
  1. A

    Help with extending!

    Hey guys! I'm about to get into extending. I just have a few questions. What are the best hangers out there to by? and can I use the hanger with an extender and a bathmate? Another question is what is the best extender I keep seeing people recommend X4 Labs or Quick Extender Pro. My last...
  2. E

    Anyone own or have tried a uvipe vacuum hanger?

    I was looking up different models of hangers and came across the uvipe hanger. It seems to be a new company so I'm wondering if anyone has one and can share their thoughts on it. Can't find any reviews anywhere else on it.
  3. H

    Does NOT retracting foreskin gives me better results?

    Hello! Maybe i should conclude that after a lot lof months, trying to gain length by retract my foreskin while i grip, with no solid gains, that this method is no good? This is so strange. I have changed my grip technique since over 4-6months. Right before i started to grip like this i did not...
  4. E

    What is the best hanger out there?

    Looking on starting hanging soon and i am looking for a good hanger to buy. In your opinions what is the best hanger?! :)
  5. D

    What happened to Malehanger guy?

    He's been MIA for a while now. Did he die?
  6. D

    Is Justin Beiber doing PE?

    Look at his two penis pics done a year (or so) apart. He looks bigger now. I know people will say it's the angle , the distance the pic was taken etc. but he has that tell tale Bathmate discoloration. I think the Beibs is pumping his Beiber.
  7. B

    How many PE-Exercises Should one add to routine?

    How many PE-Exercises Should one add to his routine? I was told in the past to just add one or two PE-Exercises at most to your routine to see where your gains are coming from, but I noticed some guys have more then one or two exercises to their routine. So, my question is how many exercises...
  8. P

    4 Year User Review

    Hello, I am not knew to the PE subject but I don't frequent many website or forums on the topic much. Four years ago, I purchased the hanger from Ben. I was at my last straw. I had tried many other methods and devices, most of which were crap and ineffective. This being said, I just thought...
  9. E

    Eugines road to 8", progress thread

    So here is a new and improved progress thread. I have been slacking on my PE a lot lately so I thought it was time to start off a new thread. Out with the old and in with the new! So right now i am mostly focussing on length as I have a thrombosis vein that won't go away but be not afraid, I am...
  10. D

    BIB Hanger causing Urethral Stricture? Urologist thinks so

    So I got a very bad UTI (presented no symptoms until it spread to kidneys and then I was in a world of trouble). When men get UTI's it's serious biz. All my tests proved negative (BPH, kidney issues etc) so I sat down with the Urologist to go over what is going on. I told him I penis hang...
  11. S

    So what's the best hanger?

    In terms of ease of use and the results it garners? What's your favorite?
  12. stillwantmore

    Chatroom For Those Who Wanted It On My New Forum

    Hey guys, there's been a few of you wanting a chatroom recently. Just so happens, I violated the "TOS" of my other support forum software. They shut me down. No big dizzle ma nizzle. Stizzle is always prepared! 1 hour later I have a new forum up. This software has a chatroom on board. If you...
  13. M

    Ordering xtreme x40

    Today I m going to order xtreme x40, so I m curious is it safe to order and is it discrete? Thank you
  14. N

    Hangers & clamps ! chime in.

    whats up everyone. So I ran into a dilemma with my Cpt. Wrench hanger. I use 2 Clamp to attache the hanger firmly to avoid slippage,however, I keep breaking my cable clamps. I buy them from amazon as my local dept. stores dont sell them and running me a fortune. In this case, im looking into a...
  15. T

    where do i buy a clamp???

    Im trying to find the cable clamp online i cant find it anywhere! ive been googling and searching for it I cant find anything! Where can i buy a good clamp or the cable clamp?
  16. jekyllnhyde360

    An honest question about extenders.

    Do they work? I've recently become curious about gaining another inch in length and regular stretching although mostly effective, just isn't do able right now with all the girth. but i figured i could maybe do a few stretches in the AM and then put the extender on for a good 5-7 hours, then...
  17. S

    You know what would be a huge breakthrough in PE?

    An easy to do, all inclusive wrapping technique! If they could invent some kind of wrap that would just automatically wrap around your dick perfectly, that'd be a game changer. I've tried so much to get the proper technique, tried so many tutorials, but none of them work for me. How come no one...
  18. S

    Would clamping be a good beginner exercise for me?

    Recently I bought the ESL40 and had planned on using it for my first foray into PE, but I find every time I touch my penis to put the thing on, I start getting erect. In fact, any time I try to do ANY exercises I almost instantly become erect. Thus I can't put the ESL40 on or do any exercises...
  19. 9

    Next PE purchase?

    Hey guys, I am wondering if you could help me decide on my next PE purchase. So far I've only been doing manual newbie routine stretches, and using my Bathmate X30, and figure it might be time to step it up a little. I think my very next purchase is this Bronze Enhancement Package from...
  20. D

    Any real users gain usingthe BIB hanger?

    How much credence is given to BIB? He has stated claims of 4-6". In one interview he claims 6" , at a later he claims 4.5". Personally he sounds like a charlton. So has anyone gained these types of gains using the BIB?