hey all I am getting back into the hang of things and decided to start a progress thread, I will try to post daily. I am currenly hanging weight, using my home made length master and pumping with my bathmate x30.
As the suggest implies, I want to know if there is anyone that has used the length master consistently for 6 months. I will also like to know what type of gains you have made from using the device.
I'm currently using my length master daily for 1 hour doing downward bundled stretches only. I do...
LM with SRT stretches + bundles + expressive stretches
followed by
LM hanging feature
Manual clamped kegels and reverse kegels
Phallosan wear until night session
Same as above + my good old hardcore BM routine with the BM hardcore stretches
Phallosan at night
and also...
Now this may be already thought of or an idea already. An idea came to me as I was doing my stretching now I am currently doing footlong which I love but for some reason I decided to grab the base of my penis with one okay grip and right above it not and inch but directly above the other had I...
Hello. I've been away from P.E. for a long time and i'm going to be starting up again. In the past, I used no "tools", but this time i'm going to purchase a lengthmaster and Size genetics. I do recall that gains can be accelerated by maintaining a slightly stretched state after "workouts", so...
Sometimes during the day I can slip away and get some quick stretches in and I do them while still being wrapped in the ACE bandage.
I noticed that there is more tension on the ligs near the base of the penis, than there is when I'm unwrapped.
Wrapped or not I never feel anything throughout the...
Pasted over from the sticky in the hanging forum. I wish fewer guys had tunnel vision with PE ie, only focused their sites on one area of the forums as an example, but I get it...
For the last 6 months i have been doing basic pe stretches. The newbie routine and an hour of hanging. I have gained a good amount, i went from 5.9 nbel to about 6.5 nbel.
However that took a huge chunk out of my day, about two hours. And although I gained alot, i can no longer dedicate so much...
Hey guys, I was thinking about ordering the bathmate and was wondering how long does take to ship? I currently live at my parents house and would be worried if my family found it on the porch.
And, could the bathmate speed gains?
hey fellow PE brothers how is it going, I have not had a chance to do any kind of PE since around thanksgiving, because of a injury that is just now fully healing, I am also in the process of moving, and more than likely will not be able to get started again till about the end of January...
Hey y'all,
It's been a little while since I posted on MOS, but damn I'm happy to get back to the PE regimen again, and I'm excited to share my experience of hard earning gains through long dedication and hours. No shortcuts in life, and so this applies also to PE.
In this thread I will be...
Hey guys I wanna start hanging but I have a few questions before purchasing one. Do hangers such as the LG Hanger or the Vac hanger 3 ( I'm thinking of buying this one) lower a high erection angle.
My penis points at 11 o'clock I hate it bcoz it makes it look shorter then it really is in the...
Weight range 40lbs, 50lbs, 55lbs, 70lbs & 110lbs plus.
These are the weights I use in my routine. The possibility of injury is high. I started with an EL of about 6.5". Got to 7.5" BPFSL in about 6 months using weights starting at 20lbs to 30lbs. After 6 months went to 40lbs. Sessions are 20...
Hey fellas quick question. I'm fairly new to PE. About 1.5 months. Using lg hanger and VLC tugger during the day every day for about 10 to 12 hours. One hour every night with hanging. Started at 6.5 by 5. My goal is 9x7. Any advice? Changes to my current program?
I have about 6.4 inches rn. By the time may comes i would like to be 7.2 inches.
As of right now my routine is 5 min of warm up bundled stretch 10 min mandingo stretch and than 40-60 min of hanging and than 5 min of expressive stretch
Im wrapped all day. Anything else? Is .8 inches in 6 months...
Hey brothers, so recently I got a new job and it has full time hours. I have worked full time hours (8-10 hour days) before but the shifts usually started around 10 am. My new job starts at 7:30 am and ends at 5:30 pm. My question to all of you is how do you guys fit PE into your days when...
I just received my PF yesterday, and have it working, but am having a few problems maintaining belt tension. Far as I can tell, you put on the bell, attach it to the belt, pull the belt and adjust the base ring until you have the right tension. Trouble is, at least in my case, I have to keep...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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