
Active member
I feel like a failure for not having much right now and growing-up without a great education. I see all my friends having great lives and me by myself. 24, don't have much right now and struggling to keep up with life.
Yeah man it happens at our age. You have so much ahead of you you aren't alone. Try getting outside and getting some of vitamins from the sunlight. Rent a movie and try to focus on what you have that makes you happy. There are a lot of people that aren't as lucky as you to have found this site [words=]MOS[/words] and at our young age we are Especially Lucky! You aren't a failure and you can still sign up for school. I'd suggest if you drink or smoke to take break from that. If your sad flip that frown upside down and do a little dance lol naw jk but really. Get up, get out, and treat yourself to something nice- You deserve it.

Today I was feeling confused because I realize with the new feelings of my penis- "How do women now how to function in their daily life? They have No Penis!" I could not live with out my penis and I'm so glad to have a [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and this Forum here- as anyone should:)
keepingitbig;400280 said:
I feel like a failure for not having much right now and growing-up without a great education.

What education do you have? Is there anything you wish to learn in particular?
savageblue;400315 said:
What education do you have? Is there anything you wish to learn in particular?

I grew-up with a sub-par education. There were the regular students and the students who weren't so good being placed in special courses. Of course I got out of it at 10th grade, but it still kind of haunts me and somewhat kills my self-esteem. Even when I forget about it, It still comes up.
If you want something bad enough, you wont stop until you get it

I quit school after the 11th grade and haven't held down a job for more than 12 months since, i am now 23 and starting to realize i need to work on my future as a supporter.
I have a million ideas and paths i would like to follow but everything i try when it comes to work seems to turn out not what i really want. I figure that in order to live the life i want i would have to relive at least 3 times.. im over trying to pick the best path because it takes me down too many roads and i eventually get lost and end up back where i started so now im trying to make a decision and stick with it.

What exactly are you worried about? there is much better and higher education that high school
if you cant use your head use your body

Funny enough there is a great deal of things you can learn on the internet just like this very Forum

set some goals and figure out what you need to do to achieve them, and if your not sure ask for help ;)
It is easy to see ones position as negative when all things he is going through seems bad but this is truly a skewed way to see things. Situations NEVER matter, only state of being MATTERS!

If we look at the cards we were dealt and cry over them we will never see clearly enough to find the clues to our salvation that are immediately in front of us. I came up very hard and I could have let my seeming dispositions hold me back....for a lot of time I did. I dropped out of school in 8th grade and I was not far from illiterate. I spent my 6th and 7th grade years in locked detention and my later tears as a teen and into my early twenties was spent in jails, prisons and the like. I had an institutional state of mind and no education. With a small stint in the real world I soon turned to heroin use and this lasted for many years. During this time I was in and out of every drug rehap, therapeutic community within my region. I finally was diagnoses by one of the most reputable hospitals on the east coast with a slew of mental illness (Bi-Polar, OCD, Paranoid Schizophrenia) along with an IQ that was ridiculously high and what they called a "Hitler Mentality!" This is only a brief paragraph on these struggles but believe me when I say I could write 20 volumes!

The rejection I felt, the hate I felt, the frustration I had deep in my stomach was enough to make most men flick the switch and it had me in it's grips until I decided to start telling a different story! So far that story has been one of intelligence, experimentation, education, love, honor and using every last part of my struggle to help and influence thousands just like me. What I have learned and taught in [words=]MOS[/words] has turned every seemingly negative part of myself into a working, valid positive influence in change and success. Here is a bit on how I see these things now:

Bi-Polar: I can get more done in a manic month than most people can get done in 5 years!
OCD: The ability to get anything I want through repetition!
Paranoid Schizophrenia: I have many helpers in my mind and they are all friends!
High IQ: If I am brilliant so are my other personalities:)
Hitler Mentality!: Yup:)
If you want to evolve in your education, remember that being self-taught is always an option. It isn't the easiest option, and you're likely to make many mistakes at first and you're bound to bump into some untrustworthy sources of knowledge. But, hey, it's all a part of growing up and can only enrich your experience.
Remember that books are good friends – and, for that matter, the Internet, how-to videos, tutorials for this and that, whatever it is you're looking for, are pretty helpful if you want to learn some things.
Dedicate yourself to one specific area or subject. If you can't find a single one to focus on, try 3 or 4 you like.
You will slowly improve your knowledge and, in time, you'll be able to even have a debate about the great literature classics, if you wish to focus on that area.

Don't get yourself down. Knowledge comes to those who seek it. :) Having a tutor or a professor helps, but it's not mandatory.

Basically, in life, if you are lucky enough to be able to read, you can learn virtually anything. ;)

Just don't stand there sitting and whining about life. Move on with it and get some action going. :)
yeah man at the moment I feel like a total failure.

