Hi, started my routine a couple of days ago. Trying to keep length and girth workouts separate.
I've been doing length work in the morning but seem to get a constant erection when I'm doing my stretches.
Obviously this is hindering how far I can stretch my penis even if at all.
Girth work the...
I did a improper hanging technique w/ the bib hanger about 9 months ago. I had about 8lbs hanging, and stopped right at about 25min when I realized I couldn't feel my penis. My glans went white. I've seen three urologists now. "There's nothing we can do for you" "It's probably nerve damage"...
I what to ask this question best to my knowledge. I was watching a male enhancement video on pegym and one of the PE gurus stated that EQ plays a big part in making gains. I know some guys like a good EQ right after there routine and as for me my penis is usually fatigue and beat. I guess my...
After taking at least two weeks off from PE I got thought urge to continue where I left off. I guess what really made me jealous was seeing other guys with bigger dicks than myself. After all I just want a healthier and bigger dick.
My routine consists of 30 minutes of stretches and jelqs...
Hello guys. I am definitely grower. Sometimes he can get so little because of turtling that I wonder how can he grow back while erected. I want to get nice flacid length so even before sex I would look fine.
Are there any exercises for this or does it only work with pills?
To be fair I was almost ready to quit but I have decided to take my measurements and I was happily surprised when I discovered that BPFSL in 1 month changed from 6.5" to 6.75". Or I would say on 1 cm. I remember very well that back to previous measures I was stretching my dick really hard. I...
I am currently running the beginner routine and within the first few weeks i have gained.25 in length. After not being able to workout for two days i lost the gains. I am still jelqing slowly adding the set of stretches+ jelqs over time. I read about the SSJ's and noticed that people had great...
Hi brothers, maybe something posted here before somewhere, but a few days ago I tried a bit of an experiment which I think was pretty stupid.
After a BM session and jelqing, with it all full of blood I grabbed my penis around the base, gripped and swung it around (I believe this is known as...
Hey, guys I know the negative effects adult entertainment has such as ED (Erectile Dysfunction) and many more negative effects, but I recently been edging to adult entertainment on my rest days. I recently stopped edging because of PE, but this past weekend I have been edging my socks to pornographic material. I know of guys...
Hey guys I know this has been asked before but I was having trouble locating the thread. I currently use coca butter religiously, and my skin looks and feels amazing on my penis but I know there was something recommended that was more towards helping with healing or something. Also not that it's...
So I'm on my 9th week for the newbie routine. I haven't gained at all, but this itself to me is an acclompishment as i have never lasted this long without quitting. But now my penis just won't stretch as much. Ive implemented a warmup tunica routine. I jack off, shower, tunica than stretch. But...
Hello everyone!
I've been doing PE for a few months now on and off, I've done the break in routines and I'm ready to get serious.. only problem with this is, is that I find myself slacking majorly with consistency. Which is why I've come here. I'm hoping that posting a progress thread that it...
Been using my Bathmate for a little over a week now and things are going great! After using my Hercules though I feel very water logged, I filling my Bathmate completely before using and there's still quite a lot of water after applying the pump and I get huge in the pump which is great but I...
Hello all I'm not new to PE but I still consider myself a newbie as I haven't been doing this for a long time. Back and 2013 I bought DLD's penis enlargement program. I was able to gain almost an inch in length from that program in about 3-4 months. I added air pump thing to my routine after...
Figured I would introduce myself to the community finally 😁
I've been lurking around reading and researching everything about PE that I could find and this is my go to spot for sure 👍🏻
To start I've had a BM Hercules for a couple of months now and have...
Catchy title, huh? lol! I've been a member here for about a week now and am very impressed with these forums and the support they offer and thought it time to log my progress. Got the Bathmate a few days ago in the mail and must say it's my new best friend, loving this thing and really hope...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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