An easy to do, all inclusive wrapping technique! If they could invent some kind of wrap that would just automatically wrap around your dick perfectly, that'd be a game changer. I've tried so much to get the proper technique, tried so many tutorials, but none of them work for me.
How come no one...
Recently I bought the ESL40 and had planned on using it for my first foray into PE, but I find every time I touch my penis to put the thing on, I start getting erect. In fact, any time I try to do ANY exercises I almost instantly become erect. Thus I can't put the ESL40 on or do any exercises...
Hey guys, I am wondering if you could help me decide on my next PE purchase.
So far I've only been doing manual newbie routine stretches, and using my Bathmate X30, and figure it might be time to step it up a little.
I think my very next purchase is this Bronze Enhancement Package from...
How much credence is given to BIB? He has stated claims of 4-6". In one interview he claims 6" , at a later he claims 4.5". Personally he sounds like a charlton.
So has anyone gained these types of gains using the BIB?
Hello brothers
I have recently started clamping as a supplement to my routine. (Length in the morning, clamping in the evening)
I read that Redzulu had made a guide with a lot of clamped exercises explained? (Both for girth and length)
Is there anyone who has this guide, or can link it?
hi bros ive been out of P.E for about 6 months now because i tore my frenulum, i had a frenulopasty 7 weeks ago now and im still having problems with it, whats happened is i keep getting scar tissue on my frenulum that will not heal fully, so as soon as i use my SG or other devices the scar...
Yep, I swore that this moment would not come. That is, the time to make this post. It's not Armageddon, mind you. But something I thought, "No damn way, that will never occur".
Bottom line, hanging and other PE seriously since May, and no length growth. However, a lot of girth growth. Wait...
Question for my PE veterans,
How much of an investment have you spent on PE tools, and time exercising or molding your penis?
It hasn't been two weeks since I purchased the xx30. Today or tomorrow I will be ordering both the SizeGentics and Length Master. Ive found myself anxious to get off...
I actually discovered this while researching using crowd funding for adult novelties. It's basically a mechanical version of the Fleshlight. The inventor used indiegogo, which is similar to Kickstarter, but with more relaxed rules. I am looking into crowd funding for increasing my market...
I've been lurking for over a year and determined this would be a great 'second home' based on all the experience, knowledge and positive energy.
Here's some background and what brought me to this mysterious and wonderful world;
My journey probably started with a few seeds of insecurity planted...
After being lazy for many months, I finally decided to post my Malehanger's progress log. But first, here’s some little background info about me and my own MH’s review after more than 4 months using it.
Background :
I've started doing PE in March 2010, using manual stretches (Newbie...
So me and my girlfriend just started having sex at the beginning of August and whenever we would have sex I would last anywhere from 30 minutes to 90 minutes, and with head I could last about 45 minutes. But as of about 3 weeks ago I literally haven't been able to hold it in!!! I cum within...
I've talked to this guy over the net who was also into pe and had made very impressive gains.
Since I don't like Jelqing his routine sounded amazing to me.
He basically stretched & hung everyday hanging of course for 10 hrs a week, which is what I've been doing for the past month.
Have y'all...
My dick at the base is really skinny, it's about 4.8 inch in girth, whilst the mid dick (just below head) is 5.5 inches.
My tricky weird shaped baseball bat dick is already 7 inches long but I'm wanting a couple of inches longer.
I've seen extenders on this forum is rated as the greatest (maybe...
7 inches
8 inch
base girth
length gain
I can only afford to get Bathmate or SG. Which one should I get, or should I just wait until I can afford both and start PE after that?
Is SRT possible with just the Bathmate?
I was thinking I could get the MOS lifetime membership along with the Bathmate by clicking through the MOS link. I...
I made an announcement last month that no PE products that we have no approved to be posted in the PE products and reviews. I will delete any thread that does not follow these rules. If you continue to do so I will ban. This is no a marketplace for people to promote what they want to promote...
I wanted to start this log to help me keep track and to also have one place for me to share and ask questions during my hanging journey.
So to start and to give those who read this a better understanding of where and how I got to this point I have been doing PE of some sort since 2008. In the...
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