Silistretcher vs Stealth Stretcher?

You guys... IT FINALLY HAPPENED. (Bit of a long post)

Been going steady with my pumping routine and been seeing fantastic results. Gains haven't been crazy but I am seeing much fuller flaccid and my erect length definitely seems more noticeable.

But I digress... I'm moving back near my hometown next weekend, so I thought I'd set my dating profile to down there. I matched with this super cute girl and we've been talking on the phone everyday for nearly 2 weeks.

She likes to send me pictures of her tits, so I decided, while a little bit stoned, to send one of my dick. She called me immediately after and said "oh my god that's so big! I can't wait to sit on it when you get here"

I've never heard that in my life and it made me feel incredibly good, because I've always had self confidence issues with my penis. But hearing that made me realize what a great decision PE was, and how happy I am to have found this place.
You guys... IT FINALLY HAPPENED. (Bit of a long post)

Been going steady with my pumping routine and been seeing fantastic results. Gains haven't been crazy but I am seeing much fuller flaccid and my erect length definitely seems more noticeable.

But I digress... I'm moving back near my hometown next weekend, so I thought I'd set my dating profile to down there. I matched with this super cute girl and we've been talking on the phone everyday for nearly 2 weeks.

She likes to send me pictures of her tits, so I decided, while a little bit stoned, to send one of my dick. She called me immediately after and said "oh my god that's so big! I can't wait to sit on it when you get here"

I've never heard that in my life and it made me feel incredibly good, because I've always had self confidence issues with my penis. But hearing that made me realize what a great decision PE was, and how happy I am to have found this place.

Congratulations on those positive words brother. Such words will give you the zeal and willingness to train more further. What's the name of the dating site if you don't mind me asking?
You guys... IT FINALLY HAPPENED. (Bit of a long post)

Been going steady with my pumping routine and been seeing fantastic results. Gains haven't been crazy but I am seeing much fuller flaccid and my erect length definitely seems more noticeable.

But I digress... I'm moving back near my hometown next weekend, so I thought I'd set my dating profile to down there. I matched with this super cute girl and we've been talking on the phone everyday for nearly 2 weeks.

She likes to send me pictures of her tits, so I decided, while a little bit stoned, to send one of my dick. She called me immediately after and said "oh my god that's so big! I can't wait to sit on it when you get here"

I've never heard that in my life and it made me feel incredibly good, because I've always had self confidence issues with my penis. But hearing that made me realize what a great decision PE was, and how happy I am to have found this place.
So glad you got to experience that ego boost brother, must have felt so, so good.

Personally I wanna get so big that it’ll scare females, not even joking.

Now keep on PE’ing and make her head turn and go silly when you finally get her in bed. You’ve got this brother, especially with your new and improved size.
0.5in longer and 0.25in wide can be a major game changer. Never promote yourself short. Congrats on landing a cutie.
Thank you brother! Even though I started at an average size, I always sold myself short because I've always had low self esteem. The growth I've attained has significantly boosted my mental health, which I especially needed after my last unhealthy relationship.
Thank you brother! Even though I started at an average size, I always sold myself short because I've always had low self esteem. The growth I've attained has significantly boosted my mental health, which I especially needed after my last unhealthy relationship.
I know exactly what you mean brother as I too started out pretty average at about 6x5 inches.

Now I’m 8x5,3 inches and still feel like I need more, which I will get, eventually.

And looking good in that picture, very good and way above average size. You have entered the adult entertainment size realm now as 7 inches is considered adult entertainment size dick, they just use camera angels and small female hands on it to make it look bigger than it actually is.
I know exactly what you mean brother as I too started out pretty average at about 6x5 inches.

Now I’m 8x5,3 inches and still feel like I need more, which I will get, eventually.

And looking good in that picture, very good and way above average size. You have entered the �naked people movies� size realm now as 7 inches is considered �naked people movies� size dick, they just use camera angels and small female hands on it to make it look bigger than it actually is.
Haha good thing the girl I sent it to is only 5 feet tall 😂 maybe that's why she thinks it's so big
I know exactly what you mean brother as I too started out pretty average at about 6x5 inches.

