's no more need for a romantic steak and wine dinner. Try it with momma and you won't need to enjoy her hearty meatloaf or other savory things mommas make. Try it like you have and look ,you have no one in life if that can be called one. Why just be vegui? May as well cut out your tongue to further blanden the taste depression and gouge out your eyes because you cant see anything except yourself anyway

I failed to find any meaning/logic in that clown fiesta post of yours, but you might as well come to realize what ideals are and that sacrifices made for something one considers to be true can only be respected.

templnite;718444 said:
Try it at a penis board and show everyone your true intention is to humiliate, and degrade the brothers and they too will put you in the ignore box. Because you're just like that dirty slut who ice picked yo ass, except now you wanna wrap someone else around your scrawny little vegui finger which doesnt have a nail because it fell of from all the bacteria .

Noones afraid of you boy, you're just a descendant of me, when there was shit wars. All yal my kids

It is you mister, who the first lane has to be said to. And about people being scared of me... I never meant anything like this. If you have interpreted my words so cowardly and even merely thought I was trying to make people be afraid of me, that speaks enough about how cowardly you are yourself.

What you fail to see, mister, is that no one attempted to convince you (or anyone in that matter) into being vegan. It is yourself who pushed your beliefs to the community, which I did nothing more, but to disprove. I never tried to convince anyone that veganism is superior to a human's health, nor that everyone (including yourself) should be a vegan. If you go back and read the history, you will see yourself embarassing your name publically (as there is no greater humiliation than expressing an opinion when you have no information/education on the matter). Again, if you have felt humiliated, I can clearly see a defensive reaction to you not even being verbally attacked in any way. I never intended on humiliating you (you did that yourself when you posted misleading posts), if you have found humiliation in my words, you should then think about whether you have found any of my words valuable enough to be considered by yourself (let alone consider it humiliation).

I answered to a post of yours for a reason, no other than have others (people who are yet to read this thread) not being mislead by he misinformation you speak. I, however, see no reason to further bother myself with the likes of you, you can read my previous posts again and try to learn something, it will be a valuable lesson to you. Have a nice day and stop hating on people (as you can clearly trace the message history, it was you who spoke wrongly about a movement that has done nothing to you and yet you went on to just post a hateful reply to the message saying you are nothing but misinformed) as you can clearly see (no need to admit!!! You might be too egoistical to admit rahter than see) it is reflecting upon yourself.
My advice to you- it is not embarrassing when you are not informed (about whatever), what is embarrassing however is not being informed and yet expressing opinion. This lesson can help you a lot in future. I tried to find a lesson in your words, but failed to find one (if not for the spelling/grammar, then for the lack of logic in the first place). Only if you manage to use valuable information to back your statements up (therefore making it an argument), ONLY then would I bother to reply to you and try to give you free information coaching (WORTH to notice!!!!!!). Have a nice day!
This negus sound like a female mod from pegym. Lel quit trolling mam
Zambrodom3;718544 said:
Thank you, I needed this to realize that it was stupid enough of me to even challenge you to a debate. I should have recognized you into these lines, which I failed to do.

If you appeal to animals I see no reason why all the hate towards them...

Maybe it is just this line that is the source of your stupidity, maybe if you had known differently, maybe you might have been a decent intelligent man. Such a pity...

I failed to find any meaning/logic in that clown fiesta post of yours, but you might as well come to realize what ideals are and that sacrifices made for something one considers to be true can only be respected.

It is you mister, who the first lane has to be said to. And about people being scared of me... I never meant anything like this. If you have interpreted my words so cowardly and even merely thought I was trying to make people be afraid of me, that speaks enough about how cowardly you are yourself.

What you fail to see, mister, is that no one attempted to convince you (or anyone in that matter) into being vegan. It is yourself who pushed your beliefs to the community, which I did nothing more, but to disprove. I never tried to convince anyone that veganism is superior to a human's health, nor that everyone (including yourself) should be a vegan. If you go back and read the history, you will see yourself embarassing your name publically (as there is no greater humiliation than expressing an opinion when you have no information/education on the matter). Again, if you have felt humiliated, I can clearly see a defensive reaction to you not even being verbally attacked in any way. I never intended on humiliating you (you did that yourself when you posted misleading posts), if you have found humiliation in my words, you should then think about whether you have found any of my words valuable enough to be considered by yourself (let alone consider it humiliation).

I answered to a post of yours for a reason, no other than have others (people who are yet to read this thread) not being mislead by he misinformation you speak. I, however, see no reason to further bother myself with the likes of you, you can read my previous posts again and try to learn something, it will be a valuable lesson to you. Have a nice day and stop hating on people (as you can clearly trace the message history, it was you who spoke wrongly about a movement that has done nothing to you and yet you went on to just post a hateful reply to the message saying you are nothing but misinformed) as you can clearly see (no need to admit!!! You might be too egoistical to admit rahter than see) it is reflecting upon yourself.
My advice to you- it is not embarrassing when you are not informed (about whatever), what is embarrassing however is not being informed and yet expressing opinion. This lesson can help you a lot in future. I tried to find a lesson in your words, but failed to find one (if not for the spelling/grammar, then for the lack of logic in the first place). Only if you manage to use valuable information to back your statements up (therefore making it an argument), ONLY then would I bother to reply to you and try to give you free information coaching (WORTH to notice!!!!!!). Have a nice day!

Phew! This falls under the 'protest too much' category (IMO)
Been doing it for almost two years and my sex drive has improved. Best decision I've made in my life. Vegetarian of course.
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doublelongdaddy;718213 said:
It is also very important to cross reference and search out if the sources are really good sources or some kind of spam. This screwed up thing about the internet is you will get whatever answer you want if you look hard enough. Stick with reliable sources.

Sad but True internet has tons of info that is hard to verify them all...
Currently I am working on getting my body fat down and improving my strength. This entails taking in my body weight plus some(in grams) of protein. Taking in this amount of protein and keeping the carbs at or under the protein level while eating only plant based foods, is impractical. The only way to hit protein goals is with with shakes, a lot of them. While I like the idea of an all plant diet, it just doesn't work for me currently.
kizzle82;733947 said:
Currently I am working on getting my body fat down and improving my strength. This entails taking in my body weight plus some(in grams) of protein. Taking in this amount of protein and keeping the carbs at or under the protein level while eating only plant based foods, is impractical. The only way to hit protein goals is with with shakes, a lot of them. While I like the idea of an all plant diet, it just doesn't work for me currently.

Highly disagree. There's plenty of plant-based protein sources out there. One of them being spirulina, chia-seed and the various legumes like nuts & beans. The whole protein thing is blown out of proportion. We can gain muscle without massive amounts of protein.