
  1. mrstakks

    Must be the month of cheaters :/

    Hey guys, I'm new to the forum as a member but I've been browsing the site for over a year but primarily DLD's membership site. Anyway found out today that my girlfriend of nearly two years cheated on me last night One of her many idiotic friends posted pictures of a party that I couldnt...
  2. ZackD89

    Starting Strength - Mark Rippetoe (learn how to get properly fit!)

    What up guys, just thought I'd share this awesome torrent with everyone looking to get in shape. Personally, I focused too much on Penis Enlargement and not enough on working out in the last few years. Decided to get in shape, and found out about Rippetoe's program. It's awesome! No more BS-...
  3. M

    been hanging for two months now... with bib.

    i started out hanging 5 lbs 4 sets per day the first week and i started two months ago. now im hanging 11 lbs moving up at about roughly 1 lb per week. still haning 4 sets per day just under 10 hours actual literally weight hanging off my penis per week. yet i still took completely...
  4. ZackD89

    ZackD89's journey into the GOLIATH!

    What up guys, I finally took the plunge and ordered the X-40 (through MOS of course)! :cool: Can't wait until the beast arrives. I will be using this thread as my official log. I've been off clamping and pumping for a while now, and I think my penis will really respond to the return to...
  5. K

    I loose weight !

    I decreased my Body Mass Index from 22,6 to 21,15 by 1,5 month !!!! :D (no diet, just don't eat too much during the dinner !!) It's said that, every 10kg (22pounds) of fat (+/-)= 0.5cm(0.2ft) on your non-bone pressed penis length !! Some of you who had already diet (or, unfortunately, gain...
  6. ADF

    What Does The MoS Lifetime Membership Offer?

    What do lifetime MoS internet paying members get that I as a non-member don't? Thanks. :)
  7. C

    OK to combine L-Arginine with Viagra/Cialis/Levitra?

    I've been looking online and throughout this site, but I can't seem to find any information on this. From what I've researched, nitric oxide is important for erection quality. L-Arginine increases nitric oxide while Viagra/Cialis/Levitra blocks PDE5, in effect allowing nitric oxide to pass...
  8. T

    What vitamins should I take?

    Hey guys, just wondering what vitamins I should take in combination with working out thanks for the help.
  9. traveling bull

    I have been PE'ing for about a year.. and have thoughts and stats for you....

    Ok... if you think this is a negative thread... click elsewhere!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have grown 1.5 inches and girth is unreal! but with that said... here is some thoughts for the progressive Penis Enlargement' er to hit marks and goals! I really think your first year or maybe 6 months (cant be sure...
  10. M

    Best protien there is

    I need to know what the best protien is. i am currently only consuming about 1800 caloriues a day to lose weight and working out and doing 30 minutes a day cardio. I was wondering what I shoud take I have been taking Muscletech but wanted to know what the best is and if I shoud take a mass...
  11. DLD

    Essential SRT: The Fastest Way to a Massive Penis and a Perfect Body

    SRT Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory HUGE SPECIAL ON EQUIPMENT Why do some gain penis size and others struggle in penis enlargement? Yes, we can ask this question a million times and get a million theories, none that...
  12. DLD

    SRT SRT: The Fastest Way to a Massive Penis and a Perfect Body

    SRT Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory HUGE SPECIAL ON EQUIPMENT Why do some gain and others struggle in penis enlargement? Yes, we can ask this question a million times and get a million theories, none that hold more logic...
  13. newbie09

    Physical penis enlargement via sports?

    The topic of this thread are things which seemingly create more penis without doing it nor doing Penis Enlargement. It doesn't mean that it won't impact on Penis Enlargement. Paradox? Read on! There are some things said like a shaved "private area" looks like there is more while people do a...
  14. M

    The girl at the gym.

    Haha, i don't even know why i'm posting this really as nothing really happened and i probably saw it from the wrong angle as i'm so hyped up. Recently i've just put girls aside. I'm trying not to get involved with anyone and i'm just enjoying not having anyone right now. My pubes are a bush...
  15. T

    Didn't See it Coming

    Whoa there are like no threads here so since my (boyfriend) n I just officially split up and I met him on my most favorite forum of all time and no longer post there, I will indulge myself with updating this forum with some information on my experience with relationships and being transgendered...
  16. M

    Help cutting.

    Okay, so i have kind of an odd body. I can see my top set of abs, i don't have them super clearly defined, but they're clearly visible. I can also see the outline of the V lines on my hips. However i seem to carry all my fat on my lower abs. I'm 6 foot and about 160lbs, underweight i know...
  17. T

    Warrior Motivational penis enlargement mindset mood

    Hey guys, this is more of a mental thing, like the feelings you get when your watching a movie or listening to a song. Everyone is different so different things might get you hyped for a Penis Enlargement session. Tonight my mental status towards Penis Enlargement was boosted by a song and my...
  18. keepingitbig

    Please Support My Journey To Muscle Supremacy! This is my youtube channel. I need all of the support I can get. I'm not there to give advice, or anything, but just to vlog as I'm still a baby in bodybuilding. Videos will be posted soon. The usual fitness videos you see have no...
  19. E

    introduction and 2 week of BathMate and mating experiences

    Hi all, I've just recently registered to this forum as it's an amazing community of guys trying to get themselves to a level of satisfaction with their schlongs for first and foremost themselves but also for the lovely ladies that surround them. I'm probably in that perfect circle of life...
  20. S

    Need advice. Ms. Body vs. Ms. Personality

    Hey Guys, I need some advice in the female department. I'm trying to decide what direction to take between two different females. Both have traits which cancel the other one out and I'm trying my best not to emotionally hurt the one who's seriously into me. It basically breaks down like...
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