MOS Stats is a very cool way to help MOS get back on top!


Jun 3, 2003

This is a screen shot but there is so much more information at the link. What blows my mind is Redzulu was away for 5 years and he still was #2 up to today! That is LEGENDARY! So happy to have Redzulu and all the new older Brothers back, everyday someone makes their way back. I know the thread bumps are annoying but they have been so effective at bringing Brothers back to the forum. The battle does feel uphill at times, once we get back into GOOGLE that will all change. It is a dirty shame we dropped out, that combined with the registrations being closed for 7 months and members not being able to log in, it was seven months of Huge-Girth, Big Schwanz Acht, Stillwantmore and myself talking to each other! :D Thank God I found the error and Lightning was able to fix it in time. I encourage all members to get involves with conversation or start conversations. If your are not registered register! Privacy is 100% secure! If your new ask questions, we are here to help you do what we have already done, get a huge penis! Look at the names in the members list in ranking and read their threads, there is a wealth of knowledge. Your involvements means everything to us getting back into our deserved spot at the top. We lost that spot 7 months ago but I believe we can get it back in a month if we all get involved!

Thanks For Reading

This is exactly why I joined ! You can learn a lot just being a guest reading all this free helpful information but to be able to share my progression and even help others is something you gravitate towards when you are in such a positive site like mos!!
This is exactly why I joined ! You can learn a lot just being a guest reading all this free helpful information but to be able to share my progression and even help others is something you gravitate towards when you are in such a positive site like mos!!

If members really take their time and go through some of these leaders on the forum you’re going to find so much incredible information. With this new members option allows you to easily see the top posters in there threads. You can start from the top and work your way down but there’s pages of work that the brothers have done to make this place awesome. So hope you guys get a lot out of this!
We will the new site is a lot more organized and I think future members as well as myself will appreciate this.
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