Penis Health Injury using penis pump

Suggest me supplements and medicines
You got tons of selection, from the basic to the pricey:
NOW Supplements Choline & Inositol 500mg
Dr. Berg Nerve Support with Benfotiamine
Supplements with high Ubiquinone (CoQ10)
Neurophathy 500, 600 and 1200
Pure Encapsulations Alpha Lipoic Acid 600 mg
Topical lidocaine

Then you get the prescription in pill or injection version from specialists containing high level of:
Lipoic acid: alpha-lipoic (ALA) and gamma-lipoic acid (GLA)
Acetylcysteine (NAC)
Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP)
Some prescribed anticonvulsants and antidepressants to suppress nerve going wild
Prescribed lidocane

It goes on and on and on.

Any tests or X rays to get it confirmed??
Yes, you can call the local urologists to see if an ultrasound or MRI can be done to detect pathology severity. My local urologists have procedures to perform ultrasound and also forward to specialists for MRI (hopefully covered by the insurance company) to see internal pathology damages. Most nurses, doctors, and specialists will tell you that urethra heals very quickly. Otherwise, they won't shove catheters up the urethra.
First of all, what equipment did you use?
Secondly, did you know the pressure you were using and how fast did you go from non-vacuum to vacuum state?

This is quite common for those who went too fast and pump too accessively. Sounds like damage to the glans at the urethra tip, and possibly a torn nerve ending.

After a month and you still have that burning sensation, it's no longer the urethra. It's definitely a damaged nerve, commonly happens when the nerve segment is either pull too hard (think of tissue disconnection) or suffer blunt trauma. During this time, the nerve attempts to heal and reconnect itself, causing "misfires" of the neuro-signal from the touches.

This will cause issues with exasperating the misfires while the nerve is trying to heal. It's not the urethra any longer. Urethra heals very quickly. Nerve, not so much when you keep on forcing it go out of control through masterbation.

Ease up on the masterbation. I know you can't go turkey for obvious personal reasons, but you have to cut back. Your nerve is already misfiring out of control. Allow the nerve to heal completely first.

If you're not getting a burning sensation from peeing, that's not urethra. There are supplements you can drink to acellerate your healing processes. There is no one supplement to go to. You just have to try the one best suits your needs, ranging from normal cheap to slightly pricey ones. There is no miracle cures in a form of a pill either. It's time, proper diet, less nerve stimulation, and gentle massages on the penis to provide blood circulation for optimal healing. Masturbation is not massages.
It has been 5 months.. it happened on 23rd February 2024. I have been using Air penis pump from last 4 years. But I overdid it in February. I started used it for 2 hours in February. On 24th February.. I saw blood in my pump. Then for next few days I felt electric shock type pain in my penis. But that pain eased after 2-3 weeks. But still it's not 100% fine.. I still feel lot of discomfort. Suggest me some medicines and supplements to recover faster... Will stop masturbation.
It has been 5 months.. it happened on 23rd February 2024. I have been using Air penis pump from last 4 years. But I overdid it in February. I started used it for 2 hours in February. On 24th February.. I saw blood in my pump. Then for next few days I felt electric shock type pain in my penis. But that pain eased after 2-3 weeks. But still it's not 100% fine.. I still feel lot of discomfort. Suggest me some medicines and supplements to recover faster... Will stop masturbation.
Sounds like you exceeded the vacuum pressure the dermal and epidermal can handle. Does the pump has a gauge, and if so, do you remember what the pressure you exceed?

If not, what was the last feeling you felt before you saw blood? An example, your entire shaft felt like it was very tight, as if you've squeezed the penis very tightly at the base, and your glans went a bit numb.
Sounds like you exceeded the vacuum pressure the dermal and epidermal can handle. Does the pump has a gauge, and if so, do you remember what the pressure you exceed?

If not, what was the last feeling you felt before you saw blood? An example, your entire shaft felt like it was very tight, as if you've squeezed the penis very tightly at the base, and your glans went a bit numb. day earlier while sleeping...I suddenly felt electric shock for 1-2 times in my penis for a second.

But I ignored it.
And used pump next day.
When I saw blood in pump.
I felt nothing special in penis.
It was like daily routine.
But once I wore clothes.

