A while back I was given 100mg of viagra to try. I don't have ED issues, I was just hoping for a double header as I've heard guys say they're able to do it. After reading about dosing I decided to cut it in half and give 50mg a shot. I hadn't eaten for a few hours and I waited about an hour and...
The other night I was getting frustrated with my wrapping. I'd wrap okay but halfway through Round 1 of stretches my penis would want a break. The wrap would just push against the head and be uncomfortable. I'd be clamped in super tight and turning the head purple. Sometimes I'd get a great...
Dear Brothers, I have a small question and I really need your suggestions. I have a history of Sacral Chordoma since 2011. Since my surgery I was having a normal bearable mild lower back pain it was always stable. But since I have started P.E. (Manual, Extender and Bathemate) my back pain has...
Hey guys. I've been scrolling through the forums for days now looking for someone with my situation, but i honestly haven't seen anyone this small. I'm 20 years old and on a good day i'm 4.8 inches erect length. i'd say probably around 3.7 inches girth (i don't have a tape ruler), and i'm...
My buddy is trying to sell me this arginine supplement. Supposedly causes the results to last 12 hrs instead of 1 hr. Could be marketing bs but if it's true that might be a wonderful increase in speed of gains! Anyone had any? I might be willing to guinea pig
Well guess what? Here's a guy who actually has a small penis!
FL: 3.0' - 3.5'
FG: 3.0' - 3.5'
NBEL: 4.8', BPEL - 5.0'
EG: 5.0
Hated the size of my penis most of my life, it's affected my confidence in all area's of my life. Time to do something about it.
I'm going to be using the...
In case you've ever been with a girl and wondered, ''hhhmmm, has she ever talked about our sex life or my dick to her friends,'' the answer is she has. If you have a big dick, her friends know, if you have a small dick, her friends and every broad you guys know, knows...
So I was wondering how much stretching is enough to make sure you don't lose gains. Like 1 set of 20min hanging a day would be enough? I know the hardest part to PE is gaining but have any of u guys had success achieving your goal then just maintaining gains with minimal exercise? Thanks
I was wondering if I should start to hang for a few sets per week/ or day. I'm now busting my ass off with the Length Master. Is there such a thing as a plateau? And should I ramp up the intensity with the LM? Or start hanging? If I do both, will this cause me to hit a plateau very...
Please do not Dismiss me as a Newbie as I have been on This website around 3 Maybe 4 Years now (Not an Account Holder until recent)
Wanted to Thank the Brotherhood as the knowledge within this forum is Extremely powerful to Men worldwide.
I Never measured before so do not really have starting...
So I started Jelqing and stretching for 2 weeks and got the greatest eq I've had in years and also I didn't masturbate and my flaccid hang was amazing until I went on an all out jerk sesh and my flaccid shrunk up so I thought I hurt myself so I took a few weeks off and now my EQ is back to the...
After 3 months of gaining nearly an inch life and struggles got in my way and I stopped stretching. I was still using the Bathmate 5-6 nights a week but that's it. After a month I've found the time to stretch again so I'm happy.
Figured I'd jump back in full force and do 1 set of Newbie...
I have been hanging with malehanger.I use the zenhanger also.I use the miracle slider extender.I have cheaper blue extender.I can see that cheap blue extender makes my penis stretch more than 8 pounds of weight hanging with zen or malehanger and more the miracle slider.I warm up rice sock ten...
Hey, the way my dick naturally is means that i have a great girth at the glans and good girth at the shaft just below it. But beyond there my girth decreases until the base, where it is very measly and thin. All girth exercises i have read on here talk about giving great girth expansion at the...
Hey bros, so on the VLC website it asks for flaccid glans width and erect glans width so that I can find a size for the head cap... Does it mean the circumference/girth of your glans when erect or flaccid or does it mean the diameter of your glans (from one side to the other)?
If I find out...
So I have gotten fat as I ever could at this point in my life. I'm 6'3 and 250 pounds. Fat as a mother fucker. I know I can be lean at like 185 lbs.
I have some really stressful things in my life that made me gain all this weight as well as a pectoral tendon tear injury. My tendon ripped...
Hey guys,
As you know i'm on and off with PE. I think the one thing that ruins my motivation is the doubt that it actually works. And the thought of going to all that effort for it not to work. If you guys could point my in the direction of some great girth and length exercises and equipment...
Do looks matter?
Hey, guys I am real skinny according to my family and I know from personal experience that I am not bless in the looks department. I do consider myself average looking guy after all. When I do go out I try to dress nice and keep good hygein. I don't want to look like a total...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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