Now the example you gave about greed, I really do not think it was a good one. This is copied from wikipedia and it is the complete definition of the word "greed":
Greed (Latin, avaritia), also known as avarice, cupidity, or covetousness, is the inordinate desire to possess wealth, goods, or objects of abstract value with the intention to keep it for one's self, far beyond the dictates of basic survival and comfort. It is applied to a markedly high desire for and pursuit of wealth, status, and power. (it is only a part of the info- the rest you can find and read following this link- Greed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )
Now, as you can see yourself- greed is a pursuit of wealth, status and power. I believe the reasoning behind this man's actions was none of these (if the example you gave is inspired from real life)! I believe he wanted to help other people to fight cancer and therefore helping all of humanity walking along together to a better future. NOW, let me give you a 100% true story example- one of the reasons why I came to hate people in the first place (I had a strange childhood (I can NOT call it rough or hard, because there are people out there who literally have/had NOTHING, I would not be even close if I say it was hard!!!!!!!!!) that lead me to have a certain amount of hate to all of our kind. Girls especially- which is why I believe I SOMETIMES enjoy watching "rape roleplay" adult entertainment, but this gets a bit off topic) and this quality of ours even more!
- A bulgarian herb healer (we have special people here in Bulgaria (I am a bulgarian) that can cure illnesses with herbs and plants, they use NO pills and have NOTHING to do with medicine as people from other countries know it. The reason for us to have such people is that our country is REALLY RICH on herbs! Especially in the mountains where the climate is nearly perfect for optimal herb-plant growth) spent all his life searching for cure for cancer. He is in his 70-ties now and still counting. Ever since "cancer" became so epidemic- he started looking for a way to create an "antidote" for this "poison". It is before 4 years that he officially found the cure for cancer (and there are documented cases where he has cured several people). He wanted to put it on the market, so EVERYONE could have access to it and save probably millions of lives all over the world. BUT what ACTUALLY happened is that the Pharmacy mafia companies refused to put this product on the market. For this to have been done- the man wanted a million levs (which is about 650 000$) in exchange (because he spent ALL his life and work on finding the cure to save people's lives and this he believed was not because he wanted to gain wealth (fuck it- ONLY 650 000$ and the world would have known cure to cancer!!!!!! This money is NOTHING!!!!! (can not stress enough)) and he believed he deserved to be honored and rewarded for all the hard work he did over the years!), but the Pharmacy companies refused to buy this product (for 2 main reasons- 1- The industry makes A LOT of money selling pills that expand (not cure!!!) people's lives (ones that suffer cancer), this would be economically bad for them, why should they care about people's lives all over the world- what actually matters is that they need to make more money! AND 2- because they wanted the formula to be given to them for FREE (for the ridiculous price of 1000 leva, which is around 650$) and no more!). This man has documented his clients and they were recalled in the show and it was proven they suffered cancer and after his treatment (whatever it was) they no longer suffered it! This is ABSOLUTELY 100% inspired from real life and I can tell this to you for sure!!!! So is greed actually good?
"i am ok with a bear eating a human. it is a very unfortunate sad event when that happens and it would be even more so for me if it was a relative. but that is what animals like bears do. it needs to survive and that in end is all that matters for animals and humans. If you get eaten by a bear zam, very sad loss for [words=]MOS[/words] and the people you know, but since you were in a situation that a bear could eat you i would not consider that bear bad. i would think either you are unlucky or stupid or both of those things lol. please dont get eaten by a bear zam. but if you do i will eat that bear in your honor. even if you'd rather me not lol. the video of me eating the bear will be added to [words=]MOS[/words] as well to commemorate and forever remember you."- This REALLY put a smile on my face! Feels really good seeing someone saying such nice things about me, warms my hear, thank you VERY much for this my brother! . Well it seems that we have come to an agreement here- when an animal kills another animal- emotions follow. Just the way I would be angry (sad!!!) if a bear ate someone close to me- the same way a mother bear would be angry (sad!!!) if I ate her child. My point on this was to just show you that animals- just like us- can suffer a loss of someone close to them and just the same way we, people consider killing animals is normal, then thinking animals killing people should be considered normal as well. That is- if I had someone close to me eaten by a bear I might be in my right to be all angry, because this "cycle" of killing is something I do not approve.
