Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory
Why do some gain and others struggle in penis enlargement? Yes, we can ask this question a million times and get a million theories, none that hold more logic...
Welcome to Matters of Size- The world's best penis enlargement program on the Internet! But we're much more than this. Penis Enlargement, or penis enlargement, also increases sexual stamina so you can last longer in bed, and erection and orgasm quality, so you're getting maximum pleasure out...
Hi guys long time had passed since ive been here mostly due to the tons of unexpected real life things that happened to me some good some bad.
Anyway i wont to share with you one of my favorite Girth exercises.Dont know if they exist so i appologize in front if they do.
The reason this...
A client responds after reading an intro advanced routine:
> I guess I'm just sort of rubbing my eyes in disbelief.
> Against all the girth busting people out there, the original
> Uli guy, that Supra Slammer guy in Texas (whose ROP I
> actually bought and couldn't get it to stay on and which...
*Update 2019: After some Revelations and 18 to 20 months decon I came back and am gaining at a very acceptable rate. Around 0.1 cm weekly.*
Ok guys I've finally decided to start a log after all...
Hi gents,
Im not sure if anyones mentioned this here but I invented my own way of hanging way back when i was credit challenged. Basically all you need is two socks. One has to be of very thick and strong material. Simply thread it through the weight/s and tie a knot. Then wrap a bandage or...
I am now up to 33 pounds hanging for 20 minutes each day and 6 days per week. I believe that more weight and shorter hang periods are the ticket for me after extensive time working up to the heavier weights. I usually hang straight down and sometimes straight out.
October 23, 2002 - 5...
Got this from you know were
Hanging 101 + Sample Routine Post #1
1. This can not be emphasized enough -- pain is BAD!!! If it's anything beyond a dull burn, you're doing something wrong.
2. Never hang erect or partially erect!
3. Before hanging, remember to warm-up the area with a hot...
Got the ok from DLD. Just post in the thread or PM me for ordering instructions
After all the PM's and emails I have decided to make these for people at there request. Not only will the sale of these help you but it goes to support MOS. Thank you guys for your support in keeping the forum...