A bit of my P.E history
My P.E has never really taken off due to not getting any alone time to use my bathmate
Always felt rushed in the bathroom when flat sharing.
Previously at my mums she didn't want me pumping In the bath.
I'm back at my parents for the time being and have just brought a...
I what to ask this question best to my knowledge. I was watching a male enhancement video on pegym and one of the PE gurus stated that EQ plays a big part in making gains. I know some guys like a good EQ right after there routine and as for me my penis is usually fatigue and beat. I guess my...
After taking at least two weeks off from PE I got thought urge to continue where I left off. I guess what really made me jealous was seeing other guys with bigger dicks than myself. After all I just want a healthier and bigger dick.
My routine consists of 30 minutes of stretches and jelqs...
Is there any fluid retention thread?
Or info I should know?
Not always, I try not to get to the point of fluid retention, but sometimes I get there.
Is it good? bad? neutral?
I really don't mind having it unless is gonna delay or hold me from gains.
Full Routine
Wake up Warm up
SRT all directions stretches 3 SETS of 40 secs each - cranks 15 one direction 15 the other.
DLD blasters x10.Kegel 15s, RK 40s.
Erect stretches 6 mins
Bundled stretches x6. Kegel 15s, RK 40s.
UJW 6+ HOURS. take off every hour. BTC 2 SETS OF 30s; Every 2 hours...
Hello guys. I am definitely grower. Sometimes he can get so little because of turtling that I wonder how can he grow back while erected. I want to get nice flacid length so even before sex I would look fine.
Are there any exercises for this or does it only work with pills?
Just wondering what you guys use to lube up for jelqing? I usually jelq in the shower and use olive oil but that's a little messy for out of the shower. What do you guys like to use?
I also had a tiny bit of lavender, tea tree, niacin.
I have been currently running the beginner routine for a month now and have gained .25 in length by working everyday. I lost the gains by taking a couple days off. I am slowly adding sets and reps to stretches and jelqs overtime. I am wondering if i can replace the regular jelqs with SSJs for...
I am currently running the beginner routine and within the first few weeks i have gained.25 in length. After not being able to workout for two days i lost the gains. I am still jelqing slowly adding the set of stretches+ jelqs over time. I read about the SSJ's and noticed that people had great...
Do you think it is wise to stay away from sex until you reach your dream size? Is there any guys here not having sex because of penis size?
I was wondering what causes these insecurities and should we be enjoying life while we are growing and not abstaining from sex? Do you think adult entertainment has a...
I have something to propose to those of you with active journals or those of you who have not started a journal but want to.(And yeah the name is inspired on my favorite tv show "Keeping up with the Kardashians") After seeing there's so many people in the routines and progress section kicking...
I started this routine on October 10th - 2016.
This up coming thursday is a month of PE for me. I am already 5 weeks into my penis enlargement routine. I will post pictures with my stats this up coming thursday. My first week of PE consisted of basic stretches and jelqs.
My First Week Of PE...
I assume it's main question from newbies, but still it is bothering me. For now I still can't tell clearly whether I gained or not. It's 2 month already with small amounts of rest days and only manual routine and.... No changes which I can notice.
It's not hard to train - it's hard to pursue...
My PE journey dates Way back like 4-5 years ago, I was a kid so I was insecured I read and read and read.. checked progress pics, but never really took action.
At much older age I started Jelqing and kegeling. But never consistently
Lets skip to 2016! on and off as always until 2 months ago...
hey all took a break from the forum, had some health issues in the family, the girlfriend had to have a galbladder removed, and then we had this hurricane, and was with out power for a week, been busy with work, finally got a moment to drop in and say hey. still on my routine, havent checked my...
My size is currently 8 x 5.5 and I have the bathmate X30. I'm not interested in length at all but in the bathmate i max out the length and get a mark on my head(like a semicircle) after every session. Is this in any way going to inhibit girth progress? My routine is 5x5x3 except instead of ssj...
I want to know how long can one have the strap one,can you go all day long keeping in mind you take it off to urinate.and when is the ideal time to wrap,before exercising or after or both
Heey guys whatsup!
Im trying to get in a PE routine consistent, I have started with the stretches:
straight forward, right, left, up, v-stretch, between the legs behind, v-stretch. This X2 and each one gets 30 seconds, so a total of 7 minutes of stretching.
(during stretches my erection is...
Been jelqing for about a year, went from 71n to almost 10. i go hard when i jelqso i usually end up exloding cum eveverywhere. But idefintely does work, and in short period of time.Sorry i didnt have ruler, so i just compared to an arizona tea can. btw my dick isnt fully hard in this pic
Mr Python
My daily routine consist of a hot shower where I let my meat soak in the hot water to relax the tissue. As I let the water run on it for 2-3 minutes I begin to perform manual stretches in all directions. From there I turn the water off, baby oil up my meat, hands, then perform 50- 100...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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