length gains

  1. D

    Best ADS Out There

    I just received my Phallsan and I have to say it is very comfortable. I can wear this all day and apparently all night which is all you can ask for in a ADS. Of course with the comfort ring you have to be sure it is not applying too much tension to the base of your penis but that's a simple...
  2. H

    Bathmate and turkey neck

    Hello! I just wonder what the correct technique is to get rid of turkey neck and scrotum skin going up on the shaft with the use of bathmate. I know that if you stretch the skin above the turkey neck, the shaft skin, the foreskin and so on, the turkey neck will reduce. I know for a fact that...
  3. I

    Caught With The Phallosan Forte...

  4. J

    Recent condom pumping experience?

    I know this has been discussed but was wondering if anyone has any recent updates/experience/thoughts/suggestions on pumping with a condom? Pros and cons? Does it focus more on tissue expansion and decrease fluid retention? Does it help with discoloration? Do you get more length gains?
  5. T

    Stretching question?

    I read here on the forums, I believe it was DLD, to stretch the shaft from the ball sack. What is this stretch for? I just want to make sure I need to do it or not. Thanks!!
  6. P

    Progress thread It is getting thicker

    The little bastard is getting thicker.
  7. H

    Internal ULI?

    Hello! I know there isn't a name called "Internal ULI", never heard of it anyways? But i have seen people using cock rings like this. What i thought of was.. When you are erect and do a ULI. Why not grip under your scrotum/package and squeeze? Like squeezing from the internal penis. Maybe this...
  8. J

    Newbie Routine + Pills

    Long time lurker here, looking to get back into it. Starting with newbie routine + pills but wondering which pills to get. I was going to get MALE EXTRA from the thread but the discount code wouldn't work? Thanks.
  9. E

    How long does it take to see gains with an extender?

    The title says it all folks! I was just wondering how long does it usually take to see gains with an extender? I've been using mine for a bit over a month now and Havnt really seen anything yet. how long would does it usually take to grow .5"? 1"? Thanks bros!!
  10. B

    Need routine to go with Phallason Forte

    Hello Brothers! I just came back to PE from a long break. I had a huge fight with my wife in which she made me stop it all together. PE is so important to me that I made a decision to do it, and if she doesn't like it then thats her problem.! I have been wearing the phallason forte for a month...
  11. jekyllnhyde360

    An honest question about extenders.

    Do they work? I've recently become curious about gaining another inch in length and regular stretching although mostly effective, just isn't do able right now with all the girth. but i figured i could maybe do a few stretches in the AM and then put the extender on for a good 5-7 hours, then...
  12. A

    Erect excercises

    Hi, What are some best excercises in an erect stage, plz share your thoughts. Towel raises are for pc muscle strengthning, right? What other erect excercises are out there especially for length gains Best
  13. B

    Dr. Miami on "Penis Enlargement"

    Dr. Miami, a celebrity Plastic Surgeon, was on the radio today speaking on the countless surgeries he has performed for celebrities. When asked about Penis enlargement he stated that theres nothing he can do for men that desire to gain length but there are procedures where they can acquire more...
  14. Z

    What Should I buy?

    Hey guys, been doing only manual stretch for a while now i've seen about a half inch gain. im looking to up my gains by buying a product. What would you guys reccomend? Sizegenetics?Autosleeve? bathmate? hanger? Right now im just looking to put on length but i heard the bathmate can give you...
  15. B

    25 years old and incontinent

    Hey all, So this has been going on for about a month now, and it's totally fucking me over. I got what I thought was a standard UTI a few weeks ago, in the middle of my spring break. I found myself leaking a bit, and it really concerned me, so obviously I immediately went to the doctor to get...
  16. 9

    Next PE purchase?

    Hey guys, I am wondering if you could help me decide on my next PE purchase. So far I've only been doing manual newbie routine stretches, and using my Bathmate X30, and figure it might be time to step it up a little. I think my very next purchase is this Bronze Enhancement Package from...
  17. H

    Erect stretching and temporary length gains

    Hello! I have recognized a thing. If i do a little bit of erect stretching i directly temporary increase with about 0.1 inches in length. I doesn't have to do any session before or anything. I just edge/masturbate for a bit, measure my penis. Do some erect stretching and measure again and gets...
  18. M

    Manual Stretching with the VLC Tugger (Great for Uncut!)

    Hey. As an uncut guy, I have always had problems with manual stretching. I'm sure everyone here who is uncut can relate. I've recently received my VLC Tugger, to use it as my attachment with my Miracle Slider Extender. But then I thought, why not use the VLC with manual stretches? I gives me a...
  19. G

    Erection Quality

    Hi guys I just have a question about erection quality. I have been going at it for almost two months now (5-7 days on every week). Started with only doing length work, and now I have added clamping in the evening. However, I have problems with my erections after starting again PE again. They...
  20. S

    Does this stuff actually work?

    I'm about to start DLD's newbie routine, and I'm finding myself asking if this will actually work? Is there any indisputable proof that I can get a bigger penis with this routine and it won't break my dick? I gotta tell you, it's hard to trust the Progress Pics and Proof part of this forum...