Pain in penis days after using pump


Jul 3, 2024
Hello. Used a Bathmate the first time last week. Pumped to around 5 but only for like 30 seconds three times. The first two times I panicked a bit and forgot the valve the release pressure. Had no pain while pumping. Have some stinging pain now 6 days later and feels like UTI so feel a need to urinate and a bit of stinging while peeing. Can still get erection. Have noticed a bulging soft blue vein on the glands, see pictures. I am bit worried that I have damaged something. What do you guys think? Thanks.

Hello. Used a Bathmate the first time last week. Pumped to around 5 but only for like 30 seconds three times. The first two times I panicked a bit and forgot the valve the release pressure. Had no pain while pumping. Have some stinging pain now 6 days later and feels like UTI so feel a need to urinate and a bit of stinging while peeing. Can still get erection. Have noticed a bulging soft blue vein on the glands, see pictures. I am bit worried that I have damaged something. What do you guys think? Thanks.

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Looks like you just started out. Did you make the mod to monitor the pressure by chance based on your statement?

The feeling like a UTI is quite common as the rigorous pumping session went past the erection pressure around 3 to 3.5inHg. This is why the brothers are warming about not pumping too fast past 3 to 3.5inHg as rookies. Slowly creep up at first. Conditioning is required to reach 5inHg and beyond. As the warnings go, injuries can happen as low as 5inHg.

However, what you are feeling is the new sensation of compression going past the normal pressure. For now, remain at the lowe pressure between 3.5inHg and 4inHg for now. Slowly condition upwards.

The little thrombosis you see as blue bulge is the early sign that your penis has not preconditioned to go high past the normal pressure yet. Remain in the normal to slightly above normal pressure at 4inHg for a few more weeks.

For now, you can use your thumbs to do compression shaitsu massage with a bit of warm oil (oil drops in hot water bath). This will reduce the blood vessel size. No pumping for a few days.
" Did you make the mod to monitor the pressure by chance based on your statement?" What do you mean?
I probably was kind of naive and did think eveything would go fine.
Okey, thanks for the answers and advice. I hope it will go away and feel better soon.
The question is, how do you know you reach "5", assuming 5inHg and not 5 pumps. 5 pumps don't equates to pressure passing 4inHg. I measured the pressure for Bathmate pumping with the pressure gauge.

Pressure gauge mod:
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Yeah i probably read up way to little. I meant the numbers ont the right side. Pumped for less than a minute but maybe i pumped up to fast and high. Still have som aching pain. I hope it becomes better. Will be more careful in the future. Thanks for the help, appreciated.
If you are hanging take your time building of weight and time
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