I should have done things alot differently in life.
gotta get out of that way of thinking tho. even use it to do things better now.

Tell yourself. everything happens in your best interest. is your time.
Your fucking awesome.
Totally awesome
your time to shine!
I didn't have such a great education as well since i was in the Detroit Public School system for years. I think it pretty much was terrible in my opinion. I didn't have many friends growing up and was bullied and beaten up a lot. Most of the time people attacked me in groups. I was hospitalized a few times because i was beaten up so much that my astHydromaxa would get so bad that i couldn't breath. It didn't help that my brother was one of the most popular kids in the neighborhood, because people thought i was gonna be just like him. I'm the exact opposite of what he is, and was rejected because of this. I'm probably what people would call a "nerd" or a "geek". My grandfather taught me some of the things he learned when he was in the army to help defend myself. That helped me a lot, but shit still happened. I have some scars from getting cut, but some aren't very visible. I didn't do very good in my first year of high school since the teachers weren't helpful at all. A lot of them gave up on all of the students.

It wasn't until i got out in the fall of 2005 when i was transferred to a new suburban high school that was sponsored by a local technical university. I later found out that i have Asperger's syndrome, but when i was tested when i was 11 my reading/spelling level were at a college level. I was even told i have an above average IQ. Some people would say i was a talented artist and had a thing for storywriting, since my dream is to be a comic book illustrator. But my grades were not good, so i had to go to summer school twice. In 2008 i was one of 36 students to be apart of the first graduating class of my high school. But I think it kinda sucks that i'm the second of my cousins in Detroit that graduated from high school.(The first was my older brother.) Some of my cousins up here played sports and got offered to play for some well known university teams, but they either didn't finish school or dropped out. Since i'm in a community college now, It's less bullshit than in high school. I'm training to be a mechanic so that i can have a stable job, but i'm still gonna pursue a career in illustration. The teachers from my first year of high school said i wouldn't amount to anything, that i would end up on the streets a worthless n**** and nothing more. If i could say something to those teachers, i would say: "Eat a elephant dick if you thought i was gonna end up on the streets! I graduated high school and i'm now in college. I ought to smack you in the face with my ding-a-ling for saying that shit! How ya like me now mothafuckas!!!"
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savageblue;400382 said:
If you want to evolve in your education, remember that being self-taught is always an option. It isn't the easiest option, and you're likely to make many mistakes at first and you're bound to bump into some untrustworthy sources of knowledge. But, hey, it's all a part of growing up and can only enrich your experience.
Remember that books are good friends – and, for that matter, the Internet, how-to videos, tutorials for this and that, whatever it is you're looking for, are pretty helpful if you want to learn some things.
Dedicate yourself to one specific area or subject. If you can't find a single one to focus on, try 3 or 4 you like.
You will slowly improve your knowledge and, in time, you'll be able to even have a debate about the great literature classics, if you wish to focus on that area.

Don't get yourself down. Knowledge comes to those who seek it. :) Having a tutor or a professor helps, but it's not mandatory.

Basically, in life, if you are lucky enough to be able to read, you can learn virtually anything. ;)

Just don't stand there sitting and whining about life. Move on with it and get some action going. :)

I was still in school at 10th grade, but when I got to 12th grade and stayed back one year. I wanted to graduate in 2005, but I was about to turn 20, so I left. Hated school. Always got picked on for this and that. One guy picked on me, because he said I had a small penis, or something. Then I got picked on daily. Enough that it'd interrupt my school-work. They put me in Special ED my whole life until 10th grade. They didn't know I was on a college level at all. All I want is a better life and not see myself like the others who are in my family have done, that's all I want.
keepingitbig;401204 said:
All I want is a better life and not see myself like the others who are in my family have done, that's all I want.

That is perfectly doable.

Getting something done all by yourself is the first step at raising your self-esteem. Who's going to decide what you can and cannot do? YOU alone, and no one else.

No one can tell you what you're able to do or not. That is a choice that's for you make.
No one can tell you if you have what it takes to do this and that. All we do in life we had to learn somewhere along the way, and therefore you can learn anything you need to learn to be who you want to be.

Start with simple, short-term goals.
Maybe you want to improve your looks? Browse the Internet on the latest fashion trends, or simply go for the classical options that are always up to date. This may sound ridiculous, but sometimes all it takes to improve our image is a decent hair cut.
Perhaps you want to improve your skills at something? Maybe learn to play some kind of instrument or get into some kind of sport? Go for it. Enrole in some classes. Google up some exercises on the skill you want to work on. Watch some how-to videos. There are loads of free information out there.
Want to have better disipline? Start by setting your alarm clock to the desired time and stick to it. Place it somewhere where you have to get out of bed in order to shut it down. Then, since you're already up, start your day.

