For One Night Stands, Girth Matters
So I was searching around trying to find the results for a study done by ucla in which they got a bunch of women & printed out various penis sizes on a 3d printer so they could actually handle them instead of just coming up with a number, the results were...
7 inches
8 inches
fat pad
We are looking for several experienced writers to write several 3,000 - 4,000 word professional USA English articles on mens sexual health.
Articles must be 100% hand written and readable and have good keyword density. We do not want wordspun articles using wordspinning programs. All articles...
I didn't see a thread anywhere in regards to an eating plan for PE so I decided to start one. Basically what this thread is going to be is a meal plan to promote sexual health as much as possible. It will conclude of breakfast lunch and dinner, and snacks in-between. What foods promote the...
I am a new brother in the brotherhood! What's up guys? I'm a long time lurker here and finally decided that I was going to stop being so upset about my junk and do something about it. I've tried PE before and gave it up due to the time constraints but mainly because it was not a microwave...
If you are getting double posting in a some of your posts please update this thread. We are doing some updates and this may be a temporary glitch until they are tweaked. I noticed it is only happening occasionally for a couple of members.
I started my Pistachio Diet yesterday to see if it improves E.Q. I am eating 4oz of Pistachios everyday. I have good erections now but I want to see if they can improve based on this diet.
Pistachio Diet Improves Erectile Function Parameters and Serum Lipid Profiles in Patients with Erectile...
I have been doing this routine for two months now it is AMAZING!!!!!
My routine for amazing eq
Daily- I do a bundled stretches and hold for 15 mins for each oneMOS
I bundle until i can't twist anymore and pull out. At first the penis is bundled so much it can't stretch out straight but after a...
Hi everyone,
First off, a special thanks to DLD and all the great members here. Dabbled in Penis Enlargement a bit a few years back, saw some gains, became lazy and complacent, and stopped. Now I'm more determined than ever to work hard and see some real change.
The catalyst to...
Hey guys, I know there is Performer5 and other great pills to increase ejaculate volume on the market, but I am looking at stacking a few supplements that can be found at local food/nutrition stores. My goal is not to mainly increase sperm count, or sperm health, just overall increase the amount...
I have seen a few other Penis Enlargement forums on the internet, but I always find myself back here. MOS has the most members, the most activity, reps from every major Penis Enlargement product company here to help and support their customers with questions. How did this all come to be...
We have been uploading many videos to our Matters of Size youtube channels.
Make sure you check it out and spread them around!
---------> <---------
The other day I overheard my father mention cialis to my mother. This site is awesome, not just for enlargement but overall sexual health and I feel like any guy that has to rely on meds for an erection would kill for a natural way to get it up. Now my pops is an old fashioned man set in his...
Hi there guys,
I purchased the Exercising the penis ebook sometime in October and unfortunately did not see any gains from it. When I tried to request a refund by contacting the site before the 60 day period, they would not, nor have ever responded back to me. I am currently a client for Big Al...
Hello again DLD
as I'm surveying the forum and MOS i have encountered some stuff that bother me a bit and i hope to be cleared on those.
1. I'm doing the newbe method of MOS, and in the DVD you are "semi-erect" and i sew this one thread when you suggest to be 100% erect so what is the best...
I am following a SRT-based routine and doing expressive stretching like a mad.I am saving money to buy SG but for now i only use uncle jims traction wrapping all the time to heal in extended position.last week ago as i woke up in the morning i wore off the wrap and noticed that my penis felt...
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How VigRX Plus WorksVigRX Plus™ has been formulated with a series of 10 potent natural erection precursors, aphrodisiacs, and libido enhancers that quickly build up in your system to measurably improve...
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with a series of 10 potent natural erection precursors, aphrodisiacs, and libido enhancers that quickly build up in your system to measurably improve your sexual performance.Ingredients directly target nitric...
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How VigRX Plus WorksVigRX Plus™ has been formulated with a series of 10 potent natural erection precursors, aphrodisiacs, and libido enhancers that quickly build up in your system to measurably improve...
Got a Priapus Shot 7 week ago.
The process does help, and does add to length and girth.
Not real sure just how much, but my wife and I both know it looks longer and fatter.
Nothing Major as its only been 7 weeks, but there is change for sure.
I was like just over 7 inches now I'm ~7.25...
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