length gains

  1. IAmSpartacus71

    Flaccid Bend for penis girth?

    As you can see in the link here: https://okaydick.com/penis-enlargement-exercises/flaccid-bend This website said this exercise works for girth. Is it true? Can a flaccid exercise improve girth?
  2. orgasmic19

    girth first, length second?

    I always done length before doing girth but I am having trouble with my erection levels when jelqing. After 25 minutes of stretches I have a hard time keeping a my erection level up when jelqing. I cannot say my erection level is do to stretches but I want see if there is any relation. What are...
  3. Castiel

    is there anybody that pumped for years?

    Hoh many years? Are gains permanent? how many inches did you earn? what is your routine? THANKS
  4. orgasmic19

    6 inches in BPEL and not sure if it is a EQ problem or not?

    When I first started penis enlargement I was 19 years old but now I am 22 years of age. At 19 and 20 I played around with different exercises always getting frustrated and giving up. The same thing happened when I was 20 years of age and of course I gave up on penis enlargement for awhile...
  5. Lightning

    Girth or Length? Video Interviews

    Girth or Length? Video Interviews <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/IIMZ4IYRlrw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  6. S

    Sore left lig

    My left ligament is sore every day. No sharp pains, just ache. I assume it's growing pains, and that perhaps the left lig is what's holding back length gains, so I'm keeping my daily routine, but I figured I'd ask some pros. Cool to power through the soreness?
  7. B

    Bundled Stretches Only for Length Gains?

    I just read through this thread "Re: >>::.DLD's Bundled Double Tunica Stretch>>THE END ALL TUNICA STRETCH" and was shocked. I did three 9 sets total for a downward, straight, and up angle (left and right included) and felt an insane stretch. My cock definitely looked looser as if it responded...
  8. S

    EQ abysmal!

    So I'm a month into the Newbie Routine and I see length gains but no girth as yet. That's good though, because I'm gaining. But my EQ was really poor today. Okay so I only I slept two hours in 30, but damn! So disappointed. I've been doing kegels, normal and reverse, 100 of each a day, and...
  9. L

    Unit shorter after girth session(?)

    My dick is actually a cm or two shorter after girth sessions, i.e. jelqing on and off for 1.5 hours in front of the tv. Weirdness. It's not like that after pumping. Anyone else experiencing the same thing? Having a hard time gaining lenght though, but girth comes easy, so I end up doing a lot of...
  10. MaxRichards

    Internal penis vs ligs.

    So I wa?s thinking about the whole internal penis thing and came to the conclusion that even if you were to pull your inner penis out, your total erect length is still restricted (mostly) by the length of your ligs right? I guess pulling inner penis would be on the same level as errect...
  11. habban

    sore glans and foreskin increasements.

    Hello! I have this problem that when i stretch for length my tip goes sore and the foreskin gets puffy and bunched up at the tip of my penis temporarily. And the next day it looks like i have more foreskin. I retract my foreskin and grip just under glans, which actually puts a lot of...
  12. Perestroyka

    Vlc tugger

    Hi guys, I was wondering which VLC package I should buy for length gaining? That one accompanied with weights?
  13. D

    Can someone explain,in lay man's terms, why no girth work while doing length work?

    And has anyone done both successfully?
  14. sceptic

    Give me length or give me death

    What are my best options for length? Should I see what I can gain just from stretches and manual work and THEN move into devices? I've been doing Mandingos/internal stretches/bathmate hardcore stretches. I want to be loooooong
  15. sceptic

    __________/internal stretch

    I have some questions about coaxing out that inner penis, Do I perform these stretches after my jelq/bathmate routine or before? Just wondering which would be most effective. How long do I hold the stretch for maximum gains? I really want to focus on maximising length gains.
  16. sceptic

    Inner Penis - questions

    I've been reading a lot about the inner penis, pulling it out and converting it into permanent erect gains. I found an example of this exercise over at okaydick. I did some follow up research to try and validate the assertion that this exercise can add inches fairly quickly, with little room...
  17. John_Wayne

    Huge Flaccid Gains + Bulge in Pants = Women Stare at Bulge

    Hello Brothers, I am new to PE and to the forum. (This is my second thread.) I've been doing DLD's Newbie Routine since May 1, 2016 and have had massive flaccid gains, so much so that now I have noticed women in public staring at the bulge in my pants. Women staring at my bulge is an...
  18. G

    My new routine shared

    Hello my brothers. I have not been on for a long time and i promise to be active in this wonderfull forum. First of all let me thank all the brothers and special thanks for Dld who gives very good advices. I have been very much on and off to PE. I have been doing it for like 3-4 years and...
  19. B

    What do you recommend for length gains.

    I start out by saying Thank you DLD for the Brotherhood. OK with my current stats, I am looking to gain some in length, currently been doing 2 to 300 jelqs in the shower. I am looking at getting a bathmate and possibly a extender, what do you recommend DLD, my only problem is I don't have...
  20. B

    erect jelqing and erect stretching.

    ok I have herd that erect jelqing is good and bad, which is it, never done it been doing jelqs for 6 months now and have some gains in girth. I have herd of erect stretching and I am going to start doing those, will they help in length gains.
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