You will have to decide what it is you want to accomplish in life. Start with short-term goals, then add some middle-term and long-term goals as well.

Seek help if you need it. You've already come here for that and it was a good start. But maybe you'll need to seek more specialized help – if you want to learn how to play the cello, maybe you can find some one here who can help you, but it is definitely not the best place.
Start hanging out with people that have qualities you admire and want to develop for yourself. Ditch the ones who keep putting you down.

Ultimately, you will have to make a commitment and that commitment is with YOURSELF. Forget about what others think. You're the only person who can decide your future.
Write down how you want it to be and then work on it. It will take time, it will take discipline, it will be hard, you will face many obstacles along the way, but it will be worth it. It is YOUR LIFE you're dealing with, so it is worth every single drop of blood, sweat and tears.

keepingitbig;400280 said:
I feel like a failure for not having much right now and growing-up without a great education. I see all my friends having great lives and me by myself. 24, don't have much right now and struggling to keep up with life.

We all feel like failures at times.
I have felt it MANY times
Do not despair.
Life is a journey, not a guided tour, not a scripted
play, it's not something that anyone else can do for us.
Me must make it through ourselves.

The whole reason that I am here, is because 3 times in my
life, a man (yes, a man, I am gay), that I brought home
from the club for the sole purpose of sex, laughed at the
size of my penis, and said I was not worth their time.
And left me, there, in my small nakedness.

I grew up, as a gay boy, (I knew since I was about 12 y/o)
on top of a mountain in the Ozark National Forrests of
rural Arkansas, raised by a highly religious, millitaristic,
deeply red-necked hillbilly family. One set of grandparents
did not even have an indoor toilet! I was reminded every day
that I was a freak! At 18 y/o I was kicked out (1993).

I have been to Vo-Tech a total of 3 times, and have
some college, I have/had 3 medical licenses, and only
an Assoc. Degree.

At 20 y/o (1995), I was a new graduate of EMT-Basic school and
had me a job on an ambulance. I had accomplished my sole
goal in life, and was walking on air. Then, 3 months later
I was sent to, what at the time was the worst act of
terrorism on US soil in time immemorial. Many times
that day, I was CRUSHED in every imaginable way.
Watch this video, an just imagine:

In 1997, my first boyfriend, the love of my life, was
diagnosed with HIV, and commited suicide.

In 1999, I found myself serving as a combat medic in
the Balkans. If you have never been in a war zone,
especially one that is an ethnic genocide, then you
can not imagine what "HATE" truly is. The evil things
that one person(s) can do to another (others) is truly
unbelieveable. At this point, I had no trust in the
human race what-so-ever. Please watch this video, and
look at the number of people on the refugee ships, and
then imagine, that you are a Paramedic, 24 y/o, and you
are charged with the responsiblility of 'refugee
displacement'. :

In 2002, new laws were passed, and I lost my lab tech
license, because I did not have a 4 year degree.

In 2005, new laws were passed, and the medical license
of CRT was being invalidated. Those who had some college
hours were given the opportunity to challenge an RRT
board exam in order to get a license. Luckily I had
enough hours, I challenged the exam, and I am now
an RRT, and can work.

In 2007, my husband of 6 years broke up with me.
As the house was in his name, I had to find a new home
So, I bought a new house. 10 weeks later, the hospital
I worked for closed, and I was unemployed.

I have been hopeless, crushed, embarrassed, etc, etc,
many times in my life. Yet, I still survive. And I always
will. Yes, I am not writing in proper grammar, starting
my sentences with 'and' and so forth, but I digress.
You must always 'stay in the fight', 'stay in the game'.

You need education, Clovis Community College online, is
a very cheap, online school, that you can get an
Assoc. degree from. I have used them, and they offer,
a very good, cheap, easy program.
If that is too much money, then make yourself a
self-educated man. The public library
is free, and, you have access to the internet. There
are many people and resources available to you, if it
is simply education or moral support that you need.

I, like many others, have had many heartaches, and
many failures, I have cried a million tears, and so
to maybe you will too.
Use these as motivation!
Keep moving forward. What seems menial or crushing
today, may be that which sustains you in order to
move forward at a later time.

Life is a journey.

Feel free to private email me if you need to.
tester8888;401378 said:
We all feel like failures at times.
I have felt it MANY times
Do not despair.
Life is a journey, not a guided tour, not a scripted
play, it's not something that anyone else can do for us.
Me must make it through ourselves.

The whole reason that I am here, is because 3 times in my
life, a man (yes, a man, I am gay), that I brought home
from the club for the sole purpose of sex, laughed at the
size of my penis, and said I was not worth their time.
And left me, there, in my small nakedness.