I felt electric shocks regularly for next 4-5 days.. very sharp ones.. it got easy with time... Now no electric shock. But can still feel discomfort in penis head day earlier while sleeping...I suddenly felt electric shock for 1-2 times in my penis for a second.

But I ignored it.
And used pump next day.
When I saw blood in pump.
I felt nothing special in penis.
It was like daily routine.
But once I wore clothes.

I felt electric shocks regularly for next 4-5 days.. very sharp ones.. it got easy with time... Now no electric shock. But can still feel discomfort in penis head
That electrical shock is the indicator of the nerve being torn, ripped, or damaged. The touch signal was sent to your brain, but there was a misfire somewhere, creating that "shock". Pushing past the limit where the penis can hold things together, you probably created a fissure from the inner chamber to the outer layer, crossing through the nerve as well. That probably caused the cut/damage of the nerve, or further injured it.

This is why we warned everyone about knowing the safety limit, precondition by going up slowly, and "creep". Penile injuries are not new. This goes back to as far as when PE has practiced millennia ago. Everyone just go crazy and and not paying attention to safety at the forefront. However, your body will take measures to heal. In this case, you must help it to heal since the penis is an area where the body tends to ignore most of the time.
How can I help...
I am from India.
Suggest me best supplements out of your list.

And how much time more it will take.
Will I ever able to use pump in future or not ??
In India, there are many options for hollistics at your finger tips. If you can order the supplements, a combo of NeuropAway and Neurophathy 1200 will help. Nerve Regen on top every other day will boost it further.

Locally, look for gotu kola, ashwagandha, and high diets with turmeric, ginger, and cumin. There are high herbal mix as well. I do know of specialized herbalists over there do that kind of mix based on my coworkers and friends who came form India. Check for herbal specialists over there as well. Price will be much cheaper than refined pharmaceutical products.
In India, there are many options for hollistics at your finger tips. If you can order the supplements, a combo of NeuropAway and Neurophathy 1200 will help. Nerve Regen on top every other day will boost it further.

Locally, look for gotu kola, ashwagandha, and high diets with turmeric, ginger, and cumin. There are high herbal mix as well. I do know of specialized herbalists over there do that kind of mix based on my coworkers and friends who came form India. Check for herbal specialists over there as well. Price will be much cheaper than refined pharmaceutical products.
1. I have found most of the ingredients.
How much time it will take to heal ??
How many months

2. About PRP.. is P-Shot similar to PRP...will it have similar benefits. Good PShot by certified urologists is easy available here in India
1. I have found most of the ingredients.
How much time it will take to heal ??
How many months
I can't give you the exact days, but most healing for nerve injuries can be as little as 1 week (not you at the moment), to average around 9 months (my cut fingers are still feeling numb and tingling due to slow healing), and as long as a few years for severe damages. An example is shredded nerve segments due to heavy injuries (not you).

2. About PRP.. is P-Shot similar to PRP...will it have similar benefits. Good PShot by certified urologists is easy available here in India
Yes, they are similar. Some P-shots have extra cocktails to boost the plasma healing factors. Most are just extracted plasma.
I can't give you the exact days, but most healing for nerve injuries can be as little as 1 week (not you at the moment), to average around 9 months (my cut fingers are still feeling numb and tingling due to slow healing), and as long as a few years for severe damages. An example is shredded nerve segments due to heavy injuries (not you).

Yes, they are similar. Some P-shots have extra cocktails to boost the plasma healing factors. Most are just extracted plasma.
Cocktail?? Detail
I can't give you the exact days, but most healing for nerve injuries can be as little as 1 week (not you at the moment), to average around 9 months (my cut fingers are still feeling numb and tingling due to slow healing), and as long as a few years for severe damages. An example is shredded nerve segments due to heavy injuries (not you).

Yes, they are similar. Some P-shots have extra cocktails to boost the plasma healing factors. Most are just extracted plasma.
So you have your account back?
Cocktail?? Detail
The cocktail comprises of plasma, Vit E and D3, stem cell boost, B complex to support the stem and plasma concentration, and alpha lipoic acid. Each clinic charges differently for the mix based on the price of the vials and availability of stem cells. Plasma is your own.

So you have your account back?
Finally, yes. Thank you.
The cocktail comprises of plasma, Vit E and D3, stem cell boost, B complex to support the stem and plasma concentration, and alpha lipoic acid. Each clinic charges differently for the mix based on the price of the vials and availability of stem cells. Plasma is your own.

