Olympic Athletes & PE mindset for those who want goals /gains in a few months


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2024
This is a thread to mention how when you watch the Olympics this summer, imagine the 1000's of hours these pros do so they can compete in a competition that is 4 years away! In reality, this is completely normal!

So why do people who are new to PE, so concerned about getting a fast gain and goals in a few months? Many who start will overdo something they are not ready for and or overdo rather than push hard (there is a difference). Why would PE be any different than something you need to put in the work to see the big wins 4 years from now? Why when I tell someone that this is a 4 year journey in PE, they don't want to hear that and get upset, depressed, and perhaps discouraged. But when someone tells an olympian this is a 4 year journey. Their first reaction is, BRING IT ON, I eat 4 years for breakfast, I'll do whatever it takes, Like M Phelps I will train every day for 4 years no exceptions! Why are we all not like Olympic athletes in PE, me included, on my sad days!

This is not to say that this will take that long, just like a runner, in a few months and years you will see progress but the mentality of training is long-term. That is what I am trying to drive home. Not that you won't gain soon, but that you need to think longterm like Olympians or bodybuilding.

Also for those who have not heard my Gym analogy for keeping gains. ( Numbers are not exact but understanding the concept)

What if you go to the gym for 3 years, build all the muscle, and have the perfect bod you want and then say to your trainer, I'm done, I never have to do this again. Then while you are walking out you say. "Do you think I will keep all this if I never workout again?" Just as sili as that sounds, think of PE in that way. You won't have to do the intense 3 years to build but you do need a routine that will keep you at that level that you want. For some it may be just water pumping which would literally be 15 min x 3 times a week for some time after, and if you are like me I will do it for life for EQ. Not bad for something you spent 3 years to build.
Good read brother, puts things into perspective on what we do here and the mentality we need to posses to get it done.
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