Hey brothers,
I have a problem with my PE routines.
Whenever I wanna do flaccid stretching, I get rock-hard erection.
Whenever I wanna do stretching in LenghtMaster in the proccess of wrapping, I get rock-hard erection.
Whenever I just start to put my Phallosan on, you guessed it, I get...
Hi guys, I bought my x4 labs a years back and would use it for a months or 2 but after not seen results I would quick. This time I am determined to do it at least 6 months, I'm 2 months in already at 200 hours and yet to see any results. My best friend curves to the left pretty good. I see some...
Loosing a little motivation to use my LM because I bundle so hard it causes actual pain. Is it better off lowering the intensity a bit or redoubling my efforts and accept the pain and break down this tunica?
Lately I've been doing a very very casual PE routine. So casual in fact, I'm not sure if you could call it much of a routine.
Typically I just do some basic stretches and massaging in the shower. Whatever feels natural from day to day. I'm not really measuring or anything right now, just...
If you manage to successfully edge consistently without blown sessions would that effect hormone levels?
Never really thought about it, but it makes sense that arousal would do this and that and a lack of release would do that and the other thing. What's the word on this?
Also, if it is the...
Wasup boys and girls,finally decided to create a progess thread,just for the motivation.
I used to be 7x6 but i took a break a few good months,my EQ got worst,and i lost a bit of size.Right now i'm just under that size,about 6.9x5.8 or something similar,i'm sure i'll get my size back in a few...
9 inches
cock ring
erect stretch
fat pad
girth gains
length gains
size genetics
supra slammers
Understanding the Tunica
and how it effects gains in length and girth
The Tunica is the white area above that encapsulates the Corpus Spongiosum and Corpus Cavernosum. This means that our growth is completely dependent on the stretching of the Tunica Albuginea (or the Tunica). This Tunica...
ok my lm finally came in and im starting on my srt journey. I really hope to gain with it
This morning i did the length workout and man the lm is strong, i got a wrap in the mail too and its on me as i type. This is day 1 im going to post journals here
Starting stats
Nbpel 5.9 in
Bp 7.1 in
ok guys i dont know what happen but i guess the first post didnt go through so this is my second attempt on a thread..
any ways im new to this site fellow p.e. brothers and i like what i see this place is really helpful...
so some of my back ground is i have been doing p.e on n off for about a...
Hello everybody ,
As DLD recommended , this is my Routine and Progress thread to get the best help from you in journey to accomplish my goal .
First of all i should tell something about me so you know who you're talking to .
- My name is Andrew , I'm 21 yo . I don't have a job , just playing...
I was doing my newbie routine, and while stretching my dick i did some kegels and felt really good, more stretch.
Is it good to do kegels while stretching?
Hello brotherhood,
I am PEing consistently - never had more than 10 days off - for a year and my routine was since the beginning incorporating stretching jelqing pumping.
Since I got informed about the SRT I have tried to follow as much as I can the SRT principles.
So since my routine now looks...
Bought an air pump about ten days ago because I'm curious, but not ready to spend big money just yet. Bought it from a legit online store after reading over one hundred reviews, most of which spoke of similar results - after pumping, dick was a good bit thicker for at least an hour. Some said...
Hey guys,
I have been doing PE since January, & currently own the Phallosan Forte extender & Bathmate x 40 Xtreme. They are both awesome devices and I like them a lot, however I need some advice on how to get the best out of them.
I have been using the Bathmate 1 day on - 1 day off, pumping...
Hey guys.
When I use my PhalloGenetics mod (although I'm using the Miracle Slider Extender), I can stretch my flacid penis out really far, even a bit longer than my BPEL. It also looks really thin when stretched out fully in the extender.
But when I do manual stretching or even stretching with...
I have been doing kegels before the stretch then I get in a light stretch position of the dld blaster and do a hard kegel for as long as I can in the dld blaster position while lightly stretching. When my PC muscle gives up from the kegel I then transit directly into a reverse kegel while...
Hey guys, I'm new to the site and looking for some help with curing premature ejaculation. I've got it bad, I usually last about 30 sec - 1 min. I'm trying different stuff to fix it, but does anyone have tips on dealing with it in the meantime? Or would anyone who has the same problem be willing...
erection quality
Hey. I am hanging using the bib and will actually use kingsnakes pretty soon (waiting for materials). But I have a question. Do you kegel and/or reverse kegel when hanging? If so does it help? Ive heard that it counter productive as it makes the ligs stronger.
I have another question. I one...
Now I'm at 6.25" BPEL & 5.4" EG. My goal is 7-8in length. I have a hanger and a clamp. I've read you should focus on achieving your length goals, "cement them" then work on girth. If it takes 1 year to "cement" length gains I suspect a routine with a girth element are for people that are...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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