Hi guys, I hope you a are well, I´ve been doing a basic stretching routine, in all angles, for 15 secs I do quick kegels, then I release the kegels and I stretch for 15 doing a reverse kegel. Then Im determined to do de dld blasters, I do the warm up and all the previous stuff, but I find really...
Hi everyone, I have been noticing that a lot of routines, now days, don't include the A stretch. I was wondering why not? It gives a good stretch. But what I noticed most is how loose and pliable my penis felt after doing them. So I started thinking maybe it could be integrated as a warm up with...
So far the top 10 posters of the year that are qualified for the Ultimate PE Package, XBox/PS Package or cash are...
Munto 1616
CokeCanCock 1611
kyomoto 1153
templnite 1033
BigBeardBig 964
Big Schwanz Acht 771
acromegaly 663
stillwantmore2 425
habban 368
Threak-X 353
Top 20...
Hey there ~ first post here so bear with me. I've been doing PE and in touch with DLD for at least 6 months so I consider myself a newbie, always learning. I love the body and how it works. Through the newbie program and SRT on / off I have definitely seen gains, and hope to help others...
started two.months ago bearly.measured cause I didn't really.gain.my.first month and.i went from 5.5 to.6.5 hell yaaaa feeling like a king and girth went.from 5.5 to.6
I.wake up.put on.entender for.4 hours then.go.to.go.work.rest 4hours get off do Manuel.stretch basic.newbie all.angles.3x and the rotary starch takes.about 30min.and.then jelqing for.20min then.put.on.device.for.2hours then.lkegals for20min then.rest.for.3hours then.bath mate before bed 5min...
Hello! So i have 2 questions regarding keegels i would like to solve.
Firstly.. I use to do Keegel work after my session in my bed, always after edging. Sometimes i ejaculate and sometimes i dont. Does this somehow make any negative effects on my keegel work?
And secondly.. I remember a long...
I've been away for quit some time but now I want to resume training from the 3rd of May. I'm 7.2 inches in length and I want to concentrate on girth only. I intend doing 2 girth sessions daily but I will first of all start off with 1 session daily until I'm well conditioned. Also I will be...
As an uncut guy, I have always had problems with manual stretching. I'm sure everyone here who is uncut can relate.
I've recently received my VLC Tugger, to use it as my attachment with my Miracle Slider Extender. But then I thought, why not use the VLC with manual stretches? I gives me a...
I used my extender for the first time today for about 4 hours after doing a heavy bathmates session early in the morning, and the results were great. I don't know if it works the same for everyone but I stayed plump and long so it's even better than a cocking I was not constricted at all.
So I've been reading around for awhile and I've been noticing a reoccurrence that people that have been masturbating frequently Havnt gained as much as people that masturbate say once a week. Does masturbation really kill gains?
Hello gents,
I had the Elist implant "experience" (insertion, infection, removal) and recently had dr Elist remove some scar tissue. I am back to square one (before PE surgery) except with less money and a numb dorsal shaft from nerve damage.
I consulted with both Dr Elist and Dr Rosenthal...
Hello! Something that is pretty common with me is that when i get an erection and it's rock solid it subsides very fast if i don't keep stimulating my penis visually and physically.
Lets say i masturbate to adult entertainment, when i have reached 100% erection and
stops touching myself, my erection % will...
After being lazy for many months, I finally decided to post my Malehanger's progress log. But first, here’s some little background info about me and my own MH’s review after more than 4 months using it.
Background :
I've started doing PE in March 2010, using manual stretches (Newbie...
Hello! I have recently started to notice that my "CS" area gets more and more filled, adding girth to my shaft. This is great yes and i'm glad i have found a promising way to develop it.
But what i haven't found is a great way to manually increase width. When my penis is 100% erect and i keegel...
Hello all, forum newbie here.
So I've been doing PE for just over a year now. When I first started, I saw a gain of 0.5" (went from 5" to 5.5" erect) within the first 3 months, but then my gains stalled. Thing is though, I can stretch out my penis A LOT more than when I first started. I've...
Lately I've been doing a very very casual PE routine. So casual in fact, I'm not sure if you could call it much of a routine.
Typically I just do some basic stretches and massaging in the shower. Whatever feels natural from day to day. I'm not really measuring or anything right now, just...
Hi Fellow Penis Enlargers,
So far I've been doing base stretches and regular stretches as per the beginner routine. I've also incorporated DLD Blasters which have worked well. However, I feel like the stretches are starting to lose their intensity, as in there is too much 'give' and its not as...
I've come across a few references to this magical "jelly" state you can get your dick into and had been hoping that I'd make it there somehow. Well, mission accomplished, I think. It started a couple of days ago, and ever since then whenever I have a few minutes to stretch and reach down, it's...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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