Now I’m 8x5,3 inches and still feel like I need more, which I will get, eventually.

And looking good in that picture, very good and way above average size. You have entered the �naked people movies� size realm now as 7 inches is considered �naked people movies� size dick, they just use camera angels and small female hands on it to make it look bigger than it actually is.
Are we talking about BP or none Bone pressed length ? If you are 8 nbp bro I'm impressed you managed to grow from 6 to 8 nbp that's impressive
How tedious is it to take on and off to go to the bathroom?
I wouldn't say its tedious, but definitely going to want to use a stall not a urinal. I fold the portion of sleeve that connects to the vaccum bell up over the top of the bell and leave the sleeve that I use on my penis on since I fit it to just below my glans.

That releases the vacuum within a few seconds, then once done peeing I can reinsert and fold back down the other sleeve and reapply some vaccum pretty quick.
I wouldn't say its tedious, but definitely going to want to use a stall not a urinal. I fold the portion of sleeve that connects to the vaccum bell up over the top of the bell and leave the sleeve that I use on my penis on since I fit it to just below my glans.

That releases the vacuum within a few seconds, then once done peeing I can reinsert and fold back down the other sleeve and reapply some vaccum pretty quick.
So you wear a sleeve, then roll one over the bell to seal on the shaft?
So you wear a sleeve, then roll one over the bell to seal on the shaft?
Yes. You simply turn 0.5 turn to release the pressure first, roll/fold the portion that goes over the vacuum cup/bell down to the penis, remove the cup/bell, pee, remove excess urine by doing a quick jelq/tinkle, shove the cup/bell back on, roll/fold the sleeve onto the cup/bell, turn 0.5 turn to increase the pressure, and ready to roll again. It will take a bit of practice.

However, brother ManPlan86 pointed out a key point about not using the urinal when you first start out. Why? When you use the sleeve, your penis will be compressed to some degrees, which means your urethra is also being compressed. When that happens, you create a scattered or focused urine stream. Imagine the scattered/focused stream making a nice little mess on your pants. Just something to adjust to until you get a hang of it. I can use the urinal now with pretty fast actions. The penis sleeve can give me griefs at time when I use dual layering of penis sleeve on days I perform quite active field acitivities. The dual layering of the sleeves allow the tension of the sleeves from slipping off the cup/bell without increasing further vacuum pressure. You don't want that sudden surge of traction pressure because it can create blisters. 0.5 turn equals to around 3 to 4inHg. A surge of pressure can go straight past 10inHg without you knowing. Those who twist a full to 1.5 turns, the pressure can exceed 20inHg without knowing.
So you wear a sleeve, then roll one over the bell to seal on the shaft?
Yah, let me try to explain better.

First I get myself a little aroused and then put on a sleeve on just my penis. It's a normal sleeve not one that looks like a condom, so my glans is exposed and not covered.

There is another sleeve on the bell, and I use my fingers to roll it back to the bell and flip it over the edge of the bell so I can squeeze my glans in. When doing this I make sure my glans is fully inside the bell, but not pushed so far in that it creates a big air pocket.

Once my glans is in, I unroll the sleeve from the bell down the shaft and it goes down the shaft a couple inches. At this point there is already a pretty good vacuum, but I still turn the screw on the bell a half turn or so.

Removing is the opposite. I have a couple pics in my progress album, just didnt want to include a pic of my dick here on your prog log.
It really takes no time to remove and put back on. It is very comfortable and can be used in any movement. Most wear all day. It can be used at higher tension for growth and lower intensity for cementing. A great buy!
Hey brothers, I've been out of the game for the last month or so while I try to get my life together and have been staying with family, but finally got myself a new place to get back on the train.

