
Oct 8, 2013
View attachment 27845Hello guys, just curious to see how big you actually think I am. I've had sex with 5 girls in my entire life (high school and fresHydromaxan year in college). Two of them said I was kinda small :( Am I really? How big do you think I am?


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Hi Dude ...

-I- would go get another sign-on name that wasn't based on people being trying to be bitches. It looks as though you could get two hands on there and still have head left over.

Believe me, that is bigger than many ... and a respectable starting-size around here.

Keep reading the site and get up-to-speed on the lingo and the concepts ..

If you haven't already, check out this ...
and this ...
and of course as much of the site as possible ..

With dedication and just a bit of patience you can set and hit about any growth goal you'd ever have in mind..

And meanwhile, while you're doing Penis Enlargement if you get into it, don't spend the front of that time with 'failure to thrive' by moping around worrying what some emasculating c*nt said.

If you like somebody then go hook up with them ... and be confident about it, half of what happens with females regarding sex happens in their brain as to whether or not they're being 'swept away' by the dominating male energy of their partner..

If you're always hesitant, reluctant, restrained, .. then you've let those bitches take away your biggest potential asset .. your dominating male energy, and that's a tragedy cos your natural size is not anywhere near as small as you think. :)

Keep chicks off the pedestal. Have your -own- thing going on, and then add them in when you feel like it as accessories..

That's not "PC", .. but it's the underlying dynamic as to how successful male/female relationships are started. Don't want to get into writing you a book , ) Just read up and don't be shy about posting or asking questions .. MoS is a Great Knowledge-base with Great People!
I'd say your 6 - 6.5" NBPenis EnlargementL, which is more than most people start with. I agree with Asanon if you are serious about Penis Enlargement and want to be bigger anyway (who doesn't) and can see yourself putting in the time and effort to change yourself (not everyone has the commitment) then you might wanna think about changing your name. Make it something positive.

Either way, welcome to the community :)
Legit 7 incher with 5.2-5.3 EG. And doesnt look small at all. Go fuck 10 more girls and you will see. :p

slightly above average.

with Penis Enlargement you can add at least 1 inch in length and 0.5 in girth if not double that..
You look go bro!! Keep at it, girls are crazy.
Some women are EVIL, such a different creature than men. They find joy in the hurtful ways they deplete a man's ego and confidence. Fear not and fret not, you are JUST FINE! As a matter of fact, you look above average. And, the point here, at MOS, is that size make absolutely NO DIFFERENCE! Now you know the secrets of enlargement!
Hello all! Thank you for the awesome replies and words of inspiration :) I think I understand now... These girls I've been with probably saw some huge penises in �naked people movies� (they were only 19-22) and it warped their minds into thinking that the average guy is packing some serious meat between his legs lol. Believe it or not, I haven't measured. I really don't want to know what size I am until I am completely satisfied with my size, that's why I joined MattersofSize. :) DLD, thank you for responding to my thread! Am I close to your starting size you think?

Cheers gentleman, and peace be with you! :)
You should definitely measure legnth and girth.NBPenis EnlargementL and BPenis EnlargementL and BPFSL and NBPFL. FG and EG write those down in some note book for future reference. That way you can easily track your progress and see what is working for you and what isnt. :) Also For starting size this is huge, i wish i started that long. :)
littleasiancock;566311 said:
Hello all! Thank you for the awesome replies and words of inspiration :) I think I understand now... These girls I've been with probably saw some huge penises in �naked people movies� (they were only 19-22) and it warped their minds into thinking that the average guy is packing some serious meat between his legs lol. Believe it or not, I haven't measured. I really don't want to know what size I am until I am completely satisfied with my size, that's why I joined MattersofSize. :) DLD, thank you for responding to my thread! Am I close to your starting size you think?

Cheers gentleman, and peace be with you! :)

Fuck the pussy real good. This can be done with every penis...

Then she wont encounter many larger then average dicks at all..

Your plan to not measure and just go for it might work for you but for the sport of Penis Enlargement its fun to measure the growth ;)
Cause thats what counts..The Growth not the actual size.
You have to know when women are trying to play you or taking a cheap shot at you (and penis size is the lowest of the low).