"doesn't that sentence sum itself up pretty easily? this scenario wont ever happen but here it is to get a point across. if a person were in a situation where they were told to pick either saving the life of an animal or human...and this animal and human are both awesome good quality beings...and that person chose to save the life of the animal i would be perfectly fine with that person being removed from the planet. if a person is that type of person and has that type of personality the earth would be better off without them i believe. I love and like my cat where more then you or anyone on [words=]MOS[/words]. my cat brings me so much joy and love. but i would choose to save your life over the life of my cat. if a person would do otherwise i would think they are sick and unbelievably stupid." I see your point clearly and I consider this normal, but it did not actually give an absolute logical-based proof on why the animal's life is worth less.
"now we need a person who believes plants have as much value as you and Lightning do animals so they can use the same points you do for animals but for plants. that would be FUUUUUN and entertaining to read lol." HAHAHAHHAHAHAHH!!!!!! LIGHTNING got lost though, this was a discussion between the two of you originally, I came in and he suddenly disappeared rofl!
"again don't get eaten by a Bulgarian bear (the worst kind of bear!!! wait...are there bears in bulgaria? and are the worse then all other bears? i am assuming you are an expert on bulgarian bears) but if you do I won't think that bear is a bad bear " AHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAH!!!!! I am NOT an expert on bears, bear are my favorite animals though... rofl!
"i thought you were ignoring me!!! ya have we shared all our points? i hope so hahaha " NOOOO!!!!!!!! rofl!
I think we are having a really good discussion and I can tell you that I can NOT classify any of the things you wrote above as UNTRUE (EXCEPT FOR THE GREED THING!!!!!).
Greed (Latin, avaritia), also known as avarice, cupidity, or covetousness, is the inordinate desire to possess wealth, goods, or objects of abstract value with the intention to keep it for one's self, far beyond the dictates of basic survival and comfort. It is applied to a markedly high desire for and pursuit of wealth, status, and power. (it is only a part of the info- the rest you can find and read following this link- Greed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )
Now, as you can see yourself- greed is a pursuit of wealth, status and power. I believe the reasoning behind this man's actions was none of these (if the example you gave is inspired from real life)! I believe he wanted to help other people to fight cancer and therefore helping all of humanity walking along together to a better future. NOW, let me give you a 100% true story example- one of the reasons why I came to hate people in the first place (I had a strange childhood (I can NOT call it rough or hard, because there are people out there who literally have/had NOTHING, I would not be even close if I say it was hard!!!!!!!!!) that lead me to have a certain amount of hate to all of our kind. Girls especially- which is why I believe I SOMETIMES enjoy watching "rape roleplay" adult entertainment, but this gets a bit off topic) and this quality of ours even more!
