Active member
This is what i do. And this is what i believe works. It has been based on my years of experience. And the idea is the 20/80 concept (20 % gives the 80% results. So i cutted out all i saw as being bullshit and kept what i saw as being important) this program is not designed to become an extreme bodybuilder or to fight arnold in competitions. This program is designed to give you amazing strength. And lean look. And it doesnt require you to be a part of the inventory list of the local gym
If you want to criticise this. Please test it first. I have seen sloppy nobodys looking mean in less than 3 months with this. And i always use it when i can get it fitted in (i travel in my work so hard as hell to maintain a decent diet)
First and most important:
Let me introduce you to the paleo diet! Before the humans became farmers and made huge amounts of grains. And potatoes and rice. We where hunters living with nature. And we rarely saw carbs (and no where near as many as we do now where it fills up to 80% of peoples diet) and bck then we lived in harmony with nare. And bla bla.
Ye paleo rules and there is a shitload of theory behind it. If your interrested in that go and read it. Its not impkrtant for your results. Lets stay on the cold usefull facts shall we:
No flour.
No salt.
No milk.
No starchy carbs.
No sugar.
No processed food!
This is no go:
Pretty much all candy
Dairy products
Bread (all of them. Yes also the ones they try and sell you telling you that its healthy)
What you can eat:
Try always and eat organic! If you cannot. Then dont sweat it. But it helps!
Lots of meat. (just remember to get it clean not stuffed with E436 numbers salts and shit. Its not good for you)
Veggies (it this as you used to eat pasta etc. And try and eat the heavy ones. Like cauli flowers broccoli etc.
Nuts (your new healthy snacks)
An occassionally piece of fruit (go easy with these)
Lots of water.
Eat as much of it as you want, timothy ferris tryed to gain fat on this diet eating 13000 kalories a day with these rules. What happened? He lost 1.5 kgs in a week.
Thrust me doing this you cannot gain new fat it just doesnt happen. However when you hit your ideal weight your body will start to store the necesarry fat. So dont be afraid of becoming to thin. Just eat when your hungry eat as much as possible.
Also focus on getting those proteins for your muscles (oh yeah your body still builds muscles)
A normal day for me would look like this:
Morning: chicken breast from yesterday. Some eggs onion and bell peppers.
Lunch. A salat. Containing lots of heavy veggies. Bacon. And more chicken.
Dinner: entrecote steak with grilled mushrooms on the side.
Eat as much as you like no rules here.
Supply in the needed water and nuts
(i lost a stunding 8kgs the first week on this diet just supplied with alot of working out)
Your body needs to get used to his since your an carb addict right now (we all are!) first week is though second week you dont think that much about it. 3 week you will feel like a god.
You want more info on paleo? Look it up it got a pretty big community. Try and type: paleo before and after pics. (or primal before and after pic) to see other peoples experience.
Besides any diet i can eat bacon and beef in. Is a good diet in my world!
The training.
You will be training between 6-8 hours a week. (you heard me. Thats it!)
What you do:
You cut off all the bullshit. Yep all of it! You only do multi joing basic exercises. Since it gives you the most. However these exercises need learning to do. Find a weigthlifter (no not a bodybuilder. And no not a fitness coach) a god damn weightlifter. You can reconize them on the fact that they dont give a flying fuck. And they lift double of everybody else in the gym. They got a big fat pack and their legs look like they are build for lifting trucks.
Now dont get tricked into believing you will end up like this. These are guys dedicating themself to the actual lift. (which makes them experts on this part obviously) and they dont give a damn about belly fat or proportions. What they are interrested in is beating their last record. The end.
Learn to do a proper:
Shoulder press. (standing)
Bench press
These are the hard to do exercises. Other than that you need
Pull ups.
(if you cant do them, then do pull downs in a machine. This is the only place where machines are acceptable)
And core exercises (back to that later)
So your workout will be:
Shoulder press
Pull ups
Core exercises.
So how many: some people go 5x5 some go 3x8 actually seen some go 10x10 and 1x10
My recommendation? Hey all work. Different approaches to different people. Start with the 5x5 since its the most easy adaptable and then just experiment.
Focus on technique first. Weight afterwards.
Keeping a log!
If you dont have a log on your progress you will not progress simple as that. Keep yourself at it never back down!
How often should you do this? Everyother day. If you know that your gotta be off for 2 days kill yourself in the gym and enjoy 2 off dayswhere you can restore. But try and keep it 1 day on 1 day off. You should have 3-4 days of workout every week.
The fun workout: people forget this. And i will say 99% would succeed if they did it.
Have a fun workoht. Being it trampoline? Climbing? Hill running? Or just old fascioned playing around. Do so ething funny with your body.
Perhaps take up an extreme spor? Kite surfing? Or martial arts. What ever rocks your boat.
You cannot do this and not succeed. It is not possible. I have taken the most skinny bitch geeks and the fat guy from the class and molted them into cool beings in record times with this.
This is a basic: getting awesome workout. There is a ton of other workouts helping more specified demands. If your into baseball this might not be it for you. But if your demotivated and need something to get you started. This is it, it will get you there it will keep you there. And it will make a transition to something else alot easier .
