This is a concept that I've noticed dld uses to create some of his biggest hitters, and one that I used for a routine that got me an inch, girthwise, in about 10 weeks, which I went over in my progress thread in February but haven't posted here yet.
The concept of creating a bigger exercise out...
There are two schools of thought about pain with pe. The first is you should avoid pain. Pain is your signal to stop whatever it is you're doing, and that makes plenty of sense. It can cause turtling and ligament retraction, which can halt gains no matter what your routine looks like. Pain can...
Hi guys. I've been doing PE for some time now, but never had a progress thread. So I'm starting this one now, hoping to get some feedback from you guys, to help me correct some mistakes that I probably will be making. Recently I lost some size again, but I'm getting on a new routine as soon as...
9 inches
erect stretch
Now i have time everyday for PE so I'm goig to start to get some gainzzzz haha. Gonna use this post mainly to remind myself to do PE everyday and and track my records. Hopefuloy it will be good motivation for others too. Tell me if there's a proper place on thr forum for posts like these
Is it possible that not doing enough kegels is hiding the gains that you made because you dont have enough blood to fill up the stretched length that you have?
Understanding the Tunica
and how it effects gains in length and girth
The Tunica is the white area above that encapsulates the Corpus Spongiosum and Corpus Cavernosum. This means that our growth is completely dependent on the stretching of the Tunica Albuginea (or the Tunica). This Tunica...
ok my lm finally came in and im starting on my srt journey. I really hope to gain with it
This morning i did the length workout and man the lm is strong, i got a wrap in the mail too and its on me as i type. This is day 1 im going to post journals here
Starting stats
Nbpel 5.9 in
Bp 7.1 in
I've been lurking for a while and have been doing the newbie routine 5 days a week for three weeks religiously. I haven't noticed any gains and actually observed my erections becoming a little weaker. Should I take a full on break, and if so, when can I resume?
I feel like right now my suspensory ligament is what is holding me back from making any more length gains. When I stretch it gets so taught and when I feel around on the rest of my dick nothing else feels tight at all. I haven't been able to figure out yet what is going to be the best exercise...
Penis Enlargement Exercise and Equipment
Understanding Stretching
How and Why Size is Gained
I can imagine how confusing it must be for a new Brother to come into the forums and try to understand the many exercises, tools and routines. Jumping into the Newbie Routine is smart if you are just...
Hi guys, been on the PE journey since the beginning of June and not sure Im seeing the results I think I should but I could be wrong.
Im up a 1/4" in girth and no real change in length.
Daily routine guranteed.
20mins Bathmate
20mins cock ring
In July I got into the swing of things with my...
I've been dedicating all of my PE time to experimental training, a lot of failures, few successes. Long story short all of my training for length and girth have been strictly 90 -100% erect exercises. Through all the experimentation and time lost for potential gains trying to find the end all...
I was doing my newbie routine, and while stretching my dick i did some kegels and felt really good, more stretch.
Is it good to do kegels while stretching?
So far I've been at it a week, just jelqing for 30 min a day and I can say I see a difference in my penis. Hangs lower and fuller when flaccid, seems thicker when erect as well.
I attribute these gains to erection quality, which I thought I was at 100% already but I was soo wrong. Just keep...
Hello brotherhood,
I am PEing consistently - never had more than 10 days off - for a year and my routine was since the beginning incorporating stretching jelqing pumping.
Since I got informed about the SRT I have tried to follow as much as I can the SRT principles.
So since my routine now looks...
So i just atarted stretching again today. But im staying at somewhere that has no fucking hot water so i cant warmup. So i jacked off the rooster and I just stretched from there.
I know your not suppose to but honestly it was an interesting feeling. It was obviously different, but it...
Hi all
I've been doing PE (intermittently) for nearly 4 years now. The whole time I've basically alternated between jelqing and stretching routines. I have gained some (not that much) size but now I feel my routines do not have the same effect they once had. (Pretty predict able after a few...
Hey guys i need your help.
I used to have crazy erections,seeing a nipple from a plane would get me hard,but now,i think for 1-2 months my erections are kinda weak.I don't get hard by watching,i kinda need to stroke my dick while watching adult entertainment or something to get hard,and if i stop watching for...
I've been doing a simple routine which is the newbie stretching and three sets of 30 second long Mandigo stretches on both sides, and I haven't even been at it, consistently, for a full week and I seem to already have gains.
All my measurements are bone pressed (I plan on heavily...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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