Tunica thickness and age-If everything aint fucked enough as we get older check this out-The tunica-the super thick-5%…


Feb 11, 2021
—-Goes from 400-450ug(the size marking for this is a letter or scientific symbol I cant even find on my keyboard-You can look it up yourself, though) to over 900(ug?),over double the thickness. So, it looke like I have to either use twice as much force or take twice as long of time and since 1of those things that goes with age is time!, then what?
Dont say I am pessimistic-I am realistic-When you get here you will know. If you have already achieved this or were born enhanced then you cant understand so definitely dont comment on my attitude, it is not useful for me, you or anyone. Do you see what the comment actually means and the question that it has been turned into at the end. I dont need a definitive answer, just tell me what you think. I will do what I think, anyway
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