Sorry but i hate it. I did extreme running as a soldier never got shit from it. If your not running for a specific goal and you just want a little cardio. Run a max of 5 km. (more than tjhis will release a stress hormone that breaks down muscles, dont believe me? Take a look at a high lvl sprinter. And a highh lvl marthoner) Always run offroad( terrain is better for your feet your not build to run in a line. Just think about how many straight roads they had 500 years ago? Million of years have been used to evolve you dont think that we can fit into straight road running in so short time)
Do this and see muscles get build.
Fat getting burned.
You will get more steady energy.
You will become happier
You will become stronger
(try and look into paleo it makes everybody turn into an awesome demigod)
Abs and core exercises
(these are needed for training your core(needed for things as squat and deadlift) but else it is just for showing off. When you start to see it through your belly fat (depending on where you start obviously) the key here is not to do a shitload of crunches, try and experiment. Do all crazy stuff. Take 3 exercises every time and take 3 new the next. In my experience variation is the key to goodlooking abs.
Always try and shock them with new exercises. Thats the key here.
Its simple and it works. Dont listen to anybody talking trash about your current workout. Take time out (3 months) say in these 3 months i will do this. And dont listen to crap about anything else. Then afterwards you can try something new. But always make a deadline and check the results.
Whenever you go to the gym there is always some nub job who just read an article on the internet making him the expert.
It doesnt matter stay with 1 thing doing a new workout every time will get you no where.
Last but not least.
Try and get some fish in every week. And get your omega 3-6-9 supplement.
And an overall vitamin pill. Daily.
This will give you results. And it will be extremely fast. [words=]Mos[/words] style!
I will ofcourse answer questions about this. But just to clear things up. I have no economically interrest in this (since i do t try nd sell anything obviously) and i give 2 shits about science.
When it comes to training of the body (or the mind) science is the slow learner in the class. They have theories still in hand that got outdated by the extreme sports people years ago. And an example of paleo. That is a diet that makes you feel so good tht you will hate carbs as the devil. Thrust me. Your focus your concentration your muscles everything chamges on you. One of my fat coach laying geek friends described his
4th week like this: "i don't know man. Today i helped my father move a huge rock. Before i couldnt even more it now. It was still heavy but it just pissed me off you know, i got mad at the stone eventuelly i lifted it myself and putted it at its place. Like i had a new energy resource never used before.
It kind of feels like i got a cheat code on me. I feel fucking awesome. What is up with this?
My theory is tgat we where never supposed to eat carbs. But you can only realize this by not eating them. For a period of time more than 3 weeks.
Warning: you got any disease or anything weird. Or you dont feel good doing this. Contact a doctor. If you died from doing this you will make both of us look really silly
Aiming out
If you want to criticise this. Please test it first. I have seen sloppy nobodys looking mean in less than 3 months with this. And i always use it when i can get it fitted in (i travel in my work so hard as hell to maintain a decent diet)
First and most important:
Let me introduce you to the paleo diet! Before the humans became farmers and made huge amounts of grains. And potatoes and rice. We where hunters living with nature. And we rarely saw carbs (and no where near as many as we do now where it fills up to 80% of peoples diet) and bck then we lived in harmony with nare. And bla bla.
Ye paleo rules and there is a shitload of theory behind it. If your interrested in that go and read it. Its not impkrtant for your results. Lets stay on the cold usefull facts shall we:
No flour.
No salt.
No milk.
No starchy carbs.
No sugar.
No processed food!
This is no go:
Pretty much all candy
Dairy products
Bread (all of them. Yes also the ones they try and sell you telling you that its healthy)
What you can eat:
Try always and eat organic! If you cannot. Then dont sweat it. But it helps!
Lots of meat. (just remember to get it clean not stuffed with E436 numbers salts and shit. Its not good for you)
Veggies (it this as you used to eat pasta etc. And try and eat the heavy ones. Like cauli flowers broccoli etc.
Nuts (your new healthy snacks)
An occassionally piece of fruit (go easy with these)
Lots of water.
Eat as much of it as you want, timothy ferris tryed to gain fat on this diet eating 13000 kalories a day with these rules. What happened? He lost 1.5 kgs in a week.
Thrust me doing this you cannot gain new fat it just doesnt happen. However when you hit your ideal weight your body will start to store the necesarry fat. So dont be afraid of becoming to thin. Just eat when your hungry eat as much as possible.
Also focus on getting those proteins for your muscles (oh yeah your body still builds muscles)
A normal day for me would look like this:
Morning: chicken breast from yesterday. Some eggs onion and bell peppers.
Lunch. A salat. Containing lots of heavy veggies. Bacon. And more chicken.
Dinner: entrecote steak with grilled mushrooms on the side.
Eat as much as you like no rules here.
Supply in the needed water and nuts
(i lost a stunding 8kgs the first week on this diet just supplied with alot of working out)
Your body needs to get used to his since your an carb addict right now (we all are!) first week is though second week you dont think that much about it. 3 week you will feel like a god.
