
  1. DLD

    Nothing is as Powerful as The LengthMaster now only $122! PICTURES

    Nothing is as powerful as the LengthMaster! Order yours today! Regularly $147.00 get your today for only $122! (with $25.00 Cash Back) Buy, send me the receipt at [email protected] and I will PayPal you your $25.00 Cash Back USA Shipping: $15.00 WorldWideShipping #32.00...
  2. DLD

    Nothing is as Powerful as The LengthMaster now only $122! PICTURES

    Nothing is as powerful as the LengthMaster! Order yours today! Regularly $147.00 get your today for only $122! (with $25.00 Cash Back) Buy, send me the receipt at [email protected] and I will PayPal you your $25.00 Cash Back USA Shipping: $15.00 WorldWideShipping #32.00...
  3. DLD

    Nothing is as Powerful as The LengthMaster now only $122! PICTURES

    Nothing is as powerful as the LengthMaster! Order yours today! Regularly $147.00 get your today for only $122! (with $25.00 Cash Back) Buy, send me the receipt at [email protected] and I will PayPal you your $25.00 Cash Back USA Shipping: $15.00 WorldWideShipping #32.00...
  4. DLD

    Nothing is as Powerful as The LengthMaster now only $122! PICTURES

    Nothing is as powerful as the LengthMaster! Order yours today! Regularly $147.00 get your today for only $122! (with $25.00 Cash Back) Buy, send me the receipt at [email protected] and I will PayPal you your $25.00 Cash Back USA Shipping: $15.00 WorldWideShipping #32.00...
  5. DLD

    Nothing is as Powerful as The LengthMaster now only $122! PICTURES

    Nothing is as powerful as the LengthMaster! Order yours today! Regularly $147.00 get your today for only $122! (with $25.00 Cash Back) Buy, send me the receipt at [email protected] and I will PayPal you your $25.00 Cash Back USA Shipping: $15.00 WorldWideShipping #32.00...
  6. DLD

    Nothing is as Powerful as The LengthMaster now only $122! PICTURES

    Nothing is as powerful as the LengthMaster! Order yours today! Regularly $147.00 get your today for only $122! (with $25.00 Cash Back) Buy, send me the receipt at [email protected] and I will PayPal you your $25.00 Cash Back USA Shipping: $15.00 WorldWideShipping #32.00...
  7. DLD

    Nothing is as Powerful as The LengthMaster now only $122! PICTURES

    Nothing is as powerful as the LengthMaster! Order yours today! Regularly $147.00 get your today for only $122! (with $25.00 Cash Back) Buy, send me the receipt at [email protected] and I will PayPal you your $25.00 Cash Back USA Shipping: $15.00 WorldWideShipping #32.00...
  8. I

    Tunica deformation

    We have heard about the deformation of tissues and cementing them. However I have heard once the tunica is stretched it's permanently stretched like a piece of leather so therefore is cementing required for the tunica? Or is this just for the ligaments suspencery and fundiform ligaments? I ask...
  9. B

    Bobby's Progress Log

    Hi I'm Bobby from Bulgaria. I'm Practice PE from 1.5 years. Just register here. My routine is Hanging and extending. 27/07/2018 Hanging 3*20 min 4 kg Extender - 3 hr
  10. M

    Length routine help needed!

    Hi guys :) I need people with experience in gaining length to chime in and advise me as to what is the best routine to follow/do including how many days per week,time for routine,how many sets and so on
  11. DLD

    URGENT! ALL READ! New Registrations that have failed READ THIS!

    I am very sorry but for 5 months registrations have not been happening. I am not sure what happened but it is now fixed. Please register now as it is fixed. I am so sorry that I did not see this, the glitch was hidden. This is why traffic has been shit for five months! Praise the Lord I...
  12. H

    1 hour hanging combined with 1 hour length master stretches

    As per the subject, what do you guys think my gain will be in 6 months if I hang for 1 hour and also use my length master for 1 hour? Will I gain up to 1.25 inches? I will start hanging by the weekend.
  13. H

    Who Wants To Go Into A Motivational Competition With Me?

    I need motivation and I also want to use this medium to motivate others as well. I'm creating this thread to ask for those who are willing to go into a competition with me. This is not one of those monthly contest thread. This thread is meant for those who wants someone to train with. We can do...
  14. S

    Girth from stretches?

    I can’t do much girth work for now, so I’m just curious if anyone gains from straight stretches, ie if i do the newbie routine sans jelq, plus phallosan, should i expect any girth? Just wondering, thanks!
  15. DLD

    Maybe we should print up a batch of these :)

    Maybe we should print up a batch of these :)
  16. C

    Hanging injury cause I didn't close the door

    We've got 3 cats and they're 3 different sizes. I thought I'd give hanging a try and since there wasn't any readily available weights I grabbed the smallest cat. She's tiny, barely 10lbs if even that much. I used her cat harness which after she wears it for half an hour she's totally comfy...
  17. M

    Progress thread MC BLZ - Personal Log >>> Hellbent for Girth

    Just getting started again here and wanted to finally post up my progress log including the couple entries I made back in 2014. Unfortunately I did not measure for about 3 years, but I was in and out of training - mostly hanging with the x sleeve and some Bathmate work (sporadic). Nice to see...
  18. D

    I regret to have to say that.....

    Dear MOS, Due to moving to a new apartment with new roommates i’m not able to hang anymore... I lack the privacy and time to get in 10 hours of hang per week. Yesterday was my last hanging session. I’m way too afraid that someone will knock on my door and comes in unexpectedly... This is the...
  19. S

    Maybe a new way of stretching for me

    I had an idea to utilize my rehab band with stretching and I actually felt like I maybe onto something. Gonna fine tune this and see if I see any noticeable benefit.
  20. F

    Another frenulum tear!!!!!

    I wasn't sure where to post this. I figured because the PF is my main enlargement tool, I'd go here. As the title suggests, I've torn my frenulum. This is the 3rd time over the years. I'm almost positive it's not because of the PF, because wearing the PF is virtually painless. So, I'm...