
  1. D

    Bundled stretches before jelqing &before stretching

    Hi MOS, Should I do a bundled stretch session before jelqing and one before stretching? I'm going to incorporate jelqing :) It seems that my smooth muscle is holding me back in the length department. I had a 2,5 week break, but now i'm going continue my routine *All stretches will be...
  2. S

    Should you increase jelqs overtime?

    I am currently following the MOS phase 2 . I have been doing this phase for about 3 - months and I was wondering whether I should increase the amount of jelqs i do, if so, how often should i increase the number of jelqs?
  3. D

    Should I start hanging? Or do I need to condition more?

    Hi MOS, I was wondering if I should start to hang for a few sets per week/ or day. I'm now busting my ass off with the Length Master. Is there such a thing as a plateau? And should I ramp up the intensity with the LM? Or start hanging? If I do both, will this cause me to hit a plateau very...
  4. C

    Best GIRTH exercise

    Hei guys, what is your best exercise that gives to you the best gains? and how do you do it? ;)
  5. S

    How long should a workout last?

    I have been PEing for almost an year now and yes I have gained 1.5 inches in NBPEL and 1.75" in BPEL I have decided to take things up a notch and increase the number of exercises and frequency. My penis is conditioned so there is no need to worry about injuries The problem is , my total workout...
  6. T

    Increase Base Girth?

    Hey, the way my dick naturally is means that i have a great girth at the glans and good girth at the shaft just below it. But beyond there my girth decreases until the base, where it is very measly and thin. All girth exercises i have read on here talk about giving great girth expansion at the...
  7. S

    jelqing for length

    hi folks, new here a quick one how hard do you squeeze when jelqing for length and in what direction is effective, in addition to doing stretches for length.
  8. Q

    My PE experience - a journey of insecurity

    Despite this being my first post here I started PE in 2014. Ever since then I've been unsure of my growth despite the pics I've taken along the way because I can never achieve 100% erection. I don't know if my initial gains are to be attributed to better EQ or actual lengthening. And so...
  9. S

    0.5" gain in length in a week wtf??????

    So recently i have been following the matters of size phase 2 and I injured my penis skin cause i didnt trim my pubic hair LOL. anyways, this made me stop doing jelqs for about a week so i made up for it by doing the basic stretching in phase one twice a day with the help of DLD blasters. WTF...
  10. W

    What to expect?

    Hey everyone. Im new to PE and just have a few questions. Ive been keeping up with this site for a while but never dig to deep. Figured nows good a time as any to join. What can I expect from BM? I have been doing simple stretches and jelqs for about a month now and will be ordering a BM soon...
  11. S

    Not feeling the "pump" after a session.....

    In here , i heard many people including DLD talk about the "pump" you get after a jelq session. I have been PEing for a while now and I have never felt the pump after a session. Isnt my intensity enough? I usually jelq around 60 - 70% erection state and my sessions are pretty intense, but i just...
  12. A

    Input required

    Im not new to PE, although not that regular i must say. I have never been consistant in my routine, but my irrergular PE has given me some gains and now im thinking of getting it a serious go. Im married with kids so i do pe in stealth. Mostly i have done jelqs (dry and wet) , stretches etc...
  13. M

    Manual P.E or Device

    Dear Brothers, Question is which one is better more effective.... Manual Stretching or Using an Extender Manual Girth PE or Bathmate
  14. E

    Finally here

    Hey everyone! Finally decided to make an accout here to really get plugged in and try to turn my efforts into a real success. Been a free lurker and partial participant of PE for many years. Never stayed at a routine long enough to see results and im ready to make this a lifestyle. I most...
  15. B

    jelqing lube

    What is everyone using for lube when they do jelqs I have been using astroglide, or vasaline is there anything better I can use.
  16. M

    Where Should I start from

    Dear MOS Brothers, Hope everything is good at your end... I am using Extender from last two months and also X40 since 5 days... I have somehow hurt my penis and these days only using bathmate and Uncle Jim's Wraps. Question is now from members site, Which Phase should I start from? Also I had...
  17. D

    Length Master arrived... WOW!!!! What a stretch!

    What's up guys! My long awaited length master has arrived! I regret that i didn't ordered one earlier! LOL! So i just tested my LM, and it's fucking amazing man! Intense stretching, it feels like i'm going to rip out my entire pc-muscle. So strong with 2 hands... I did some bundled...
  18. A

    Starting PE exercises

    Hello, I am starting PE exercises. So far I have been doing 100 Jelqs a day with a stretching session shortly after. Doing 100 V- Stretches (flaccid penis of course) I have noticed flacid penis gains, and a little bit of thickness gains. I have been doing it for a month. My problem is I...
  19. D

    Soreness / Fatigue while stretching

    Hi MOS, I'm doing my newbie routine throughout my whole working day. I have my internship at an office. So i can go to the toilet as many times as i want. I have managed to do the entire newbie routine when i'm at work lol. When i go to bathroom i last few minutes and i do some sets so this is...
  20. Z

    replace manual stretches with extender?

    Hi i wake up every day and do 10 15 mins of jelqs everyday to kinda maintain my size but i dont like doing manual stretches and was wondering if it would be as effective instread of doing 10 or 20 mins or manual streches after jelqing can i just strap on the extender for on 30 mins a day and...
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    i am a beginner here and i will need some help. dm me if you are willing to help me. thanks in advance
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    How's everyone
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    @sam hi, good to see you brother. Post in the forum and we'll chat more.
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  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
  • A @ Akteon1:
    Hi. Good to be here.
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, good to see you here. Join us into the forum.
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    Which forum? How do I get there?
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