You want more info on paleo? Look it up it got a pretty big community. Try and type: paleo before and after pics. (or primal before and after pic) to see other peoples experience.
Besides any diet i can eat bacon and beef in. Is a good diet in my world!
The training.
You will be training between 6-8 hours a week. (you heard me. Thats it!)
What you do:
You cut off all the bullshit. Yep all of it! You only do multi joing basic exercises. Since it gives you the most. However these exercises need learning to do. Find a weigthlifter (no not a bodybuilder. And no not a fitness coach) a god damn weightlifter. You can reconize them on the fact that they dont give a flying fuck. And they lift double of everybody else in the gym. They got a big fat pack and their legs look like they are build for lifting trucks.
Now dont get tricked into believing you will end up like this. These are guys dedicating themself to the actual lift. (which makes them experts on this part obviously) and they dont give a damn about belly fat or proportions. What they are interrested in is beating their last record. The end.
Learn to do a proper:
Shoulder press. (standing)
Bench press
These are the hard to do exercises. Other than that you need
Pull ups.
(if you cant do them, then do pull downs in a machine. This is the only place where machines are acceptable)
And core exercises (back to that later)
So your workout will be:
Shoulder press
Pull ups
Core exercises.
So how many: some people go 5x5 some go 3x8 actually seen some go 10x10 and 1x10
My recommendation? Hey all work. Different approaches to different people. Start with the 5x5 since its the most easy adaptable and then just experiment.
Focus on technique first. Weight afterwards.
Keeping a log!
If you dont have a log on your progress you will not progress simple as that. Keep yourself at it never back down!
How often should you do this? Everyother day. If you know that your gotta be off for 2 days kill yourself in the gym and enjoy 2 off dayswhere you can restore. But try and keep it 1 day on 1 day off. You should have 3-4 days of workout every week.
The fun workout: people forget this. And i will say 99% would succeed if they did it.
Have a fun workoht. Being it trampoline? Climbing? Hill running? Or just old fascioned playing around. Do so ething funny with your body.
Perhaps take up an extreme spor? Kite surfing? Or martial arts. What ever rocks your boat.
You cannot do this and not succeed. It is not possible. I have taken the most skinny bitch geeks and the fat guy from the class and molted them into cool beings in record times with this.
This is a basic: getting awesome workout. There is a ton of other workouts helping more specified demands. If your into baseball this might not be it for you. But if your demotivated and need something to get you started. This is it, it will get you there it will keep you there. And it will make a transition to something else alot easier .
Sorry but i hate it. I did extreme running as a soldier never got shit from it. If your not running for a specific goal and you just want a little cardio. Run a max of 5 km. (more than tjhis will release a stress hormone that breaks down muscles, dont believe me? Take a look at a high lvl sprinter. And a highh lvl marthoner) Always run offroad( terrain is better for your feet your not build to run in a line. Just think about how many straight roads they had 500 years ago? Million of years have been used to evolve you dont think that we can fit into straight road running in so short time)
Do this and see muscles get build.
Fat getting burned.
You will get more steady energy.
You will become happier
You will become stronger
(try and look into paleo it makes everybody turn into an awesome demigod)
Abs and core exercises
(these are needed for training your core(needed for things as squat and deadlift) but else it is just for showing off. When you start to see it through your belly fat (depending on where you start obviously) the key here is not to do a shitload of crunches, try and experiment. Do all crazy stuff. Take 3 exercises every time and take 3 new the next. In my experience variation is the key to goodlooking abs.
Always try and shock them with new exercises. Thats the key here.
Its simple and it works. Dont listen to anybody talking trash about your current workout. Take time out (3 months) say in these 3 months i will do this. And dont listen to crap about anything else. Then afterwards you can try something new. But always make a deadline and check the results.
Whenever you go to the gym there is always some nub job who just read an article on the internet making him the expert.
It doesnt matter stay with 1 thing doing a new workout every time will get you no where.
Last but not least.
Try and get some fish in every week. And get your omega 3-6-9 supplement.
And an overall vitamin pill. Daily.
This will give you results. And it will be extremely fast. [words=]Mos[/words] style!
I will ofcourse answer questions about this. But just to clear things up. I have no economically interrest in this (since i do t try nd sell anything obviously) and i give 2 shits about science.
When it comes to training of the body (or the mind) science is the slow learner in the class. They have theories still in hand that got outdated by the extreme sports people years ago. And an example of paleo. That is a diet that makes you feel so good tht you will hate carbs as the devil. Thrust me. Your focus your concentration your muscles everything chamges on you. One of my fat coach laying geek friends described his
4th week like this: "i don't know man. Today i helped my father move a huge rock. Before i couldnt even more it now. It was still heavy but it just pissed me off you know, i got mad at the stone eventuelly i lifted it myself and putted it at its place. Like i had a new energy resource never used before.
It kind of feels like i got a cheat code on me. I feel fucking awesome. What is up with this?
My theory is tgat we where never supposed to eat carbs. But you can only realize this by not eating them. For a period of time more than 3 weeks.
Warning: you got any disease or anything weird. Or you dont feel good doing this. Contact a doctor. If you died from doing this you will make both of us look really silly
Aiming out