
Feb 13, 2007
So I had a talk with this one girl today. She made me realize something I knew deep down all along. We were talking about sex. The discussion led to penis size. It was like I was purposely ignoring all the facts all along. I noticed that every girl Ive talked to about penis size, theyve always, without fail have said that they mostly care about width more than length on a physical level. But what they care even more than the penis alone, is how the man makes them feel emotionally. Remember guys, as much as women are sexual beings, they are much more in tuned with their emotions. This made me realize how much penis envy only exists amongst us guys only. Seriously, have you ever heard of girls talking about dicks as much as us guys do? Women want a MAN. An ideal man wouldnt be worried about his looks or his dick size, income, social status, ect. They want someone who can lead them, teach them, love them unconditionally. A man with standards, integrity and principles. These are all things the penis cannot ever do, its just not possible. I think many of us are stuck in that materialistic mind set. Bigger Penis = The Better.

To be completely honest here, deep down I dont think I am trying to get a bigger penis to show off to the girls. Deep down, I am trying to prove something to my fellow males. My male ego will forever be bigger and longer than my penis ever will be. Even if I had a 14 inch penis, I still wouldnt be satisfied. I want you guys to honestly ask yourselfs why you want a bigger penis. What happens after you get that ideal size? A bigger penis does not make you a better person. It will not give you a higher self esteem because its only a temporary fix to a much bigger problem you have within yourself. You might believe that getting that penis will solve all your problems, but thats just an illusion. At the core what is all this Penis Enlargement stuff really boiling down to? Now I am just generalizing, I am not down-talking Penis Enlargement. Decorate your body however you wish, it is yours. I am just talking about people who are doing it to fill a void. Anyway, I dont expect you to agree or disagree with me. I am just talking about a realization I personally had. Thanks for reading.
true-er (can't spell) words couldn't have been spoken.

That said I admit I think I want to get to the point where I'm the biggest my girl...who ever she may end up being....... has ever had.

Seriously nice post!!
im not doing pe just for the dick.

starting a path and continuing with consistency for long-term benefits is healthy for the mind.

it builds strength in right action.

it benefits your self esteem. seeing progress in something you've invested effort in is very fulfilling.

seeing a goal in your mind and manifesting it through your own intent is powerful.

the OP was 100% on point when talking about girls.

if you're doing this as a means to GET girls you're fucked.
if you're doing this to get girls APPROVAL you're fucked.
if you're doing this because you truly want to improve yourself for your girls, or you're doing it for your own personal gain, you've got your mind in the right place.

personally, I could give a fuck what a girl thinks about my dick.

i want it for me.
Consistency;305701 said:
personally, I could give a fuck what a girl thinks about my dick.

i want it for me.

that's what I'm saying too...LMAO

sorry about my english cause I'm swiss. I started with a 7inch cock (errect length, non-bone-pressed) and had the blessing to achieve 1 more inch (after about 15 months, but i had a few breaks during this period), all thanks to the possibility of penis-enlargement...

there are a few reasons why I want to enlarge my dick:

- I got sexually very errect when I see a big cock diving into a tight pussy... it's kinda fetish for me and my goal is to achieve this in real-live: sticking my 9or 10 inch-cock into my gf's tiny punany one day...LMAO

- it's a matter of fact (size LMAO) that you can do technically more different and exotic sex-positions. so this is a must for me cause I love change in the bedroom:blush:

- wanna see how Penis Enlargement works for me and where my physical limits are in growing a bigger wiener (but I will only stop when i have no more gains during a 1-year-training-period)

- and the most important as consistency said, I just do this big-pecker-training for myself!LMAO

Sooo... I train 4-5 five days a week... wearing an allday-stretcher during work for 6 hours and doin' 1 hour of manual Penis Enlargement... I hope this is the key to my final goal of 9 or 10 inches.

Massive Gaining Fooolks!
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I agree with you Jinso. You make a girl feel special and she'll enjoy sex. The average penis size is enough for the real women. I just like Penis Enlargement cause it's cool to be able to improve yourself.
I agree too.

IMO saying "I'm doing this for myself" is basically saying "I'm doing this for my ego".

The average size probably is that way because it is all that is necessary to please a woman. Think about it, if you can make a girl come with your finger, you can do it with your dick. Learn how to USE your dick and remember practice makes perfect ;)
Drjeckle;305726 said:
I agree too.
IMO saying "I'm doing this for myself" is basically saying "I'm doing this for my ego".

Growing yourself a bigger dick doesn't have to become part of your ego structure.

When I say "I'm doing it for myself", take it literally. I MEAN IT. I don't mean "I'm doing it so I can feel better about myself". Penis Enlargement isn't filling a hole in my self-esteem. This is something I'm doing because I ALREADY feel worthy of having a big dick, and I want it. Just for me.
Consistency;305701 said:
im not doing pe just for the dick.

starting a path and continuing with consistency for long-term benefits is healthy for the mind.

it builds strength in right action.

it benefits your self esteem. seeing progress in something you've invested effort in is very fulfilling.

seeing a goal in your mind and manifesting it through your own intent is powerful.

the OP was 100% on point when talking about girls.

if you're doing this as a means to GET girls you're fucked.
if you're doing this to get girls APPROVAL you're fucked.
if you're doing this because you truly want to improve yourself for your girls, or you're doing it for your own personal gain, you've got your mind in the right place.

personally, I could give a fuck what a girl thinks about my dick.

i want it for me.
There you go .. he said it all LMAO..same thoughts here ;) nice post m8:)
This thread isn't very funny. But anyway yeah I think you should find reasons for you to Penis Enlargement for yourself and not for other people. Just like working out or pursuing a career.
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