- A bulgarian herb healer (we have special people here in Bulgaria (I am a bulgarian) that can cure illnesses with herbs and plants, they use NO pills and have NOTHING to do with medicine as people from other countries know it. The reason for us to have such people is that our country is REALLY RICH on herbs! Especially in the mountains where the climate is nearly perfect for optimal herb-plant growth) spent all his life searching for cure for cancer. He is in his 70-ties now and still counting. Ever since "cancer" became so epidemic- he started looking for a way to create an "antidote" for this "poison". It is before 4 years that he officially found the cure for cancer (and there are documented cases where he has cured several people). He wanted to put it on the market, so EVERYONE could have access to it and save probably millions of lives all over the world. BUT what ACTUALLY happened is that the Pharmacy mafia companies refused to put this product on the market. For this to have been done- the man wanted a million levs (which is about 650 000$) in exchange (because he spent ALL his life and work on finding the cure to save people's lives and this he believed was not because he wanted to gain wealth (fuck it- ONLY 650 000$ and the world would have known cure to cancer!!!!!! This money is NOTHING!!!!! (can not stress enough)) and he believed he deserved to be honored and rewarded for all the hard work he did over the years!), but the Pharmacy companies refused to buy this product (for 2 main reasons- 1- The industry makes A LOT of money selling pills that expand (not cure!!!) people's lives (ones that suffer cancer), this would be economically bad for them, why should they care about people's lives all over the world- what actually matters is that they need to make more money! AND 2- because they wanted the formula to be given to them for FREE (for the ridiculous price of 1000 leva, which is around 650$) and no more!). This man has documented his clients and they were recalled in the show and it was proven they suffered cancer and after his treatment (whatever it was) they no longer suffered it! This is ABSOLUTELY 100% inspired from real life and I can tell this to you for sure!!!! So is greed actually good?
"i am ok with a bear eating a human. it is a very unfortunate sad event when that happens and it would be even more so for me if it was a relative. but that is what animals like bears do. it needs to survive and that in end is all that matters for animals and humans. If you get eaten by a bear zam, very sad loss for [words=]MOS[/words] and the people you know, but since you were in a situation that a bear could eat you i would not consider that bear bad. i would think either you are unlucky or stupid or both of those things lol. please dont get eaten by a bear zam. but if you do i will eat that bear in your honor. even if you'd rather me not lol. the video of me eating the bear will be added to [words=]MOS[/words] as well to commemorate and forever remember you."- This REALLY put a smile on my face! Feels really good seeing someone saying such nice things about me, warms my hear, thank you VERY much for this my brother! . Well it seems that we have come to an agreement here- when an animal kills another animal- emotions follow. Just the way I would be angry (sad!!!) if a bear ate someone close to me- the same way a mother bear would be angry (sad!!!) if I ate her child. My point on this was to just show you that animals- just like us- can suffer a loss of someone close to them and just the same way we, people consider killing animals is normal, then thinking animals killing people should be considered normal as well. That is- if I had someone close to me eaten by a bear I might be in my right to be all angry, because this "cycle" of killing is something I do not approve.
"doesn't that sentence sum itself up pretty easily? this scenario wont ever happen but here it is to get a point across. if a person were in a situation where they were told to pick either saving the life of an animal or human...and this animal and human are both awesome good quality beings...and that person chose to save the life of the animal i would be perfectly fine with that person being removed from the planet. if a person is that type of person and has that type of personality the earth would be better off without them i believe. I love and like my cat where more then you or anyone on [words=]MOS[/words]. my cat brings me so much joy and love. but i would choose to save your life over the life of my cat. if a person would do otherwise i would think they are sick and unbelievably stupid." I see your point clearly and I consider this normal, but it did not actually give an absolute logical-based proof on why the animal's life is worth less.
"now we need a person who believes plants have as much value as you and Lightning do animals so they can use the same points you do for animals but for plants. that would be FUUUUUN and entertaining to read lol." HAHAHAHHAHAHAHH!!!!!! LIGHTNING got lost though, this was a discussion between the two of you originally, I came in and he suddenly disappeared rofl!
"again don't get eaten by a Bulgarian bear (the worst kind of bear!!! wait...are there bears in bulgaria? and are the worse then all other bears? i am assuming you are an expert on bulgarian bears) but if you do I won't think that bear is a bad bear " AHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAH!!!!! I am NOT an expert on bears, bear are my favorite animals though... rofl!
"i thought you were ignoring me!!! ya have we shared all our points? i hope so hahaha " NOOOO!!!!!!!! rofl!
I think we are having a really good discussion and I can tell you that I can NOT classify any of the things you wrote above as UNTRUE (EXCEPT FOR THE GREED THING!!!!!).