Finally, yes. Thank you.
Excellent! Have you explored moderator tools?
The cocktail comprises of plasma, Vit E and D3, stem cell boost, B complex to support the stem and plasma concentration, and alpha lipoic acid. Each clinic charges differently for the mix based on the price of the vials and availability of stem cells. Plasma is your own.

Finally, yes.

Yes. Not going to mess around with them and throw things out of bound. I got the gist on how to use them.
I got one query..
I am taking all the medicines and rest for 6 months.. how would I know that nerve is repaired??
And if I use vaccum pump after 6 months.. will nerve again get damaged??

Or once healed..
It will be properly healed??
I got one query..
I am taking all the medicines and rest for 6 months.. how would I know that nerve is repaired??
Either erection or flaccid has no further numbing or pain. The recovery should be at 95% of the original. No damage nerve can return to 100%.

And if I use vaccum pump after 6 months.. will nerve again get damaged??
As long as you can follow the safety precaution we have set up, it will not get injured like it does. Injury of the nerves and blood vessels are constant as they are under strains during growth from the expansion. The safe injuries are called "micro traumas". They are needed for growth.

Make sure to create your own progress and routine page in the member section and we'll provide you proper advices before you resume again.

Or once healed..
It will be properly healed??
Once again, any damaged to the original cannot be 100% healed. There will be some residual damages within that 5%. Just like your broken bones and damaged muscles. Nothing can return back to the original. 95% is the maximum recovery at best. 0% at worst.
Either erection or flaccid has no further numbing or pain. The recovery should be at 95% of the original. No damage nerve can return to 100%.

As long as you can follow the safety precaution we have set up, it will not get injured like it does. Injury of the nerves and blood vessels are constant as they are under strains during growth from the expansion. The safe injuries are called "micro traumas". They are needed for growth.

Make sure to create your own progress and routine page in the member section and we'll provide you proper advices before you resume again.

Once again, any damaged to the original cannot be 100% healed. There will be some residual damages within that 5%. Just like your broken bones and damaged muscles. Nothing can return back to the original. 95% is the maximum recovery at best. 0% at worst.
If it's 95% ..
If I use vaccum..
It might go to 70% or 50%

Will it get worse again ??
If it's 95% ..
If you reach 95% healing, that's pretty much full recovery. You can resume your pumping again without any issues.

If I use vaccum..
It might go to 70% or 50%
If you use your pump when you're 70% recovered, you may worsen it. If it's 50% healed and you use the pump, that's will cause immediate aggravation and further injure your penis.

Will it get worse again ??
If you allow it to heal completely, it will not worsen. If you pump before it heals properly, you will definitely worsen it. It's like a broken arm or leg. Do you want to walk or run with a broken leg or exercise with a broken arm before it heals? If you want to get crazy and keep walking, running, or exercise with a broken body part, that part will not heal properly and worsen immediately to the point of bad healing.
If you reach 95% healing, that's pretty much full recovery. You can resume your pumping again without any issues.

If you use your pump when you're 70% recovered, you may worsen it. If it's 50% healed and you use the pump, that's will cause immediate aggravation and further injure your penis.
Bro . one last query
Can shockwave therapy help too.
I found here one urologist offering PShot with shockwave therapy.

But I guess shockwave therapy's mechanism is different.. shockwave therapy initially hurts penis to help it grow harder and better?????

I think it will damage my vessel further.
Bro . one last query
Can shockwave therapy help too.
I found here one urologist offering PShot with shockwave therapy.
If you do have LIST (low intensity shockwave therapy) using focused (not radial), yes! Go for it. It does help to break down the fragmented (scattered) branches of the nerve that frayed off and refocus the strengthening of the main nerve that connects. However, if you can, get an ultrasound first to see the internal conditions before using LIST.
But I guess shockwave therapy's mechanism is different.. shockwave therapy initially hurts penis to help it grow harder and better?????
No. LIST is slightly different. It should not hurt. It's like you using a finger and pressure on the spot. The low intensity soundwave generated a shockwave through your skin. You should only feel some light to moderate pressure, not pain.

I think it will damage my vessel further.
This is why an ultrasound is needed to see the internal damage before using any LIST. Those who skip this and do whatever they want simply causes more issues down the road.
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