The ALPHA BLADE studio...One Step Closer


Jun 3, 2003
I wanted to update everyone on the status of the studio as I have hired another contractor, Blake. He is a member of the forums, although he became a member after taking the job. He is an incredible worker and has gotten much done since I hired him last week. He completed the bathroom today, something I have not had for over 2 months now, and did a fine job.

He will be starting the remainder of the studio tomorrow, much needs done, but I have total confidence in him. I am sure many of you know what a relief this is for me as my work has been on hold since I returned home. As long as I can continue paying his modest wages he will continue the work. This has been accomplished completely through your donations and I am eternally in debt to everyone who believed in me and my hopes for the future of our great future.

If everything continues as it has the past week we should have the site up by next month. This is such a massive dream for me and I know many of you have been looking forward to this. It has been a massive journey with many hardships and we have survived every obstacle that has been thrown our way.

I am so proud to be a part of this place we all call home.
I cant wait for Alpha blade to come out! The anticapation is driving me up the wall!:p When it comes out i will be one of the first to buy, you can count on that.LMAO
Sounds good. But I`d reccomend you don´t set a deadline this time Mike. Something could delay it and we don´t want you (or members) stressing about it.

Keep up the good work and let it happen at it`s own time.

Just my opinion anyway.

Thanks for the kind words. It would be cool to post some pics of the studio once you get it done. And I agree with a previous post here that you should not set a deadline that would cause you to stress if you were not to hit it.

It would also be cool if more people donated. I see so many online whenever I log in. I know that you and your site and have made a big difference for me and I bet for quite a few more. I remember a few years ago when you were trying to upgrade the server and we were able to raise more than a few hundred bucks a month and we made it happen. A few bucks from many people would make a big difference, get the studio rockin sooner and give us new ways to grow with less chance of injury.

DLD, let me know if there is anything else I can do to help...


I was able to make another trip to Home Depot today and picked up allot more stuff for the studio. I never knew how big of a job it is to do something like this. I can't wait until it is complete.
Fantastic Mike.

I'm happy to hear things are finally moving forward for you. I hope this will help relieve some anxiety and tension I know you must have been feeling. I only wish I myself could have been there for you, to help in this difficult time. Please accept me sincere apologizes.To your health and well being

wreck said:
Fantastic Mike.

I'm happy to hear things are finally moving forward for you. I hope this will help relieve some anxiety and tension I know you must have been feeling. I only wish I myself could have been there for you, to help in this difficult time. Please accept me sincere apologizes.To your health and well being


It's all good Jeff. The plumbing is just the beginning, as I am figuring out but I am settling into the thought that I have to be patient and have it happen in GODS time. I was able to pick up quite a bit for the kitchen today, since it is so small, but this is one step closer. We are working from one end to the other as time and money allow. It is going to be so nice to have it complete, like a dream. Thanks for all you attempts anyway, you have a kind heart.
scold me if you must but I am new and have no clue what alpha blade is. Where can I find a description of it and what all it consist off
do a search dude you'll find a ton of stuff
indysoccer16 said:
scold me if you must but I am new and have no clue what alpha blade is. Where can I find a description of it and what all it consist off
This is an old post but I am happy to say that the Studio is Complete and everything I ever dreamed it would be. Strange, but I knew I had this studio even when it was an empty shell. Nice to see an old post that emphasizes this.
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