If men's average penis size is 6 inches, and your penis is around 6 inches... your penis isn't small, it's just that her vagina is big.
honestly dude, looks to be the same as me and i consider my length average and my girth above average so..... i'm 6.25"x6" as of now and I'm pretty pleased with my size so....girls opinions will be relative to their experiences.

consider this. hypothetically, you had a 7 inch cock, and you had sex with 2 girls:

first girl has had sex with three guys with lengths as follows in this order: 5", 6", 7" (last one is you)
next girl has had sex with three guys as well, with lengths as follows in this order: 7", 8", 9" (first one was you)

which one do you think will consider you small and which one will consider you "huge"?

girls know just as much about average size as guys do, which isn't that much. everyone is different, so it's all about perspective. you are not small, you are average, if not above average
Usually when 3 or more remotely, uninvolved, people say the same thing about you, there is some truth to it. Women know, one of the best way to hurt a guy is to insult his manhood. So, my question is, what did you do to make them so angry at you? Yes, every guy measures...
Alright man, here's the deal. The truth is, your dick looks ever so slightly larger than mine and I measured tonight at about 6.4 BPenis EnlargementL by 5.0 MSEG.

My official estimate of your size is: 6.4-6.7 BPenis EnlargementL X 4.9 MSEG

Congratulations on your above average penis! Actually our girth seems to be bang on average and your length seems to be upper average/above average (right on the border between the two).

Anyone else wish to estimate his size? I'm feeling confident he falls in that range, OP you should really just measure it to lift that weight off your shoulders. Any girl that calls a dick like yours small is a complete psycho bitch that only wants to get inside your head. You are bigger than around 80% of guys for God's sake...
Some women are EVIL, such a different creature than men. They find joy in the hurtful ways they deplete a man's ego and confidence. Fear not and fret not, you are JUST FINE! As a matter of fact, you look above average. And, the point here, at MOS, is that size make absolutely NO DIFFERENCE! Now you know the secrets of enlargement!

I remember many years ago when one of my exes told me that I have a baby size dick. I was very depressed when I heard those words. When the relationship is going good, they will say your penis is the best in the world. When there is a breakup in the relationship, you will automatically have a baby dick.

Those words can ruin a man who's mind isn't powerful.
I remember dating a girl in college that was weird about my size. She was religious and no sex before marriage girl but she said some things that implied she did stuff in HS so I had some suspicions. She had no issue with other stuff. We lived across the hall from each other in dorm. She was more experienced than I was and first time we were making out she was reaching into my pants. Now, I knew I had a big dick for a long time so despite my inexperience, I wanted to show her so I took it out. She didn't say anything until I asked her what she thought. She said 'it's huge' which at the time I thought was convincing. One thing that was weird about her is that she never let me be physically above her which was some kind of feminist logic. So I always had to be lying down when she did HJ or BJ. Unfortunately for me, due to gravity and related to my ehlers-danlos (which presdisposes me to some venous leakage) I never really got fully hard visibly. There were a few times when we were clothed in bed and I was on top and kind of grinding a bit on her she was like 'why do you feel so big right now.' It's because gravity was working in my favor. But we had agreed to keep our clothes on so she never saw.

There was one particular time which was what bothered me. We were both looking at this article from some magazine talking about the perfect positions for sex based on size of guy. I had pointed to the picture describing if the guy was big kind of like 'eh? eh?' and she replied 'Oh.. I don't know...' I was confused like, 'what do you mean?' And she said something to the effect that she didn't think I was that big. I told her that I was at least 8 inches and she said 'there's no way.' I felt a bit defensive at that moment and 'well, I'll have to measure for you' and she just shook her head again and said 'there's nooo way.' Course, I didn't have the heart to say that she didn't see me fully hard because then she'd get angry and call me a jerk. Nor did I have heart to complain about always having to lie down since she'd then accuse me of pressuring her to go against her principles. For some reason that always stuck with me. I never did measure for her. We broke up not too long after. In hindsight, it may have been that she already had planned to dump me and didn't want to feed my ego. Or she legit didn't think I was big. I am pretty sure that even if I don't get fully hard, I would be at least 7 inches so shrug. She'd mentioned she'd been with a guy that was super long and a guy that was possibly quite thick. It's possible she had been with a rare sort of guys. I highly doubt back then she had any statistics available to even know what average or big was.
Unfortunately, the nonsense of "It's no the size but it's the motion of the ocean" is 1/3 truthful. At the start of any relationship, the phrase "love is blind" uses the "motion of the ocean" mantra to keep the relationship from falling apart. Once the relationship is over, or close to over, the females bare their fangs quite viciously. Every fault they can pull up, from your inability to communicate to how inadequate your penis is, they will bash you until they feel superior to you in every way. Those who break the relationship clean by simply just walking away and be "friends" are the lucky ones.

I made sure to make the girls felt over the moon with sex, orgasms after orgasms, but they would still have a comeback stating, "the penis was not enough to make me cum harder". Motion of the ocean..give me a break.
Fuck women and their determining you size. There all liars
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