One question I've had that I haven't really tried to answer myself is this - if I'm still pumped the morning after a girth session, would it be advisable to do my lengthmaster routine? Or should I wait for the pump to dissipate?
Hey brothers, I've been out of the game for the last month or so while I try to get my life together and have been staying with family, but finally got myself a new place to get back on the train.
Welcome back to the rhymth. We know how it feels to have life tosses roadblocks along the way.

One question I've had that I haven't really tried to answer myself is this - if I'm still pumped the morning after a girth session, would it be advisable to do my lengthmaster routine? Or should I wait for the pump to dissipate?
Suggestion is always Length Master routine first before pumping. Why? It's harder to pump and then strap up for the Length Master due to the expansion of the skin, causing it to go every which way. Wrapping a plump penis is harder than a normal flaccid penis. If you do have time, LM routines first, then a quick pumping session. If time is the issue, do the LM routine, keep the penis wrapped/elongated all day, and pump later. Girth gains is much much much faster than length. So, be selective of your routines and what you're chasing after more.

If you do have time more at night than the morning, LM routines in the morning, keep the penis wrapped, and hit with the dual routines later at night. Something like:

LM routines for 15 to 30 minutes.
Wrap all day.

Coming home, LM routines for 15 minutes to prime the tissues further, add stronger contortion, and start pumping routine either 5x5x3 or modified X x X x X for your needs. When your internal tissues are primed, less on the negative pump pressure and more on the SSJ.

Brother @huge-girth can assist with the personal coaching with his services if needed. We can only provide you the layout of what's best overall while assisting on evaluation procedures to optimize your PE approaches.
Welcome back to the rhymth. We know how it feels to have life tosses roadblocks along the way.

Suggestion is always LengthMaster routine first before pumping. Why? It's harder to pump and then strap up for the LengthMaster due to the expansion of the skin, causing it to go every which way. Wrapping a plump penis is harder than a normal flaccid penis. If you do have time, LM routines first, then a quick pumping session. If time is the issue, do the LM routine, keep the penis wrapped/elongated all day, and pump later. Girth gains is much much much faster than length. So, be selective of your routines and what you're chasing after more.

If you do have time more at night than the morning, LM routines in the morning, keep the penis wrapped, and hit with the dual routines later at night. Something like:

LM routines for 15 to 30 minutes.
Wrap all day.

Coming home, LM routines for 15 minutes to prime the tissues further, add stronger contortion, and start pumping routine either 5x5x3 or modified X x X x X for your needs. When your internal tissues are primed, less on the negative pump pressure and more on the SSJ.

Brother @huge-girth can assist with the personal coaching with his services if needed. We can only provide you the layout of what's best overall while assisting on evaluation procedures to optimize your PE approaches.
That's exactly my plan - lengthmaster in the am, girth in the pm.

More specifically, if that is the road I choose, should I do an every other day routine in order to let the swelling die down?
That's exactly my plan - lengthmaster in the am, girth in the pm.

More specifically, if that is the road I choose, should I do an every other day routine in order to let the swelling die down?
If you see swelling, allow a day on and a day off until your penis adjusts again. Otherwise, if there is no swelling, irritation, blistering, abrassion, go for 2 days on, 1 day off. If you don't feel fatigue, 3 days on, 1 day off. If you can push it further, 4 days on, 1 day off.

As DLD and the brothers would say, "Listen to your penis". It will literally tell you.
If you see swelling, allow a day on and a day off until your penis adjusts again. Otherwise, if there is no swelling, irritation, blistering, abrassion, go for 2 days on, 1 day off. If you don't feel fatigue, 3 days on, 1 day off. If you can push it further, 4 days on, 1 day off.

As DLD and the brothers would say, "Listen to your penis". It will literally tell you.
Got it. I had a feeling I should go 1 on/1 off but it's always great to hear from the brothers. Thank you!
Ok guys, I'm finally back on track. Got my new apartment and have finally been able to get going again.

Currently doing 5on/2off of nightly pumping in my 1.5" tube to try and influence some more length gains.

