Welcome to MOS, artista10


Jun 3, 2003
Welcome to the Brotherhood, @artista10, I am @DLD. I encourage you to get involved and start making gains by reading through these two important threads, The Newbie Routine and the SRT Routine. The goal is to create a routine, If you need help in writing a routine let me know.

Once you decide upon a routine, start a Routine and Process Log stating all your beginning measurements, your goals, your routine and any other information. This is what we encourage new members to do.

How big are you now and how big do you wanna get? We’re here to help make it happen. If you need help with anything, just ask.
Hello guys!

I'have very little experience with PE, just started 1-2 months ago doing some manual stretches and jelqs and routines from another forum, but already seeing some flaacid length increase and arround 0.5 cm in erect length.

I just discovered MOS when I was searching for some more information about Phallosan forte, but I think I will order Silistrechter 2 :D (but the shipping costs to Portugal are expensive :/)

My current stats are 5.7 inches BPEL, didn't measure my girth :p

My goal are 7 inches BPEL.

Welcome onboard @artista10 , thanks for replying! I see many new members coming in and lately I've been stressed that they don't answer, so I appreciate that you introduced yourself.

Congratulations on your gains so far!
Several men have tried both PF and Silistretcher and do favor the Silistretcher now.
Yeah, shipping can be a bit expensive, unfortunately. :( I feel you, I live in Scandinavia and ordering abroad is costly most of the time, be it any product(s).

If you're considering the Silistretcher, please do measure your flaccid girth. Measure twice, buy once, I say.
Your goal sounds very doable and I wish you the best in your journey towards gains!
Welcome onboard @artista10 , thanks for replying! I see many new members coming in and lately I've been stressed that they don't answer, so I appreciate that you introduced yourself.

Congratulations on your gains so far!
Several men have tried both PF and Silistretcher and do favor the Silistretcher now.
Yeah, shipping can be a bit expensive, unfortunately. :( I feel you, I live in Scandinavia and ordering abroad is costly most of the time, be it any product(s).

If you're considering the Silistretcher, please do measure your flaccid girth. Measure twice, buy once, I say.
Your goal sounds very doable and I wish you the best in your journey towards gains!

I just measured I have arround 9.5 cm flaacid girth, which size for SS2 would you recomend me?
That's under 4" flaccid girth if my calculator is correct, with that said the 1.25" would be the best choice. Or a combination of 1.25" and 1.5" , as a growth package.
I'm from Scandinavia where centimeters are used more but I still feel more ease with inches regarding PE! :D
I agree with Ark, a combination of 1.25" and 1.5"will be best, but if you can only go with one stick with the 1.25”
Just arrived now my SS2, I ordered the 1.5'', well to late now eheh I think it should work as I will grow.

Really nice product, later will test it.
Hi DLD my SS2 piston is not working, it rotates infinitely but dosent move inside the vacuum :(
We encourage all users to fully read the instructions and watch the videos for your product before using. Sometimes users don't like to read instructions, but by reading and learning your product in advance will enable its use to the fullest capacity and help avoid problems down the road.
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Hi, just to say I'm using SS2 as vac hanger in the last couple of months and combined with some manual stretching I'm now 6.7 BPEL and 5.4 girth at 10/10 EQ :D
Hi, just to say I'm using SS2 as vac hanger in the last couple of months and combined with some manual stretching I'm now 6.7 BPEL and 5.4 girth at 10/10 EQ LOL

What were your original measurements?
Hi DLD, I was around 5.6 BPEL and 4.90 in girth!!

My girl feels so tight now every time I enter, and she moans a lot more (I did PE in secret this whole time)...

In the last months I catch her a few times looking at my longer and thicker flaccid dick, and one time in the morning we were in bed, and I was with a huge morning wood under the blankets and I told her I was horny and then she guided her hand to grab my erect cock outside the blankets (I'm a little skinny guy in my arms), and she grabbed my cock first and right then my left arm (they were both covered) and then again my cock! She didn't believe it was my cock at the 1st time :D! After almost 7 years of relationship, she could be surprised...Now my goals are 7.7 BPEL and 5.5 girth
It is such an exciting and awesome thing when our wives notice the changes, it makes the whole journey worthwhile. We can look at a ruler and see numbers and that’s great but when we can look in someone’s eyes and a complement us that’s so much greater. Treat her good my brother
Just to update this thread, I'm doing a lot less PE because of privacy in the last 9 months, but managed to be right now at:

NBPEL : 6.4 inches
BPEL : 7.05 inches (I have an upward curve that doesn't favour me in the measure with the ruler :p)
Mid-Shaft GIRTH: 5.50 inches at my max erection

Flaccid length around 5inches

So this shit really works, it takes a lot of commitment and effort but is all worth it.

I still use my SS2 for hanging mostly.
Just to update this thread, I'm doing a lot less PE because of privacy in the last 9 months, but managed to be right now at:

NBPEL : 6.4 inches
BPEL : 7.05 inches (I have an upward curve that doesn't favour me in the measure with the ruler :p)
Mid-Shaft GIRTH: 5.50 inches at my max erection

Flaccid length around 5inches

So this shit really works, it takes a lot of commitment and effort but is all worth it.

I still use my SS2 for hanging mostly.
Congratulations! Now imagine putting your all into it! You would make ever greater growth! Just the same good job my Brother!
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