I know some feel as though my absence and cryptic messages have been less than they deserve from someone who owns and operates the worlds largest mens sexual health site and I can't blame you. It pains me greatly to have to be away and not be forthcoming with what my life has become but you...
Pure cocoa contains a flavanoid compound named Epicatechin that has been shown to increase blood flow and improve blood vessel function, as well as boost energy.
Not just everyday chocolate or milk chocolate and not a whole bar, that will give you too much sugar and fat and crap, and much less...
Whoa there are like no threads here so since my (boyfriend) n I just officially split up and I met him on my most favorite forum of all time and no longer post there, I will indulge myself with updating this forum with some information on my experience with relationships and being transgendered...
My buddy has decided to let his son in on Penis Enlargement. By no means is he obsessed with Penis Enlargement or anything like that, just thinks Penis Enlargement is a good thing to do, especially since his son is jacking off already. He figures might as well focus those efforts into...
lately ive been having problems getting fully engorged and needless to say my girth sessions are praticly cut down to a quarter of the time becaus i go flaccid quickly, so i decided that its time to inlist some help from pills . whats better ?
im just trying to make getting fully erect easier!?:(?:(
Hi all.
I've been wondering about this for the last couple of weeks and thought it would be an interesting contribution to this forum – and I sure hope this is not a repost, if it is, please let me know.
We all here at MOS are determined to forge the "perfect" penis. We all have our own...
Alright, so I know it's been a while since I was consistently doing Penis Enlargement, the last time was about January/February.
This time it's serious.
I know where my goals are, and I know what I want, and I can see it already in my mind.
So, I'm starting off again on DLDs newbie routine, as...
Hi guys,
I am Dash's girl and I just joined to check out what you guys are doing in here. Do you guys really stretch your penis? Seems a little strange to me but I guess it is like rehabilitation of a limb sort of? Anyway, I will poke around and read posts and see what I can learn. By the way, I...
Hello, Girth Hammer here! I'm here tell you how you can achieve harder erections for free.
YES I said Free!
Are you spending money on supplements and ED drugs?
You can better erections without pulling out your wallet. Yes you heard me right, FOR FREE!!!!
I only got 30 seconds left but let...
Article courtesy of The Huffington Post
A few weeks ago, I was approached by Aaron Kemmer to review his new book about maximizing one's penile health. As an advocate for positive sexual communication and healthy approaches to issues of a bodily and sexual nature, I happily agreed.
Hey guys. Kingsnake here. I have been taking a suppliment called L-Citrulline for the past 2 weeks now and have noticed erection quilaty that I had when I was 16 years old. L-Citrulline is a precurser to L-Arginine. As you guys know L-Arginine is an amino acid that is responsible for...
Please ban him.
08-09-09 Because SIZE matters
10:24 PM Julianbase
Have you ever asked yourself how much would your sexual life got better if only your penis gained a few inches?
Vimax is a powerful natural herbal male enhancement that increases penis length and girth, sexual desire, sexual...
Posted with permission from DLD
Exercising the Penis is coming out in hardcover. The book has been called "a first of its kind" by doctors and a "must have if you're serious about penis enlargement," by penile exercising experts and is now available at a higher quality, with more information...
If you want to grow your penis, you need DHT gel, and maybe IGF1 which is not available. I don't know if these will actually grow your penis, but please read more. I will post links to studies soon, though they are easy to find with google.
To understand why your penis is not growing now, you...
Article courtesy of Aaron Kemmer
In the late 1990s, a company called Longitude struck gold with a huge idea—a “huge “penis” idea. The company realized that men care about their penis and their sexual health . . . So why not sell a pill to help them build the penis they want?
Courtesy of Penis EnlargementGym.com's Aaron Kemmer
Since the Internet boom, countless Web sites, companies and blogs have claimed that exercises like the “jelq” can make your penis bigger and harder. As crazy as it may seem, thousands of men have anecdotally reported that penis...
Hello everyone,
I am trying to come up with a good girth routine. I have been doing various Penis Enlargement for some time, and I seem to be stuck. I've tried sets of clamping for about 30 minutes total, and I get some engorgement in the clamp, but nothing that really lasts. I have also done...
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