My plan is to run this routine until the end of the month, at which point I'm going to switch over to lengthmaster daily for the entire month of December. Then on January 1st, I will move to 1on/1off of AM length and PM girth for the entire year, schedule allowing.

Thoughts? Questions? Concerns? Tips?
Thought: Smart. You're conditioning up for the LM.

Questions: Sure you can keep it consistent?

Concerns: sure you want a python for a penis?

Tips: You got only one. Make it grow!
I can't wait to start using it again in a more structured routine.

Like I said, as schedule allows. Also as my body allows, given I'm now working a more labor intensive job than before.


This is a great thing. As your body works out, especially if i comes to lower body loading, the better your blood will flow to the pelvic region. This is why I perform exercises with highest mid to lower body intensities.

Just a suggestion though. With high intensity laboring in the field, boost your blood with high mobility. L-citrulline is what I'm talking about. If you're older in the early 30s and beyond, HMB + Vit D3. You'll get a good kick on recovery and boost on blood flow for penile enhancement. Something to think about.
This is a great thing. As your body works out, especially if i comes to lower body loading, the better your blood will flow to the pelvic region. This is why I perform exercises with highest mid to lower body intensities.

Just a suggestion though. With high intensity laboring in the field, boost your blood with high mobility. L-citrulline is what I'm talking about. If you're older in the early 30s and beyond, HMB + Vit D3. You'll get a good kick on recovery and boost on blood flow for penile enhancement. Something to think about.
Before the move I was probably taking around 7-8mg of citrulline malate every day, splitting am and pm. Need to order some more.
If your looking for length i suggest the SiliStretcher but even better would be the lengthmaster. If your looking for advanced healing the MOSRED is your best choice
I decided to go with the MOSRed because I already have a lengthmaster and I've got silisleeves to stay elongated.

I think adding the MOSRed is going to greatly improve my healing, as well as during 5x5x3 and warmup before stretching in the morning.

Plus I've heard that red light therapy can help with scar tissue, as I've gotten some buildup over the years from sports injuries.
I decided to go with the MOSRed because I already have a lengthmaster and I've got silisleeves to stay elongated.

I think adding the MOSRed is going to greatly improve my healing, as well as during 5x5x3 and warmup before stretching in the morning.

Plus I've heard that red light therapy can help with scar tissue, as I've gotten some buildup over the years from sports injuries.
It will help you in all you have posted. Healing, better stretching, scar tissue, discoloration and so much more. Good choice
It will help you in all you have posted. Healing, better stretching, scar tissue, discoloration and so much more. Good choice
I've been wanting one for awhile now and finally have been able to pull the trigger.

I think I'll finally be set once it arrives.
Guys.... i did something....

I started my plan of AM length/PM girth a month early.

Holy santa clause shit, the expansion in the mityvac is absolutely insane.

I hit 18.5cm in the tube, haven't hit that pumped length in 6 months..

Game changer.
Guys.... i did something....

I started my plan of AM length/PM girth a month early.

Holy santa clause shit, the expansion in the mityvac is absolutely insane.

I hit 18.5cm in the tube, haven't hit that pumped length in 6 months..

Game changer.
It's a game changer, BUT!!! don't go too crazy. Slow down. Slow way down! Approach it slowly. 5x5x3 at low pressure pressure first and transition into things properly. Don't go into it too fast and too zealously. Follow safety protocols that we all go through. If you need us to revisit it again, let us know. It's your personal routine after all.
It's a game changer, BUT!!! don't go too crazy. Slow down. Slow way down! Approach it slowly. 5x5x3 at low pressure pressure first and transition into things properly. Don't go into it too fast and too zealously. Follow safety protocols that we all go through. If you need us to revisit it again, let us know. It's your personal routine after all.
With the 5x5x3, I'm staying at my base levels like when I first started out. As much as I want to go full throttle, I know I need to start slow and work my way up.

I'm doing 1on/1off in order to maximize rest and efficiency.
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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