Does Size Matter?
The young girl stands in front of the mirror. Never fat to begin with, she’s
been on a no-fat diet for a couple of weeks and has reached her goal
weight, 115 lb., at 54—exactly what she should weigh, according to her
doctor’s chart. But...
I remember reading somewhere a long time ago about some time delay after doing Penis Enlargement excercices before jerkin off...
does anyone know what I am talking about and how long I should wait?
Check this out guys. The number one hinderance I have had in the past with my girth workouts has been not being able to keep a high enough of an erection level during the workouts. I mean, I dont have a problem getting fully erect, but after a few minutes of girth work...jelqing, squeezes...
Okay what are your thoughts on this? Should a victim's sexual history be allowed to be presented? I say yes.
And all I got say is, supposedly this chick fucked some guy within 2 days before, then got raped, then fucked another guy within 15 hours afterwards. And was wearing the same underwear...
In most cases, neither will improve your happiness.
I just watched 20/20 with a John Stossel special called something like "Myths, Lies, and Plain Stupidity." It was a good program and one of the Myths was that "Money Makes us Happier" The studies concluded basically that for people that are...
The new Playboy just arrived. Inside the "Advisor Raw Data" section, there is a pic of a chick inspecting a guys package and it says
" 2 : Percentage of men who have erections larger than 7.2 inches.
I was wonering if anyone has this also, or could explain to me what this is...
I have a bunch of extra lumpy shit in my sack...On and around my left testicle in particular.It started out as a little lump on my left testy when i was like 12, that was 6 years ago, then it grew into pretty much...
Here's a list of the 20 amino acids. I realize I've been away for the past few days and have been posting mostly useless crap, so I figured I'd make a thread on the 20 Amino Acids and what each one of them does (If you were to take seperate supplements for each one).
The twenty amino acids...
MOSforum has been active for about 8 weeks now. Over this time we have grown tremendously. Many of the forums contained within our home are very active and productive. Some of the forums set up in anticipation of traffic seem to be stagnant. I was wondering your opinions...what do you want...
Well, since there is no 'Supplements' forum, or anything like that, I'll just post this here. I am currently only taking this, after every workout before I go to bed. It would be great if we could get a whole list of Vitamin type supplements together.
L-Arginine, also just called Arginine...
Everyday I get lots of emails from People asking me how the Penis Enlargement Program is working for Members. If you are a MoS Pay Site Member, Please Post your Comments about the MoS Site Here.
ï How is DLD's "Matters of Size" Penis Enlargement Program working for you...
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