
  1. M

    New member,don't want to break rules

    6 inch male searching for the best way to increase size, but not too much. Just want something better to bring to the table. New to the forum so I'm clueless. Definitely need some sort of direction. LooKing to reach 7 or 8 inches. Girlfriend would love it. Sorry new member, hope I don't...
  2. M

    Can you believe that shit?

    check this shit out. I have no issue with length,but girth? 6.25-6.5 ? come one man thats bullcrap lol they couldn't handle that
  3. J

    kegels caused PE?

    Hello guys, so I been on the forum for a while due to an eq problem (mostly problems maintaining the erection without stimulation) and I have been doing changes in my life, the first and most important is that I been off adult entertainment for a couple of weeks now, I been doing cardio again, eating...
  4. S

    SRT is the bible

    I've known about SRT for a while now but only applied a few parts. I just started using phallosan for overnight stretch, super low tension and in two days I'm hanging lower and thicker than ever and shooting past old highest girth! It's astounding and I can't wait to start using C-rings to...
  5. C

    Penis shaft not growing. What's next?

    Hi guys I have seen some decent gains in BPEL over the last 2 years through various phases of manual and hanging work. I am currently just shy of 7" (target 8" cemented length), about an inch growth. What I have recently noticed is my gains seem to be coming from an extended base of my penis...
  6. M


    end.of.April I' a.year in p.e 5.5 bpL 5.5 girth ... so.far.gained 1.5 length and.. 5 girth .if I.get.hanger how.much.more.can.I.gain.length what time at.least9BP
  7. X

    Less oxygen = more growth

    Hey guys, I don't know if this exact way of thinking has been discussed lately but it seems that people aren't doing it so I'd like to bring it to light. It seems that when we talk about girth gains, we tend to talk about stretching the tunica. However, Im starting to think there might be a...
  8. D

    Deconditioning break or lengthmaster

    Hi MOS, Im almost at day 90 of the newbie routine. Should i take a break or should i continue and get myself a lengthmaster? If i choose to take a decon-break, for how long should that be? Or should i continue with newbie routine to really exhaust it? Hmm what should i do? I personally...
  9. C

    Has anyone used a piercing to assist with their PE?

    To be specific I have a Prince Albert piercing. Hanging weights from it isn't going to happen. I've already stretched it to a 4ga piercing and that would make it to much bigger. I have to take it out for manual stretching so I know it can't help there. I really can't think of any way I'd be...
  10. B

    The Reason why everything above 8 inch penis is useless

    hey, i want to discuess a little about a thought that i have and i want to share with you especially in this community, everyone wants big cock right? its the ultimate dream, almost every survey shows the ideal size is 7-8 inch and i think every man should strive to get this size because he...
  11. A

    Progress, gains, motivation!!!

    Ok guys....I know I really need to start a progress log......I'm going to do that! But, for now.....wanted to bring everybody's attention, to my updated signature!! I'm so proud.....couldn't be happier!!! I've worked my ass off, and don't plan on stopping!!! Hope this motivates others, even half...
  12. R

    Once You've Reached Your Goal, How Are You Maintaining Your Length/Girth?

    So right now I'm not anywhere near where I want to be, however I'm getting extremely fast gains. Once I reach 8 inches in length, what is the best way to solidify those gains? Should I continue using the vac extender for say...1 hour a day? And this question comes from some issues I had in the...
  13. S

    Cockring tightness?!

    Hi Guys, I am a true Newbie, I ony started PE with the Newbie-Routine yesterday so please don`t kill me for these questions :D I tried to find the answers I`m looking for with the search option but nothing really was 100 % what I was looking for and I really don`t want to injure myself. How...
  14. M

    air pumping and cockring

    is it safe to pump while wearing a cockring? and if it is,does it has any benefits
  15. W

    All day 'behind the cheeck' stretch?

    Dumb question but, I've been doing moderate manual length exercises and noticed something. It might be different for everyone but, whenever I stretch downward or behind the cheek, I get a much better (although temporary) response vs stretching side to side or pulling up. Doing this without a...
  16. T

    The power assist videos still wont work

    Power Assist Videos up and running!
  17. B

    Jelqing Injury, did I go too hard and overdo it ? - PLEASE HELP !!!

    Hey guys so im a little on edge right now, Yesterday I did something to my penis while clamping. My penis has an awkward curve to it to the left so when i been clamping lately i pusha little to the right when im jelquing. After yesterdays session, my penis has been totally weird. It doesnt seem...
  18. X

    Excessive stretching for Deformation

    Hey guys, I'm not sure if this topic has been addressed, but it makes sense in my head so I wanted to run it past you guys and see what you think. First of all, if you look at studies about priapism causing permanent penis enlargement and tunica deformation, The researchers seem to believe...
  19. S

    tunica tugs gains ??

    Hi guys . anyone got girth gains by using tunica tugs ??? in how long time ??? does it enlarge the glans too ?? or just the shaft ?? how many reps should do to maximize the gains ??? is it advanced exercise or newbie ???
  20. stillwantmore

    Poll: or

    So, I will start a video progress log site in the near future after I return to hanging and I am debating on which domain name to choose for it. I appreciate the feedback. Since we can't do actual poll threads here, just let me know with your replies which domain you like better in your...