Am I Measuring Correctly?

Okay, I've done this before but I want to match my measurements to the proper abbreviations. But tell me if this makes sense...

EL - Erect Length - 5"
EG - Erect Girth - 4.5"

FLS - Flacid Length Stretched - 5"
FG - Flacid Girth - 4.5"

It was pretty much four measurements I took. With a soft ruler, I measured from the top of the penis at the base and stretched it out, then measured it the same way hard. They were pretty much the same.

Girth, soft I wrapped the ruler around and the same when I was hard.

The reason I'm bringing this up is because there is a lot of different definitions out there, at least that I've seen, and some redundancies as well. So this is an attempt to make everything nice and official and make sure I'm measuring correctly with the right terms. As always, thanks for your time.
Looks fine to me! Did you press the ruler into your pelvis? If so, this is your BPenis EnlargementL (Bone Pressed Erection Length). If you just measured from the skin at the base, without pushing the ruler against the pelvic bone, this is your NBPenis EnlargementL (Non-Bone Pressed Erection Length).

Same with the Flaccid Stretch Length. It would be your BPFSL or NBPFSL. For girth you're fine with just putting EG and FG.

Good luck!
Great, and no, I put the ruler pretty much to the skin and measured that way... I take it the Bone Pressed is when you stick it in as far as possible?
CuriousMate;539922 said:
Great, and no, I put the ruler pretty much to the skin and measured that way... I take it the Bone Pressed is when you stick it in as far as possible?

Yeah bone pressed is, as the name suggests, pressed against the bone.
Wow so then I'm a lot bigger I suppose!!! Tell me, why is that a measurement then? Actually pressing a ruler in as far as it goes, and then measure to the tip of your hard dick?