I grew up, as a gay boy, (I knew since I was about 12 y/o)
on top of a mountain in the Ozark National Forrests of
rural Arkansas, raised by a highly religious, millitaristic,
deeply red-necked hillbilly family. One set of grandparents
did not even have an indoor toilet! I was reminded every day
that I was a freak! At 18 y/o I was kicked out (1993).

I have been to Vo-Tech a total of 3 times, and have
some college, I have/had 3 medical licenses, and only
an Assoc. Degree.

At 20 y/o (1995), I was a new graduate of EMT-Basic school and
had me a job on an ambulance. I had accomplished my sole
goal in life, and was walking on air. Then, 3 months later
I was sent to, what at the time was the worst act of
terrorism on US soil in time immemorial. Many times
that day, I was CRUSHED in every imaginable way.
Watch this video, an just imagine:

In 1997, my first boyfriend, the love of my life, was
diagnosed with HIV, and commited suicide.

In 1999, I found myself serving as a combat medic in
the Balkans. If you have never been in a war zone,
especially one that is an ethnic genocide, then you
can not imagine what "HATE" truly is. The evil things
that one person(s) can do to another (others) is truly
unbelieveable. At this point, I had no trust in the
human race what-so-ever. Please watch this video, and
look at the number of people on the refugee ships, and
then imagine, that you are a Paramedic, 24 y/o, and you
are charged with the responsiblility of 'refugee
displacement'. :

In 2002, new laws were passed, and I lost my lab tech
license, because I did not have a 4 year degree.

In 2005, new laws were passed, and the medical license
of CRT was being invalidated. Those who had some college
hours were given the opportunity to challenge an RRT
board exam in order to get a license. Luckily I had
enough hours, I challenged the exam, and I am now
an RRT, and can work.

In 2007, my husband of 6 years broke up with me.
As the house was in his name, I had to find a new home
So, I bought a new house. 10 weeks later, the hospital
I worked for closed, and I was unemployed.

I have been hopeless, crushed, embarrassed, etc, etc,
many times in my life. Yet, I still survive. And I always
will. Yes, I am not writing in proper grammar, starting
my sentences with 'and' and so forth, but I digress.
You must always 'stay in the fight', 'stay in the game'.

You need education, Clovis Community College online, is
a very cheap, online school, that you can get an
Assoc. degree from. I have used them, and they offer,
a very good, cheap, easy program.
If that is too much money, then make yourself a
self-educated man. The public library
is free, and, you have access to the internet. There
are many people and resources available to you, if it
is simply education or moral support that you need.

I, like many others, have had many heartaches, and
many failures, I have cried a million tears, and so
to maybe you will too.
Use these as motivation!
Keep moving forward. What seems menial or crushing
today, may be that which sustains you in order to
move forward at a later time.

Life is a journey.

Feel free to private email me if you need to.

Very nice post!
Indeed I havent even finished reading it I'm still at this point
In 1999, I found myself serving as a combat medic in
the Balkans. If you have never been in a war zone,
especially one that is an ethnic genocide, then you
can not imagine what "HATE" truly is. The evil things
that one person(s) can do to another (others) is truly
unbelieveable. At this point, I had no trust in the
human race what-so-ever. Please watch this video, and
look at the number of people on the refugee ships, and
then imagine, that you are a Paramedic, 24 y/o, and you
are charged with the responsiblility of 'refugee
displacement'. :

Yes Hate is very powerful isn't it? It's so easy to be tricked into believing it is stronger than Love.
Well, thanks for the story. The craziest part was divorcing your ex and then losing the job after buying a new fuckn house. The whole story was intense that part just hit me with a sense of familiarity. What did you do after the boy laughed at your endowment? I lived all over L.A. and Orange County since 2004. We're just natural born winner's! lol I like adding music to the good post's and they match your sincere story with contrast to it.
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Turnover;401487 said:
Well, thanks for the story. The craziest part was divorcing your ex and then losing the job after buying a new fuckn house. The whole story was intense that part just hit me with a sense of familiarity. What did you do after the boy laughed at your endowment? I lived all over L.A. and Orange County since 2004. We're just natural born winner's! lol I like adding music to the good post's and they match your sincere story with contrast to it.

Well, with 1 of those guys, I just went back out to the bar and found another guy, and went home with him.

Then a another guy that did it, to me, he was a powerbottom, so he had come home with me and another guy that he was wanting us both to do him. So, my friend told sizequeen powerbottom to just leave, and my friend said that he liked my small cock and wanted to try it--which he did.

The third guy, after he left, I just got online and did a c2c with someone.

I love the power of music, music video, and youtube. I am almost always putting a youtube vid into things I write when I get on these different blogs.

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